African Faces, African Figures: The Arman Collection

Page 262

c\Yo Yoruba 48

lage's purification rituals related to a

The Yoruba, a people ofaround 25 million

Face Mask

death, for prudence sake the women are

individuals, live mainly in the southwest of

Yaure, Cote d'Ivoire

gotten out of the way. In addition to this

Nigeria and the south of Benin. Moreover,

Wood; H. 29 cm.

purifying function, the masks are also

Yoruba traditions live on asfar ?field as

used to guide the deceased's soul to the

Brazil, Cuba, Haiti and the Americas in the

If indeed Yaure, then this mask, some-

world of the dead,and to assure him the

descendants of Yoruba slaves. The term

what troubling in its style (notably in the

status as an ancestor protective of his

"Yoruba" is said to derivefrom "Yarbanci,"

angular treatment of the face and scari-

descendants. This is of the utmost

a nickname given by the Hausa or the

fications), must belong to the category

importance, for there is nothing as dan-

Fulani to the inhabitants of the Oyo

of the lo masks which appear during

gerous or disquieting as an errant soul

Kingdom. This name was in turn intro-

funeral ceremonies. Among the Yaure,

loose in the village.

duced by missionariesfrom the middle ofthe A.M.B.

the masks are representations of the yu

nineteenth century, who were the first to

spirits, intermediators between Bali, the

study the Yoruba language. Prior to that,

supreme creator, and humankind.

the Yoruba-speaking peoples referred to itseff

Although there are some rare, more sec-

by the names oftheir different sub-groups.

ular examples (but sacred, nonetheless),

Earlier, the Yoruba organized themselves

the majority of Yaure masks play a fun-

into a large number ofcity-states, tradition-

damental role in restoring order to a

ally administered by kings (oba), who held

society deeply distressed by a bereave-

political as well as religious power Among

ment. Indeed, a death throws the village

the various autonomous city-stater, the

out of balance and, moveover, is an

leading place was primarily occupied by Ile-

indelible stain that only the intervention

ffe and Old Oyo. The city of ffe, probably

of the yu—by way of their lo masks—can

founded around 800, expanded between the

counter. In order for theyu to be able to

eleventh andfifteenth century into a blos-

liberate their purifying powers, it is nec-

soming metropolis and is described as the

essary for man to court their favor. The

cradle of the Yoruba culture. According to

yu are ambiguous and versatile spirits.

oral tradition, the city is the center of the

They belong to two worlds: that of

world, the place where the deity Odudua

humans and that of the bush—a duality

descended to earth from the supernatural

evoked in the masks by the addition of

world, to impart civilization. The creation

zoomorphic elements to a human face.

myth tells that Odudua was thefirst sacred

Their powers may be benevolent or,

king (oba) offfe, and that his descendants

conversely, extremely dangerous; thus, it

established the different dynasties of the

is necessary to appease them via sacri-

other Yoruba kingdoms. Although the spiri-

fices offered to their masks. Women

tual power position of ffe was maintained,

may not participate in funeral cere-

the city's political power began to wanefiom

monies, neither may they look at the

the start ofthefifteenth century, under pres-

masks, for fear that this encounter with

sure from the northwards lying Oyo

death might jeopardize their fecundity.

Kingdom, the mightiest kingdom in Yoruba

This means that before starting the vil-



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