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Feels~ ;Red' :China' ",Blessed" :Sacrament' Churck,~Fa:U

River;" Rises~~~;~~~t<U~"1;'9~' 7, ~::n~~iSe~~d -, ,:-~~",,8~1it:h.ij,':'.ro1:v~nd HiU Voices Concern"

'. W~S~NGTON ' ..(NC) .~~"

,'.... Sa;;e~:.b~ the' ~eath"th~" :~tt~~i~~:~~~~:: L. mo~,: th~ir pastor' for. th~ Past' . Catholic Adla\S~ ~teven~: s:;s It .·five Y~~~(P~rishiC?n~~·ofl.Ji~~e4,Sacia~nt'Ch9rc=h~Fal1Ri~~r, are none the less pm. Schools Curb y ssl ma t ", e::dlmPOtt '.' f' PR~ ,paring, ~o'.\velcome th~pr~estWh({WI.ill b¢,<tl1:~,,';'fIftli' 'p.Mtor,. ()~'. the .flourishing bench V·Artn',CAN"CITY'. (NG) _ 'inn a ml anee. 0 ~ • h "Bl~ft d'S '.. t be' '. . ., .. '..... 'f' 'Cl:.l>"·A ,,-_.;.J, . • 'L. It ed F. . 'L. .L.L ~a 'w' the' United Nations.', ,pans ~.; l~Se ,~er~~en:, .gan.~::·~~9!!,:q.-,·'?:1'!.·~IClI. par18Ulo serv', 'l'em;1Ii- L'Osservafore 'Romano said .." . "".,, ·s~nL.:n""'residenfa'Of the' .,~" .. '~"-'''.'''' _.J' • ,'. . The for~er Dlinois :GovernOf' .. ~ b .. ~ . '• . " , ·...:~:.."':.L-.,~c~:;,c:....:;.;,;'tn--r-·th.at Pope John referred to bas point~ out that support of ~me :south, ,end of .,Fan c. i~' )}) conditions in'Haiti,. 'Ceylon,


the United· states position of River as w.enasresiQ.en~O~" 'c. >:'\':; , keeping the' admittance of: CODl- North Tiverto'n.In 1892 tM · - ; : 1 ' , ; , ( munist-China .0U the agend~ of thea Bishop :of Providence 'J . '. the UN ~e~era~ Assembly :ha~ :. erected the ~isSion,/which:. was been declmmg. m recent years. known as St. Dominic's. intO,. a Appearing before the S,enate canonical parish. Rev. L. q. MasForeign Relatioas Comniittee,· sicOtte became first pastor of the the new U.S. Ambassador to the new parish, although third to be United Nations expressed the in charge at the church conSidopinion that this country is ered as a .mission. "likely to encounter some· unFather Massicotte was pastor accustomed rebuHs· and disap- for eighty-ears' during which' pointments" in the United Na- time thepari$h ~rospered great.~ns in years ahead. 11'. A rect()ry was erected and a The former Democratic presi- parochial school was established 4ential nominee said he could iii. the church basement. The DOt anticipate what the policy Grey Nuns who staffed St, Joef the Kennedy administration seph's orphanage were the first wi.1.1 be on admitting Red' China Sisters at the school, assisted by to the UN but he would abide several lay women. b,. it. Senator Bourke HickenIn 1901. Fa.ther Massicotte was JDoper of Iowa declared Mr. replaced by Rev. D. V. DeleStevenson had suggested a year marre. The new pastor carried ago that the United States could forward plans f:or erection of a end its embargo of Red China's new church which should, aeadmission to the UN as part of cording to· a newsp!lper account an overall' setUement of Far of the time, "rise majestically on Eastern problems. Mr. Steven- Townsend Hill as a monument 80n replied that whatever his 'to the living faith of the parishpersonal views as Ambassador ioners of .St.Dominic's." be would be Qound by the policy Change of Name BLESSED SACRAMENT l

. the

Sudan, British' Guiana and 'Guinea .when 'he voiced concern ,'overrest.rit:ti'ons' .011. CathOlie



aehools. .. The Pope spoke of his concem

. when he formaIly announced the names of four new cardinals. The Vatican City daily commented: 'Seriousl/y Tbreatened" '"It is known that in maOT countries which claim to be free, which aCcept the Charter of the United Nations or the Univen.al Decliaration of Human Rightsundertaking therefore to respect the school dghfis. .classified ill these· documents· Catholie schools are' bard hit or seriouslJ' threatened. . "Conditions in the Republic of Haiti and other COllllltries of CentFal Ameriea are well known. In the Sudan miSSionaries are r&moved one by one. We have referred also in the past to the g re a t injustices. committed against Catholic ~hools ill Ceylon. The situation. in Guinea ·is no better."

,Life of Charity End. For Dr. Tom Dooley

laid down by the President and Cornerstone for the new Renovation of the church was Sacrament Church. ~ Secretary of State. 'church' was laid July 4, 1902. In dear to Father Boucher's heart In 1952, golden jubilee of the The Ambassador observed that the course of his remarks upon 'and work continued ·throughout erection of Blessed Sacrament, NOTRE- DAME (NC) - Dr. he thought, it "highly optimis- . this occasion, ;Bishop Harkins of the remainder of his pastorate. the sacristy became a chapel Thomas A: Dooley· will alw8.711 tic" to ,think that admitting Red Providence 'oUiciallY changed A highlight of parish history honoring Our Lady of the Most be remembered for his "spirit al China to the UN would be a con- the name of.the parish from St. occurred May 19, 1940 when Holy Rosary.. ,selflessness and Christ-like charakuctive ,move, end commu- Dominic to Most Blessed Sacra- three sons of Blessed Sacrament ' Parishioners are 1epresented .ity which has, earned the a ~ aist China's. isolation and make ment. . .together' celebrated their First in seven religious communities ation 'of' peoples throughout the Bed re~. easier to deal with. The completed 'church was Solemn Masses. They were for women, four congregations world." . blessed Nov, ~4, 1904.. Fattter Father Donald Belanger, Father' of priests, two of brothers and "His death is tndeed a loss for Delemarre' re~iiined pastor until .Gerard Boisvert .and Father very notably in thec1ergyot. ow;' nation," declared Father his death in 1926. During his Benoit Galland.' ·the Fall River Diocese. Theodore M. Hesbw-gh, C.s.c.. pastorate the Sisters of St. Iri.:1'942 Bishop CasSidy visited . Parish organizations include president of. the University al . Joseph replaced the Grey Nuns . the St. Vincerit de Paul Society, Notre Dame from which Dr. VATfCANV " CITYC(NC\- ~~ as teachers at Blessed Sacrament the repaired and redeco~ted League of the Sacrea Heart, the Dooley was graduated in 1948. S econd atIcan OunCI WI ' school, an. d the Tiverton area church and commented dn ,·ft in' Ladies (}f Ste. Anne. and the The famed "jungle doctor" ol 8tudy the organization of C'athof the parish was detach~d to words that delighted parishion- . Children of Mary. .Laos died last week in New olic alumni groups throughout become' a mission of "St. An_ ers: "There are richer churches ' Curate in the parish atprelJ- ·york'of cancer the diy after ha. the world. " . thony's of Portsmouth. 'in this Diocese, but none more t· Rev'R I d'B l' ·34th ~ii-thday. ., ".' . The 'preparatory commission . Tl\e y"ar. 1919 was marked by . beautiful." .en I S . 0 an ou.e. tbr the lay apostolate has e s t l iab -'" . '9 . . I' . 't ~M'I~w_"""""~M'I~"""""""'M'I """"'M'lM_ _""""". gigantic parochial campaign to In 1 51 a SO emn momen came ". lish~ a"committee ,to· survey: .pay off "the. 'church debt. Goa{' :when Monsignor' Boucher (who.' ReligIOUS . ~.rders ,and' c~mgr.ega$25,'o~P ~nd thE: drive was . 'h~4', bee~' raised 't,i>:' ~e miJ!Jsi- .' tions throughout the world to b 'b d t rea h' ."'ta! gnorate In 1945) reSIgned from eollect· iiilor~ati~n on .-alumnI· "~rJ~~rs~n 060. ,Q, . ,~., a. 'W.':' ',the' pastorate of 'Blessed Sacra:programs' ahd proJects connected ';rh '',, . 'n' (·'1Jaij;."merit,· He" blidegdodbye to par:. with graduates of their hi~h' ,ti· ~ eor~/'b:i~O. hJlcl .i.Ji . 'lshioners 'at all ~as~e~f on 'June ,8Chools ~hd colleg~s.. '. . when a bell that had J to; "then <condtlc~ed. final holy . The c.ommitteemcludes. r~~, at .~otre Dame Church; Fall hou~,as:pa~t'.of~ortyH~u~S', RsentatiV'es of the world con R' t' I t devotIons"" . ' .,' ,J " federatiods hf 'alumni lof I the : J.Ye,r, was P~. ,111, '? ,a~.~ .a, ; < ' , . '''F th'" M'" t B 'th·'" BI~S$ed Sacrament, and bap)Wsgr. Bouch~r ~as succeeded S a I eSIan a e. s, arIS . ro ti ~.." '"t'l;" tho " '. t ""N' <:_" t ' b R ',.... " n' E' t: . en, Christian' Brothel'S, Jesuit· z~ WI. U ,e ~atne 0 0 ... : as pas 0'; Y.,~,:,.:.~osep ., . I'athers; .J Daughters '. of Mary Dl,\JPe d~ Tre~ Samt Sacremen~. ". ,B~~~que, .,wh~ wa,s a,son, a(:~ Belp of' Christians, Religious 'of' . ~n, Feb~u~ry, 1926, Rev. OSI~ .. par~sh. f~ther ~o,urq;ue contu~-: '(":. the Sacred Heart and the Italian Bo.ucher , became p.a s tor ()l ,'lil,l~ the renovatIon. wor~ ?f: confederation of Catholic.schools. Blessed Sacrament.. By 1929 ~e ·predece~o~. ~n4 rema~ecl .~'s The sutvey is tei be made in ?adcomplete~y re,bred the par- ,p~stor until hu; dec~ase 11], 1955, 1961 and the committee hopes to Ish debt, ~nd.m 1931 bought l~~d when h~. was suc<:eeded boy 'publish a study' of the resulting for ,a new school. Construction Father pIOn. . material in 1962. Purpose of the began the sa,?e year and by June . Otht;r highligh~ in ~ri~h life report is to provide a statisticiil of· 1932 the plant was ready for ,~a~e m 1952. when parISbIOners basis on which to base recomoccupancy. Jomed the Slst,ers .of St.' Joseph mendations for the strengthening i~ celebration, of tht; gol~en iuer overhaLiling of existing alum_bI1~ of thel,l', arrIval In the Dt organizations. ,United States anq the Fall River, . Diocese. The Sisters' provincial, ' , .. WASHINGTON (NC) - The house is located directl,y acroSs .' U,S.' Supreme Court has been SQuth Main Street from .Blessed ,:. asked to· review the conviction WASHINGTON (NC)-Bishop of Norfolk, Va. man sentenced to fiveye'ars in jail and fined Charles .P.,Greco of Alexandria. La., was elected Supreme Chap- $2:000 fop' mailing photographs ·for 52 weeks will enjoy Local, National . '" lain of the Knights of Columbus of nudes. Counsel for the .man, chalat a quarterly meeting of the ,!,orld: . organization's board of directors lenged constitutionality .of the at the Statler-Hilton hotel·here. F,ed.eral postal statute under in the Light of Catholic Thought.. The election of Bishop' Greco wh,ich he was·convicted and 8';..,.' lued that ,the phot~pbs an. was announced by Luke E. Hart, -~t, obscene. . . Supreme Knight. Bishop Greco, CHARLES F. V~AS The m,~ a professional ~. : . Louisiana State Chaplain of the 254 ROCKDALf AVENUE ~K. of C. succeeds Msgr. Leo M. tOgra~he:r" eX-.Ma~ . NEW '~~MA5S.: Finn of .Bridgeport, Coni1. 'who divinity StUdent, was first foUJ;t(l, . . guilty U.S. DistHetCou~t' tn· died last.,Qct. 30. Bishop.,Greco has-been a.mem.. l'fM,:follt: :t-i~s c'onviotiC?D. w~S,·Up... 1 , • :"'.1. ·ber oLt.h.~ J.<. ,of' C•. since 1919,· h~~:. ~~'-'lthNe y;..S. ~~~. 9f, ~. '" , pe~ ~ ovem......... ,r<). t , He iS,a .m;\tive .. of Rodney, Miss.;.' was ord:ai,lH~d.to, the priesthoocl· """'".-~,"!', -.-~ ~~FEB. 12 .IS,:::SUBSCRlPTION· SUNDAY ~ ~., Ia. 1918,·~.(I,d .was consecrated a·' '''Tlte KEY·STONE·<· .i~

Council to Study Alumni Groups

was .










Seek Cou rt Rev.lew In Obscenity Case

Elect Bishop Greco Supreme Chaplain










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NEW ORLEANS (NC)-eitJ' ~ l .' superintends"at.. James Bedmondsaid he win' dispense with requil'ementa fur·, blnb ·eertifj<lates- and other document. . . admitting SO dilldi'ell .at · Cuban refugee» to- NewOr1eaDa



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