Issue 148

Page 71

‫בס“ד‬ Cheese ClouD TARTleTs

Cheese CANNolIs

ChoCo Cheese Cups

The minute it hits your palate, you’ll know it’s ours. Cheese is not a simple matter. It takes finesse to get those delicate, delectable dairy desserts exactly right. At , 3 generations of bakers use only the highest quality ingredients to create the perfect taste.

mINI oRIo’s Cheese CAKe

Cheese FloReTs

Taste a miniature today. They’re sure to enhance your

Cheese CRumb CARRoT CupCAKe

Cheese bAll CuTIes

mINI Cheese muFFIN

sImChAs Yom Tov.

Cheese CReAm puFFs

CheeseCAKes WITh A FloRAl TouCh

DYNAGRAFIK 845.352.1266

‫ נישט איבערגענעכטיגט‬- ‫קמח ישן • מיר זיפן די מעהל • מיר באקוקן די אייער‬

‫א פרייליכן יום טוב‬ 8 0 W e s T s T R e e T, C o R N e R o F m A p l e I s p R I N G v A l l e Y Orders

FA x 8 4 5 . 4 2 5 . 1 5 2 9


e m A I l o R D e R s @ h s u p e R m A R K e T. C o m

Open DAIlY 6:30Am, suN 7Am ClosesuN-Tue 11:00pm, WeD 12:00Am, Thu 1Am, FRI 2 hRs beFoRe “zmAN”

opeN moTzeI shAbbos

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