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Publicitv Chairmen are asked to submit news it.ems for this colurhn to The Allchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates or all activities. DEADLINE IS NOON ON FRIDAYS.


.'.' ',: the ana1OI\..Y


ily Life Center; 5.00 Siopum Road. It :-viII include group sharing and a witness speaker. This is the last Ultreya until the fall.


Two diocesan' schools appoint new·principals . ,

FALL 'RIVER - Two veteran teachers have been appointed to lead elementary schools in the Fall River diocese. Donald A. Pelletier, chairperson of the Religion Department at Coyle and Cassiqy High School, Taunton',. will become principal of St. Francis Xavier School . in Acushnet. Jean M. Willis, an En. glish and social studies.teacher at St. Stanislaus SchoQI in Fal1· River, will become principal there. In' separate statements announcing the appointments for the schools, which become effec. tive July I, the respective pastors of the sponsoring pm;shes pointed out that the experience brought by the 'new principal would be of great benefit.

At St. Stanislaus School, WilIis . dents, parents and faculty, as weII as the cultural traditions of St. will become principal as Denita Tremblay retires this spl;ng after Stan's." With her background and her 20 years in that position. enthusiasm for the new position, he continued, "she will bring the school to the next step il) Catholic education." At St. Francis Xavier Parish, pastor Father Daniel W. Lacroix stated, "The appointment of Don Pelletier as administrator of our school underscores the ongoing 'commitment of this parish to offering a strong school. With his 30 years of experience in Catholic education and his many p<:rsonal gifts, he comes well prepared to build on the good things already in place at our school. " Pelle.tier began his teaching ca\. ' ",,: reer in 1973 at the Sl. Thomas :!., . • . \ ... Aquinas School in Brooklyn, ,I .; "~. "'. N.Y., where he was an instructor in religious studies for students in JEAN M. WILLIS grades three to eight. He became assistant principal before leaving Willis joiilCd the faculty at St. in 1979. He again taught religious stud- Stan's in 1989, first teaching sciies.at the Notre Dame Intemational cnce for gradcs five-eight. She School in Rome, Italy; at Cardi- later Illoved to the subjects of Ennill Spellman High School in glish and social studies for those Brockton; and at Archbishop Wil- same grade Icvels as well as teaching reading and religion for gradcs liams High School in-Braintree. In 1992 he joined the Religion seven and eight. Along with her Dep,i'lltment at Coyle and Cassidy classroolll assignments, she ,is the High School, teaching at all grade direCtor of the school's Drama levels arid taking a strong role in . Club and advisor for its yearbook. curriculum development. He was In her years at the school, she named chairperson of the depart- has also taught remedial educament in 1997:· tion for grades K-8. directed sciPelletier. earn'ed a bachelor's ence fairs; coached basketball, degree in modern languages from and coordinated school liturgics. DONALD A. PELLETIER St. Francis ColIege, New York, in Willis holds a bachelor's der 1973 and a master's degree in re- gree in religion and religious stud"Since Willis has' been:a part ligious' education from St. ies from The Catholic University of the school faculty for a num- Michael's College, Vt., in 1980. of America in Washington, p.e., ber of years and a parishioner of He is succeeding Susan which she received in 1981. Ten the parish," sai9 Father Bruce M.. Boulay as principal. She will be years later she earned a master's' Neylon, pastor of St. Stanislaus le,lVing the school at the end of degree 'in elementary education Parish, "she knows well the SlU- the academi<: year in June. from' Rhode Island College.

NORTH DIGHTON Twenty-four hour ·Eucharistic adoratio\,! wiJl begin June 6 fol~ low i ng the 8 a: m. at S t. 'BREWSTER - L,i Salette Joseph's ~hurch, 499 Spring, Father William Kaliyadan will Street. It wi II continue unti I the celebrate Mass and lead a heal- '8 a.m. Mass on June 7. in!! service Junc 4 at 7 p.m. at NORTH EASTON - An · O~r Lady of the Cape Church, 46X StO;lY Brook Road. For evening of family 'entertainmore informatiqn callSOX-385- ment and inspirational songs will be held at SI. Joseph's 3252. Chapel, 500 Washington Street, FALL RIVER.- The dioc- May 31 at6:30 p.m. It will feaesan certification course "Lit- .lure several youth choirs and urgy and Sacramellts," will be billlds. For more information offered atthe Holy Trinity Par- , call Holy Cross Family Minisish reli!!ious education center tries at S08-238-4095. on Thu~sdllY e\;enings June S, SWANSEA - First Friday 12. I () and 26 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. For more information call day-long Adoration of the Deac(in Bruce Bonneau at the Blessed Sacrament will be held Office of Religious Education. June 6 beginning after the 8 at 5()R-67X-2X28 or Pat a~m. Mass at St. Dominic's Pasternak at. S(iX-6 72-8340. Church. It will continue until 6:30 p.m. when a Holy Hour· HYANNIS - There wil! be and Benediction will occur. Dea eucharistic proees'sion on the votionslo our Blessed Mother feast of Corpus Christi, June follow the 8 a.m. Mass every 22, at the. conclusion of the 3 First Saturday. p . m. Spa nish Mas sat St.'· · Francis Xavier Church. The TAUNTON - Members of Blessed Sacramcnt will be ex- the Taunton District Council of posed for adoration in the the St. Vincent de Paul Society churdi afier the II a.m. English wnt' attend a Mass June 2 at 7 Mass until the Spanish Mass p.m. at Holy Rosary.Church for hegins. This year. membcrs of the intention of the canoniza-' the English-speaking and Bra- tion of Blessed Frederic zilian communities will join thc Ozanam and in memory of de- . Hispanic t:omlllunity in adorn- ceased memqers. Its regular ing thc four altars that wiU be monthly m~eting wiU follow in sel-up along the processio'n the parish hall. route on the church grounds. . All arc invited .. WAREHAM - A Day of Reflection for Bereaved . NEW BEDFORD - SI. Jo- Spouses will be held Saturday seph-SI. Therese parish invites from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at all to add their recitcd rosaries the Sacred Hearts Retreat Cento its Rosary Drive for Pea~e. ter. For more information call'. For more information call Alice 508:295-0 I00. Bcaulieu at 50R-995-2354. WEST HARWICH' - The NEW BEDFORD - The Celebrate Life Committee of NEW BEDFORD - The Serra Club of New studies an~ will be ordained a transitional dcaFranciscans of Primitive Obser- HQly Trinity Parish will holdits Bedford recently met at White's of Westport and' con June 7 at the Immaculatc Conception Shrine ·vance arc sponsori ng a 24-l1our 1110nthly Holy Hour'Sunday at welcomed guest speaker Brother Samu~l . in Washington D.e. . prayer vigil May 31 through ·1 :30 p.m. at the church. Attend- Leonard, resident of St. _ - . . , - - - - - -.....,.:-----, "It should be a mcmoJune I at an ahortion'facility in ees are encouraged to bring a Killian's Church and a· rable day for the Leonard New Bedfmd. It will bcgin with. frie'nd and pray to stop abor-, member of 'the Institute family," said Brothcr an H a.m. Mass at SI. John the tion. of the Incarnate Word. Samucl. Brother Samuel Baptist Church and a procesBrother Samuel told thanked the Serra's for sionLO the huilding will follow. WEST HARWICH - The members that he felt the thcir work for vocations II will conclude with the cel- Perpetual Adoration Chapel at call to be a priest at age and stated that praycr for chi'ation Df Mass at H:30 a.m. Holy Trinity Church, Route 28, 14, but when he applie'd vocations as wcll ,as the June I. Voluntecrs arc ileeded invites people to spend an hour or to the seminary they sent influcncc of families arc In keep two-hour vigils. For two in prayer. This regional chapel him home. In 1956 he instrumcntal in many vo111 ore in rn'rm ati 0 n c all Mary of the mid-Cape 'area depends on • was married and he and cations to the priesthood . Anne Leiourneau at 508-996- the support of pcople. For more inhis wife would go on to The SCHa Club is an 305S. formation call 508-432-4000. raise 10 children ..His international organization .whosc objective is 10 fosNORTH DARTMOUTH WOODS HOLE a wife died of cancer five THE SERRA Cllib of New Bedford recently ter vocations to the priestDiocesan U!lrcya, ',i monthly frec concert of Renaissance cho- years ago and iil 1999, gathering of people who. have ral music..given by Sehola he reapplie~ 10 the seini- welcomed Brother Samuel Leonard, center:, hood, diaeonate and.relilived the Cursi.llo expericnce'or Cantorum of Falmouth will take . nary and was acccptcd. as its guest speaker. With Brother Samuel gious life. For more inforare interested ill Cursillo will be place Sunday at 7 p.m' at St. Brother Samuel co'm- are William E. Santos,left, fourth vice presi- mation cal) 508-993held iUllc 10 at 7 p.m. in the Fam- Joseph's Church, Millfield Street. , pleted his rheol.ogical dent arid Timothy E. Mitchell, president. 9179.

Brother is ·guest speake~ at New. Bedford. --Serra meeting



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