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8 ways to make your family smile this Chanukah.

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8 ways to make your family smile this Chanukah.
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(Re: Leah’s Corner, Issue 262)
Thank you for your great publication each week. I know it sounds cliche, but it’s my weekly Wednesday treat.
I still miss Leah Stern, a”h, and her recipes, and I was delighted to see your new column! Thank you for providing us with recipes that are hearty, heimish and call for ingredients that I already have in my house.
Looking forward to more,
(Re: The Exercise Challenge, Issue 262)
The exercise challenge gave me a good laugh. The women so vividly described the reality of our day-to-day lives — how we literally cannot spare 30 minutes a day, even if we really want to.
I did want to share, though, that high-intensity exercise (for example, jacks or squats) for a short period of time is equivalent or even more effective than traditional exercise. So that’s a great shortcut for the very busy woman!
I recently read about a great workout that’s easy to do at home as it doesn’t require anything other than a floor, wall and chair and takes up to seven minutes to complete. I feel amazing since I started doing it, and it has impacted my fitness level tremendously. Do each
Where Chanukah parties are more than just donuts...
of the following steps for 30 seconds: jumping jacks, wall sits, squats, push-ups, crunches, planks, lunges, jogging, triceps, step on/off chair, side planks, side push-ups.
In the beginning this can be pretty intense and leave you breathless, but if you’re consistent about it, then in no time you’ll be humming through it.
Good luck!
(Re: Give or Take, Issue 262)
Name Withheld
Thank you so much for an amazing magazine that is full of interesting, educational and enjoyable material. I was so excited to see that Chanie Spira is writing another serial, and I’m following it obsessively. I love her ability to bring characters to life, and I’m even finding myself somewhere in the story.
Thanks again for such a great read!
(Re: Bits of Wits, Issue 262)
After reading in Bits of Wits that September 29, 2023, was the rainiest day ever recorded in New York, I was curious enough to check the calendar. It was interesting to see that it was Erev Sukkos, and indeed, it was so rainy and windy, I think many of us won’t forget it too fast.
Liba Menken
(Re: Adventures in Herb Growing, Issue 262)
To the amazing team at The Boro Park View: Your magazine never fails. Each week I can find something inspiring, informative, and interactive, as well as intelligent and entertaining! I’m sure it takes a lot of time and commitment on your part to produce such a quality product. May Hashem continue to bless your endeavors with much success.
The article on DIY home herb gardening was very engaging, and I would like to get more specific instructions on the aerogarden. I tried it in the past and it was a failure. Can you give me exact instructions on what to do with the LECA balls and how to implement the process at home?
Lastly, it was heartwarming to see recipes by Leah Stern, a”h. It would be wonderful if you could add something each week about what a great person she was.
Plants are live things, and they can have their moods. Sometimes a plant just won’t be successful, regardless of
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how lovingly you take care of it!
One of the issues you have to particularly look out for is root rot. Healthy roots should have a beigeish/light brown color. If your roots are dark brown and slimy, that means root rot has set in. You can still salvage your plant by removing the slimy ones, replacing your water/nutrient solution, and hoping for the best.
Planting in LECA balls and hydroponic solution makes use of the Kratky system. The key to this method is leaving a pocket of air between the top of your liquid and the bottom of your plant. This ensures that your roots obtain oxygen, which they need to grow. I find that I’ve had mixed success with the Kratky method. It’s great for basil and mint; other herbs can be more difficult to get going. A great idea is to constantly make cuttings from your mature plants and root them in water. That way, you always have a backup plant if one dies.
(Re: An Eggcellent Question, Inbox, Issue 261)
Thanks for a great magazine.
I have been following the back-and-forth on egg whites, and now I’m writing to clarify: Does the club soda cake need the yolks?
Confused Cook
(Re: An Eggcellent Question, Inbox, Issue 261)
I just saw the question the reader had regarding the recipes using only egg whites, where she asked for ideas on how to use the yolks. I went back to check, and none of the recipes omit the yolks. They’re not mentioned specifically, but I assume they’re included when the recipe calls for the “wet ingredients” to be added.
As a bonus, I got inspired, and I am ready to start baking one of those mouthwatering-looking cakes!
(Re: Bits of Wits, Issue 261)
You printed the following question in Tanach Teaser: Where in the Torah can you find five consecutive words that start with an alef ?
There are actually seven places in the Torah that have five consecutive words that start with an alef. But there are also two places in the Torah that have six consecutive words that start with an alef. They are:
Bereishis 42:21: Ish el achiv aval asheimim anachnu…
Shemos 3:6: Anochi Elokei avicha Elokei Avraham Elokei…
Thank you and hatzlacha, A Reader
(Re: Making It Work When Your Husband Works, Inbox, Issue 258)
I’ve been following this exchange closely, and with all
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due respect to the growing necessity of a dual income in today’s financial climate, there is one piece missing from this discussion.
I would like to acknowledge the many selfless women and mothers in Klal Yisroel who work, not to supplement the family budget or to give expression to highachieving aspects of their nature, but rather so their husbands can remain bein koslei beis midrash!
I know women who “make it work” and handle the morning routine, suppers and bedtime schedules single-handedly, squeezing in full-time work somewhere in between — without heavy involvement from their husband. They do it willingly, happy to promote more Torah in Klal Yisroel.
These women of valor deserve our public praise and acknowledgement.
Hatzlachah veiter!
(Re: Making It Work When Your Husband Works, Inbox, Issue 258)
I’ve been following the conversation about working mothers. A letter-writer wrote that the interviewees all had their husbands available take over and help. I wanted to write in earlier, but I was too busy running the show on my own to make the time for it. I am actually one of the interviewees, and my husband is not available to help me get out in the morning, nor is he available to pitch in in the afternoon, so... I’m with you in the struggle!
“Malky Klein”
I am a young mother of small children living in the middle of Boro Park. Drivers, I’m begging you, please think twice before you honk! My teething baby finally falls asleep after a sleepless night only to be rudely awakened by honking from the street — because it took a driver an extra second to realize that the light changed. Please try to avoid honking as much as possible. There might just be a baby, kimpeturin or grandmother trying to nap. And please don’t honk at all late at night. Please reserve honking for true emergencies only.
I would also like to point out that when drivers block the sidewalk when they park (by not pulling all the way into the driveway), that forces mothers pushing strollers to walk into the line of traffic in order to walk around the car. Please take the extra moment to make our neighborhood safer for everyone.
Thank you!
Name Withheld
Available for Premium users.
When my wife discovered vacuuming in the dark, it was a game changer! I don’t know if other people do it, but now I’m convinced that it’s the only way to get a proper vacuum. I should mention that my vacuum has these little “headlights” in the front, and when that’s on and all lights are off, you can see every little piece of dust to vacuum. Oddly, I enjoy vacuuming my house now, and I feel like everyone should know of this hack. – A.W.
I put a little water with a drop of dishwashing soap in a washing cup and dip in a rag. I then use the rag to wash down everything, from kitchen counters and tables to mirrors and windows. Just make sure not to add too much dishwashing soap as it will leave streaks. – A Reader
I’ve found that bottle brushes don’t really get to all the spots in a soiled baby bottle. Here’s what really works: Rip off half of a full-sized paper towel sheet, stick it into the bottle, put in approximately two or three ounces of hot water, and close and shake vigorously for around five seconds while rotating a bit to get to all parts inside the bottle. Spill the water, and the bottle’s clean! – A Reader
Having a spray bottle with a solution of Mr. Clean and water handy is my lifesaver. It makes cleaning up way simpler. – A Reader
To avoid having to clean your oven too often, line it with oven liners (Amazon). They are 100% oven-safe, and after a while, you can simply remove and trash the liner. – B.G.
I own every size and shape scrub brush from the OXO brand. They are beyond useful for the randomest corners and save lots of time on cleaning; especially on those things I used to clean with q-tips and toothpicks. – A Reader
Cabinets under sinks tend to have a musty odor. Put a whole Dove bar soap with the box (open the side flaps) into the cabinet, and the soap will magically absorb the odor! I keep a bar soap in each under-sink cabinet all the time for odor prevention. – T.U.
The magic eraser removes crayon from surfaces with a simple wipe, no need to rub with Soft Scrub. – A Reader
Use alcohol pads to remove pen marks from walls, but be careful not to rub the area. A touch should be enough. – A Reader
I cut out the piece of my plastic tablecloth under the Shabbos licht to make it permissible to take the plastic off and dump it after the meal on Shabbos. I put that little piece of cut plastic on my countertop next to the stove on Erev Shabbos to keep the area clean. Right before the zman, I toss the plastic and have a clean counter without any hassle. – A Reader
Here are my two favorite vinegar-use kitchen hacks:
To clean your percolator from limestone buildup, fill it with vinegar about a quarter or a third full. Then add water until it reaches about halfway full. Boil for several minutes, and then let sit for a few hours. Empty and rinse. Here’s another one: To clean your microwave of grimy buildup, microwave a cup of vinegar mixed with water for about one minute. Then simply wipe clean using a wet rag. To make the room smell nice after all that vinegar, cut up a lemon and microwave it for a minute or so. It will spread a pleasant, lemony scent. – Sury B.
The secret to a forever-clean kitchen: Keep washcloths in the kitchen on the meat side, dairy side and a separate one for pareve. Whenever anything gets dirty, you’ll have a washcloth within reach. – A Reader
A simple idea for people who don’t have babies yet/anymore is to have baby wipes around. It’s great for a sticky fridge, toilet refresh, floor spill, on-the-go washcloth (kept in a sealed Ziploc bag in your pocketbook), and makeup remover. I keep a pack near the dryer for the lint that falls around and for detergent spills. I do constantly remind everyone to put wipes in the garbage, never in the toilet. – A Reader
When cleaning up a room, collect everything that doesn’t belong in that room and put it into a laundry basket. Then sweep and straighten the room. Afterwards, go around the house emptying the laundry basket and putting everything in its place. This keeps you focused on cleaning up each room without getting distracted by going around the house putting things away. – A Reader
The Scotch Brite yellow Dobie pad works great on black skirts or men’s suits. I buy this sponge specifically for clothing, and anytime I find a small something on a dress on my way out, I just make the sponge wet, rub gently, and I’m good to go. – A Reader
I have a spray bottle filled with water and a splash of Mr. Clean. Besides doing a great job cleaning just about everything, here are two great tips: Spray a light mist over the floor, and use a mop to wipe it up. You’ll have a beautifully mopped room in seconds!
Another hack: Spray all parts of the toilet. Use tissues or toilet paper to clean working from the outside in to give the seat a chance to soak. Throw all the used tissues into the toilet as you go and flush! A disinfected clean toilet with no trash or dirtied rags. – A Reader
When washing parquet floors, add a few drops of essential oil to the water. It makes my house smell amazing! Personally, I like Woolzies lemon and vanilla oils. – A Reader
I used to keep my shmattes in the laundry room. Every time I needed one, I had to go all the way to the back of my house to get one. I recently bought a nice little basket and some colorful shmattes to keep in the kitchen. Seems insignificant, but surprisingly, it’s a huge game-changer! – A Reader
Invest in a handheld vacuum for those little messes. – A Reader
A miracle mop with a dry cloth is my favorite household tool. I use it instead of a vacuum cleaner to catch the dust. Easier than a vacuum cleaner, and catches more dust than a broom. – A Reader
I set a five-minute timer on my phone each morning before I leave for work per room in my house. I spend exactly five minutes putting away clothing, making beds, spilling negel vasser, etc. When the timer rings, I move to the next room and repeat, regardless of where I’m up to in the first room. It gives my house a quick lift in no time, so when I return from work, I don’t feel that dull “uh-oh” of an unkempt house — and with my current morning schedule, I really do not have the time to clean up normally! Sometime in the middle of the week, I take ten minutes for each room, and that’s when I deal with piled up clutter and a quick sweep. – Y.L.
I have three boys close in age, and most of their clothing matches one another. Instead of assigning a closet shelf per kid, I have a pajama shelf that has three sets of each pajamas. Same goes with clothing; all the green shirts in a pile, and all the blue shirts in a pile. This way, I can just pull out a pile and can dress them in no time. – A Proud Boy Mom
I’ve learned to have a fan blowing on the wet hanging laundry so I can declutter my small apartment ASAP! – A Reader
Fridays used to be an overwhelming day until I stopped doing laundry on Fridays, even if it means having a full hamper over Shabbos. This completely transformed my Friday into a calm, easy day. – A Reader
I buy extra socks, underwear, tights and shells so that my laundry is on a two-week cycle. It makes my life so much easier. – Chana L.
I soak laundry overnight in my top loader machine and then let it drain and proceed to do a regular load the next morning. This avoids having to transfer the dripping wet stuff and rinsing the pail it soaked in. – Chana L.
Putting a load into the washing machine at night and setting it to go on in the morning has proven to be an amazing hack for me. This way, I can throw the load into the dryer before I go to work and fold it at night. – A Reader
Drying pleated skirts for a few minutes after washing reshapes the pleats instead of ironing. – A Reader
Hanging shirts straight from the dryer instead of ironing them saves tons of time. – A Reader
I don’t iron shirts or linen. I give them a tug when folding after they dry, and put them away neatly. – A Reader
Instead of folding each item that comes out of the laundry basket and putting it in the right pile, I divide the laundry basket by person. Then I either fold each pile, or put the pile of unfolded laundry on each child’s bed for them to fold and put away themselves. – A Reader
My friend gave me a tip that she got from the Brachsoni store on how to effectively wash white shirts. I use it for my entire white load, and most of the stains and sweat marks come out without needing to scrub! It saves tons of time, especially in the summer with all the white clothing. Put a half to one cup of Oxi powder and Cascade powder (yes, from the dishwasher) into the washing machine drum, put your regular detergent into the detergent drawer, and wash. – A Reader
Fold laundry while it’s still hot. – A Reader
I bought three hampers: One for colored, one for whites and one for towels. I empty and wash each one twice a week: colored on Sunday and Wednesday, whites on Monday and Thursday, and towels on Tuesday and Friday. My life has changed dramatically, and laundry is no longer an issue at all; it happens automatically. – A Reader
I’m a busy working mom, and at some point, I had to drop one of the balls I was juggling. I stopped folding my kids’ laundry. No, that doesn’t mean everything is a huge wreck. My kids’ drawers have neat bins for each item, e.g., undershirts, underwear, socks and pajamas. I just deposit the unfolded items into the bins, and no one knows the difference! I do fold shirts/pants, however. – P.L.
Add salt to a laundry load to prevent the color from running. – A Reader
I do all my laundry on Sunday: washing, drying, hanging and folding. No more doing laundry for the entire week! – A Reader
To get stains out of clothing, I apply Arm and Hammer detergent with color-safe bleach. I scrub it on the stain and then wash it. It works wonders. – A Reader
When we bought a new washer-dryer set two years ago, we opted for an extra-large model. Since then, my time spent on laundry has been greatly reduced. – A Reader
As a shanah rishonah housewife, the colors of our clothing used to run, although it was washed with cold water. That’s a thing of the past now, thanks to Shout Color Catchers for perfectly maintaining all of our clothing. I drop one into almost every load I wash. – L.M.
I sort clean laundry and leave unfolded piles in my kids’ rooms. When I put them to sleep at night, they like it when I spend some time with them, and I use those ten minutes to fold their laundry directly into their drawers as we schmooze. – Baily
Do something toward the laundry “cause” every single day, preferably in the morning. Never ever skip a day, even if it means you’ll wash an emptier load or you might wash linen earlier than expected. I found that it really helps avoid the dreaded pileup, and once it’s in your everyday routine, it’s so much less annoying, because you don’t have to think about it; just like you brush your teeth every day, you do laundry every day. – Sarah
Please submit your answer by Tuesday night, December 17, for a chance to see it in print!
Email or text pov@thebpview.com Fax 718-408-8771
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Y. Levenstein
When Yaakov’s messengers returned and told him that Eisav was coming with 400 men, the pasuk says, “Vayira Yaakov me’od,” Yaakov was very frightened ( Bereishis 32:8).
Why was Yaakov so afraid of Eisav? He had a clear promise from Hakadosh Baruch Hu: “ V’hineh Anochi imach ushemarticha b’chol asher teilech…” I am with you, I will protect you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this Land, for I will not leave you…” (ibid. 28:15).
The Gemara ( Brachos 4a) says Yaakov was afraid that perhaps he had some sin that might cause Hashem not to protect him. What sin was Yaakov referring to? Yaakov himself testified that he had kept the entire Torah, as he said: “Im Lavan garti,” which Rashi interprets, “V’taryag mitzvos shamarti.”
Rav Yaakov M’Lisa, the Baal Hanesivos, writes in his sefer Nachalas Yaakov: In truth, Yaakov did not think he had done aveiros that would cause Hashem not to keep His promise. Rather, he knew that “maaseh avos siman l’banim.” Everything that happened to Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov was a siman for generations. He understood that the tzarah he now faced with Eisav was an indication that his descendants would suffer tzaros from Eisav’s children over the years in galus. Yaakov worried that perhaps later generations will sin and be undeserving of zechus avos. This was Yaakov’s fear; he was not afraid for himself, but for his children, the Bnei Yisroel. So, what did Yaakov do?
Rashi says he prepared three things — gifts, tefillah and war — as a siman for all generations to come. Whenever we face trouble with Eisav, these are the strategies we should follow, the three tools that have the power to abolish evil decrees.
Gifts: What greater gift than to give to a pauper? Tzedakah has the power to put an end to bad decrees.
WHEN THE great gaon, Rav Shlomo Adani, escaped Yemen, he arrived in Turkey. For a while, he took on a position as servant in the home of a wealthy local, Reb Yitzchak Farchi. In exchange for his work, Reb Yitzchak compensated him well, ensuring that all of his needs were met.
Rav Shlomo Adani was grateful, and wished to express his appreciation. He knew his wealthy master wasn’t a particularly learned talmid chacham, and he decided to write for him a special peirush explaining all of the Shishah Sidrei Mishnah to make it easier for him to learn. This is how his famous peirush, the Meleches Shlomo on Mishnayos, was born.
Reb Yitzchak Farchi had an exceptional ahavas Torah. He simply loved the Torah and those who learn it. At one point, his business went sour. Facing potential bankruptcy, Reb Yitzchak knew his entire fortune was at risk. The first thing he did was separate a sizable sum of gold coins and place them aside. In the event that he would lose all his money, he would be left with enough money to support the talmid chacham in his home for another two years.
In the event that he would lose all his money, he would be left with enough money to support the talmid chacham
Hakadosh Baruch Hu saw his mesirus nefesh for tzedakah and for supporting Torah — to the point that when he was about to lose all his personal resources, he stretched himself for the sake of giving to others. And miraculously, he did not lose his money. In fact, he even ended up earning more than he originally had. Rav Chaim Falagi explained that it was this merit of tzedakah that helped him financially, and also earned him extraordinary arichas yamim
Tefillah: Our prayers can certainly combat evil decrees.
LIVING IN ARGENTINA several decades ago, Benjamin* received the dreaded draft notice. Every able citizen was required to report to the national army, and the draft was serious business. Evading the draft could lead to heavy penalties. After undergoing all necessary tests to determine whether a young man was eligible, the ultimate test was in the hands of the chief officer. Only he could decide to disqualify a candidate.
When Benjamin received his notice, his dread was twofold. He was required to report to the military base at 6 a.m. That was way too early for a frum Yid — netz hachamah was only at 8 o’clock. That placed Benjamin in a serious quandary. What should he do? On the one hand, he was determined to daven Shacharis on time, yet he knew that he could be punished severely for arriving late.
Benjamin thought hard, and he finally decided: Hashem runs the world. I am obligated only to Him. I will daven Shacharis on time, and I’ll also daven that no bad should befall me for arriving late to the base.
The morning of his draft appointment arrived. Benjamin began to daven at 7:30 a.m., so he would catch netz at eight. At 8:30 a.m., he finished davening. His father drove him as quickly as he could to the army base. Benjamin’s heart was pounding in fear.
As their car pulled up, Benjamin noticed a long, long line of young men standing outside the building. He discovered that there was an unexpected technical issue, which delayed the entire morning’s procedures. Benjamin stood at the end of the line. A short while later, the chief officer walked by. “It’s impossible to work this way!” he yelled. He assigned one soldier to the beginning of the line and another to the end. “Give everyone authorization to leave. Everyone is discharged!”
Years later, living today in Beit Shemesh, Benjamin reflects: “Had I not been stubborn about my davening, and would have arrived in time, I would have been stuck in the middle of the line for many hours, waiting for my discharge papers. But because I arrived last, I left first! And, who knows if it wasn’t my tefillah that caused this entire ‘technical problem’ in the first place?”
“Because I arrived last, I left first! And, who knows if it wasn’t my tefillah that caused this entire ‘technical problem’ in the first place?”
* * * * *
War: This refers to milchemes hayetzer. By fighting the yetzer hara, refusing to get drawn to his ways, and doing our avodas Hashem with cheshek, we can be mevatel bad gezeiros
THE DIVREI SHMUEL OF SLONIM was once riding a train with a group of his chassidim. At one stop, a Yid who was clearly irreligious hopped on. When the man noticed the Rebbe, he shriveled back in shame. He had been a talmid of the Rebbe when the Divrei Shmuel was the Rosh Yeshivah in town. That was before he was drawn to the clutches of the haskalah
The man was embarrassed to be seen bareheaded. But the moment of awkwardness flitted past just as quickly as it had arrived, and a sense of arrogance filled the man. As he passed the Rebbe, he called out, “Does the Rav remember me?”
The Divrei Shmuel replied in the affirmative. “Yes, how are you these days?”
“You know,” the man said, “since I left yeshivah, I grew very wealthy. Today, I’m worth a hundred thousand rubles!”
“Really?” exclaimed the Rebbe. “A hundred thousand rubles? How did that happen?”
A look of pride crossed the man’s face. “I made some successful business deals.”
The Rebbe continued to display apparent amazement. The man was sure the Rebbe simply wished to open his heart to donate generously to the yeshivah, and he decided to initiate.
“I’ll give a nice donation,” he said, “in honor of the Rebbe.”
But the Divrei Shmuel replied, “A donation? Impossible! I cannot accept money from a mechallel Shabbos!”
The man was surprised. He had not expected that response. The Rebbe turned to the wealthy man’s deflated face and said, “I don’t want a donation from you, but the lesson you taught me now, I will never ever forget.”
“Lesson? What lesson?” the man asked.
The Rebbe explained. “When you were learning in yeshivah, I noticed a decline in your learning, davening and general mitzvah observance. You were doing it all, but without cheshek. I told myself, ‘What might possibly come out of such a bachur ? What are his half-hearted tefillos worth? What is his lethargic learning worth?’ Today, I see that the yetzer hara was ready to pay a hundred thousand rubles to take you away from Yiddishkeit!
“If the yetzer hara is ready to pay so much for half-hearted mitzvos, how much greater is the value of mitzvos done with cheshek and kavanah. How great is the reward of one whose avodas Hashem is infused with meaning and enthusiasm!”
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“Which four aleph beis do we find on a dreidel?” Morah reads aloud. Mendy carefully selects a card from the small hospital tray. “Nun, gimmel, hei, shin!” He beams ecstatically, waving his card like a trophy. Morah and Mendy share a triumphant smile.
Then, he drops his cards, grabs Morah’s hand, and looks at her pleadingly. “Morah, don’t leave yet. Stay a little longer.”
This is the third time today that Mendy interrupted their learning with these words.
He just doesn’t want this magical time with Morah to end. When Morah comes, he can forget about the medicine slowly dripping into his arm, the nurses bustling in and out, and the pain and nausea of treatment. For that short while, he is a regular kid, doing regular things – learning parsha, practicing aleph beis, and doing crafts.
He looks forward to it all day.
But while Morah would love to stay a little longer, she still has other children in other rooms and hospitals to visit today.
A serious diagnosis in childhood changes everything. Overnight, a child’s world — once centered around school, friends, and family — shrinks to a hospital room, a bedroom, doctors and nurses. Whether confined to the hospital or their homes,
Kochavim’s Morahs-on-Wheels bring school to sick kids, keeping their young minds stimulated and their spirits up, and ensuring they remain on par with their peers.
Mrs. Weiss, a mother of a five-year-old patient, shares, “Morah-on-Wheels broke up the endless hospital days. When Morah Yitty came, Shaindy would come alive, enjoying the attention, parsha activities, books, and surprises that made their way out of the big bag. I am forever grateful to Yitty and her team!”
Morah Yitty Weinberger, our first Morah-on-Wheels, says, “It’s not just the mental stimulation – it’s something iPad games and videos cannot provide. It’s their identity, their Yiddishkeit. When kids are stuck in the hospital they’re surrounded by a foreign environment –nice doctors and caring nurses who know nothing about what makes Yiddishkeit alive and vibrant.
When we visit, we bring a slice of normalcy and Yiddishkeit into that environment. We turn their hospital rooms into classrooms. Not one of my students ever said no to learning parsha. Their neshamos crave learning and Yiddishkeit.“
The connection formed between child and teacher is so strong that when Chaim was finally cleared from treatment, while still thrilled, he said, “But… I still want to see my morahs.”
Discharge from the hospital is always thrilling. But along with excitement comes a big now what. With a non-existent immune system and frequent appointments, school is not an option. What to do with a bright, bored, sick little kid?
Star Learning Center is a typical preschool structured around the realities of pediatric illness. The two central locations in Brooklyn and Monsey feature sterile, state-of-the-art classrooms, robust kodesh and chol curriculums, and continuous air purification systems.
Safe in our warm and cheerful environment, children enjoy a school experience where students of all , and share Lego
ebrated, not just as a regular milestone, but as a fervent prayer for many more to come. Where little warriors forget their aches and pain. Where they laugh and play and enjoy arts and crafts and silly songs.
Where little kids get to be just that.
Shmueli’s mother messaged us: Shmueli stood at the door wearing his briefcase all evening, sobbing, “I want to go to Morah Chani, I want to go to school.”
And nothing compares to the megawatt smile that lit up Rivky’s face as she spotted her friend sporting the very same medical equipment as she was. “Morah, Fraidy also has tubies!”
Home-and-hospital-bound students love joining their friends for daily classes on Zoom, where they daven together, see their favorite teachers, and even answer some of the parsha questions.
Our dedicated team ships out boxes weekly with all the supplies students need to follow along with classes on Zoom. Students are so proud to hang the crafts they made at their bedside or on their refrigerator.
“The crafts were wonderful, they really kept her busy while home. It was incredible for her to learn all about the weekly Parsha in such a simple and fun format!
Thank you to all those involved!”
— Star Learning Center parent
Family life doesn’t stop when illness comes to visit. For parents juggling the impossible, Kochavim offers practical assistance on the home front, home volunteers, meals, and support so these unsung heroes don’t have to do it all alone.
For siblings whose lives have been upended, The Space is a place to unwind, do homework, and enjoy a hot meal with a listening ear nearby. Separate programs for all ages offer fun and friendship in a safe, supportive environment.
Home is where your support system is.
Families who need to relocate for treatment get embraced by the extended Kochavim family. With apartment setup, childcare arrangements, paperwork, and
appointment support, we help families feel at home even when they can’t be there.
Our private peer support events connect out-of-state families with people who speak their language.
Right now, Kochavim is reaching out to you, our friends in the community. We need your help in order to continue – to reach more kids in the hospital. We want to spend more time with the kids we currently service so they are not anxiously dreading Morah’s departure.
Please show your support by donating generously to our upcoming Charidy campaign, scheduled for December 15 and 16.
Visit our website at www.charidy.com/kochavim to learn more and donate.
Dear Kids,
Here’s your opportunity to put a smile on the face of a child in the hospital today!
Write a message of hope and cheer on any whiteboard you have around your house (or borrow one from a neighbor!).
Have someone take a picture of you holding your whiteboard with the message. If you don’t want your face in the picture, hold the whiteboard up so it covers your face.
Email the picture to our office at info@kochavimcare.org. Text it to 718-489-9599. Mail it to 5314 16th Avenue, #252, Brooklyn, NY 11204. Make sure to include your name, age, telephone number, and street address.
Our Morah on Wheels will show the kids in the hospital your messages, and they will choose two lucky winners! Look out for your entry in The View.
Each submission earns you a cool Kochavim whiteboard magnet! The lucky winners will receive a Kochavim Chanukah Party-in-a-Box!
Kochavim sends out hundreds of these boxes to families to spread the light and joy of Chanukah, despite illness.
Your family can help us make this happen by sponsoring a box for $100. Contact our office for more sponsorship opportunities. Get started now! Good luck!
Nearly a month to the day after he won another term in Albany, State Senator Simcha Felder announced his intention to run for the City Council.
Felder hopes to fill Kalman Yeger’s soon-to-be-vacated seat, with Yeger taking over Helene Weinstein’s spot in the Assembly.
Felder has served multiple times in the City Council, winning elections in 2001, 2005 and 2009. In an interview with VIN News, he describes the Council as his “old haunt” and said that his true passion is helping people with the issues they face on a daily basis.
“Our Senate office has an excellent reputation for helping people with day-to-day issues, but you cannot compare that with being elected to an office where you have the opportunity to sit and question the sanitation commissioner, the police commissioner or the transportation commissioner about another 1,000 cameras they want to put up to make money,” explained Felder. “It’s just not the same.”
Felder noted that from a practical standpoint, the commute from Brooklyn to Albany is a four-hour trip, making the idea of working closer to home an appealing one. Not having to deal with the slow pace of the Albany legislature also appealed to the 65-year-old, who said he would have been happy to continue in the State Senate if the opportunity to represent the 44th District hadn’t come up.
“If I have the opportunity to continue helping the community, where I can increase the day-to-day impact on people, and have the ability to help them with their problems, then that is a gift from Hashem,” said Felder.
Hoping to deliver some much-needed financial relief to hundreds of thousands of low-income New Yorkers, Mayor Eric Adams unveiled his “Axe the Tax” plan that would eliminate or reduce city income taxes.
Under the initiative, more than 429,000 residents of the five boroughs and their dependents would see their
personal city income taxes completely disappear, while other 152,000 qualifying New Yorkers would have their personal city income taxes reduced. The plan is expected to be introduced in Albany during the upcoming legislative season by New York State Senator Leroy Comie and Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn, and if included in the state’s 2026 fiscal budget, it could result in more than $63 million of tax dollars being saved for families living at or below 150% of the federal poverty level.
“We’re going to rip up the tax bill and make sure that they can put the money back into their pocket,” said Adams, adding, “Here in New York, we raise families and we lower taxes.”
Significant changes have been made to the Department of Motor Vehicles’ point system, although exactly when those changes affect drivers remains somewhat of a mystery.
The DMV rolled out its new system at the beginning of November without any official announcement, and the agency has yet to update its website to reflect the changes. While points had previously remained on drivers’ records for eighteen months, the look-back period now extends a full two years.
Certain violations are also carrying more points than they had in the past. Leaving the scene of a crash now comes with a five-point penalty instead of the previous three, while passing a stopped school bus jumped from five points to eight. Other changes include eleven-point penalties — which result in im-
mediate suspension of driving privileges — for alcohol and drug-related convictions as well as driving without a license. Drivers can also expect to see increased fines to go along with the higher point structure.
According to a blog post by traffic attorney Michael Weiss, because the DMV Traffic Violations Bureau doesn’t have the software to accommodate the changes, the updates may not take effect until sometime in 2025. Attempts by Hershel Goldstein of the Monsey law offices of Zev Goldstein to go directly to the source to clarify the situation have been frustrating.
“When you call the DMV and ask them when the new regulations will be going into effect, they say, ‘We don’t know,’” said Goldstein, who said that drivers should err on the side of caution and assume that the new system is already in place.
A 500-page report released on December 2 could prove devastating to Andrew Cuomo’s mayoral aspirations. The report finds that the former governor grossly mishandled the 2020 pandemic, compounding errors that undermined public health with multiple attempted coverups.
The report, which mentions Cuomo by name 203 times, was issued by the House Select Subcomittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. According to the New York Post, over 40 pages of the report are dedicated exclusively to New York’s pandemic response and Cuomo, who is categorized as having committed medical malpractice.
Despite Cuomo’s claims to the contrary when he testified before Congress, the report found that the former governor was directly involved in the decision to force nursing homes to accept Covid-positive patients. The report said that the policy was “antithetical to known science” and inconsistent with federal guidelines, and that Cuomo’s executive chamber was guilty of attempting to distance itself from the deadly directive.
The explosive document also discussed a July 2020 report issued by New York State’s Department of Health that attempted to minimize the number of nursing home–related fatalities by undercounting the number of reported deaths. Cuomo was found to have edited the report in order to lower the fatality count, and may also be guilty of having given a false statement to a federal subcommittee, an offense that could result in a five-year prison sentence. New York’s Executive Chamber, currently led by Governor Kathy Hochul, was also cited for its repeated lack of transparency, illegally withholding thousands of documents in an attempt to cover Cuomo’s botched handling of the pandemic.
Cuomo spokesperson Rich Azzopardi categorized the report as a witch hunt, carried out by MAGA Republicans. But panel chair Representative Brad Wenstrup disagreed, saying in the report’s opening letter that both Democrats and Republicans agreed on multiple topics, including that Cuomo “participated in medical malpractice and publicly covered up the total number of nursing home fatalities in New York.”
Recap: Mira helps Roiza celebrate the vort from her hospital room. Sruly decides to visit his father.
At the last moment, Kaily decided that she wanted to be the one to see Sruly off, to help him with check-in and walk him to security. He was her baby, after all.
But who would stay with her mother? Perela was obviously anxious to leave, and her brothers worked during the day.
Could she ask Mira again?
“On condition we talk about the next Sisters event tonight,” Mira said as soon as she asked her.
“Can’t you do a favor lishma, ever?” Kaily complained. But of course, there was nothing she’d rather do than plan a Sisters OTG evening.
She and Sruly set off to the airport. After a quiet drive, they pulled up at Departures, and Kaily thoroughly regretted her spontaneous decision. Her stomach was in knots, and her hands felt weak. She waited for Sruly to remove his single piece of luggage from the trunk.
What had possessed her to come? Sruly hadn’t asked her to. She took a deep breath. Blue… breathe in blue. She tried, but the blue refused to be inhaled.
The smell in the airport was still the same. The enormity of the moment was still the same. Even the security guys at the revolving doors looked like the same towering guards of twenty years earlier.
She tried to stay grounded. “Lemme wheel the carry-on while you find the right line,” she told
Sruly. She focused on wheeling the carry-on through the polished, impersonal and enormous airport. She could do this.
“We can head straight to security,” Sruly said confidently. “We’re not checking anything in.”
They followed the arrows to the escalator and headed downstairs. They didn’t talk at all, and only the sound of the wheels rolling smoothly filled the silence between them.
When they arrived at security, Kaily stopped wheeling.
“Here, shaliach mitzah gelt,” she said, her mouth parched. She handed him a twenty dollar bill, and he half-hugged her.
She backed up as he joined the long line.
“I’ll be fine,” he said reassuringly, turning back to her. His eyes were searching, probably trying to figure out why she was so quiet.
The nausea came in waves. Her eyes stung, and she closed them.
She had been in JFK then, too. Hanging onto hope that was so tenuous, it was almost preposterous. But she was so desperate that even a tendril of hope was better than no hope.
Maybe all Naftali needed was this trip? To spend Pesach with his parents? Feel their love? And he’d snap out of this monstrous depression?
She pushed Sruly in the Inglesina travel stroller with white little polka dots, Chaim and Gedalya holding on tightly to the handlebars. They were quiet — for now — taking in the sights, the smells, the sheer size of the airport.
Her hands ached from pushing the stroller and the carry-ons — all three of them — and her sheitel box that had to be dropped off at the gate. All while Naftali dragged his feet, fists tightly clenched in his pockets. One foot in front of the other.
She was tempted to strap Naftali into the stroller to get him moving. Instead, as they reached security, he balked.
“I can’t,” he whispered.
She cajoled, begged, even cried, until he finally continued his monotonous trudge. Meanwhile, the clock ticked… and ticked… and ticked…
The kids were no longer enamored of the sights and smells. They were simply overwhelmed.
Chaim was complaining that his feet hurt. But they were late. Very late.
She kept the family moving. Folded up the stroller, placed it in a bin. Urged Naftali to “just take your shoes and jacket off” and get going. The personnel were not very kind as they waited for her family to fumble through the process.
Finally, finally, they were at the other side. But then the security agent decided that the lens solution in the carry-on wasn’t allowed on the plane. “New regulations,” the agent said curtly. Kaily cried as he discarded it. Her contact lenses stung.
Then she ran. She didn’t care anymore if Naftali was following or not, because her watch read 2:15 and takeoff was at 2:20.
The kids were panting when they finally reached the gate. Sruly was crying in the stroller, and Gedalya and Chaim were fighting over a snack bag.
The waiting area was empty.
Naftali took the first chair and sat down.
Her stomach sank, and her eyes welled with tears. She dropped the bags near him and ran to the desk.
“Excuse me,” she called urgently to the agent. “We have to get on this plane! Please!”
The agent looked annoyed. “Name?”
“We announced your names numerous times. The gate is closed. I’m sorry.”
She staggered to a chair. The agent looked on with a mixture of pity and annoyance.
“There’s a flight leaving in five hours. We can reschedule,” she called after her.
She rescheduled. Because what was there to do? Go back home? To a non-Pesach’dig house? Take the last tendril of hope and squish it with her own hands?
She didn’t even call her parents to update them because she couldn’t bear their pain.
And she knew what they would tell her. “Kaily, you tried everything. It’s time to face reality. This isn’t going to work.”
* * * * *
If the chesed car came within ten minutes, and there would be no more stops and zero traffic, Perela could make it home in time for Charni’s bus.
Manhattan was a living contradiction in so many ways, Perela mused as she stood outside the hospital. It was a muggy 90 degrees outside, and Perela’s sheitel was slowly frizzing up. She observed the mixture of homeless addicts roaming the streets while the elite of society, wearing wellcut suits, rushed past.
They’re almost rubbing shoulders, she thought wryly as a man with a leather attaché case nearly bumped into a wildeyed fellow.
Where was the car?
Her phone rang. Maybe the driver was calling to let her know he was almost here?
“Hi, Perela.” Yiddy’s voice came through the phone, hurried and airy as usual. Like he was running somewhere, but somewhere fun.
“Hi, Yiddy. How are you? I’m waiting outside the hospital for my ride.”
“That’s what I’m calling about. How was it?”
How was it? Long. But not too bad. As long as she didn’t think of the myriad arrangements her morning entailed and the million adjustments her afternoon would need — starting with a bus change for Charni because she was not making it home in time.
Perela said none of this. “It was okay. Why’re you asking?” Her brothers cared, she knew, but not in the same way as the girls in the family.
He hesitated for a second. Even his hesitation was confident, as though he was staging it. “I wanted to know if you could fill in for my shift on Thursday. I want to go up to the country earlier this week because I’m sponsoring the kiddush, and I want to shop. It’s a zechus for a refuah sheleimah, you know.”
“You’re joking, right?” Perela said. Her anger swallowed her like a cloud of smoke. Stinking and nauseating and so all-encompassing. “I don’t stop taking shifts. Me! The busiest one of all of you! I took all of Kaily’s shifts before and after the vort! When was the last time you came?! It’s a bigger zechus to stay with Mommy than make a kiddush!” She breathed furiously, pacing the sidewalk. If the car didn’t show up now, she would lose it completely.
It didn’t come. Instead, she saw Mira’s car pull up.
“Hi, Perela!” Kaily’s friend called as she spotted her. “Can you help me with these bags? Just a little entertainment for your mother.”
Perela took a bag, but she wasn’t smiling. “Hold on a second, Yiddy,” she said tightly. She put her phone on mute and asked Mira, “Are you doing a shift for Kaily?”
Mira nodded. “Yeah, Kaily couldn’t make it. She’ll probably come later.”
Perela nodded slowly. If Mira was expecting her gratitude, well, there was none coming. She carried the bag to the lobby and deliberately turned away and unmuted her phone.
“Yiddy?” It was quiet. But the call hadn’t been disconnected. “Yiddy, listen to me now! I might be your baby sister! But that doesn’t mean you can step all over me.”
No answer. Was he shocked that his little sister had the audacity to talk back to him?
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After a beat she heard his voice. “Perela? Sorry, I took another call. So can you do it for me?”
No. A million times NO!
A car pulled up and rolled down the window. “Handler?”
“I can’t talk now, but the answer is no!”
“I only asked,” he said. “You don’t have to yell. Besides, I thought I would invite your family for Shabbos.”
Not a bribe.
The driver opened the automatic door and she stepped in. There was exactly one seat left for her in the back.
The anger simmered as she took her seat and checked her watch. She wouldn’t make Charni’s bus and probably not Sheva’s either. She would have to hold some awkward conversations in this loaded car.
She’d started her day so positively, spoken to her kids about how they were part of her kibbud eim. She’d even managed to feel with certainty that she was doing ratzon Hashem
Where had she gone wrong?
She closed her eyes, allowing all of dher thoughts to swirl and swish as the car rumbled along the busy Manhattan streets. She imagined what her homecoming would look like. Unsettled children who wanted her, a halfcooked and messy supper, and a tired, tired mother.
Only to do it all over again tomorrow. While Yiddy decided on his choice of meat boards.
As the car finally eased onto the Palisades, a different picture rose in her mind. A picture of her strolling unfamiliar, crowded streets dressed in her new shoes, a Michelle watch — a knockoff purchased on the street, but still — and deliberating whether a Peter Pan collar or a crew neck would look better on the next season’s dresses.
Since yesterday, she’d been feeling guilty. Guilty for even entertaining the idea of accepting Tziri’s offer. She hadn’t even spoken to Ezriel about it. Because where exactly in her life could she fit a trip to China?
But if Yiddy could vacation at a whim, and Kaily could attend Shabbatons, why couldn’t she also pursue her dreams?
Recap: The Roluks survive the jump off the train, and the Nazis aboard are killed. Rachel discovers nearby Majdanek and wants to visit. She asks Mr. Roluk to accompany her.
Even before the fighting in Lublin ended, the Russians made a shocking discovery in a suburb just to the east, not far from Lublin: Majdanek. Although originally constructed by the Germans as a slave-labor camp, it evolved into a death camp with gas chambers and crematoria.
Rachel Blum was one of the first civilians, and probably the first Jewish civilian, to see it with her own eyes.
Rachel and Mr. Roluk left Lublin early in the morning, each with a loaf of bread. Columns of trucks packed with Russian soldiers were streaming in the opposite direction, toward Warsaw, in preparation for the battle that was to take place there. There was not even one truck heading in their direction; there was no one to ask for a ride.
It took them a couple of hours to reach Majdanek on foot — not only because of the distance and extreme heat, but because the area had been a literal war zone the day before. Dead bodies were strewn wherever they walked: Germans, Russians and civilians — even horses. The roads, as well, were littered with the dead. There had been no time to bury any of them.
At one point, Rachel and Mr. Roluk encountered a stationary Russian tank with a soldier sitting lazily on top of it. “Do you know where the Majdanek camp is?” Rachel asked.
He looked at them and pointed in the direction he had come from.
Rachel and Mr. Roluk kept walking. They walked until they finally arrived at the front gate of the concentration camp late in the afternoon.
The entrance was graced by beautiful green grass and magnificent gardens. There was also a lovely house just beyond the gate, which probably housed the German officers. It was a picturesque scene, except for the dozen or so dead Nazi guards lying on the ground — and the infamous inscription across the gate: “Work makes you free.”
Then, of course, there was the smell of human flesh.
History marks the day of the liberation of Majdanek as July 23, 1944. It was the first death camp liberated by the Allies and would turn out to be the best-preserved death camp because the Russians advance was so fast.
The Russians took photographs and even motion pictures of the camp. These were the first images of concentration camps the world saw. As ghastly as those images are to us today, they were infinitely more shocking to those who had never heard of a concentration camp, had no idea they existed, and couldn’t believe it even when they were told about them.
Rachel and Mr. Roluk walked past the bodies of the dead Nazi guards lying still on the green grass. It did not take long before they encountered an area with about a dozen cots, with skeleton-like prisoners lying on them.
Nurses in white hats were trying to save those poor people. A kettle of hot water had been set up, and the nurses were literally spoon-feeding them water.
All those prisoners died despite the effort to save them. It was too late.
Rachel and Mr. Roluk headed a little deeper inside the camp. They came to some wooden barracks and entered one. There were rows of bare wooden beds, without even straw for the people to sleep on. And there were still some people lying
on them, barely alive. Other people, living skeletons, stood listlessly around, waiting for the Russians to help them.
Mr. Roluk and Rachel had one slice of bread left. When they took it out and offered it to a couple of the inmates, they were suddenly surrounded by about 20 starving prisoners. They gave everyone a little piece.
As they ate, Rachel asked, “What happened here? What is this place?”
“This place is Gehinnom,” one of them replied.
Rachel tried to start other conversations, but the prisoners did not have the physical or mental strength to even talk. Mr. Roluk and Rachel stayed with them a short while and then left. They continued to walk through the camp.
A short distance away was a building that was partially destroyed. The crematorium.
As the Russians advanced, the Nazis blew up the crematoria. It was a futile attempt to hide their crime, and only proved that they were aware of their guilt.
When Rachel and Mr. Roluk arrived, the main building and its ovens were mostly intact, even still burning. She saw the actual ovens, including the wagons used to push the bodies into the ovens. Worse, she saw skulls, skeletons and body parts lying around. As horrified as she was, Rachel sensed at that moment that she was an eyewitness to history. She had to witness it and tell the world about the horrors endured.
At that time, however, she could not speak. There were no words. She could not even cry. There were no tears.
“I’ve seen enough,” Rachel told Mr. Roluk. “Now I have to go home.”
* * * * *
But where was home? The war was over. Rachel had survived. But none of her family had.
After a brief stay in Lublin, Rachel and the Roluks returned to Ludmir. There was a lot of cleaning up to do. The Germans had ransacked the Roluks’ home, and their
fields had been burned. It would take a long time to rebuild.
Rachel pitched in and did whatever she could to help. She had no other family and no other place to go.
One day, a Ukrainian neighbor told the Roluks about Jewish survivors congregating in Poland. Some, rumor had it, were even talking about starting a new life in Palestine. Others spoke about the United States.
It was all too much for Rachel to absorb. She didn’t know what to do. And when she didn’t know what to do, she found comfort in details — working on all the details necessary to help the Roluks get their house, farm and lives back in order.
But then tragedy struck the Roluks. Soviet soldiers came and arrested Stephan. Others had informed the Russians that he had worked for the SS. No amount of explaining helped, and Stephan was sent to Siberia.
In truth, the Soviets under Stalin did not need much of an excuse to execute or imprison their own citizens. Even Soviet prisoners of war — soldiers who had put their lives on the line and had fought for Stalin — were treated as traitors upon their return to the Soviet Union after the war. Remarkably, according to some sources, over 1.5 million surviving Red Army soldiers imprisoned by the Germans were sent to Stalin’s dreaded Siberian labor camps, for no other reason than the fact that they had been captured by the Nazis.
Not long after Stephan was taken away, Mrs. Roluk approached Rachel as she folded some laundry.
“Rachel, I must talk to you. And I must speak my mind. I must tell you what it is in my heart.”
Rachel stood there, numb.
The words fell heavily. “There is no future for you here,” Mrs. Roluk said.
A version of this story is available under the title Nothing Bad Ever Happens, published by Menucha Publishers.
include your loved ones from afar. Treat them to our lavish upscale package of gourmet suppers and treats.
Perfect for your son in yeshiva, daughter in seminary or newly married couple.
The Chanukah flames dazzle in the window and ignite the atmosphere; the very air feels aglow with shimmer and celebration. As the candles flicker, we sing Maoz Tzur and thank Hashem for the many nissim of long ago and the great nissim to come.
Usher your guests into the warmth of an interactive party where everyone is invited to partake in the action. Grab a waffle iron or electric grill, and have the teens join the fun as they man the station of their choice. (Adult supervision is required at all times.) Now all ages are welcome to hop from station to station and adorn their creations as desired.
Have a freilichen and lichtigen Chanukah!
For this party, I wanted to walk into a room that feels like a carnival, looks like a party, and is all around posh and pretty. I strung matching flags on a table rod stand to inspire joy and excitement and kept the colors of the party more refined with greens, raw wood and black accents to strike a fun yet decorous balance.
Renowned Israeli wig stylist Sury Stauber
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Invite your guests to create their own waffle combinations using various condiments and toppings. The options are endless, and so is the fun!
These waffles are a great blank canvas for whatever toppings you might choose.
1 cup Wondermills flour
¼ cup cornstarch
½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. baking soda
2 T. sugar
½ tsp. salt
1 cup oat milk
⅓ cup oil
1 egg
1. Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl.
2. In a separate bowl, whisk the oat milk, oil and egg.
3. Add the wet mixture to the dry, and mix until just incorporated. Some lumps are okay. Set aside for 10 to 20 minutes.
4. Heat the waffle iron. Once hot, spray with oil spray and fill with batter. Cook until crisp and golden on both sides.
5. Set aside to cool on a cooling rack to prevent from getting soggy (if not using right away). Top with pulled beef and desired toppings.
Don’t skip the liquid smoke in this recipe. All you need is a small amount to round out the dish to perfection.
A drizzle of this simple hot honey adds just the right kick to finish off your savory waffles.
1 medium brisket
1 onion, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, crushed Salt and pepper, to taste
1 cup water
½ cup of your favorite flavor
barbecue sauce
¼ cup duck sauce
Splash of sriracha
½ tsp. liquid smoke
1. Preheat the oven to 400°.
2. Place the brisket into a 9x13” pan, and season with salt and pepper on both sides. Top with onions and garlic.
3. Pour the water into the pan. Cover and bake for 3 to 4 hours, until fork tender.
4. Remove the meat from the pan, and shred using two forks.
5. Place the sauce ingredients in a small saucepan, and bring to a boil.
6. Add the sauce to the meat along with the onions and cooking liquid.
½ cup honey
¾ tsp. dried red pepper flakes
1. Place the honey and dried red pepper flakes in a small pot over medium-low heat.
2. Stir occasionally until it begins to simmer at the edges. Immediately remove from heat.
3. Rewarm just before serving so it’s easier to drizzle over the waffles. This honey can be stored at room temperature the same way you would store regular honey.
No need for expensive tablecloths; there are an unlimited variety of fabrics out there to match your vision instead. I went with forest green corduroy for a fun yet festive vibe.
These honey-roasted jalapenos are spicy, but not impossibly so. They are irresistible atop just about anything. Always handle jalapenos with gloves on. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
6 jalapenos
Salt and pepper, to taste Generous drizzle of honey ¼ cup oil
1. Preheat the oven to 400°.
2. With gloved hands, cut the tops off the jalapenos. Carefully remove and discard the seeds and all the white ribs.
3. Slice the jalapenos and place in a 9x13” pan.
4. Sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper and drizzle generously with honey. Add the oil and toss.
5. Bake until edges caramelize, mixing once or twice.
A set of acrylic display cubes stand sharply at attention and are a pretty way to display anything from cutlery to treats to condiments.
I used maple syrup and hot honey pipettes to accessorize and beautify my waffle station.
To fill pipettes: Start by squeezing your pipette, and then plunge into warmed hot honey or maple syrup. Once filled, remove. If there are empty air bubbles, squeeze the pipette gently until the air bubbles are gone, and immerse in the honey/maple again.
Maple is a better option if using pipettes as it fills much more quickly and easily.
With its bright pink pop of color and burst of fresh lime, these Mexican pickled onions are the perfect contrast to cut through the richness of the pulled beef.
INGREDIENTS 1 red onion, thinly sliced
T. water
T. rice wine vinegar
1. Place the onions in a glass jar.
2. Add remaining ingredients and shake to combine.
3. Place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
4. Shake once or twice while the onions cure to make sure all the onions are equally submerged.
5. Taste and adjust seasonings if necessary.
mati on . a fa mily a nd rem ar ka bl e. a l ega cy of alls c ou ld story. Place your custom table and chair orders now, to have it in time for Pesach
Thes e wou ld te ll a tal e o f They woul d de sc rib e th e of a home, a sh ift from o rd They woul d extol spl en do luxury, the o n e t he y up ho ta lk, th es e o nes wo uld share
It’s really a party when you get to load up your freshly grilled hot dogs with any and all toppings and onions — in three delightful spins.
Smooth, creamy and flavorful with minimal effort!
1 packet Lipton onion soup and dip mix 16 oz. mayonnaise
1. Mix the onion soup mix thoroughly into the mayonnaise.
2. Allow to sit for a few minutes for the flavors to absorb
I used a set of unfinished wooden trays in various sizes to keep things neat and contained. Inexpensive and aesthetically pleasing!
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There’s something universally tempting about battered chicken nuggets on a stick. Add taco flavors and fresh vegetables to the mix, and you’ve got yourself winner skewers that are healthy (yes, they are fried, but hey, protein!), pretty and delicious.
Keep your prepared food nice, fresh and toasty with this mini Crock-Pot.
These golden nuggets are so tasty, you can’t stop at one. A perfect Chanukah treat.
2 lb. cutlets, cut into nugget-sized cubes
1 T. chili powder
1½ tsp. cumin
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. paprika
¼ tsp. black pepper
¼ tsp. onion powder
¼ tsp. garlic powder
¼ tsp. oregano
1 cup flour
1 cup cornstarch
1½ cups water
2 tsp. baking powder
1. In a bowl, place all batter ingredients, and mix to combine.
2. Place the cubed cutlets into the bowl, and mix to coat completely.
3. Heat 2 inches of oil in a frying pan set over medium heat.
4. Fry the chicken in batches, a couple of minutes per side, until golden. Remove to a cooling rack to drain.
Serve the Taco-Fried Chicken Nuggets with a choice of Apricot-Dijon Dipping Sauce and marinara sauce. I also prepared an array of fresh vegetables and cubed Meal Mart Mexican turkey for guests to create their own taco-chicken skewers.
The perfect match for your fried chicken.
¼ cup apricot jam
¼ cup mustard
¼ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
Place all dipping sauce ingredients into a container and shake vigorously until combined. It may remain a bit chunky.
Chanukah 2024
Week 2 of 4
Revisiting the timeless recipes of our beloved food columnist, Leah Stern, a”h
Not new, nothing out of the ordinary, but at the end of the day, few things excite children more than rolling, shaping and decorating oldfashioned Chanukah cookies. Use the featured ideas to spark your own creativity.
2 sticks margarine
3 eggs
4⅓ cups flour
1 T. vanilla sugar
2 cups confectioners’ sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1. Mix all ingredients very well in a mixer until a soft dough is achieved. (Refrigerate part of the dough if you aren’t planning to use it all at once.)
2. Preheat oven to 350°.
3. Roll out dough between two parchment papers. Remove top parchment paper, and cut out desired shapes.
4. Remove excess dough from around cutouts to maintain shapes.
5. Decorate with assorted chips and sprinkles.
6. Bake for 10 minutes.
Note: To make brown dough, sprinkle 1½ tablespoons cocoa onto ¾ cup prepared dough, and knead until color is evenly incorporated.
This dough is super kid-friendly. It has the perfect texture for little fingers to roll out and shape, and it’s not sticky, so there’s no running to the sink every few minutes. (Hands will get a bit oily, though.)
Kids can roll little strands to form licht, and dip them in melted chocolate and orange sprinkles after they are baked. They can also roll strands and connect the two ends to create doughnuts, which they can decorate with chocolate and colorful nonpareils after baking.
4 eggs
1¼ cups oil
2 cups sugar
1 T. vanilla sugar
3 tsp. baking powder
Pinch of salt
5½ cups flour
1–2 T. lemon juice
1. Mix first five ingredients very well by hand.
2. Add salt and flour, and mix until incorporated.
3. Add lemon juice, 1 tablespoon at a time, until the dough has a good texture.
4. Preheat oven to 350°.
5. Form dough into desired shapes, and place on lined cookie sheets.
6. Bake for 10 minutes, until bottoms begin to catch a bit of color.
7. Allow to cool. Decorate as desired.
Around the Kitchen Table, by Leah Stern, a”h, is available at your local Judaica store.
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IN THE EAST ROOM OF THE WHITE HOUSE, traditional Chanukah music plays as hundreds of guests, including White House administration staff, congressmen, political figures and just-plain-citizens, mill about. They enjoy the opportunity to rub shoulders with dignitaries and indulge in a sumptuous buffet — a full kosher menu, complete with luscious meats and doughnuts.
All eyes turn to the dais as the ceremony begins. Several dignitaries file in. First, two rabbis walk onstage. There is Vice President Mike Pence, President Trump, then Jared and Ivanka Kushner and their kids.
The president steps up to the podium and addresses the crowd with his trademark amicable, off-the-cuff flair. Several quick speeches follow. Finally, the highlight of the ceremony: A rabbi in full chassidic garb walks over to the menorah. Rabbi Moshe Margaretten of Brooklyn, New York, well known in Washington and in the frum community, has been selected for the honor of lighting the menorah at the Chanukah party in the White House.
This was the first time a chassid in full chassidish attire was honored with lighting the menorah at the White House. When the email arrived, it caused a sensation in the Tzedek Association’s office. Correspondence from prominent individuals in Washington, D.C., are commonplace at the office, but an email
from the White House personally inviting the founder and director of the organization to attend — and officiate — at the special White House Chanukah party was a different story altogether.
Rabbi Moshe Margaretten regarded the invitation with skepticism. Although he had attended many meetings in the White House in the past, he had never before attended such an event and had several hesitations, namely how he could possibly recite a bracha on the menorah several days before Chanukah, and uneasiness about delivering a public speech in the White House, which would be aired across the USA. But his office staff pushed him hard to accept the offer. “How can you ignore such an invitation?” they kept asking.
Rabbi Margaretten decided to ask the Skverer Rebbe, shlit”a, for advice. He explained his qualms, but the Rebbe’s response was resolute: Rabbi Margaretten’s attendance would make a great kiddush Hashem. It was the first time a chassidishe Yid was honored with this privilege, and he simply could not turn it down.
Margaretten replied to the White House, accepting the invitation. He asked if he could split the task, taking on the candle lighting himself and handing over the speech to an acquaintance, Rabbi Zvi Boyarsky, Director of Constitutional Advocacy of
Aleph Institute. The White House agreed to the arrangement and scheduled a call for the day before the party, when they would tell Margaretten where to go and what to do.
The theme of the party that year was prison reform and the First Step Act, a legislative bill Margaretten had worked on for close to a decade that finally became law in December 2018. This made Margaretten the perfect candidate for the honor of officiating at the party.
It was a Thursday afternoon, in April 2011, when Margaretten sat in the prison visitor lobby, waiting to see an inmate. The room was unusually empty — and not for naught. Pesach was to begin that Monday night, and most people were probably too busy to pay a visit to prison.
There was another Jewish family in the lobby, a young mother and her little children. They had come to visit their father, who was sitting on the bench beside them, in prison uniform. The children brought along the Haggados they had prepared in school and were excited to say the Mah Nishtanah to their father, who would not be home with them on the most special night of the year.
As the little children’s sweet voices echoed the timeless words, their mother burst into uncontrollable sobs. The father seemed emotional as well, and soon the children were staring in confusion at their parents.
It was a heartwrenching scene.
As Margaretten left the prison premises, he promised himself to renew his efforts and do all he could to help Jewish families suffering a similar plight.
Margaretten was a frequent visitor in prison, and he became intimately involved in the struggles families of incarcerated individuals
dealt with on a daily basis. Lonely wives had to shoulder the burden of their homes — financially, emotionally and physically — on their own. In school, the children suffered. And there seemed to be no end in sight.
Back in 2009, Margaretten had come up with an idea. Besides doing all he could to help the families survive the circumstances, he dreamed of changing the circumstances altogether.
If convicts could receive lighter sentences, to include home confinement or halfway house arrangements rather than full-scale prison terms, the stress on their families could be greatly alleviated. At the same time, this would promote greater justice, less crime and quicker rehabilitation.
Margaretten had hired lobbyists in Washington to promote his bill. It was no simple feat, and Margaretten was a oneman show. That was a problem, because a bill “dies” if it isn’t signed into law during the Congress in which it is introduced. Margaretten’s bill slowly faded into nonexistence.
But that Erev Pesach of 2011, Margaretten’s heart reawakened. He was determined to get the law passed. Hiring lobbyists, who each take upward of $25,000 per month to work on a bill, he resolutely marched forward. It took five Congresses until the bill, known as the First Step Act, would see the light of day. As the bill got more attention, opposition grew intense. The team working on the bill, which grew to include several lobbyists, expanded exponentially, along with its expenditure. Finally, in 2018, President Trump got it to the finish line. The bill Margaretten had dreamed of was now law.
Several months later, Margaretten received his personal invitation to light the candles at the White House Chanukah party. He was selected for the honor because of his involvement in the First Step Act — the theme being celebrated that year at the party.
Margaretten arrived at the White House in late afternoon, along with Rabbi Boyarsky. First they had to go through security.
“Are you Moshe Margaretten?” the Secret Service agent asked. When he replied
The first president to commemorate Chanukah was President Jimmy Carter. In 1979, Carter lit a large menorah in Lafayette Park, just north of the White House, and delivered a short speech.
Every president since then has participated in some sort of menorah-lighting ceremony.
The first menorah to be displayed in the White House arrived in 1989, as a gift to President George H. W. Bush.
In 1993, President Bill Clinton invited a dozen schoolchildren to a candle-lighting ceremony in the Oval Office, becoming the first president to actually light a menorah in the White House.
The president to introduce Chanukah parties in the White House was George W. Bush, who hosted a public celebration in 2001 — and the rest is history. It has become White House tradition since, upheld by Presidents Obama, Trump and Biden.
in the affirmative, he was promptly pulled aside. “Follow me.”
Instead of showing him to the ballroom where the guests were all socializing and being served, the agent led Margaretten downstairs.
“I grew concerned,” says Margaretten. “I thought something went wrong. Nobody told me why I was being singled out. But at some point, I found out that I would be having a private audience with the president.”
Two Secret Service guards and several Marines stood on guard in the room. People were coming and going. Finally, his name was called. Margaretten was given several moments alone with Trump. He thanked Trump for the Rubashkin clemency, for backing the First Step Act, and for being such a great president for the Jewish people. Then he had his picture taken together with the President, and the meeting was over.
Next Margaretten and Boyarsky were led by Secret Service guards to the Green Room, a side room where they were told to wait for the President.
“They told me that as soon as the President arrived,” Margaretten said, “we would all go onto the ballroom stage together. When someone would call my name, I was to walk onstage until I saw a paper on the floor with my name. That was where I should stand.”
President Trump marched straight to the podium and began to speak in his inimitable style. Spontaneously, he called several people
to join him onstage. This was hardly conventional. One of the people he called up was Mark Levin, who said, “It’s an honor to be here with the first Jewish President of the United States.” Trump laughed, appreciating the jest and the thankfulness Levin showered upon him, and the audience applauded vigorously.
Trump spoke about the success of the First Step Act and thanked Rabbi Margaretten for his involvement. Then Rabbi Boyarsky shared a few words, and Rabbi Margaretten was called up to light the menorah.
In the days leading up to the party, Margaretten agonized over how to go about the lighting. Since the party was being held several days before Chanukah, he could not recite the brachos. On the one hand, not reciting the brachos could create confusion, resentment and negative feelings. Many unaffiliated Jews would be there; what would they say to an Orthodox rabbi who “doesn’t do it right”? But after speaking with several rabbanim, who all reiterated that he was not permitted to make the brachos, Margaretten decided he would simply omit Hashem’s Name. Margaretten was also told not to light left to right, as required by halacha on Chanukah, but to light right to left, to form a slight shinui. Every year, the rabbi who is honored to light the candles says the brachos aloud, in a mic, along with the crowd. Some-
how, when Rabbi Margaretten stepped up, nobody handed him a mic. He was able to light without saying a thing.
“I’m not sure if it was intentional or a mistake,” he says, “because I had informed the White House in advance of my brachos dilemma.”
In either case, he was spared.
Another interesting twist presented with the menorah itself. When he was honored with the candle lighting, Margaretten was also asked to bring along an interesting menorah to light.
“I tried finding some unique piece, perhaps an antique menorah that survived the Holocaust, or similar,” he says. “I even suggested bringing the Skverer Rebbe’s massive menorah, and sent a picture of it to the White House. Then I came up with another idea. The Otisville menorah.”
Several years before, some inmates at the Otisville Correctional Facility fashioned a menorah out of copper pipes, with permission from the warden. Every year, the little handmade copper menorah was lit in the prison shul.
After an incident with a mix-up involving nonkosher lamb chops, the Chanukah parties went completely kosher. Every year, the White House kitchen is kashered and food is prepared under the supervision of Rabbi Levi Shemtov of Chabad, Washington, D.C.
Every year, the White House honors a different significant individual with lighting the menorah, and every year, a different meaningful menorah is used.
Several hundred Jewish elected officials, Congress members, religious leaders, and other members of the Jewish community are invited.
President Obama earned the distinction of being the first to deliver remarks at the celebration in both English and Hebrew.
President Trump divided the celebration into two separate parties — one in the afternoon, and one in the evening — to be able to accommodate more guests.
“When I suggested this menorah, the White House got excited. ‘This is exactly what we want!’ they said. ‘The entire program is focused on criminal justice and the First Step Act, so it will fit right in.’”
They encountered a hiccup when Margaretten asked to have the menorah. He contacted Rabbi Richter, who then served as prison chaplain in Otisville, and was totally dedicated to the Jewish inmates and their families.
“It is property of the BOP, the Federal Bureau of Prisons,
and there’s no way anybody can take it out,” Richter said.
“No problem,” Margaretten replied. “Just give me a little time.”
Within a day, the prison officers agreed to lend him the menorah. The BOP had received several calls from the White House…
Margaretten, who had been given 20 invitations to dispense to anyone whom he wanted to invite to the White House Chanukah party in honor of his distinction, gave one to Rabbi Richter, who brought the menorah to Washington.
Each of the invitations authorized the guest to bring a companion, which meant Margaretten was actually able to invite 40 guests. He shared invitations with donors and people who helped or volunteered for Tzedek over the years. One was Binyamin Kramer, who manages the books at Tzedek pro bono. Over the years, he donated his days and nights for justice reform to help Klal Yisroel, without ever taking a dollar.
As a side note, the following year, in 2020, when Margaretten received his personal invitation to attend the
Chanukah party, he brought along Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin as his companion. Rabbi Rubashkin wished to personally thank Trump. What a sensation that made!
After Margaretten finished lighting the menorah, the audience clapped, and the President left the room. Everyone stayed at the party, but Margaretten was once again called back to the Green Room. He handed a letter from the Skvere Rebbe to the president.
“The Rebbe wanted me to personally communicate his thanks for the First Step Act,” Margaretten says.
“Before the party,” he muses, “I was very nervous. Lots of things could have gone wrong as I stood up there near the President of the United States. I wasn’t used to such things, and never in my life could I have imagined I would be there.
“But I did it in the hope that it would help me do more for Klal Yisroel. By then, I already had many requests from Yidden who needed personal or public assistance, and I was hoping this interaction would only be helpful in the future.”
Margaretten has proven to be a wonderful shaliach, assisting pidyon shevuyim cases and negotiating clemencies. During the Covid period, he was actively involved in getting prisoners released and petitioning for schools and shuls to be allowed to reopen.
As we move toward another term with Trump, we wish Margaretten much continued success in bringing yeshuos to Klal Yisroel. As Margaretten says, “Our bill was named, ‘The First Step Act,’ since we hope a second step will follow. I believe there will be more chances for more reform, b’ezras Hashem.”
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The biggest Chanukah gift is spending time together, says this old soul. There’s nothing sweeter and brighter than enjoying so many dear faces in one venue, abuzz with the adrenalin of memories being made.
To ratchet all that up a notch, some families like to hire a professional entertainer. These show people bring explosive talent to the table, running on the fuel of the smiles they create. They shine at giving groups a whale of a time, at offering a collective blast of priceless fun.
Here’s a curated burst of joy from four people in the field.
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What is more enchanting than a balloon wonderland created to the rhythm of rollicking wit?
With thirty years of balloon-sculpting under his belt, Monsey’s balloon maestro shocks all with the fact that he hasn’t learned his art professionally.
“I’m doing this because I didn’t go to college,” says the Ballooner Rebbe. “Any ten-year-old kid with fifteen years of experience can do this!”
When I was learning at Yeshiva Ohr Somayach, I taught the bochurim there some balloon tricks to have up their sleeves as conversation starters. They dubbed me the Ballooner Rebbe.
Thirty years ago. I made a shidduch for a friend who was a part-time balloon sculptor and I asked him to teach me the trade. Now, when I go back to St. Louis, I teach him a thing or two!
I can always find my car. The previous car I had caught fire, and it took me over a month to get my new one decorated. That month, not being able to pick out my car in the Walmart parking lot was a new experience for me.
A birthday party that took place some 30 years ago; a dentist hired me for his son’s party.
An audience of about 500 people, but I prefer smaller ones because there’s more interaction with the kids that way. With big audiences, I can’t do much more than just quickly sculpt balloons.
I only perform in the Tristate area: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut.
Summertime, when I perform for bungalow colonies. Chanukah also gets overbooked, baruch Hashem, and people book six months in advance for Purim.
I was booked for a party that was — I thought — a bar mitzvah. What they’d really said was bas. I did my regular six hours of prep — I sculpt the fancy and more complicated balloons ahead of time — and arrived with a bunch of boyish bal-
loons to a party of 40 girls! I kept quiet and improvised on the spot. As long as the kids were entertained!
A pocketful of balloons. I see kids wherever I go, and I like to pop out a balloon and present them with something quick, like a small apple.
Interacting with Hamaspik kids. When they come and give me hugs and high-fives and pose for pictures, I get the most satisfaction from these experiences.
I did a show for a super-quiet, introverted sixteen-yearold boy with Down syndrome. He stood next to me quietly as I sculpted balloons. Then I made him a big one that I called Goofy, and he came over to me, screaming excitedly, “Thank you, Ballooner Rebbe!” His father couldn’t believe it; he said the boy was nonverbal.
The time I did a show for a little boy with cancer. There were 30 kids there, and within five minutes, the mother of the child was crying. She said, “I’m crying because my son has been in the hospital for four months, and he hasn’t smiled since he’s been admitted.”
I met this mother in the grocery store a while later and asked her how her son was doing. “My son is in Shamayim now,” she said, “but thank you so much for making him smile.”
This story is not about me, but the gadlus of people who push past their pain to be makir tov. These are giant people.
Two years ago, when everyone was all up with the mysterious balloon from China that was floating around, they put a cover ad on a local circular with a picture of that balloon with my Ballooner shtreimel on top, captioned: “Does the Ballooner Rebbe know anything about this?”
Meir Licht is a pioneer in chassidishe entertainment of this genre. On top of being an educator by passion and profession, Mr. Licht brings science to life with a bang! But amid stories-high explosions, lights, gas and action, he states the simple truth: “It’s Hashem’s tricks, not my own. I’m just performing it for you.”
In the educational field. As a teacher, I developed a fascination with science that I then incorporated into all types of science shows and classes. I started with hands-on experiments in the classroom, and then, as a camp head counselor, I’d run a little show with household items.
When I gave up my job as a head counselor and switched to just performing in the summer. Now I work with science on a large scale, using stuff you can’t get at your local grocery store; think gasses, chemicals, explosions, fires, the works.
I was never the kid who made homegrown explosions or
took things apart to see how they worked. I only became fascinated with science as a teacher.
Also, my real passion is education. I teach social skills but base my classes on science so kids can have fun while picking up important skills. As a limudei chol principal, I also use science in my incentive programs.
My campers. I liked hyping up the camp for a major show, with signs and pictures of explosions all over. Then the curtains would open to reveal me, the head counselor, as the show guy.
That not all shows can be conducted indoors. When pieces
of ceiling or lightbulbs came falling to the ground, I learned to do the smaller acts indoors and my major experiments outdoors.
A bar mitzvah in the Museum of Natural History, a science museum in Manhattan. That was a fascinating venue!
My night show. Many of my experiments involve air explosions. When I took night bookings for camps, I’d always ask if they had lighting outside, and they all made sure they did. But I learned the hard way that 200-foot-high explosions happen way above the threshold of outdoor lighting, and the wonder was lost in the night sky. All everyone heard was noise. So I stopped doing shows at night, but started looking into ways to make it work for after dark.
I put together a night show with LED balls and lights, making sure that everything that explodes also lights up. It took a lot of trial and error to get it all right, but the night show is up and running now, and is very popular, baruch Hashem
That you can’t play around with this stuff on your own. I’ve learned to give strict disclaimers to my audiences — especially the bochurim who get excited by the explosions — that mishandled science can be extremely dangerous and even fatal.
When parents tell me that their homesick kids perked up after my shows in camp. And it’s always special to perform for special-needs kids and bump into them on the street and see their excitement. If I can put a smile on their face, that’s an amazing thing.
I take tremendous chizuk from the shiurim of Rabbi Avigdor Miller, zt”l, who delved into science to better appreciate and show gratitude to Hashem for the miraculous world He created.
No two ways about it, ventriloquism is wild. Far from a simple puppet show, it is hugely entertaining to watch a skilled ventriloquist ply the art of his trade and speak in a way that makes it seem that his puppet is alive and pulling all the shtick! What happens when all this is done by a tween girl? Let’s talk to Fradel Greenberg about it.
My brother watched the Shleikes show (by ventriloquist Yisroel Silverstein) in camp, and he came home absolutely fascinated. His next afikomen request was a ventriloquist puppet, so I also asked for it. My parents said they would get it for me on the condition that I’d know what to do with it, so I went over to the mirror, picked up my hand and tried doing something ventriloquist-like. It worked, so I got the puppet.
Ventriloquism has basic rules; you’re substituting certain letters you can only say with a closed mouth with others that sound the same. You also need to keep a certain expression on, and express surprise at what the puppet “says.” I figured stuff out, printed out some rules and practiced.
I started young! I’m sixteen now, but I started doing shows in fourth grade, before I had a chance to become a self-conscious teenager.
In my day camp. Then I got a call from my counselor’s sister who was a day camp director, and an aunt of mine who works in Hamaspik. The word spread from there.
Machane Bais Rochel girls camp.
At Machane Rav Tov girls camp. I went to Satmar elementary school, so coming out on stage and having my former classmates in the audience was a big deal. They were in shock.
The myths about ventriloquists. Some people have theories about exactly where my voice is coming from. On the other hand, I’ve had someone tell me after a show that she realized only at the last sentence of the play that I was the one talking
all along. Another person greeted me after a show with, “Oh, you’re the one who talks from the nose?”
That audience feedback is really appreciated. This means responding to the script appropriately and laughing when something is supposed to be funny. Stiff audiences are challenging. I also appreciate feedback after the show.
Really young kids. The ventriloquism is lost on them; they can’t differentiate it from a regular puppet show. And the special ventriloquist humor goes right over their heads.
When I was in eighth grade. I created my first real script then and did a lot of shows in the summer. Writing a ventriloquist’s script is a ton of work; I can use a new one by now.
I wish people wouldn’t be scared of sharing their talents; it’s not ga’avah. When you use your gifts to bring simcha and help others, it’s the right way to utilize what you’ve been given.
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When staff members at different camps told me that not only was my show funny, but also full of tochen. That was my goal with my script; to make it meaningful rather than say empty lines.
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Deeply moisturizes skin with nutrient-rich serums and mask, protecting against future dehydration.
Facial steam to open pores and remove impurities from the skin. Cooling mask is applied, followed by moisturizer and SPF.
Facial steam to open pores and remove impurities from the skin. Cooling mask is applied, followed by moisturizer and SPF.
Recommended for skin types: Dry, Sensitive
Recommended for skin types: ALL
Recommended for skin types: ALL
4023 18th Avenue (side door)
4023 18th Avenue
Leaves skin feeling rejuvenated. Improves the skin’s complexion, targeting blemishes and dark spots.
Deeply moisturizes skin with nutrient-rich serums and mask, protecting against future
Deeply moisturizes skin with nutrient-rich serums and mask, protecting against future dehydration.
Recommended for skin types: Dry, Sensitive
Recommended for skin types: Dry, Sensitive
Recommended for skin types: Dry-Normal, Combination
Leaves skin feeling rejuvenated. Improves the skin’s complexion, targeting blemishes and dark spots.
Leaves skin feeling rejuvenated. Improves the skin’s complexion, targeting blemishes and dark spots.
Recommended for skin types: Dry-Normal, Combination
Leaves skin feeling rejuvenated. Improves the skin’s complexion, targeting blemishes
Recommended for skin types: Dry-Normal, Combination
Recommended for skin types: Dry-Normal, Combination
4023 18th Avenue (side door)
4023 18th Avenue (side door)
Here’s a man who’s a show unto himself! Lab-coated and wild-wigged, Dr. Schnitzel has 120 wacky experiments up his sleeve and a target audience of any age at all. With foam exploding and projectiles flying, an event with Dr. Schnitzel’s interactive science show is a party worth going to! Without further ado, Dr. Schnitzel.
We had a substitute in kitah alef the week of Parshas Noach. He called us over to his table, brought a bucket of water and a brick, and dropped the brick in the water, splashing us all.
“That was the mabul,” he said, “now go have recess.” The way he gave us that experience planted the idea of live experiments in my mind.
I took the opportunity to be a youth director at a Chabad house in Teaneck. I arrived from Brooklyn in the summer and was told that I had the time off to prepare, but the rabbi and his wife, who ran the youth camp, were working so hard, I couldn’t enjoy my vacation just watching them, so I offered to do experiments at the camp to ease their load. This was voluntary. I didn’t expect to get paid, and I didn’t dream that the entire Dr. Schnitzel’s Wacky Science would be built from helping another Yid without the expectation of reward.
Truthfully, however, Dr. Schnitzel is a side job because I’m a full-time Chabad shliach
Most of the year. Besides the summer, there’s Chanukah,
Sukkos and Pesach. Lots of schools will host a show before Purim, or at the end of the year as a reward, and Hebrew schools will call me for Sundays.
I have a page on my website with a compiled list of entertainers and show ideas. I believe that Hashem decides what parnassah we get.
THE FARTHEST I’VE TRAVELED FOR A SHOW IS… California. I’ve also done Chicago, Cleveland, Florida and more.
Well, if I ever mess up, the crowd can’t know about it. I once did my exploding toothpaste experiment only to have the toothpaste explode on me fifteen minutes into the show. It was really painful, and I had to spend the next 30 minutes pretending nothing happened because I get paid to perform, not complain.
I love calling up the adults to participate in my experiments.
I’ll call up zeidies and bubbies and grown siblings and let their kids watch them have the time of their lives. I once called up two middle-aged brothers who are both roshei kollel They had a blast! While the brothers warned everyone not to spread the clips taken of them because “es past nisht,” the grandparents had tears in their eyes. “You brought us such joy, seeing our kids have such a good time with each other,” they said.
Making sure that every single person in attendance can hear what’s happening, so I bring my own sound system. And since I’m around for prep and cleanup, I tell people they can play their music on my speakers rather than hiring a DJ.
Anything can happen; we need siyata d’Shmaya all the time. I stay away from fire and big bangs so as not to scare my young audiences, and I refrain from doing plenty of experiments because of the possibility of danger.
Chai Lifeline called me down to perform for a European child who’d gotten very sick, very suddenly, and had asked for Dr. Schnitzel. The boy was in terrible pain, but after the show, the Chai Lifeline volunteer told me, “You’re the only person who got this child to smile.”
That simcha is so important. The idea of serving Hashem with joy is not something that just happens; we have to create it. We should all just let go, let Him run the show, have proper emunah, and do fun parties just because. Being b’simcha in itself will solve so many problems and can break through any challenge.
for two days of Pre-Chanukah special promotions, new store launches, and big-brand exhibitions. Prepare to save big, and shop till you drop, while enjoying exciting food tastings, fun freebies, and free entertainment for all ages.
DEC. 14 MOTZEI SHABBOS 7:00 - 11:00 | DEC. 15
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Over the last few months, I’ve read around 2,000 faces. You’ve probably heard of handwriting or picture analysis, which are built on the premise that a person leaves traces of their personality and thought processes on whatever they produce.
What is not as well known is that the face (panim) reveals a lot about the person’s true self (pnim, meaning inside). Every culture has a tradition and system for face reading, also referred to as morphology. The problem with using these ancient systems is simple — accuracy. Is it true? Does a big nose indicate intelligence? (Hint: no.) Also, these systems typically use concepts that are foreign to the average layman today (know what a choleric personality is?).
But over thirty years ago, Mac Fulfer, a lawyer from Texas looking for an edge in jury selection, stumbled upon the science, or art, of face reading. He studied everything he could find and then set up booths at carnivals. After reading a face, he’d ask, “What was inaccurate?” Slowly, he winnowed the data, discarding what proved to be false, and compiled those features that showed up again and again as accurate.
I found Mac Fulfer’s book after nearly giving up. The first books I bought about face reading were somewhat inaccurate (hey, he has that kind of eyebrow, but he’s not insatiably curious!) or too vague to be meaningful. I decided to give face reading one more try and picked up Fulfer’s book, The Power of Face Reading.
Using this book, as well as cards and classes, I began by reading my family’s faces at my mother’s birthday party. Spot on… but it was family. Next I did my sister’s staff at their company party. Here, I was reading strangers. Would the reading resonate? It did. The women were blown away.
During this period, if you were waiting in line in KRM together with me, you can be sure that I was trying to read your face. Hey, don’t turn around!
But no worries. The beauty of face reading is that, while it’s extremely accurate, it’s very specific in what it can and cannot do. A face tells you a person’s characteristics, but you cannot know how they are using their traits. I can see that you like to take charge (angled eyebrows — see below) in order to make sure that the right thing gets done (straight chin), but I cannot know if you are a control freak, or if you are just a very effective principal in a school.
Face reading has so many applications. It helps relationships by enabling understanding for and acceptance of the people in our lives, including ourselves. It gives the self-awareness necessary for choosing a career path. And, of course, it’s great activity for parties and events.
In honor of Chanukah, I chose 10 easy-toread facial features for you to use at your gathering. Line up the people with these features, read the description out loud, and enjoy the laughter. And also the uplift that comes from facing your gifts.
(Copied with permission from Mac Fulfer’s cards.)
A dimple in the cheek indicates an endearing, playful person. This is a common feature in young children, but many adults don’t outgrow it!
Someone with a dimple or cleft in their chin is also playful, but more in a let’s-havea-blast way, rather than the love-me-I’m-so-funny type. They like to kid around and are very adaptable.
Do your eyebrows look like half circles? You really, really understand how people work! You don’t like sitting in abstract theories; you want practical, people-relevant examples.
Straight eyebrows are just the opposite; they want logic, facts, data and theory. They want to know: Is it true? Does it make sense? If they have a round chin (see below), they may try to understand people using abstract psychological systems like the Enneagram.
Do your eyebrows seem like a triangle, going up and then down? Well, you are the boss! You take charge, you stay calm, and you carefully make sure that you have the facts on your side so that you are right.
The one with a single straight line in the center of the forehead is the most intense person at your Chanukah gathering, as they have an enormously powerful will. If they want to do something, you had better get on their train or get off their track because they are moving full steam ahead!
You can see this feature clearly in a profile view; the one with the bottom of the nose angling up is the trusting one. Curious and spontaneous, they are willing to suspend disbelief to get the good times out of life.
If, however, the nose angles down in the profile view, you are dealing with someone who does not believe a word you say. Suspicious and calculating, they really need proof before accepting something as true. (What’s this mishegas of face reading? Never heard of it!)
The one whose chin is a straight horizontal line is the person who is not wallowing in comfort. Ready to go all out for their goals, values, causes and ideals, their focus in life is that the right thing be done!
The person with the circle on the bottom of their chin is the softie. When taking action, their concern is that it should be good for people. They are usually sympathetic and kind.
When I met my neighbor’s daughter, I noticed that there was white showing beneath the iris — a sure sign of chronic stress. Since it was her right eye, and the right side is associated with a person’s professional life, I asked her if her job (a preschool teacher) was stressful for her. Her wan look and slow nod was my answer.
Two months later, I met her again. The iris in her right eye was definitely lower; she was less stressed, but still not relaxed.
She shared that she left her job for something easier — a part-time preschool morah. I noticed that her right eyelid was covering more of the eye than the left one. “Are you feeling lonely in your job?” I asked.
“Yes, there are very few children and no good company.”
I shared with her that I didn’t see any of the signs of someone who would love to spend their time nurturing small children (primarily a wide nose base, roundish/ angled eyebrows). Her pointy chin indicated someone who likes to achieve goals, not something your average two-year-old facilitates.
She shared that she would like to tutor high school girls in math. I responded that her slanting, straight forehead suggested she liked efficiency, her straight eyebrows show logic, and her abundant eyelid that she needs human closeness. Her warrior cheeks show that she can overcome hardships, and her wide jaws mark her as someone who can command authority. Perhaps she would like a new job like that.
Hopeful, she parted with a smile. Her face was telling her where to go.
A long-awaited girl, born after five boys — expect kvetchy
But as I learned to interpret each facial feature and practiced this new level of understanding with my children, I realized that she had giant ears. Very large ears (unless they are high) hints to a person who hears every word you say, but has a harder time understanding what you mean.
I was thinking about my little girl’s ears when she told me, “Why does everybody tell me to yell louder when I cry for something?” I realized that she was too literal to get the humor in her older brothers’ teasing. She needed precise instructions: “Shefelah, ask again, this time calmly and happily.”
(At her pre-1-A graduation, I noticed that most young children do have very large ears. That helped me realize why humor is often a poor chinuch method. It does work very well on my younger daughter who has small ears.)
As I kept learning about face reading, I noticed that this daughter also has a narrow face. This indicated a quick, efficient personality, but also a lack of patience for slow people.
Yes, my daughter was a budding mommy’s helper, but who are the slow people in this tiny kid’s life? Then, it dawned on me — I was! Along with all the other big people around her who weren’t delivering upon her requests speedily enough. No wonder she was such a kvetch! So I started noticing and encouraging patience.
I also realized that she has large eyes, which show emotional responsiveness (if she got a boo-boo, she cried! Loud and long!) and a concave nose — also a sign of an emotional personality. She also has a smallish chin, which indicates sensitivity and someone who needs a gentle, positive approach. (These are all common features in children.)
Presto! I had the insight I needed. I needed to help my princess regulate her feelings and give instructions as literally and with as much encouragement as possible.
Q: (Usually asked with hands covering the face) Can you see all of my secrets?
A: Nope!
As you have already seen for yourself, a face reveals general traits, strengths and predispositions. I cannot know what you ate for breakfast or if you got into an argument with your spouse.
A face reader may be able to detail a very extensive map of your personality, but doesn’t get to actually “know” you. Only the person themselves is able to say, “Wow! So that’s why I’m always going into the kitchen to make sure the kashrus is up to par — my angled eyebrows and my straight chin! One minute, am I too bossy in general? Maybe I should start giving my wife and kids a little more space.”
Another example: A face reader can see if someone is experiencing a lot of stress in their personal life, but I wouldn’t be able to tell why. Is there a sick person in the family? Is a child giving them grief? Are they remembering a childhood trauma? Are they worried about not having enough money?
This makes face reading “safe,” as a person’s privacy is not being violated (you can take your hands off your face now), and the face reader’s ego keeps being held in check as we keep bumping into the limits of what we are able to know.
In truth, we all read faces. Within an instant of meeting someone, we judge what kind of person they are based on their face. However, we are only sometimes accurate with our assessments. Face reading helps us be more accurate, and it helps us see the uniqueness and strengths of every person.
Baila Vorhand reads faces at all kinds of family and professional events. She also reads faces for individuals who want help with their career, relationships and self-awareness. She can be reached at 347.405.7894/646.872.5532 or at bailagvorhand@gmail.com.
Join us at our Pre Chanukah Event showcasing our latest designs. No appointment necessary.
Sunday & Monday December 15 & 16
Hours: 11:00 - 4:30 Linen, Towels, Throws
Imagine a beautiful, sunny day, awesome food in huge quantities, and an amazing group of fun-loving people. Is there any way to make it better? Throw a hilarious game into the mix, and we’re all set to have an absolute thrilling time!
In honor of The Boro Park View, a bunch of us busy women abandon household and work obligations and gather for a game of giggles and guesses.
A card with a word gets passed around the room to all players, except the one sitting in the hot seat. The player in the hot seat asks each player “How’s yours?”
Based on everyone’s responses, the one in the hot seat needs to figure out the word on the card being passed around. The stakes are high because our winner, the player who guesses the card’s word at her turn with the least amount of answers, will walk out with a mystery prize. We all eye the mustache man box and wonder about the secrets it contains. Will it be a $5,000 Visa gift card? A rat? A package of q-tips? Only time and our winner will tell.
Meet our diverse players (in order of age, but shhh… don’t tell)
BOBBY: Wise and spunky grandmother and great-grandmother of many. We are privileged to have her join our game.
BRUCHY: Young and with-it grandmother and hands-on mother, always available to help others (specifically with giving advice and opinions).
MIRIAM: Loyal bobby, mommy and most sought-after saleslady.
PERELA: Early to bed, early to rise, early to leave because work waits for no (wo)man.
YIDES: Ambitious multitasker extraordinaire.
DINI: Full-time mommy who is always available for her children.
PESSY: Super creative mom of young ones. Arrives late and nearly lands in major trouble because of it.
CHAYA: Our volunteer transcriber and acai bowl fan.
IDY: Cheved’s older sister.
CHEVED: Idy’s younger sister.
ZISSEL: Manages work and housework and children with aplomb and still carves out time to make it to our lunch. (She probably figured out how to make time flexible. Still waiting for her to share the secret with me.)
MINDY: Lively mom of a livelier crew.
TZIPPI: Our youngest player.
We get ready
round one and hope that
the time we’re done, everyone will be clear on the game’s rules.
(I, for one, am not very good at explaining game rules. I’d rather have everyone muddle through one round and figure it out on their own.)
MIRIAM is our brave first volunteer to sit in the hot seat.
Card number one makes its round as Miriam asks one player at a time, “How’s yours?”
Yides responds, “Mostly functional.”
Bruchy says, “Sunshine.”
Bobby adds, “Old-fashioned.”
And Perela says, “Seethrough.”
Hmmm… Will Miriam get it?
Dini: “Waker-upper.”
Miriam guesses, “Windows?”
Close, but no!
Zissel says, “Usually closed.”
Tzippi: “In need of cleaning.”
Idy: “Needs to be replaced”
Mindy: “Mostly up.”
Miriam, in the hot seat: “Window shades?”
We applaud her correct guess and eat some more salad to fortify ourselves for the next round.
CHEVED is up next and starts by asking Miriam, “How’s yours?”
“Pink,” Miriam says.
“Untouched,” says Zissel.
Mindy: “The amount I need grows every year.”
Not only is Cheved befuddled, the ones who haven’t seen the card yet are getting really curious, too.
Idy says, “Never made it in my life.”
Tzippi: “Me neither. I rely on my mother to make it for me,” (She did not get married this past month. Or year. Or decade. Just saying.)
Pessy, who has arrived seconds before, yells, “Gefilte fish!” together with Cheved and is threatened with a triple-hot-seat turn for disobedience.
IDY takes her turn in the hot seat next. “How’s yours?” she asks
Chaya answers, “Mine is small and high up.”
Miriam adds, “It’s the best place in my house.”
Cheved chimes in next. “Mine’s private.”
The suspense sure is mounting!
Dini: “The neighbors are always looking in.”
Tzippi: “Breezy.”
Mindy: “Too high.”
Pessy: “Never used.” (Cheved interjects, “I never knew you had one!’)
Zissel: “Fully enclosed.”
Bruchy: “Used all the time.”
Bobby: “Great place to say Tehillim.”
Luckily, Idy lives close in proximity to Bobby and sees her out on her porch often saying Tehillim. She finally feels secure enough to guess, “A porch?”
TZIPPI is next, but she will need to take the hot stand because she’s rocking her baby to sleep.
“How’s it by you?” she asks Zissel. “Not used enough.”
Bruchy responds, “Used by many,” and those who saw the card laugh out loud.
Yides says, “Raised.”
Chaya: “Calling my name all the time.”
“A bathtub?” Tzippi asks. No, we all giggle. Does anyone really want to spend that much time in the bath?
Dini, who recently returned from a trip overseas, says, “In Eretz Yisroel we called mine a matzah because it was so thin.”
“A bed?” Tzippi ventures. And this time she’s right!
We all take a break for some heavenly cheesecake and a quick schmooze before we start our next round, with ZISSEL in the hot seat.
“How’s yours?” she asks Miriam. “In my head.”
Dini answers, “Never ending”
“A to-do list?” Zissel asks. But she didn’t nail it yet.
Tzippi: “In a prominent place.”
Cheved: “It’s made and then promptly gets lost.”
Pessy: “Mine is always missing the most important thing.”
Mindy: “It’s the neatest thing in my house.”
This one’s proving to be quite challenging!
“A calendar?” Zissel guesses again. But, no. She still didn’t get it.
Idy: “I’m forever making it, forever losing it.”
“A shopping list?” Zissel tries once more. Apparently, the third time’s the charm. She got it!
BRUCHY volunteers to sit in the hot seat for our next round.
Chaya responds, “Like a chicken.”
Yides adds, “Not always consistent.”
Mindy says, “Not nice.” Uh-oh! What could this one be?
Bobby adds, “Lots of practice went into mine. Today’s days we’re not focused on it much any longer.”
The intrigue is growing…
Zissel: “Mine’s the worst one yet.”
“Housekeeping?” Bruchy asks, only to get peals of hysterical laughter in response.
Tzippi: “I could always work on mine.”
Idy: “Absolutely horrible!”
Cheved is stumped because she doesn’t want to echo everyone, yet is searching for a response that won’t give away the answer, “Mine rhymes with whoppy,” she says.
“A pantry?” Bruchy asks. The laughter only intensifies.
Dini says, “Mine was improved with OT.” Miriam adds, “Mine is similar to my daughter’s.”
Bobby then explains that 99% has been taken over by computers, and Bruchy tries guessing once more. “Handwriting?” We applaud her and laugh and celebrate with yummy shakes.
CHAYA takes her turn on the hot seat and turns to Zissel first. “How’s yours?”
Zissel says, “Not very exciting.”
Bruchy: “Begging for a refill.”
Bobby: “Uh-oh if it’s empty.”
Miriam: “Usually black,” and is interjected by someone’s correction, “Or green!”
Yides: “It’s emptied and then gets refilled”
Chaya asks, “A wallet?” and is right on her first try!
DINI graciously braves the hot seat and asks Yides, “How’s yours?”
“Blond,” she responds.
“Very excited,” Bruchy adds.
Bobby says, “Greatly celebrated.”
Miriam: “Renewed.”
“A chasan?” Dini asks, and Yides takes umbrage with that guess: “Do I have a blond chasan?”
Zissel: “Victorious.”
Idy: “One after G-d.”
The mystery is cooking. What does it say on the card?
Tzippi: “Mine lost weight.”
Mindy: “It’s a boy!” to everyone’s hoots of laughter
Finally Dini guesses, “President?” And yup! She got it!
Before BOBBY takes her turn in the hot seat, she requests a senior citizen’s discount, which we all agree to.
“How’s yours?” she asks Chaya.
“Mine smells strongly.”
Miriam says, “Mine goes round and round.”
Dini offers, “It houses my medicine and baking supplies.”
“A turntable?” Bobby wants to know. Close, but not yet.
Then Cheved says, “Mine’s in my fridge.”
To which Bobby correctly guesses, “Spice cabinet.”
TZIPPI plops down on the hot seat and asks Bruchy, “How’s yours?”
“Mine are small and great.”
“Between mine and my kids, there’s red, blue and white,” Zissel offers.
Idy: “My kids’ need to be replaced.”
Pessy: “Mine are plentiful and cheap.”
The challenge is on. The clues are varied, and it’s nearly impossible to find a common denominator. But Tzippy’s not deterred. “Clothing?”
“No!” Pessy says indignantly. “Do I look like I’m wearing something cheap?”
Cheved: “Mine were purchased after a ton of running around.”
Dini: “Mine need to be repaired too often.”
Chaya: “Pearly white, unlike my teeth.”
Bobby: “Postless.”
To which Tzippi guesses correctly, “Earrings?”
We play several more spirited rounds amid much laughter and fun before finishing off with one final round. BRUCHY offers to take the hot seat again for this one.
“How’s yours?”
Idy: “It usually comes with yelling and shouting.”
Bobby: “There are too many.”
Dini: “I’m always available to give it.” What a generous soul!
Miriam: “Mine’s the best!”
And Bruchy guesses, “Opinion?” Yes! She sure got this one right!
After a heated discussion as to who our winner is, we unanimously decide that “Bobby” gets to walk out with the prize, because with her senior discount (50%, because we’re generous like that), she hands-down wins.
Upon opening the box, she discovers a mini self-care package that includes hand creams, a mini back massager, and a floral scented candle. We clean up all evidence of our party amidst promises of a redo “once a month, at least.” I’ll let you all know when that becomes reality.
Thanks to
for sponsoring the delicious party.
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As I pulled up to Moshe’s house, a mix of excitement and apprehension coursed through me. I hadn’t forgotten his tension and hostility. The challenge is on, I thought. I grabbed my equipment from the car and walked to the front door.
Weights in hand and bag slung over my shoulder, I rang the bell. This was no ordinary session. This was the session where Moshe would learn that exercise wasn’t about losing weight; it was about moving better, feeling better. I was determined to help him see what exercise could do for him.
Just as I was about to ring again, the door swung open. To my surprise, Moshe was already dressed and ready to work out.
But the expression on his face was less ready. “Morning,” he grumbled.
“Good morning!” I smiled and extended my hand. His handshake was weak, but hey — he was here, and that was something.
“All right, Moshe, where are we doing this?” I asked.
Without a word, Moshe turned and walked down the hallway, leading me to a set of double doors on the left. I followed him into a large dining room. The high ceiling and vast space, even with the enormous sixteen-seat table in the middle, made it the perfect spot for our session.
“Great space,” I said, carefully placing the weights on the floor. “I’m really excited for today.”
Moshe stared at me, the picture of boredom.
“Today we’re going to focus on building your baseline — your starting point,” I said. “Basically, I’ll take you through a series of exercises, and from
that, we’ll figure out where to start with your program.”
“Why can’t I just exercise?” Moshe cut in, crossing his arms. “I already told you, I move around all day.” Ah, there it was — the attitude I’d been expecting. But it was a good question. Why do you need a custom designed exercise program? Why can’t you just, you know, exercise?
“If we start without understanding your baseline, we won’t know how to help you move at your best in the future,” I said, calmly pulling out a set of resistance bands and draping them over a nearby chair. “The information this assessment gives me will help me determine what kind of exercise you need, and show you the right way to do it, so you progress from a strong foundation.”
“Foundation, shmoundation,” Moshe muttered under his breath. “Sounds like a waste of time.”
I smiled. “Let’s get into it. By the end, you’ll see what I mean. We’re going to start with squats. Do you know what a squat is?”
Moshe gave me a look that could cut through stone. “Squat? No.”
“Okay, no problem. I’ll show you. Then I want you to try five reps — repetitions. Focus on doing them at a controlled pace. I’ll observe and see where you might be tight, weak or strong.”
I demonstrated the squat, and then it was Moshe’s turn. His first attempt was… interesting. His legs seemed to have
a mind of their own — one going this way, the other that way. His upper body bent forward like a banana, threatening to topple over. By the fourth rep, though, I could see his body starting to figure things out, and the movement became smoother.
“Great! Now do five more, and I’ll watch from the side,” I said, as he finished his fifth rep.
As Moshe powered through, I saw real progress. By the eighth rep, though, he started to rush, his form deteriorating as fatigue set in.
“Slow it down,” I coached. “The goal isn’t to finish fast; it’s to move well.”
“Phew,” Moshe said, exhaling loudly after the tenth rep. “That was harder than I thought.”
First crack in his tough exterior. This was a glimmer of acknowledgment; maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t as simple or pointless as he had thought.
“I know,” I said. “I noticed a few things while you were squatting. You were leaning too far forward, and your knees were caving in. That tells me your inner leg muscles are working overtime, and your core could use some strengthening.”
“It’s my first time,” he said witheringly.
“It’s tough,” I agreed. “That’s why we’re doing this — to figure out what you need to work on. If we just jump into exercise without knowing what’s going on, we could set you up for problems down the line.”
“Like what?” Moshe asked, curiosity slipping into his voice for the first time.
“Injury.” Like Moshe needed any more reason not to engage. “If your goal is just to ‘do’ the exercise, you’ll do it any way that achieves the goal. But that means you might be doing it wrong – or doing the wrong moves – which could lead to injury.”
As we moved through the rest of the assessment, I began to notice a change in Moshe. His body was adapting quickly, and even though his attitude was still resistant, I could see that he’d have no problem with the work, and would make great progress.
“That was tougher than I expected,” Moshe admitted as I packed up my things.
“You’ll probably feel it tomorrow,” I said, heading toward the door. “But now I’ve got everything I need to design your program. Next week, we’ll start the real work.”
As I walked out, I couldn’t help but feel hopeful. This was just the beginning, and I had only four weeks left. But Moshe was already showing signs of progress, even if he didn’t know it yet. TO BE CONTINUED…
Tzviki Smith is the owner of Smith System, which helps busy Jewish business owners bring fitness into their lives with personalized training at their home or office. He can be reached at 845-671-9945.
The squat is super important because it’s the same movement you use when getting up from a chair or sitting down. It’s not just for workouts ; it helps you in everyday life! When you do squats, you’re training all the muscles in your lower body, which helps you stay balanced and strong. Plus, it helps you stay healthy and strong for everyday tasks.
You can simply sit back into a chair and stand back up to practice this exercise. As you build strength, you can remove the chair. Here’s how you will do the exercise:
1. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing forward.
2. Start to sit down by bending your knees, but keep your knees over your feet.
3. Lower yourself slowly into the chair, keeping your body upright, like you’re sitting down gently.
4. Right before you sit down, stand back up!
Do this ten to fifteen times. Once you feel strong and in control of your movements, you can try it without the chair, maybe while holding onto something at first. Then, when you’re ready, try doing it without holding on. Aim for 2–4 sets per day.
The Torah states: םישודק םתייהו םתשדקתהו
Holy You Should Be!
By wearing immodest clothing, we distance the Shechina (Divine Presence) from us.
As the Torah states: ךירחאמ
Immodesty should not be seen amongst you!
Or Hashem will withdraw his presence from you!
When the Shechina departs, we are stripped of our protection ו''ח Maybethisiswhysomanyunbearablecrushingtragedies,illness,tzoros, poverty have befallen us.
In the words of the Holy Chofetz Chaim Tzl in a famous letter:
“A huge fire has broken out in many places through the despicable styles which the power of impurity has unleashed”…
To a large degree, these loathsome styles contradict the statement of the Torah:
“Your camp should be holy and there should not be found therein erveh”
Tight fitting, short, (Including Maternity Wear) flashy clothing, low cut necklines, long extravagant looking sheitels made to look as if not married, gaudy cosmetics etc. are contrary to our values and moral code, besides being the cause of other people’s sins.
Dear Sisters!
Let us wear refined clothes that are appropriate for the Jewish Princess. Let’s not lose our sense of proportion and get excited by immoral low life fashion designers!
This will cause the Shechina to reside in our midst.
This will bring many blessings upon ourselves, and ultimately bring the Geulah Sheleima א''בב
Hot water freezes faster than cold water.
This phenomenon is called the Mpempa Effect after the high schooler who discovered it in the 1960s.
The names Holland and the Netherlands are very often used interchangeably to refer to the country of tulips and windmills, but Holland is just a region in the country of the Netherlands.The Netherlands is divided into twelve provinces, including North Holland and South Holland.
The country’s branding can be blamed for this mistake, since Amsterdam, the country’s largest and most popular city, is in North Holland, and the Netherlands would often refer to themselves by that region’s name.
was invented in 1941 as Cheerioats. They changed their name in 1945 due to trademark issues.
Use the following letters to list 5 words, each using 7 letters and up. Only the center letter must be used, and letters can be repeated. Bonus points for pangrams (words that use all seven letters).
1. Panel 2. Board 3. Cabinet 4. Council THINK
Find a common factor for this group of four words
Answer: A decimal.
Rosh Chodesh bentching isn’t recited on the Shabbos preceding Rosh Chodesh both on the Shabbos before Rosh Hashanah and also when Shabbos falls on a Shabbos and Sunday, and bentching is not recited the Shabbos before Sunday Rosh Chodesh, but rather the previous week Shabbos.
Moxie is a great noun to use as a synonym for nerve or guts. It also is used as synonyms for pep and energy. You can wake up full of moxie, ready to tackle the day. And you can show moxie by challenging the status quo. Would you have the moxie to use the word moxie when conversing with an unsuspecting stranger?
After the Pearl Harbor attack during World War II, anxious government officials clandestinely sent the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence together with four cases full of treasured artifacts to Fort Knox for safekeeping. In 1944, they returned it to the Library of Congress.
We welcome local trivia, historical facts and photos, and Torah-themed riddle submissions. We’d also love to hear if you have additional answers to our puzzles! Email comments@thebpview.com to add your very own bits of wits. Please include your name and contact information.
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ thebpview.com or fax to 718-4088771 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will receive a $15 gift card at Judaica Corner!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word. The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
Full mailing address:
Full name of winner: _________________________________________________________
Amount of points:
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil Similac L’Mehadrin in stock!! We buy off any formula for a good price and trade as well. Call for other types of formulas. New! Option of shipping case of 6 Kendamil directly to you from England. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Looking to sell a natural color bebe organic set, size 3 mths, with matching bonnet and blanket, beautiful for vachnacht. Please call 347 382 0905
Magnificent mink real fur coat, black, brand new condition, 3/4 length, a line style (size adjustable by waist ranging size 6-12) Barely worn. Great price. Call and leave a message 929-417-0762
Out of style dry goods for sale. Bulk only. $4.99 a piece. 347-957-0720
Selling high quality master bedroom mattresses at great prices, standard and custom sizes. Please call 347-927-7706
Doona Stroller, multiple colors available! cll/txt 1-201614-4045
Snap Source 87 Penn St suite 111 Sunday 1:30-2:30, Tue 8:30-9:30. 347-871-2330
Shipping $10. Beautiful G16 in stock
Selling Canon G7x mark III, Brand new condition, open box for a week. Reg: $1400. Selling for: $1050 - 3 year warranty included. Call: 929692-0893
Jon Josef black leather shoes size 6 1/2, front point, 2” boxy heel, brand new condition. Great price. 917-588-3055
Missoni Scarves at blowout prices. Originally $300-$650. Now only $110 each. Call or text for more details 347-6945507, 347-790-1542
Beautiful 3 bedroom 3 bath villa with inground heated pool and hot tub available in North Miami, Price per night $339. Pictures available. Call/ Text 845-327-7153
Newly renovated beautiful ocean view 1 bedroom apt. for rent. 347.760.0570
Basement Apartment, New kitchen, Freshly painted, High Ceilings with nice windows. 12th ave and 59th street347-762-9755
2 bedroom basement
furnished apt for rent long term, 57th St 11& 12 Ave. 7188517563 9177550573
Mansion in Monsey ‘Concord’ area, 1.6 aces.. Close to 20,000 sq ft including the ground floor. 15 bedrooms10 Full Baths - 2 Half Baths - Full size Indoor Pool in gorgeous bright pool house, mens mikva, ground floor can be used as a shul for more information call rochel at 845-570-1240
Seeking a 2-bedroom apartment with a dining room in the area of 13th Ave and high 40s/low 50s. Please call: 718-207-2174
For the best Real Estate deals call Mrs. Debby Schwartz 203.667.2785
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Carriage Club North, beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath, ground floor, for rent. Call: 347.499.0031
Wellington M, 2 Bedroom apt. Ground Floor FOR SALE. Call: 347.760.0639
2-bedroom, 2-baths with private heated pool and spa. Call/Text: 917-382-4810, email: 1752nmb@gmail.com www.themangotreat.com
Exlusive brand new fully- furnished house, all amenities. included, sleeps 11 +2 cribs 7 min walk to shuls option to add shabbos food (monthly rates available)/Text 601- 675-2665/ Crownprincevilla@gmail. com
Beautiful fully furnished Shabbos equipped 6 bedroom 4 bath house Highview/ College. Call/ whatsapp 718541-0292
No. 1 Real Estate Broker. Aaron Rose 561.308.5766
Beautiful villa in serene area outside Monroe. 9 couple rooms, teen room 8 beds and many kids mattresses. Huge private pool with stunning grounds. New!!! Jacuzzi Hot tub. Pictures at hotelfifteen. com .still avail for sukkas 845 837 5662
Gorgeous upgraded villa available. 14 comfortable beds, 3 baths, kosher kitchen. Beautiful private backyard with heated pool. Near Shul & Grocery. Call/text 929-592-0368 / 929-441-5709 Arizonakoshervilla.net. Villa in Tuscon also available.
Dream Vacation Rental. Short or long-term stays available. Sleeps up to 21 guests. Located at 315 Morningside, across from Bobov. Special discounted rates! Call: 917633-6607
New luxurious house near KJ available for day, week, weekend. Stocked kitchen, linen, towels. Beautiful outdoor furniture. Call/text 917-652-1468
Stunning and spacious 6-bedroom home with beautiful views, 15 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, for week/ weekends, only 3-minute walk to Shul/Mikvah. Call/ text 347-921-2331.
Fully equipped furnished 7 bedroom house (18+beds) with linen/towels hotel style in Blooming Grove. Rent for days, weeks, or weekends. Breathtaking beautiful grounds. Call/text 845-2385633
Book your next vacation! 5 bedroom 3 bathroom magnificent villa serene property in Airmont. Fully furnished ALL amenities included! 347-420-4945
Luxurious vacation properties some with pools available for short-term rentals in the Monsey area, perfect for accommodating 20 to 150 guests. Designed for large families, Shabbatons, etc. conveniently located. Great Minds 845-520-3250.
A nice 4 bedroom house is available for weekends, in the heimishe area, linen & towels etc included 549$ please call 718-614-4368 come and relax.
BP, Beautiful, Spacious 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, Furnished Apt for rent, Short term, 40th & NU. Call/Text 718-419-0776
Female only. 13/56 area. Great price. Internet and utilities included. Computer rental available. Call/text 718 986 6558
Seeking high school girl to work in a playgroup Fridays. 929-489-9281
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Heimishe office in Boro Park is seeking a full time IT technician. Must have experience in Azure. Please send resume to: itjob0924@ gmail.com or fax to: 718-2286350
Seeking front desk secretary for center based program 9:00-5:00. Please email resume to blew@ myplayroom.org or call 718522-4900 ext:906
Heimishe all-girls office seeking afternoon secretary. Hours 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Job requires attention to detail, multi-tasking, & organizational skills. Email jobinbp679@gmail.com.
We’re seeking highly motivated and driven women to join our team as inside sales positions with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. The right person will play a crucial role in driving revenue growth through a commission structure. Email your profile to Jphill28@ gmail.com
Great opportunity to manage your own business from home. No experience needed, no computer necessary. Huge potential to grow big. Call: 438.529.1216
HCS is looking to hire a full-time HR Assistant to join our Onboarding and Recruitment Team. The candidate must be organized, responsible and have good interpersonal and communication skills. Experience in Microsoft programs is a plus! Please send resume to jobs@hcsny. org
Now hiring evening ABA support staff, we`re expanding our team and looking for experienced ABA professionals to onboard for our Flatbush families. No direct ABA experience? No problem. If you are passionate and have a desire to make a difference, Call/ Text/WA: 917.968.2292 or email to: Scaplan@yeled.org
The driver is responsible for driving older adults to appointments and other such errands. Must have CDL Class B with Passenger endorsement, Clean driving record, ability to lift 30 pounds. Sensitive to older adults, ability to drive 16-30 passenger vehicles. Full Time. Pay $22-$26 per hour. Email to: careers@jccgci.org or call: 718.449.5000 Ext. 2298
Yeled V`Yalda Canarsie location seeking an Assistant Teacher Full Time, must have High School diploma, excellent salary & benefits. Send resume to: Bcunin@ yeled.org or call: 718.686.2415
Referral organization seeking a full-time support coordinator to join our team in an all women office. Applicants must be confident and have good listening skills. Familiarity with NY and NJ services for individuals with special needs a must. Please send resume to yochononw@ ezreinuservices.org
Get trained professionally in a meaningful part time career. To hear more call 605-313-4101 pin: 6036621# then press 1#. To join 929-5594887.
Work with young girl after school, well paid. Please reach out to Blimy Friedman @ (315) 512-5297 Blimy. Friedman@AppliedABC.com
Large healthcare company seeks Compliance Director. Experience in managed care compliance required. Email jobs@hamaspikchoice.org
Are you in need of extra income with not a lot of time? Then this is for you! Create a successful retail business in the comfort of your home with full training and support. No risk. To hear more, call - 605-3134101 6036621- Ref 1#. Done listening? Call 347-756-2666 and leave a message.
Att Ladies!! Are you looking to help people and make some money on the side? Text job offer to 347-669-9177
Music ‘n Motion, a preschool music program, is looking to hire a female sub as a music teacher. Starting in January 2025 for about 7 weeks. Qualifications: musical, lively, and great with children. email gela@ mnmotion.com or call 929322-4202 ext 202
Chayeinu Academy is seeking a 1:1 instructor for the current school year. Please email resume to info@ chayeinuacademy.org or call 718-303-9170.
The HCS After school Program is looking to hire Paras for Funshine. Monday – Thursday 3 - 6PM. Sunday 10:30 – 3 PM- part time or full time. Flexible schedules. Great pay! Exciting atmosphere! Please call Rivky at 718-510-3002 or email R.Rubinstein@hcsny. org. If you are going for your BCBA licensure and need a place to acquire hours, please call to inquire about our partnership program!
HCS is seeking male DSPs to work at our Flatbush residence for afternoon shifts 3-11 pm daily. Please forward resume’ to jobs@hcsny.org. Please call 718-854-2747 ext. 1114
Girls preschool in boro park seeking bus teacher for 2:45 PM route. Please email: resumes5785@gmail.com
Seeking a bright, solutionoriented, tech-savvy candidate with exc. interpersonal skills, strong work ethic and ability to multitask. 9-5pm. $25–$30/hr. Email: Talent@ Encoresupport.org
Seeking ‘volunteers’ for Funshine after school program from 4:30 - 6. Please call Rivky at 718-510-3002 or email R.Rubinstein@hcsny. org
Shirienu Dayhab is looking for an enthusiastic energetic counselor for our growing womans Dayhab Program. 1-5 PM daily. Please forward resume to R.Walzer@hcsny. org or call 718-854-2747 ext. 1322
Seeking passionate providers to support our ABA clients in Flatbush and Boro Park. Call/ Text/ WA 516-522-1649 or email Talent@encoresupport. org
Looking for a reading specialist In the area of 17 and 43. Will receive enhanced rate. Please reach out to position@tachlises.com
Naaseh is seeking a Sunday provider. Movement and fun! BA required. Call 718-5003765 ext. 103 or email hr@ naaseh.org
Naaseh is seeking a provider to work on kriah and academic skills with a 3rdgrade girl twice weekly after school hours. BA required. Call 718-500-3765 ext. 103 or email hr@naaseh.org
Generations Maternity is looking to hire a production assistant. Location Boro Park. 25-30 hours a week. 2+ years apparel production experience preferred or eager to train individual that has a fashion sense. Must be able to travel to Manhatten when needed. Salary 3040,000 yearly depending on experience. Email resume to leah@generationsmaternity. com
Brooklyn based older-adult center and Home Delivered
BP Development/ Management office seeking secretary. Excellent communication, multitasking, & organizational skills. Basic knowledge. F/T only. Email resume jobs@ softstonedevelopment. com or Call 347-8604401 and leave a msg or text.
Naaseh is seeking a male provider to teach math to a 14-year-old boy on Sunday
Naaseh is seeking a warm provider to work with a young girl once weekly after school hours. Involves fun activities to teach expression and confidence. BA required. Call 718-500-3765 ext. 103 or email hr@naaseh.org
Real Estate mgmt office seeking full time employee with basic computer skills. Email: toby@mprealtyny.com or call 718 972 7660
Heimishe babysitting group in the heart of Boro park 50 street & 16th Avenue accommodating hours for working mothers ages 0-24 months.Non Vouchers. Call Rivky 3475855054
Poufe Couture Consignment Boutique
Huge selection of high end, unique gowns for mothers, sisters, teens, and children for sale at half off original price.
Couture Consignment Boutique
Select evening dresses available.
Huge selection of high end, unique gowns for mothers, sisters, teens, and children for sale at half off original price.
Located in Brooklyn.
Select evening dresses available.
Located in Brooklyn.
Huge selection of high end, unique gowns for mothers, sisters, teens, and children for sale at half off original price.
Over 500 gowns in stock!!
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Please Call: 718.450.4700
Experienced English teacher will do boys/girls, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade. After school or Sundays. Also experienced in teaching Math, Reading and Writing skills. 347-452-8930
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Get your makeup done quick and neat. Only quality products used. $80 flat fee. Sara Lebovits, Text: 347-7822664
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We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
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The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim Is now available to remove “Ayin Horah” over the phone. Call: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
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We specialize in custom Photo Albums, Chosson, Wedding, etc. Also professional Photo Editing, many years of experience. Special rate for photographers. Call: 347.563.5153
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Skilled Kriah tutoring available in Boro Park, proven method. Call 718-4197004
Furniture, Cabinet & General Repairs, specializing in Chosson-Kallah Apartments. Call: 718.633.6231
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Heimishe driver available to do deliveries. Local & long distance, we shlep with a
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Give Your Wig A Fresh WASH & SET. Special: $45. Text /Call 347-581-0495. 15/56 st. Wigs By Yides
Wash and set located 59 and 16 area price:$35
Safety first, with fences built to last! Catskill Fence Co. 845-53-FENCE 845-5333623
Daily emails of inspiration for girls in shidduchim 21+. Email: daily@gritgroup.
HELP! Baby boy born with severe hypospadias? Looking for first hand info on Surgeons and for support. Email namelessbabyboy@gmail.com (strictly confidential)
White maternity gown size large to sell for great price call 7183098716
Looking to sell a size 2-4 white gown for sister of the bride, Please call 347 628 9586
Stunning black maternity gown size xs for rent/sale’ Call/Text 718-614-9505.
Designer off white teen gown for sister of bride size 2-4 for rent or sale 917-635-1778
Magnificent off-blue gown for sister of the bride approx. size 4-6 to rent or sell. Please call 347-831-7319
2 white gowns to rent or sell childrens size 4 & 6 call 7189388597
2 magnificent lavender teen gowns for sale. And little girls size 8 Whoopis white gown this season. Call 347-907-9274
Please check your Mackage ivory wool belted jacket. Exchanged at Hoffman/ Freund wedding in imperial. Someone took a S and left a Petite S. 347-6289455
Expands to Staten Island with New 14,000-Square-Foot Building on 3 Acres Campus
Built to last, protected from wearing off.
Lasting gold-filled jewelry, retains its color and stays beautiful forever. Waterproof and designed to withstand the wear and tear of everyday life.
Sunday - Tuesday December 22,23,24
6:30 - 9:30 PM
$6,000 $4500
Early bird special confirm by December 15th for 10% off
Course will be given in Boro Park
Sara Navon is a Fashion Designer & product development expert. With an education background from the Art Institute of New York graduating top of her class and years of experience. She started her career in 2012 with her ladies line SARA NAVON. She then started Paisley in 2016, a European children and teens line that sells in over 150+ boutiques worldwide and has had one of the highest sell-throughs for children's & teens brands on the market. Being behind 10 labels over the years overseeing design & production Sara has gained vast knowledge & experience over the last 13 years acquiring industry experience mastering her skills in product development from A-Z. She has traveled to factories all over the world to oversee her own production and supervise her clients products as well. Over the years Sara has been business coaching one-onone.
Sara came up with a 3-day course that helps inspire others to bring their concepts to life. This course applies for anything related to business development from bringing your concept to life with an outlined step by step program to success.
Apply via email to reserve your spot today courses@saranavon.com or call 917-
for more availability/dates check saranavon.com