Issue No. 13 - Fall 3-in-1 Spectacular

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with 8 – 12 repetitions. If the full plank is too challenging to start, you can try a modified plank. Get into the same position as before, but instead of lifting up on your toes, use your knees instead. CAT STRETCHES These are a great Pilates staple that helps to stretch out and relax the muscles in your lower back. To complete this exercise: On an even surface get down onto your hands and knees. Your knees should form a straight line under your hips and your hands should be straight under your shoulders. Your spine should be in neutral position, meaning that all three parts (neck, middle, and lower) are in alignment. Next, inhale through your nose and engage your core (abdominal) muscles as you round your back upward and lower your head toward your chest (like a cat arching through a stretch when it gets up – that’s where this exercise gets its name). Make sure to keep your shoulders down. Then exhale and return to neutral, and repeat again this time arching your back in the opposite direction (down). Repeat several more times. THE SUPERMAN This exercise is great for increasing strength across the body and improving the balance in your muscles on both sides (often we are stronger on one side).

To perform a hip raise, start by laying on the floor with your knees up (above). Then engage your core and glutes and lift your hips up towards the sky (right). Lower and repeat.

To complete this exercise: Lie on the ground on your stomach. Engage the muscles in your glutes and legs and lift the opposite leg and arm upwards. As you do so, engage your core muscles to stabilize your back and try to avoid shifting your stomach. Keep your head level with your shoulders and facing down. Repeat 8 – 10 repetitions. If you find the exercise too hard to start, try doing it just with your arms or just your legs and then progress to both once you have increased your strength. HIP RAISES This is another good core exercises that will help to strengthen your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. To complete this exercise: Lie flat on your back on the floor. Place your hands and arms flat on the ground (palms down) beside your body. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground, but make sure your hips are still touching the floor and your spine is neutral. Engage your core and glutes and lift your hips up (pushing through your heels). Raise your hips until your body, legs (below the knee) and arms are creating a triangle position. Use your core muscles and glutes to stabilize your body and ensure that you keep the upward and downward movement of your hips consistent. Lower your hips and repeat (8 – 10 repetitions).

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