Issue 114

Page 157

THIS SCENE, ONCE TYPICAL of many homes in Monsey, has radically changed. Chaim, and many children like him, attend the special program at the local public school. The education they receive each day is sorely lacking a beautiful gift most children take for granted. They do not learn Torah. This is a hard pill for many parents to swallow, but the needs that their children have outweigh the desire of learning about Yiddishkeit. Seeing no better option, they enroll their children. They know there is no other solution. In the past, parents could only dream about a supplemental cheder program. Rayim jumped in to fill the gap, that yearning deep inside the hearts of our most beautiful children. The Cheder is run by Mr. Sperber and dedicated rebbeim: Rabbi Hershkowitz, Rabbi Oshry, Rabbi Gross, Rabbi Leibel and Rabbi Frank. They are genuinely devoted to running a program designed especially for our children. The children come to Rayim Cheder right after their day school program. They excitedly embark upon their daily learning, enthusiastic about absorbing the lessons and activities. Rayim’s curriculum includes learning about the parsha and yomim tovim, davening and other special activities. Learning the parsha is an experience. Each concept is presented in a manner that is clear to all types of learners. The rebbe explains the parsha and each week includes activities, such as play-acting the scene and arts ‘n crafts. The children bentch each other with their hands crossed, like Yakov Avinu. They daven with a tallis, like Moshe Rabbeinu. They design Avraham Avinu’s tent. The parsha comes alive to them, and they actually understand and know the material. Yom tov lessons are exciting and taught well. The children learn about kapparos and design them on sticks. They delight in preparing for each yom tov,

with scenes enacted at Rayim’s cheder with enthusiasm. They learn and practice the Mah Nishtana at the Cheder, and then say it with pride at their Seder table at home. They dance around a Lag b’Omer fire. They blow shofar. Everything they see at home is now understood and part of their life. Rayim’s cheder program aims to teach the children key skills. Alef-Bais is taught in an interactive manner and clearly presented. Social skills are taught and implemented in real-life role play. Watching the children daven is heartwarming and inspiring. The loud “al mitzvas tzitzis” portrays an enthusiasm that is only found at this special place. Rayim’s cheder also grants the children the fun parts of Torah. They enjoy special activities, such as trips and events. When Rabbi Gross had a baby, they participated in the voch nacht experience, saying Shema eagerly and receiving pekelach. They also go on trips and get to enjoy a petting zoo. IT’S SHABBOS AGAIN. The Shabbos candles glow, and the challos peek out from beneath their cover. Chaim bounces in his seat. It’s Shabbos! He cannot wait to answer the shailos his father will ask him. And he will know every answer! He now is an integrated member of his family and community. His mother beams as Chaim answers, “Parshas Shemos!” confidently and with glee. He retells the story about Mitzrayim. He now knows who Paroah is. The Klein family is complete, enjoying the Shabbos seudah, the gift of Torah shared by all.

Rayim has included Chaim and his friends in our most beautiful heritage, in learning about the Torah and our yomim tovim. It’s a gift that can be shared by all. It’s a gift, presented by Rayim, now shared by all our children.

The Rayim weekly shalos

September 6, 2017 / THE MONSEY VIEW / 157 / 845.600.8484

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