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of Urban Life, U.S.C.C. Director, Di~i~'on , I Last week's cdlu n took the form of a reply to a circular letter on tHe..lCalifornia farm ,labor dispute which Father Cletus Healy\ ~.J., has sent to alt of our subscribing ,papers. At the, end 1of the column, I raised the question '" as to why Father Hea y and , his supporters havJ' et to ing is widely th~ug~t to have . . hi!' h' d been one of the prmclpal authors h trow t helr welg tl ,e 10 of Pius Xl's Quadragesimo the ,U. S,. Bishop~' 1968 Anno, his in!erp~etation ,of


statement calhng for an mend- Mater et Maglstra s teachmg -ment to the National L~bdr Rela: with regard to secular unions , tions Act which I I takes on added, significance in 'Would, b r i n g the presen.t ~ontex~. . far m workers Chrtstlan Prmclples Father von Nell'Breuning says, under <-the covCHOSEN: Beatrice Lang, 21, a erageof the -Act ~~ ~ur~mary, . ' th,~t.. the term and guarantee Chrtstlan Unions IS not men- teacher, has been selected to tioned at all in Mate~· et Magis- play the part of Mary in the their .right to tra. R.ather th~ encycl,I,cal. speaks '1970 pC;ssion Play,in Oberam-' organize and bargain coHecof ~nI~ms W~IC~ ar~, gUided by mergau, an institution in' this tively. I sugChrtst.lan pr~nclples. . Bavarian ,village since 1630s. gested that 'perIt, ~s entirely posslbl.e... Nell . ' Breunmg says, that American unions fall within this category. haps one of th.e r~asons for the~r Be that as it may. he continues, silence on thiS besides unions which are "guided crucial matter of public policy by Christian principles," there is that they really doti't believe are other unions "which take OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, in the kind of unionis~ apd col- their inspiration from natural- OSTERVILLE lective bargaining which, tpe pro- law principles and show respect The annual Chr'istmas Bazaar visions of th~ act. haye helped for f~ee~om of conscie~ce:" under the sponsorship of the to make possible m mos other ThiS IS a good descriptIOn' of Ladies Guild will be held on Satmajor. industries in Uie /united American unions as we know urday, Dec. 13 from 9 in the them at the present time. Mem- morning until 3 in the afternoon States. " This is more than a suspicion bership in such, unions, Nell in the Community Center, Oster9n my part. It's a matt r bf pub- Breuning concludes, is left com- ville. Special booths will conlic' record. In. his wid~l~ circu- pletely free-without special re- tain handmade articles, wreaths lated booklet on the California strictions as,' for instance, the and holiday decorations and' farm labor dispute, "Battle for requirement of simultaneous there will be the usual tables' for the, Vineyards," Fathbr Healy membership in a Catholic organ- white elephimt selections, grabs, says that so-called neuttal unions ization. gifts, games and jewelry. Praises Both (the only kind we havel eyer had" There will be a food table and Monsignor Pietro Pavan, a also a sn'ack bar where' refreshin the U. S;) are at best! 0r.ly tol'erated by the Church "\.mder the distinguished Italian scholar who ments may be purchased. . . compulsio.n of necessity."; is widely reported to have played Mrs. Richard Cain is chairman The only authority he cites in 'an important role in the drafting support of thisstatemertt is Pope of Mater et Magistra, completely will be assisted by Mrs. Miles Pius Xl's encyClical 'Iof 1931, agrees with Nell Bruening's in- Pawloski. terpretation of this encyclical. Quadragesimo Anno. - , According to Pavan, the posi- ST. GEORGE, Respect Religious Bel efs .I'happen to think th'at his in- tion stated by Pope John XXIII WESTPORT terpretation of that encyolical is in Mater et Magistra is a de facto completely wide of the mark, but, position. The Pope states that , The Women's Guild announces whatever of that, i wOulCl have n~wadays Catholics are present a Christmas bazaar from 6 to 9 , I expected him to -tell hiSjeaders in the working world in t,wo tomorrow night and from 1 to 9 that a much more recerh ncycli- ways: with Christian inspired un- Saturday. in the school hall. A cal, Pope John's Mater tt Magis- ions or individually working in- snack bar will be open tomorrow tra, explicitly puts its st mp of side unions which arEl not linked ,night and a chicken barbecue supper will be served from 6 to appro,varon so-called n u rarun- with any faith or confession. ' ions":-i.e., unions which ave no He praises and encourages 7:30 Saturday.' Mrs. Robert La' connection with any' ipa ticular both" but doesn't give any judg- voie is bazaar chairman., The guild will hold a business church or relgious orga~ization ment on which one to prefer and in which there are Ino direct since, according to his idea, the 'meetig at 7:45 Monday night,' or, indirect religious, te~ts for solution of such problems lies Nov. 24, also in the hall: An ecumenical ,"Panel of American membership or election to office. with the individual. Women" will be featured. Church Approves Such organizations ar~ someI am certain, incidentally, that times referred to as j"secular" - (not "secularized") unionsl• While Monsignor Pavan would be astonthey are officially'ne'utttsl :on the- ished to learn that this outdated them in the United States-unological matters (in th~ same controversy, over the relative ions whiCh ,bring workers tosense in which every br~nch of standing of so-called Christian gether into separate organizagovernment in the U. S. ijs neu- and so-called neutral unions is tions of their own-are class con,tral) they are neither a~ti-blerical still alive. But is it really alive? flict unions and, for that reason, i-I I think not., On the contrary, it's ' do not measure up to the requirenor anti-religious. ments of Cathoic social teaching. , On the contrary, they fLlly re: as dead as the dodo. . , .. , ,spect the religious beliefs pf their In the case of our own counI hope to be able to ,return to members-and their corr~sBonding try, it 'was settled, once and for, right to be guided by ~n9 to try all, almost a century ago when this matter next week in the last to implement their own convic- the late Cardnial' Gibbons went of three columns written in reply tions-whether religioJsly moti- to Rome and defended the right to Fatner Healy's recent letter to vated or not-in the fi~ld of so- of American Catholics to join the our subscribing papers. cial ,and' economic polity.l "neutral" Knights of Labor. Needless to add, in conclusion, From that day to this there has I sincerely regret having to spend . Added Significartc~ , Since Father, Healy ,Ilt~s pub- never been the slightest doubt so much time going over issues , 'licity characterized mel as being that the Church in the United which are so hopelessly out of , a partisan champion of lAmer- States positively approves of date and so completely irrelevant ican secular unions, I I am sure "secular" ("not secularized") in terms of the California farm , ' to take unions in the sense that she re- labor dispute. he will not, be preparep my word for it when Ii s*y that gards them, as being preferable, My only reason for doing so Mater et Magistra fulfy arroves under pr~seni anll foreseeable of such unions. conditions, to so-called confes- is that Father Healy's violently This' being the case, I would sional or Christian unions. anti-Cesar Chavez booklet is be, refer' him to an article ritten To maintain the opposite is to ing so widely distributed and is in 1962 by Father ,Os}va~d von fly in the face of all the evidence. being "plugged" on a number of Nell Breuning, S.J., "RoqIe and Completely Irrelevant network television shows by certhe American Labor I 1)1nion," In other words, Father Healy tain politicians and growers, (Review of Social Econb n1y , 'Fall is beating a dead horse in trying whose approach to the' farm ljJn~vgrsity to; revive this ancient contro- labor problem-to put it mildly 1962, Marquette Pr~ss, Milwaukee, Wis.) I versy. He, is, also wasting his as possible - leaves much to Incidentally, in view of the time and ,energy trying to prove be desired from the point of view fact t~at Father von N~ll Breun~' that labor unions as we know of Catholic social teachin~.

Parish ·Parade



HOLY FAMILY, EAST TAUNTON The Holy Name Society will sponsor a public ham and bean supper Saturday night, Dec..6. Serving will begin' in the lower church hall' immediately follow: ing 5 o'clock Mass' and will co'ntinue until 8. A committee of society officers is "in charge of arrangements" headed by Henry LaMothe, president, and aided by a large number of members.

Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River

.. -By MSf' George G. Higgins



Th'e, Parish

Christian ~s Neutral: Union Iss'ue .Set~,ea Long Ago


l l -



HOLY NAM~, FALL RIVER, The ninth annual parish bazaar will be held from noon to 8 Saturday, Nov. 22 in the school hall at 850 Pearce Street. Booth's will feature Christmas items, candy, cakes, a country store, , gifts, aprons, a snack bar and a variety of games. General chairmen "Mrs. Mary Graffam, Women's Guild president, and Cornelius Lynch, Holy Name Society president, are aided by a large committee. '

SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will hold a Christmas party at Tony Parker's' restaurant Sunday, Dec. 14. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Dealina Furtado. Bus transportation will be available from the church at 6:30 the evening of the party. New officers of the council are Mrs. Helen Oliveira, president;, Mrs. Palmira AgUIar, vice-presi- ' dent; Mrs. Dealina Furtado, secretary; Mrs. Mary M. Medeiros, treasurer.

OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER 'fhe CYO will sponsor a car wash Sunday morning, Nov. 23 at the parish hall. The Holy Name Society announces a turkey whist for Saturday, Nov. 22. Tickets and raffle books are available in the sacristy. OUR LADY OF MT.' CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD ' A uniform pool for parents of children in' the parochial school is a project of the Parent-Teachers' Association and is in charge of Mrs. Doris Vasconcellos. Christmas wreaths made by novices at Villa Fatima, Taunton, are being distributed through P-TA members. Orders and arrangements for delivery dates ~ay be made with Mrs. Vasconcellos or any other member of ' , the wreath committee. At the November meeting of the unit a film on new teaching methods in Catholic schools was shown, in addition to' a film of 'the first graduation exercises at Mt. Carmel School and views of the late pastor, Msgr. Antonio P. Vieira. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH The Women's Guild is planning a Christmas Cocktail Party for Saturday evening, Dec. 13 in the K. of C. Hall in Buzzards Bay. Following the social hour, a buffet will be served and the evening will close with dancing at I A.M. Don Besegai's Trio will provide the music and tickets will ,be $3 per person. The tickets will be limited and so you are urged to contact any guild member or to call 888-1785 as soon as possible. "Let the Women's Guild do your Thanksgiving baking" is the slogan of members, who will hold a food sale from 10 to 12 Wednesday, Nov. 26 in front of Russell's Market, Route 6A in Sandwinch. Homebaked pies and breads will be available, in addition to relishes and jellies. S1I'. KILIAN,

NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild will sponsor a whist party at 8 on Saturday night in the school hall, Earle Street. Refreshments will be served and prizes awarded. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, . HYANNIS The Women's Guild will meet tonight in the parish center, beginning its program with a Mass for deceased .members. Mrs. Marie Barrows will conduct the business session and Ruth Bryant will conduct a Christmas decorations demonstration.

ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER Contributions for the annual Thanksgiving clothing drive may be brought to the school hall from Monday on. Women's Guild members are finalizing plans for a Christmas bazaar to be held in the hall Friday and Saturday, Dec. 5 and 6. Booths will feature toys, knit goods, Yule decorations, plants, foodstuffs and white elephant items. Parishioners wishing to donate articles may contact Mrs. Jean Bogan or Mrs. Betty Mercer. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER A Thanksgiving teen dance will be held in the parish center from 8 to 11 Friday night, Nov. 28. Music will be by "Faze III" and tickets will be available at the door. All parish societies will sponsor a giant turkey raffle at 8 Saturday night in 'the school auditorium. Five turkey dinner baskets and 200 turkeys will be raffled under direction of Walter Gosciminski, parish council chairman. Admission and refreshments will be free. HOLY NAME, NEW, BEDFORD The Women's Guild will hold its regular monthly meeting at 8 Monday ~vening, Nov. 24 in the parish hall. The entertainment will be provided by Mrs. Ernest Dion, the conductor of. an obedience school for dogs, and she will give live demonstrations of obedience by using some of her canines.

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ST. LAWRENCE, NEW BEDFORD Boy Scout Troop 1, Cachalot Council, will hold a court of honor at 7 tomorrow night at Junior Achievement Hall, 25 Morgan Street. Scout Christopher Trundy will be raised to Ea~le rank. ,

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