Alternates in Tourism

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the guests, are very important elements in the service package. They in turn are backed up by administrative staff who are also important elements in this package. Management, therefore, is there to ensure that everything is running well to enable the frontliners to give their best service. In the hierarchy of service, management serves the employees so that they can provide the best. Management supports the employees. Management must make sure that policies and procedures support the service and not make the delivery of service difficult and complicated. Let us go in detail by taking a hotel and airline as examples. A guest dining in a coffee shop of a hotel may complain about the steak ordered. The guest ordered a well-done steak but received a medium steak. It is possible that the guest’s idea of a medium steak is different from that of the hotel cook. In cases like these the waiter need not wait for approval from his captain waiter or restaurant manager to replace the steak with one that the guest wants. And if the waiter does replace it he should not be reprimanded or sanctioned by his superiors, or that the chef grumbles before making a new one. Or when a guest checks into a roomthat turned out to have a malfunctioning airconditioning unit. The receptionist after receiving the complain without further approval from her superior can immediately change the room with another one similar to the previous room booked, or if it is no longer available upgrade the guest to a higher class room.

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