Illustrations From The Beat Within

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A  teachers  voice  continued Â

  It  Is  my  job  to  keep  them  moving  forward.  I  can  be  a  listener,  communicator,  and  a  guiding  light  who  tries  to  bring  each                 SHUVRQ¶V KLGGHQ VWUHQJWKV DQG WDOHQWV LQWR YLHZ QRW RQO\ IRU WKHPVHOYHV EXW DOVR IRU RWKHUV WR VHH , FDQ JLYH WKHP D OLWWOH  glimpse  of  a  dream  worth  dreaming  in  order  to  instill  a  little  hope.   I  think  every  teacher  in  every  school  system  should  read  a  copy  of  The  Beat  Within  in  order  to  see  another  side  of  ZK\ PDQ\ NLGV GRQ¶W DFKLHYH 0DQ\ GRQ¶W DFKLHYH EHFDXVH WKHLU IRFXV KDV KDG WR EH ³VXUYLYLQJ´ 6RPH DW ULVN WHHQV¶ goals  often  do  not  extend  into  the  future,  although  many  try,  because  just  making  it  through  the  day  equals  success  to  many  of  them.   (YHU\ WHDFKHU QHHGV WR EH D ³NHHSHU RI KRSH´ EHFDXVH HYHU\ FODVVURRP QRW MXVW MXYHQLOH KDOO LQFOXGHV teens  who  are  losing  hope.   It  is  interesting  to  see  the  different  responses  I  get  when  I  tell  people  where  I  teach.  From  another  teacher,  the           UHVSRQVH LV XVXDOO\ HLWKHU D ORRN RI SLW\ RU D ORRN OLNH ³ ZKDW GLG \RX GR WR JHW SXW WKHUH"´  The  response  of  other  teens  is  XVXDOO\ RQH RI KRUURU 2QFH , WHOO WKHP WKDW , KDYH WKH EHVW MRE DURXQG DQG , ZRXOGQ¶W WUDGH SODFHV ZLWK DQ\RQH LQ DOO WKH schools  in  our  area,  the  look  changes  to  curiosity.  Even  the  kids  in  detention  will  look  astonished!    ,W LV WKHQ ZKHQ , KDYH WKH SULYLOHJH RI VKDULQJ WKH LQVSLUDWLRQDO VWRULHV DQG DOO WKH ZD\V , JHW WR EH D ³NHHSHU RI KRSH´  Through  reading  The  Beat,  I  often  see  some  writers  who  are  already  beginning  to  show  an  underlying  talent  for  EHLQJ D ³NHHSHU RI KRSH´ 0DQ\ RI WKHP KDYH GLVFRYHUHG WKH VWUHQJWK RI LQVSLULQJ RWKHUV WR NHHS KRSH WKURXJK WKH      opportunity  they  have  had  to  write  for  The  Beat.   In  fact,  those  who  help  others  keep  their  hope,  will  in  turn  be               strengthened  with  hope  themselves.  So,  for  all  of  you  who  share  your  heart  and  voice  with  The  Beat,  keep  it  up!!   You  never  know  who  all  (besides  yourself)  is  being  helped  through  your  stories  and  words  of  encouragement  shared  in  the  midst  of  a  tough  time  yourself.   For  everyone  who  facilitates  a  workshop  or  spends  hours  preparing  the  publication  in  any  way,  know  that  your  unselfish  efforts  and  time  spent  to  help  these  young  people  will  produce  fruit  in  the  lives  of  many  at  just  the  right  time.  In  fact,  I  leave  you  with  a  verse  from  the  Bible  that  often  helps  to  keep  me  focused  on  what  is                   important.   Galatians  6:9  says,  "Let  us  not  grow  weary  in  well-­doing,  for  in  due  season  we  shall  reap,  if  we  do  not  lose  heart."   Blessings  and  peace  to  all!  29  Â

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