Atlantic County Woman - September/October 2018

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inues The Tradition Of Giving Back To Our Community “Massimo has Autism. Are Legal Professionals 16 have been practicing as an You would think that you should be able to recover money for your pain and you surprised?” the doctor from

The MRI shows that there are no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your ankle. You go back to physical therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. place to live, in the moment. My denial house came crumbling down shortly Allnot of your the kids suffering, right? The thereafter. collision was fault. The other driver was drunk. Your attorneysaid forwhen 13 years Philadelphia Massiand was were playing together and the extent of kids were in the car. Thankfully, they were not injured, but you were off your feet for sixteen months old. Myhonor husband Alex have the distinct Massi’s delay truly hit me. My nephews, one month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. said he surprised and set out to Jerard and Caprio, who are about nine of was being my father’s law Unfortunately you have elected the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy. months younger than Massi, were playing prove the doctors wrong. If I am being Your fracture was not and it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture partner. I started working with with this red displaced box that had a yellow honest with myself, I was not surprised healed and theholes MRIofwas negative for any additional with various shapes. Inside the injuries. You cannot recover Writtenmy Byatdad, all. Paul R. D’Amato, when Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esquire boxyour werepain toysand in suffering. the shape of the holes. 1214 months age,All Massi speak,money for I At was yearsofold. we didn’t do and The idea was for child to put the shape prior. When our client came to us, she was really concerned her neck make eye contact respond to hisolder name.we get, the larger theyear t’s a small world, isn’torit? And the What should I do? through the appropriate hole. have done at our firm for many was reinjured. Ultimately her neck was fine, but her shoulder had a tear He only laugh youexpands. threw him That’s why the the circle of would people wewhen know I’ll never forget that moment. Unfortunately, I have seen scenarios like surgery. thisMassi many times. Don’t let this happen to that required up inLaw theis air or look atpeople you you made a D’Amato Firm does notwhen publish the cases we settle years represent that The Children’s Holiday Party had been in therapy for two months If you have Limited loud noise. Oursettle. Pediatrician, Dr. Dana and for really how much they Boasting ouryou! verdicts andselected theDog Bites the seriously injured. While we Submitted by Sless Kare asi M. G ifford , E squirE working on putting the shape into usually includes a magician, games, with Brighton Pediatrics in Egg Harbor Right to Sue, call your auto insurance Our client was at her friend’s house when their dog attacked our client settlements touts our firm but at the expense of our clients’ right hole and there was Jerard, nine pizza, sweets, pictures with Santa Township haddon’t me fill do out apersonal questionnaire at company handle most types of it. immediately and ask them from behind, requiring surgery with plates and screws. privacy so we just We are honored tomonths represent ified Civil Civil Trial Trial Attorney am proud to have recently joined ified Attorney younger than Massi, playing with Paul, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and Massi’s well visit. The results concerned her and and lots of gifts. Members of the to change your policy to the NO clients to their satisfaction, and most of the referrals to a, Counsellorthe atour Law injury cases, we get many calls Negligent Construction this toy with ease. just seemed like such Rocco, 3-years-old D’Amato Law Firm that in Egg Harbor era, Counsellor at Law she recommended I contact The New Jersey Atlantic County BarItpolicies Association Limitation. Auto insurance our office come from word of mouth from clients we have A Jerard, mantelbut came silly and easy game for yetoff forthe wall, hitting our client’s child in the face and Township.Early I formerly clerked the She didn’t and athe about car accidents. Intervention Systemfor (NJEIS). Atlantic County Superior can be confusing so if you’re not sure successfully represented. head. work The mantel wastonot designed or constructed. Massi he had to actually to be able do properly that. James Savio,itJ.S.C. ofthe thethings that Court t Massi Honorable had Autism, but she didP.mention as one of watch the chaos ed that over 90% of driversofintouting New Jersey the Limitation on examples what coverage youlove havetoand to Instead our elect verdicts, here are some of staff cases that want While our client was working, someone other than her employer delays. Certainly and Iof were worried, but our oldest son Paul SuperiorAlex Court New Jersey, Civil Division, unwrap gifts, off the roof, injuring our client, who had a prior back wetheir either recently resolved or that aresure active nowas inthe our students office. am threw something it, please aniftheir office ightpregnant to Sue for autohave insurance coverage. If in youthe aren’t What doI schedule you do someone you love may have Autism? was with Rocco and we were leaving next few daystalk for about in Atlantic County. I was born and raised and the excitement every time a new using the female gender for all of these cases. surgery. visit and I will review your policy ected the Right toTownship; Sue then youthus probably came When a child you love is diagnosed with a developmental delay or neurological appiest place on Earth! inLimited Galloway when gift is revealed. children with you at no charge. Product Liability Negligent Supervision condition likeThe Autism, it canare be aso very scary, lonely time for the family. Alex and I had so best, I pulled myself intofor a post-clerkship job, my time to look my Right to Sue? appreciative and their smiles and Our client borrowed her friend’s battery charger, whichmany exploded in about A thousands of inappropriate our client’s questions ourteacher family’ssent future, and while we are blessed emails to havetomany friends child, assi wasn’t talking because topher priority was to find a local firm that laughter fill everyone’s heart with pocket, causing to her leg on and lower torso. significant trauma. it was and family thatthe lovecausing us dearly and were incredibly hard to find anybody ngcan forselect him the andLimited that heRight wasn’t For over 40 years, D’Amato Law Firmpsychological has beensupportive, representing people to Suesevere optionburns and save money volved in the local community, and tocracked, continue The frame of our client’s bicycle causing a severe fracture to happiness and gratitude. To be able who could truly relate to whatEntity we were Lawsuits going through. me because called him That sounds we great, but in reality, you are hampering your right who the have been was injured.Public If you have been seriously injured in a motor which have near andrequired dear to my heart. ourgrown client’s leg, which surgery. Our expert found bicycle I cannot thank FACES 4 Autism enough, as well asalong all ofthe the shoreline therapistsin and teachers to make the children’s holiday season nterchangeably. And really Our client’s spouse was walking ankle-deep your injuries. God forbid, but let’s imagine for a minute that a was just the place. From the second I stepped foot negligently manufactured. vehicle collision orlife by awater defective product, if you the havefabulous been inlittle a tragically situain is Massi’s have helped himor become guy he iskilled. today.Discovery He has contactdown anyway!? We went off into your minivan with you so special truly thewho greatest gift when theI beach collapsed and he was arreling the road and crashes m and met Paul and Alexa, I could tell it was a grown in leaps bounds and while II am afraid heWe will always strugglesignificantly to keep up both n our stomachs, “It’s a Small or of my colleagues could ever proved the lifeguards knew that thepride waters would erode away tionany where your civiland rights were violated, can help. ourselves w (that’s howFall-down I roll).love You would think thatonno matter what you or Massi his first birthday! an everlasting and appreciation for all things academically and socially, I can see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together easier and easier heads and a suitcase of denial. Our client fell down a set of stairs at a condominium, breaking the beach, receive. The her excitement in the causing room cave-ins. eswe are, you should be able to recover money. That’s not the case if in assisting those in our area or elsewhere who are in need of profesthefirst yearstime progress and excited hisher future. a family to take a picture the a photographers would ortsstood thatas make Atlantic County better place tosay, Itthat foot, which required surgery with a plate and screws. wasas the client riding bicycle on the street which, unbeknownst day takes you back Our toam being awasabout ed Right to Sue option. and attorneys smile.” she Massi would notthose look.encouraged Every Our singltexpert timeto the photographer rm and staff are attend went down stairs. opines that thekid, stairs were not to her, had a massive pothole thatseason. was filled with water. She went flying sional, caring and effective legal representation. and reminds you of the magic of the holiday Massi’s name was. He would then say “Massi, look over here buddy.” builtcharities to code. and the local community. handlebars, permanent injuries. The If you think over yourher child may besustaining delayed serious developmentally or have a neighbors nvolved with look at the camera. It was not until the photographer or his assistant If you would like to learn more about the Young Lawyers Our client was leaving a store when she fell, breaking her hip. Our had written numerous letters to the city alerting them to the dangerous mited Right toI am Sueactively affect involved me andwith my family? antic County, the Young neurological condition like Autism, call your family physician or see oise that Massi would turn and look at the camera. I realized on that expert inspected the threshold and found it was broken and to condition that could not be seen afterto it rained and the significant danger Division orcode. find out how you can contribute the Children’s of drivers who know they have elected the Limited Right to antic County Bar that Association. Originally established a not developmental neurologist. Reach out to FACES 4 Autism online at was really wrong with our baby. Our client was ahave carpenter working on you top of the third floor ofParty, a it posedvisit to cyclists. Holiday please our website at or like y means they can’t recover if they whiplash. In reality, ty Bar Association is dedicated to promoting the legal or call Moscafor at (609) 412-3750. home construction job when a gust of wind carried him and a piece of page Thank youIsabelle to our clients their trust and faith in all of the our Facebook “ACBA Young Lawyers Division.” rse public’s injuries than whiplash and still not recover. he trust and confidence in our civil and criminal plywood that he was carrying off the roof 30 feet to the ground. The staff at the D’Amato Law Firm. What isyou Autism? rvedand on the Executive Committee ofgeneral thetoYoung homeowners acting asRight contractors curs have selectedwere the Limited Sue, you can and were aware of the If you search the Internet for a definition of Autism you’ll find aritable Outreach Chair. With my position came thework exceedingly high winds that day and insisted proceed. for your injuries if you: different results. Division That’s because Autism comes in many enyYoung Lawyers Children’s Holiday Party,forms and Visit Auto know one withCrashes Autism, you truly only one child with Chaired thechild Young Lawyers Division in know 2004 Our client sustained herniated discsand andhas a shoulder injury in a car At its core, Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder part crash. We learnedby through investigation that the childhood and is characterized difficulty in social and The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in wyers Division of the Atlantic County Bar Association ant disfigurement or scarring responsible driver was working for Uber at the representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R. D’Amato s including using language, understanding abstract concepts, eaced Bar communicating members and their friends and family, where time of bones the crash. Certified Civil Trial Attorney s and with others the way that many of us easily in construction, products liability and motor vehicle fracture (the have completely separated) collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the The driver of an oncoming car was looking 1 pose of holding our annual Children’s Holiday Party. wmanent Jersey 1injury; in 45 children has autism. country with a primary focus on representing victims orcell phone at her and crossed the double Alexa D’Amato Barrera ty is the highlight of the the Young Lawyers ll tell you that early diagnosisyear andfor intervention play ayellow crucial injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Counsellor at Law line, hitting our client’s car head on. Our client child (fetus) dies a life-changing success of a child’sevent. outcome. When we came back from Disney Firm has a national reputation for excellence. and PA BAR The D’Amato LawLaw Firm Firm focusesfocuses their practice lostpossible consciousness andAutism was donations helicoptered to the The D’Amato theirinMember practiceNJ inPaul R. D’Amato Paul R. D’Amato, Esquire ent with NJEIS and CHOP for your an evaluation. My next Party is that made through the of realize you were limiting rights in such a way? representing those who have beenbeen seriously injured injured Paul R. D’Amato Member Bar hospital, where she was diagnosed with a broken representing those who have seriously Certified Civil TrialNJ Attorney Autism. Ken raised and Isabelle created FACES in 2002 Bar after the money at theMosca Young Lawyers Division in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esquire leg anddrunk a When facial laceration thatyour ultimately in construction, products liability and motor vehicle at collision with the driver that wasn’t fault.that Youscarred. 2900cases Fire Road, agnosed with Autism. I called Isabelle I knew Ihave had Alexa D’Amato Member NJBarrera & PA Bar collisions. The firm handles throughout theSuite 200 With those proceeds, members of the Young Lawyers collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the country butOur client passenger in vehicle that ot displaced, itput is fractured, soayou haveatonumber staya off of different it for Counsellor at Law M. Van Natten, Esquire our baby. Isabelle me inwas contact with of countryEgg with aHarbor primary focusTownship, on representing victims Stephen Newinjured Jersey 08234 go shopping forturning children’s holiday gifts. The gifts are with a primary focus on representing victims Alexa D’Amato was left at an intersection. Another car ran Member &Barrera PA Bar turces. with 3I contacted kids!) When you return to the doctor, the x-rays show injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Member NJ and PANJ BAR Sue Elmer whom Isabelle recommended for at a wrapping party, and then they are brought to the P: 609-926-3300 in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a Counsellor at Law a red light, causing our client to sustain a severe Firm has a national reputation for excellence. Kasi M. Gifford, Esquire d, in painwith andMs. haveSue, difficulty The word!!!! doctor in but onlyyou’re a fewstill sessions Massiwalking. said his first StephenNJM. Van Member NJNatten, & PA Bar Esq. Member and PA BAR national reputation for excellence. use in Atlantic City for fracture the Children’s Holiday comminuted of her upper arm, Party. requiring F: 609-926-3883 Member NJ and PA BAR therapy for 1 month. Still it’s not better so you have an MRI. surgery with scar. m Atlantic County withaasignificant high ratiokeloid of economically 2900 Fire Road, Suite 200 • Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 Our client was Children’s hit from behind at anParty. hosen to participate in the Holiday oman Magazine 2900 FireNovember/December Road, Suite 200 2014 een the doctor in Philadelphia and was surgery starting just to really intersection. She had Massi hadthe neck one P: 609-926-3300 • F: 609-926-3883 stand second-graders to attend Children’s Holiday o his speech therapy sessions with Sue and the beginning of Early Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 Division above all else,Ithe children I startedrequests to doubt that, my earlier concerns. started to takewho my end good set example of kindness respect P: 609-926-3300 students, The County Woman Magazine September/October 2018 set out to prove thean doctor’s wrong. Denial is aand much happier

Amato ’AmatoBarrera, Barrera,Counsellor Counselor at at Law Law


No Case Is Too Big Or Too Small For The D’Amato Law Firm




cially in need.




F: 609-926-3883

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