African Faces, African Figures: The Arman Collection

Page 213

Chokwe / Dan 210 - 211

Dan The Dan (also called Yacuba) belong to the


large domed forehead, a fine nose, a

south Mande linguistic group. For the most

Face Mask

mouth designed with precision and a

part they occupy the wooded savanna region

Dan, Cote d'Ivoire

bright patina. Examples from the

of western Cote d'Ivoire and, to a lesser

Wood; H. 25 cm.

regions bordering territory of We

degree, the east of Liberia; one alsofinds a

groups are more expressionistic, with

few Dan villages in Guinea (southeast).

All Dan masks, be they "great" or of

pronounced—sometimes disproportion-

Traditionally cultivators ofrice and manioc,

lesser importance, are sacred; they do

ate—features, monstrous appendices,

the Dan also work immense cacao and cof-

not represent spirits of the wilderness,

eyes and mouth protuberant. Example

fee plantations. Organized in exogamous,

they are these spirits. Over time, many

no. 45 could be a runner's mask from

virilocal patrilinear lineages,from a cultur-

among them have lost their original

the north, associated with amusements

al viewpoint they are dose to the We popu-

function and have been recycled into

for the young where he participates in

lations (ofthe Kru linguistic group) situat-

contexts related to entertainment,

the races: the large round eyes free the

ed inforest regions ofthe south, and against

emerging only for festivals or events

view of the wearer and might go to sup-

whom they have waged innumerable wars.

organized for tourists. Nonetheless, the

port this hypothesis with regards to its

The village is under the authority ofa chid

great masks live on, their ever more rare


and a council cfelders. Since the end ofthe

appearances being reserved for times of

nineteenth century, the secret go leopard

tension, when it is important they may

association represents the most centralized of

exercise their role of social control and


village institutions, until then without a

their faculty to reduce conflict or settle

Face Mask

very stable political structure. For the Dan,

legal wrangles. Since the end of the

Dan, Cote d'Ivoire

the village and the wilderness, opposite and

nineteenth century, it is the go master,

Wood,cloth; H. 20.5 cm.

complimentary, constitute the world within

the head of the like-named society, who


which they must evolve. In order to attain

possesses these masks (the go ge) and

Arts primitifi dans les ateliers d'artistes,

adult status, all the boys and girls of the

who guards them in a sacred hut. These

Musee de l'Homme, Paris, 1967.

same age-group undergo an initiation that

go ge masks may be old masks of lesser

Secrecy: African Art that Conceals and Reveals,

indudes, in addition to specific teaching,

importance promoted to a higher rank,

The Museum for African Art, New York,

circumcisionfor theformer and ditoridecto-

or perhaps had always assumed high


myfor the latter To underline the transi-

offices. It is practically impossible to


tional aspect of this trial, it takes place in

define the function of a go Be solely on

—Arts priminfi dans its ateliers d'artistes,

the world (beyond norms) of the bush—the

the basis of stylistic characteristics. In

Musee de l'Homme, Paris, 1967, no.

realm inhabited by spirits who, like the

the same way, one may encounter, dur-


ancestors, can play an mediating role

ing entertainment events, powerful war

—Secrecy: African Art that Conceals and

between humans and the supreme being

masks reutilized in this secular context,

Reveals, The Museum for African Art,


now that armed conflicts between vil-

New York, 1993, pl. 49, no. 67.

lages ofenemy clans or neighboring eth-

—African Arts, 1993, vol.-XXVI, no. 1.


nic groups no longer take place. At the most, one may conjecture upon the localization

of certain


Northern Dan masks have a sober style, very well-known and now classic, with a



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