Handbook of the International Amateur Athletic Federation 1927-1928

Page 32

63 All the:c tlle,e molions mo lions 'It.-ere carried under general applau,e. app Thus the Rules and Records Committee Commi Hee eon,ist-; consist.; of the following members: , Messrs: J. B. Maccabe (U. S. A.), President. S, S.- Stankovits (l--fllllg:.1rY)J flon. Secretary., Harry 1. Barday ' BJrclay (Great Britain). S. R. Coen (Italy), Bo Ekelund (Sweden). (S"1.'cden ). " Karl van von I'falt Halt (Germany).' • Paul Mericamp Mericalll[> (France) (rrance),. , U. Peltonen (Finland). (finland), ,. D. J. de Vrles Vrlcs (Holland).

Tire Pr£'sident informed the Congress that Mr. Burger The President had bad ad.i,ed him that he wished to retire and hId hid propo>ed that ;\IT. place.. elected in hi.; place.Mr. F. P. Lang of Germany be ejected ..

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n" -prupu,ea "10 rC·elect lJJe mem-pTUpu::ea '10 Ule '>;'hose period of .office 'office had expired and bers of the Council 'll;'hose .\Ir. F. P, to elect .\tr. P. Lang (Germany) member of the Council instead of Mr. Burger (fioll:mJ), propo,ition W.1S was carried C:lrried under general applause. The propo=ition Thus tile ptrsons 'X'ere ,tlected tlected members of Thu5 the follo\t'ing per'5ol1s the Council for year;: ior !IX'o t\t'o year;:;: Messr;: Harry J. Barclav (Oreat Britain) Messrs: B3.rday (Great . J. Genet (France) Murray J-Iulbert (U. S, Murrar S. A.) f. Lang (Germany) F. P. tang S. Stanko\'its Stanko\'its· (Hungary). The President expressed his thanks to Mr. Burger for the excellent work: .he, had done during the yclr5 FIr.s he had U"ork: .he. been, a member Of preparOf. ,the Council and particularly in prepar· Olympic Games at Amsterdam. ing the Ol)lnpic

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Committl'e tor Ladies' Sports. Committt'e

SECTIO:-i 38.

Election of Rules and Records Committu. Eledion 01

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,tlr. Halbert (l'. President of tlle AIr. Hu/bFrl (U. S. A.) proposed as Pre:;ident tile lIIaccabe (L:. (l'. S. A.) v;ho who Rules Rule:; and Records Committee Mr. lIbccabe •\ said Committee. had now an honorary p::>sition the p35ition in the The PresidelIt President mO\"ed mO\'ed the re·election re· election of ,'ir. Mr. Stankovils . Tlte StlI1kovits (Hungary) a.s Hon. Secretary of the Com(Hungar:d 3j and lion. ,mittee. ,miitl'e. The President Presiden t also proposed th.lt th,lt ,\\c'sr,. H. H" J. Barcl:I\' (Grelt Britain), Britain 1, Bo Ekelund (S""eJen). K. \'011 \'on Halt B3rcl:1Y Ekdund (S...·cJen). re-elected members (Oerrn.1ny) and P..\I<':riCJ.JIlp (Oenn.1ny) \kriC1lIlp (France) be re-dected The Pr"sident final I\" insisteJ on hadnO' President finallyin1i5tcJ h:wing of the Committee. • • -...::> a repre,entltll'e from trom Holl.md Holl.lI1d and propo:icd propo;ed .\Ir. d" Vries .\If. de (l'!oll.md ). (floll.Uld). Dr. ,.\'aj -.\'aj (Italy) proposed tile tlle re-election of Mr. S. Coen (Ibh)' (ItJly)/ . if ,ifr. Pihkala (finL:md) .if,. (finbnd) proposed the election of .\Ir. .\ir. Pe!Pe/1m sucl'CS-sion to Mr. Stenberg (Fin dL tonen (Finland) in Sllcces5ion (Fin! ''''\)'

The foJIo,>;'ing folJo\dng persons were elected members of the Committee for \Vomen's \Vomen/s Sports: Mrs. A. Milli3t Alillbt (France), Pres.:d£nt. Pres'dmt. Dr. W. Bergmann (Cermany), VicePresicknt. ViceP,esidfllJ. Mrs. liede Hergmann BergmJ.nn (Germany). ...._.. -.. ..-... .Mrs. Alr.s. Ble!lo\'u Bleho\'a (Czecho-Slovakia). Dr. Query (France). ,Lad}' Heath (Great Britain). •Lad}' Britain) . (Sweden). Mrs. Holm (S'X'eden). .\Ii>s Lowman Lawman (Great Britain). Dr. A. S. Lamb (Canada). Dr..A. {)r. ($\1:·edcn) . I)r. E. Lilie (S'X'eden). i\le5st:'rli (Switzerland). Dr. F. '\Iessrrli fred, L froo, L. Steers (U.s.A). (U.S.A.). ,: Capt. Sleurba (Poland). A. Unterberg Un terberg (Austria). (Aus tria). Dr. Poggi (11:\ly). (Ili\ly).


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In addition 10 to these thc5C members Canada was \"("as empol\'cred empo'.l·cred to' appoint a Canadian as member of the Committee. CallJ.di:m lady :15 Her n.lIne '(I'ould b" gi\'en later.' Hcr n.llne l:\ter.'



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