Jan.18, 2011 Edition

Page 37


Looking for someone to hand quilt a quilt top. Please call in Kingsport @ 423-863-5911 or email tnfreckles@ gmail.com Scrapbooking Classes! Learn about exciting new ideas and techniques whether you’re a beginner or not! Individual classes, workshops and crops available. Contact teachu2scrap@charter.net or call (423) 383-2897 for more information. The Art Gurls, who are a group of creative women who get together once a month at the Wild Flour Restaurant in Abingdon, VA. To eat, drink, exchange stories and ideas, and to hatch out art projects. For further information call Barbara Carter at (423) 239-5757 or (423) 943-7505. Ceramic Classes, Fridays 5-8 p.m., Drop-ins welcome. All day on Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Call (423) 426-1027 or (423) 257-5117 for more information. Wednesday Morning Painters meet at 10 a.m. each Wednesday at Abingdon’s Arts Depot for a few delightful hours of painting and artistic interaction. All persons interested in painting in an informal, relaxed atmosphere are encouraged to attend. All skill levels are represented and there is no fee. Contact the Arts Depot at (276) 628-9091 for more information. )ORZHUV E\ )UDQ &ODVVHV IRU SDLQWLQJ à RZHUV ZLOG OLIH ODQGVFDSH &ODVVHV EHLQJ WDXJKW &DOO )UDQ DW 753-7310. Art Life will offer a Creative Arts Program for children featuring workshops in creative writing, drama, play writing, are and photography. Workshops will be held Saturdays throughout the year. Cost is one-time (per year) fee of $40 per student, $60 for two in one family, and includes all workshops, art events and subscriptions to an arts publication featuring stories, poetry and other works by students. Call Kim at (423) 245-4711.


Breastfeeding Support/LLL Johnson City Meeting – NEW Second Sundays 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church, 201 East Market Street, Johnson City, TN 37601. Meets in the lower level, room LL14.Call Samantha with questions at 423-956-3525 Parenting Information and Support - Johnson City Meeting – NEW TriCities Parenting, API Second Sundays 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church, 201 East Market Street, Johnson City, TN 37601 Meets in the lower level, room LL14. Call Samantha with questions at 423-956-3525 Parenting information and help – NEW TriCities Parenting, API Second Wednesdays 10:00 to 11:00 am Java Js coffee house on State Street in Bristol (501 State Street, Bristol, VA, 24201) Students from King College will have something for older children to do - this is optional and for your convenience, as desired. More info: Samantha, 423-956-3525 Breastfeeding Cafe – NEW Second Wednesdays 11:00 am to 12:00 p.m. Java Js coffee house on State Street in Bristol (501 State Street, Bristol, VA, 24201) Meeting style is casual, come get your questions answered, encourage others, etc. Students from King College will have something for older children to do - this is optional and for your convenience, as desired. More info: Samantha, 423-956-3525 Breastfeeding Support/LLL Bristol Evening Meeting Fourth Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. YWCA Bristol, State Street, Bristol, TN Call Katherine with questions at 276-466-4860 Breastfeeding Support/LLL Bristol Day Meeting First Fridays 10:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Avoca Branch Library, Volunteer Parkway, Bristol, TN Call Katherine with questions at 276-466-4860 Preparing for 2012-Before, Then & After Workshops are ongoing and held in Gray, TN. The 10-week workshop series explains the 2012 phenomena and provides the information necessary for students to understand what is happening on our planet and what they must do about it. Students learn to prepare themselves and their families mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to effectively endure these occurrences. These workshops are not about fear, panic and desperation; they provide comfort, awareness, and knowledge of the truth during times of XQFHUWDLQW\ 'U 0LW]L 3\OHV LQWXLWLYHO\ UHFHLYHG WKLV YLWDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG LW LV VFLHQWLÀ FDOO\ VXSSRUWHG WKURXJKRXW the series. Contact Dr. Pyles at 423-467-3302 or visit www.PreparingFor2012.com for more information or dates and times of upcoming workshops. An Introduction to The Heart of Huna: 7 steps to a whole-hearted life. Meets the 2nd Wednesday from 6:30-9:30p.m.. Imagine living your perfect life! This introduction to Hawaiian Huna and Aloha offers simple principles to live in harmony in relationship with oneself, each other and the environment. By applying the ancient principles of Huna you can achieve a life centered in love-for a more meaningful, whole-hearted life. For more information contact Kaleo Wheeler (423) 926-1648 or www.kaleowheeler.com

$UH \RX ORRNLQJ WR JLYH \RXU OLIH PHDQLQJ" 7KHUDSHXWLF )RVWHU 3DUHQWLQJ RIIHUV WUHPHQGRXV IXOĂ€ OOPHQW :H QHHG VLQJOHV RU PDUULHG FRXSOHV LQ :DVKLQJWRQ &RXQW\ 9$ or Bristol, VA to work with children from ages 5 to 18, who have some history or emotional instability. Specialized training and a monthly fee are both provided. Call Andre-Highlands Community Services at (276) 645-4781 for more information.

Interested in fostering or adopting a Child? The Tennessee Dept. of Children’s Services is currently offering a FREE Foster/Adoptive Parent Training. Classes will be offered in Johnson City, Greeneville, Rogersville, Elizabethton, and Blountville. Please call 877-DCS-KIDS (877-327-5437) for more information. Therapeutic Yoga. To manage & control Parkinson’s Disease. Learn concentration, techniques, to neutralize, daily stresses & increase focus & memory. For more information call (423) 246-3805 or (423) 246-5149

0DYLV %HDFRQ 7\SLQJ )UHH RI &KDUJH %RRVW HIĂ€ FLHQF\ DQG HQKDQFH SURGXFWLYLW\ ZLWK H[FHOOHQW NH\ERDUGLQJ VNLOOV 0DYLV %HDFRQ 7HDFKHV 7\SLQJ LV DQ LGHDO WXWRULDO program for any keyboard user. Featuring customized lessons, motivating speed tests and progress reports, dictation practice and more, this versatile program is equally effective for the young student typist, the busy executive or the professional administrative assistant seeking to improve their skills. Instructor: Kim Skeens, Lab Coordinator. Visit our website @ www.ywcabristol.org or for more information call for details, (423) 968-9444.

Trinity Baptist Church announces the start of two new programs for children. Daughters of the King is a class for young ladies in 4th-6th grade where they will explore WKH EDVLFV RI EHDXW\ 7KURXJK JDPHV GLVFXVVLRQ YLVLWLQJ FRQVXOWDQWV DQG À HOG WULSV ZH H[SORUH WKH ZRUOG RI EHDXW\ DQG WKHQ WKH\ ZLOO OHDUQ DERXW ZKDW *RG GHVFULEHV as beautiful. Sons of the King is a program designed to build Godly character in young men grades 4-6 through Bible study, games, skill building and adventure. Both groups meet on Mondays from 3:30-5 p.m. separately at the church located on Headtown Road in Jonesborough. Transportation may be available. Call the church at (423) 753-4394 for more information.

/HDUQ WR XVH WKHUDSHXWLF JUDGH (VVHQWLDO 2LOV WR EHQHĂ€ W PLQG DQG ERG\ 'D\ DQG HYHQLQJ ZRUNVKRSV OLPLWHG VSDFHV )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG UHJLVWUDWLRQ FDOO Magic Classes. Learn to do amazing magic tricks with everyday items. Tuesday nights at “Top Hat Magic Supplyâ€? in Bristol, TN from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Limited space. All ages welcome! Call Dave Vaught or Ryan Robinette for further information at (423) 968-3200. Spanish Classes. John Arredondo & Associates is offering a variety of Spanish classes including Basic Spanish, Spanish II, Spanish for Building Trades, Spanish for Healthcare Workers, Spanish for Home Schoolers, Spanish Tutoring. For more information call (423) 483-4650. )ORUDO GHVLJQLQJ FRXUVHV $ FRPSOHWH FXVWRP Ă RUDO GHVLJQLQJ FRXUVH GD\ DQG QLJKW FODVVHV /LPLWHG VSDFH SHUVRQV SHU FODVV &DOO )UDQ

Knit Too Together (Regional knitting guild) meets the third Tuesday each month at 1 p.m. at Christian Fellowship Church off Interstate 81 at exit 63. Johnson City knitters carpool to meetings. Call (423) 232-0644 in Johnson City for further information. Blue Ridge Quilt Guild, Johnson City – meets 1st Wednesday of month. Social 9:30 am, meeting 10 am. Our Savior Luthern Church, Sunset Dr. Meeting times/locations VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH SHU FXUUHQW SURJUDP VFKHGXOH $VN DW ORFDO TXLOW VKRSV IRU VSHFLÀ F FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ

First Frontier Quilters, Kingsport – meets 3rd Tuesday of month, 10 am at Bethel Presbyterian Church, Warpath Drive. Meeting times/locations subject to change per FXUUHQW SURJUDP VFKHGXOH $VN DW ORFDO TXLOW VKRSV IRU VSHFLÀ F FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ

Holston Quilters Guild, Bristol TN – meets 3rd Saturday of month, 10 am at the First United Methodist Church, Vance Drive, Bristol. Meeting times/locations subject to FKDQJH SHU FXUUHQW SURJUDP VFKHGXOH $VN DW ORFDO TXLOW VKRSV IRU VSHFLÀ F FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ Sycamore Stitchers, Elizabethton – meets 2nd Thursday of month, 9 am. At Sycamore Shoals State Park. Meeting times/locations subject to change per current program VFKHGXOH $VN DW ORFDO TXLOW VKRSV IRU VSHFLÀ F FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ

Appalchian Heritage Quilters, Gray – 1st Thursday of month is stitch-in, 3rd Thursday of month is meeting/program. Gray Community Center. 6 p.m.. Meeting times/ ORFDWLRQV VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH SHU FXUUHQW SURJUDP VFKHGXOH $VN DW ORFDO TXLOW VKRSV IRU VSHFLÀ F FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ

Unaka Piecemakers Quilt Club, Erwin – 1st Tuesday is business meeting, then working on projects. 3rd Tuesday is stitch-in. Social, 9:30 a.m., meeting 10 a.m. at Grace 8QLWHG 0HWKRGLVW &KXUFK 5RFN &UHHN 5G 0HHWLQJ WLPHV ORFDWLRQV VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH SHU FXUUHQW SURJUDP VFKHGXOH $VN DW ORFDO TXLOW VKRSV IRU VSHFLÀ F FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ Quilting Classes. Sponsored by Tennessee Quilts in Jonesborough. For additional information phone at (423) 753-6644.


West Coast Swing Classes! Thursdays at 7p.m.. Only $10 per class! Held at Stardust Dance Centre. 321 E. Sullivan St. Downtown Kingsport. Call (423) 292-9512 for more information.

Dancing Divas Class for Women! Ladies, learn Hip Hop, country and western, salsa, line dancing, belly dancing and more. Great workout. Lots of fun! Thursdays at 8p.m.. Held at Stardust Dance Centre. 321 E. Sullivan St. Downtown Kingsport. Call (423) 292-9512 for more information. Group discounts available.

+LS +RS /HDUQ WKH KRWWHVW QHZ VWUHHW GDQFH PRYHV DQG EXUQ WKH Ă RRU (YHU\ 7KXUVGD\ ZH RIIHU EHJLQQHU OHVVRQV IRU DGXOWV DQG NLGV &KLOGUHQ PHHW DW S P $JHV 13 and up meet at 5p.m.. Learn short routines to the latest songs or join a dance team and perform. Classes are held in downtown Kingsport. Monthly payments are the lowest in the tri-cities. Taught by Mike and Mark. Call now to pre-register 292-9512.

%HJLQQHU %HOO\ 'DQFH &ODVV ´9HLO DQG =LOOÂľ 7KLV FODVV ZLOO IRFXV RQ GDQFLQJ ZLWK DFFRXWUHPHQWV YHLOV DQG Ă€ QJHU F\PEDOV 'DQFHUV PXVW EULQJ WKHLU RZQ DFFRXWUHPHQWV RU WKH\ FDQ EH SXUFKDVHG DW WKH VWXGLR RQ WKH Ă€ UVW GD\ RI FODVV 7KLV ZHHN FODVV ZLOO EH KHOG RQ 0RQGD\V DW S P &RLQ VNLUWV DUH UHFRPPHQGHG EXW QRW UHTXLUHG 'DQFHUV will learn short routines. Belly dancing is great for toning abs, thighs, triceps, biceps and buttocks. Routines are sexy, fun and mildly aerobic. Call 292-9512 to pre-register.

Magic Classes. Classes for beginners and up. Weekend workshops also available. Call Andrew Hyder for more information or to set up a time. (423) 213-9312

Tumbling, ballet, hip hop, tap classes available for ages 2 through 14 in Kingsport, Johnson City, Blountville, Allandale. No registration fees or contracts. Parents observe in the classroom. For more information phone (423)288-8346

&KLFV ÂśQ &KDSV ZRPHQ¡V PRWRUF\FOH FOXE PHHWV WKH Ă€ UVW )ULGD\ RI HDFK PRQWK DW DW S P 3OHDVH FDOO 341-8914 or (423) 292-7923 for meeting location.

Monthly Ballroom Dance: Fourth Friday of each month at Virginia Ballroom at 300 Senior Drive Abingdon - a relaxed way to practice your skills or hone them at the lesson before the dance. Lesson 7p.m., Dance 8p.m. - 10p.m.. Alcohol and smoke free. No partner or experience necessary. A $5.00 donation to the Senior Center and a snack to share will be appreciated. Beverages will be provided. Call 276-623-4400 for more information.

Learn to get what you want out of life. Personal Empowerment Workshops, Meditation and other new ongoing classes are now being formed. All of these workshops and classes offer powerful, practical techniques and tools WKDW DUH VSHFLĂ€ FDOO\ GHVLJQHG WR KHOS HQKDQFH DOO DVSHFWV RI RQH¡V OLIH :RUNVKRSV DUH KHOG HDFK 0RQGD\ QLJKW 0HGLWDWLRQ FODVVHV DUH KHOG RQ WKH Ă€ UVW DQG WKLUG :HGQHVGD\ RI HDFK PRQWK 2WKHU FODVVHV DUH RIIHUHG DV QHHGHG Dr. Mitzi Pyles facilitates them. For more information call (423) 467-3302.

Latin Dance Aerobics Class – Salsa, Cha-Cha, Swing, Samba, Merengue, Hip-Hop, Belly Dance, Pasa Doble. Loose weight, tighten and tone. Fit into that new bikini or little black dress! Learn a new dance and make new friend. This class is an exciting and fun way to get in shape for the summer. Just $10 per dancer. No pre-registration or partner required. Just show up! Classes are every Monday at 6p.m.. 321 E. Sullivan St. Kingsport. Call 292-9512 for more information.

Beginner Belly Dancing - $10 per dancer. Mondays at 7p.m.. Classical, Egyptian and Tribal styles. Lean basic belly dance movements and mini routines. Dress in beautiful costumes. Fun way to tone target areas. Low impact but full body workout. Bring your friends, family and co-workers. Call Sharah for more information at 292-9512.

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