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Wednesday, 23 March, 2016
Today 17-26
Thursday 12-21
Friday 11-18
Saturday 11-18
An Easter ‘tail’ By Sharnahea Wilson
Preschool and primary school students got into the spirit of Easter last week when they celebrated ‘Palm Sunday’ with a real-life donkey. On Monday, March 14 Tilly the donkey, along with some other farm animals from Zippity Zoo, visited the students at Samuel Marsden Collegiate School to help re-create the triumphant procession into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday occurs the week before Easter and recalls the time Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey with crowds welcoming Him, waving palm branches and cheering “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna (praise) in the highest heaven”. Continued on page 2 Marsden Primary School students (back) Evangeline Leach, (left to right) Eloise Catley-Lewis, Sophie Penn, Millicent Hiku and Una Alagusundaram get cuddly with a donkey in the lead up to Easter.
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Wednesday March 23, 2016
Woodridge residents get in the spirit of neighbours day
How to reach us
Telephone (04) 587 1660
Woodridge residents turned out in droves for their inaugural community picnic as part of the 2016 Neighbours Day celebrations. Promoted and sponsored by the Wellington City Council, Neighbours Day promotes the benefits of people connecting
Address: 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045. Fax: (04) 587 1661
Sharnahea Wilson E: herald@wsn.co.nz P: 587 1660
with their neighbours. Roughly 150 people turned up last weekend, with many taking traditional food to share with the crowd. A treasure hunt sponsored by Woodridge Homes proved to be very popular with not only the
Sam Barnes sam@wsn.co.nz P: 587 1660 SALES
David Lewis E: david@wsn.co.nz P: 587 1660
4 Residents of Woodridge gather together for a Neighbours Day picnic PHOTO: Bruce Patterson
Students and animals celebrate ‘Palm Sunday’
Classified Sales: Nicola Adams nicola@wsn.co.nz
The students at Marsden made their own “palms” for waving, and processed around the courtyard and into the chapel singing “Make way, make way for Christ the King in splendour arrives!” In chapel the gospel story was read before the students sang again as they walked out to meet and pet the other farm animals. Marsden Chaplain, Sarah King said it was important the school covered the whole journey Jesus made that week before Easter. “On Palm Sunday Jesus was hailed as a King, son of God, and someone who would rescue the people from Roman oc-
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cupation. “By Thursday, Jesus’ disciples gathered to celebrate the Passover meal and that night Jesus was betrayed and arrested.” Sarah explained how Good Friday was the day Jesus was crucified, then on Easter Sunday we celebrate– rejoicing in the new life of Jesus’ resurrection and the new life that Christians share through Him. “That’s the reason for the chocolate eggs, a symbol of new life – a ‘sweet’ new life. The celebration of Easter day doesn’t make sense without the recollection of the whole story, Easter is sweeter because of what comes before it.”
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Sri Lankan food fair
Marsden students gather on ‘Palm Sunday’ as student Lauren Britton holds Tilly’s lead. PHOTO: Supplied
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Chair of Woodridge Planters, which organised the picnic, Peter Gilberd was impressed with the crowd’s efforts to celebrate being good neighbours. “We normally see our neighbours when we are rushing around, going to work, or running the kids around. What a difference to meet the neighbours in a relaxed environment. Neighbours Day is a great concept,” he said. The Wellington City Council was represented on the day through Deputy Mayor Justin Lester and Councillor Malcolm Sparrow. Volunteers helped with the publicity, barbecue, face-painting, and a small planting of totara and northern rata trees. Local resident Robert GenteWednesday November 4, 2015 johann summed up the day as he dragged away the rubbish, describing the event as “a great success”.
children, but their parents too. Bruce Patterson, who ran the treasure hunt with his wife Dawn, noted how engaged the parents were, saying “They joined their children in the hunt, and seemed to enjoy the treasure just about as much”.
A Sri Lankan food fair will be held at the Johnsonville Community Centre on Saturday November 7 from 10am to 2pm. The local Sri Lankan dance academy is hosting the food fair in order to fundraise towards the cost Petmedz: of costumes for their dancers. On the Cats from $35.70 day attendees can enjoy the taste of Sri Dogs from $35.70 Lankan rice and curry, string hoppers, High profi le pet shop: kotthu, thosai, Sri Lankan savouries, from $46.96 Cats sweets and drinks. Go along on the $46.96 Dogs from day to support the dance academy Conditions Apply and enjoy some authentic Sri Lankan cuisine. Why pay more? Delivered to your Door
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Wednesday March 23, 2016
Choir concert for Good Friday By Sharnahea Wilson
Wellingtonians will be treating their ears this Easter weekend with a performance from Tudor Consort put together by former Consort director Peter Walls. Peter directed the choir for ten years and is returning for
a concert on Good Friday as part of the consort’s 30th anniversary. Getting in the spirit of Easter, Peter decided to work with two major pieces by German composer Heinrich Schutz. “I have always had a strong love for baroque repertoire,” Peter explained.
Peter Walls is excited to be working with Wellington Choir Tudor Consort again on Good Friday. PHOTO: Sharnahea Wilson
He decided on two works with the first being Musikalishes Exequien also known as Funeral Music. This has three parts to it and Peter said Schutz was very particular about where he wanted the singers placed during the piece. “Two sopranos and a baritone will be stationed in the loft up the back. This will represent the soul of a redeemed person being taken to heaven by angels,” Peter said. The second work is the beautiful Matthaeus Passion, or St Matthew Passion which sees the composer turn away from the florid Italian style to the austerity of the earliest passion settings. Peter decided to use Schutz’s work because he believes he was the greatest German composer before Bach. “Schutz was the greatest German composer of the 17th century. His St Matthew Passion looks forward to Bach, while the funeral music shows the
influence of his visits to Venice to study with Monteverdi.” In celebration of their 30th year as a choir, Tudor Consort has invited back each of its previous directors to put on a show each throughout the year. Peter is excited to work with the choir once again. “It is wonderful to be working again with The Tudor Consort – they are such a fine, stylish ensemble.” Peter has done many things in the world of music since leaving the Tudor Consort in 1999, including teaching at Victoria University’s School of Music and Serving as Chief Executive in the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra for nearly ten years. Peter said the Good Friday concert will be something everyone can appreciate. “The music is really very accessible, anyone can enjoy it.” To purchase tickets for the concert visit www.tudorconsort.org.nz
inbrief news Council preserves the past Eleven heritage buildings around Wellington have jointly received $274,600 from a funding pool to go towards seismic strengthening work and conservation – making the Capital stronger and safer. Mayor Celia Wade-Brown said “Wellington heritage buildings tell a fascinating story and the fund is crucial for preserving the Capital’s past and securing the future”. “The Built Heritage Incentive Fund also protects people by making the buildings stronger and safer, adds to the city’s character, and contributes to the tourism and construction economy,” she added.
Community Centre activities The Churton Park Community Centre will wave goodbye to their centre advocate in early April as Beckie Duffy moves onto a new role. The centre is also gearing up for a busy week with an abundance of activities taking place. Churton Park Toastmasters will have their fortnightly meeting on March 24 and everyone is welcome to go along. You can also join in a Churton Park clean up, organised by the Community Association, on April 2 which will be followed by a sausage sizzle.
THIS COULD Thinking of selling? Renowned New Zealand play comes backBEtoYOU! life Chris Day By Sharnahea Wilson the Springbok tour. Written in the 90s by a renowned New Zealand playwright, Joyful and Triumphant is being brought back to life by its original director and some of its original cast. To celebrate the 40th birthday of Circa Theatre, this award winning play is returning to inform and entertain new audiences. Director and Kelburn woman Susan Wilson is “delighted” to be working on the play, written by Robert Lord, for the second time. The play portrays a family over 40 years, from 1949 to 1989, and each scene is set on Christmas Day in a different year. Susan said the play covers everything that happened socially and politically during that time, from the stock market crash to
It is nostalgic for Susan, working on the well-known kiwi play again. “I’m really thrilled to be directing the play again. It’s a beautiful play – beautifully constructed.” Susan explained how Robert was living in New York at the time he wrote the play so we get to see the country from a different perspective. She said the play gives a commentary on what was happening over those 40 years but Robert constructs it in a way that is both sad and funny. The play was a hit at the Wellington Festival when it was first performed in 1992, winning multiple awards including best writer and best director. The cast and crew then travelled to Australia and London, show-
University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival
REGIONAL FESTIVAL WELLINGTON Students in the Wellington region are already busy learning their lines, rehearsing their scenes and preparing themselves for the 25th SGCNZ Wellington Regional University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival. Tickets: Adults: $12 | SGCNZ Friends: $10 Students: $6 | SGCNZ Friends: $5 Buy tickets online: https://www.iticket.co.nz/ or Door Sales - cash only Enquiries: P: 04 384 1300 M: 027 283 6016 E: shakespeare.et.al@gmail.com 12-14 April 2016, 7-9pm Wellington East Girls’ College Hall, Austin St, Mt Victoria, Wellington Shake Alive 2016 - celebrating SGCNZ’s 25th anniversary & Shakespeare’s Quattro Centennial
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021 950 717 chris.day@redcoats.co.nz The cast of Joyful and Triumphant bring the 90s play back to life for Circa Theatres 40th birthday.
ing the incredible work by the late Robert to international audiences. Three of the women who acted in the play back in the early 90s have returned to bring the play back to life. With the original director and three of the original actors,
Susan said this is a play for audiences old and young. “It uses language evocative of the times, it’s just a delight to work on,” Susan said. Visit www.circa.co.nz/package/joyful-and-triumphant/ the play will run from April 2 to May 7.
getting getting Clucky Clucky Clucky Kirkcaldie & Stains’ famous Clucky Kirkcaldie & Stains’ famous Clucky thethe Kirkcaldie & Stains’ famous Clucky the Kirkcaldie & Stains’ famous Clucky the hen moved nest Wellington hen hashas moved herher nest to to Wellington hen has moved her nest to Wellington Museum. Clucky will be laying chocolate hen has moved her nest to Wellington Museum. Clucky will be laying chocolate Museum. will be chocolate eggs inClucky exchange for a gold coin Museum. Clucky will be laying chocolate eggs in exchange for a laying gold coin eggs in exchange for a gold coin donation between 1-3pm over Easter. eggs inbetween exchange for aover gold coin donation 1-3pm Easter. donation between 1-3pm over Easter. donation between 1-3pm over Easter. 24-28 March | Free entry 24-28 March | Free entry 24-28 March | Free entry 24-28 March | Free entry Wellington Museum, Queens Wharf Wellington Museum, Queens Wharf museumswellington.org.nz Wellington Museum, Queens Wharf museumswellington.org.nz Wellington Museum, Queens Wharf museumswellington.org.nz museumswellington.org.nz
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Wednesday March 23, 2016
Kapiti makes for the perfect day trip or weekend escape. Its prime location means that after just a 45-minute drive from the capital you'll be experiencing its 40 kilometres of spectacular coastline. The region has a vibrant community with many attractions, services and unique stores and restaurants for visitors to take advantage of. Explore Kapiti's heritage along The Kapiti Coast Heritage Trail, and discover the rich and colourful history. Or feel inspired by The Kapiti Arts Trail, as it showcases the best visual arts from the coast.
Raumati – relaxed lifestyle and activities for the family Raumati has become a popular destination for shopping – with its established precinct at Raumati Beach and the busy complex at Raumati Village, it’s bound to have something to catch your eye. The town also has attractions for the family with Raumati Marine Gardens being close by. This park is a popular recreation location: it features a ridable miniature railway and serves as the primary public pools for the surrounding area.
At Impact Hair Design we offer a professional service in a friendly relaxing salon. We listen to clients’ wishes and do our utmost to fulfill them. We are stockists of Loreal products and are a Loreal Colour Expert salon.
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ONEDAY CAFE Situated right on Rosetta Rd facing the popular Raumati Marine Gardens, Oneday has a spacious sheltered courtyard with views of the park and out to Kapiti Island. With a new chef starting in early April, together with a new lunch menu, Oneday will con tinue to provide tasty and affordable savouries, club sandwiches, cakes and slices. All items are under ten dollars.
The cabinet also features a new deli section, selling NZ cheeses and cured meats. Crackers and chutneys are also available to complement the cheeses and meats. Look for the bright orange signage all around Oneday Cafe as you wander along the Rosetta Road businesses at the Raumati Beach Shopping Centre.
MAC’S COLLECTABLES Mac’s Collectables specialises in solid wood furniture, both modern & old in Rimu, Kauri, Mahogany, Teak, Oak etc, clocks, mirrors, china & pottery, crystal, silverware, jewellery, art glass & all sorts of old & interesting things. Now open 7 days. New stock coming in daily. Also stock bags & accessories for most vacuum cleaners.
Niki has been running Mac’s Collectables for 15 yrs now & enjoys talking to the regulars & meeting new customers. Alway buying new stock, Mac’s also sell alot on Trade Me with the user name macs6. With prbably half of the turnover online now, the shop is still crammed full of lovely & interesting things
All Day Breakfast, Brunch & Lunch, High Teas available.
New chef starting in early April togethe r with a new lunch menu
Oppos ite Ma rine Ga rdens •Cabinet selection of savouries, club sandwiches, cakes & slices. •All under ten dollars. •Deli section Open 7 days - Ph 04 299 0052. Rosetta Road, Raumati Beach www.facebook.com/onedaycafenz
GORGEOUS THINGS Gorgeous Things is a boutique gift shop located in the heart of the Raumati Beach Village on the Kapiti Coast and specialise in gorgeous gifts
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Wednesday March 23, 2016
Kids join flag debate School students, including year one Chloe Zhao, have joined the rest of the country in the controversial flag debate. Students of Marsden Collegiate School voted in their own school poll on which flag they would choose. The school took part in ‘Kids voting for the second, referendum for the NZ flag.
Left: Hannah McLachlin, 11 (left); Juliana Wernicki, 12 (middle); Britaney Demicoli, 11 (top) and Chloe Faulkner-Ball, 12 (right) at the ‘Run for us’ fundraiser. Below: From left: Jayden Wilson, 12, and Jaelen Waller, 10, at the ‘Run for us’ fundraiser.
New hoops for Newlands Intermediate Newlands Intermediate will have new basketball hoops after its ‘Run for us’ fundraiser on Friday, March 18. Principal Angela Lowe said the fundraiser is used to help fund developments the school needs for that year. All 338 students took part. “Originally we needed new devices with improved technology, but now we are well equipped. This year we need new basketball hoops, which
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will cost over $10,000. “Any leftover money would be put towards sail-cloths and outdoor furniture for the school’s courtyard.” The students worked in teams to complete laps of a 500-metre circuit. Each student had their own identification card that was marked when they completed each lap, making it easy to track their progress. Angela said volunteers were also important, with parents turning up early in the day to help with proceedings.
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Wednesday March 23, 2016
y a w a t Ge Marton Harvest Fair is on again The Marton Harvest Fair will take place next Sunday, April 3. Come and celebrate the harvest season in true country fashion with over 160 quality stalls, food, music and fun. The event, which takes place each year, this is an opportunity for the Marton community to celebrate its history, heritage, culture and identity as a rural New Zealand town. Sights and sounds on offer this year include a wood chopping demonstration, vintage displays of machinery, pumps and tractors and a musical performance by Bluegrass band Winsome Lost. Special celebrity chef Annabelle White will also be giving live cooking demonstration and judging the town’s Pumpkin Pie Baking Contest. There will also be a home brew competition as well as a geese herding display in true country fashion.
Staying Staying safe safe is is more more than than just just staying staying aflEnjoy afl oat. oat. autumn boating Visit us online at www.independentherald.co.nz
The Marton Harvest Fair will take place on Sunday, April 3, at Marton Park from 10am to 4pm.
Have youHave seenyou Maritime seen Maritime NZ’s latest NZ’s lifejacket latest lifejacket adverts featuring adverts featuring ‘80’s TV cop ‘80’sJoe TV Bro? cop Joe B a great summer, autumn is looking to navigation lights and watching the weather It carriesAfter Itthe carries very the important very important messagemessage that lifejackets that lifejackets will not save will not livessave unless livesthey unless be good on the water as well. don’t forget: are beingare worn. being Most worn. accidents Most accidents occur suddenly occur suddenly with no warning with no –warning there may – there be no may b With the change of season, the weather • Lifejackets for all on board time to grab timeatolifejacket, grab a lifejacket, and it’s extremely and it’s extremely difficult todiffi putcult ontoa put lifejacket on a lifejacket in the water. in the w • Waterproof communications is becoming more variable. This makes Many boaties boaties less drown than 200than metres 200from metres shore. •shore. Wellfrom prepared boat and motor itMany evendrown more important toless look at weather forecasts and monitor any changes in the
• A clear head to make good decisions
While wearing While lifejackets wearing in on small boats in small is very boatsimportant is very it is not ittillisyou only notare step the only you step weather while youlifejackets are the water. (the beersimportant should waitthe ashore) • Warm and windproof clothing can take With can in keeping take in yourself keeping safe yourself this safe summer. this summer. the end of daylight saving fast • • • • •
approaching and the possibility of getting Many of the complaints we have back to shore after sunset, vessel and Always • check Always thecheck weather the forecast weather forecast keepand an eye keepover out anfor eye out have for been received summer navigation needs tothe be checked changes changes while lights youwhile are on you are water. on the water.about boats in the wrong places and that they are correct and also that creating risk to other water users, if Carryfirstly •at least Carry one at least waterproof one waterproof means ofmeans communication. of communication. they are working. If you are unsure what you are not sure of the rules take a few Makelights •sure Make yourvessel sure boatyour andboat allhave itsand equipment all www. its equipment are in good arecondition. in good condition. your should check minutes to familiarise yourself http:// Understand • Understand the rulesthe of‘Know the rules road the androad otherand bylaws otherlike bylaws the 500 liketon therule 500 ton rule saferboating.org.nz, theofRules’ or www.gw.govt.nz/navigation-and-safety/ and 5contact knot and speed 5 knot restrictions. speed restrictions. us. or contact us at the Greater Wellington
AvoidRemember •alcohol, Avoid italcohol, impair it can your impair decision your decision making as making well asasoffice, well as tocan have the right equipment Harbourmaster’s phone 830 increase increase your riskboating. your of hypothermia. risk hypothermia. when you are In of addition to 4160 or email harbours@gw.govt.nz.
For moreFor information more information you can you lookcan at www.gw.govt.nz/harbours look at www.gw.govt.nz/harbours For more information you can look at www.gw.govt.nz/harbours or or emailemail or harbours@gw.govt.nz email harbours@gw.govt.nz harbours@gw.govt.nz For reports Forreports of reports unsafe ofbehaviour unsafe behaviour oror breaches or of For of unsafe behaviour breaches breaches of Navigation of Navigation Bylaws call Bylaws 04 388 call 7795. 04 388 7795. Navigation Bylaws call 04 388 7795.
Enjoy your boating safely.
Wednesday March 23, 2016
Easter messages from your local Councillors Northern Ward Councillor - Malcolm Sparrow
Easter eggs! Most of us enjoy them and I’m no exception. My wife and I will exchange Easter eggs on Easter Sunday and we’ll also give them to our grown-up kids. Then we’ll get to an Easter Service to reflect on what Easter is all about. In recent years we’ve gone to Queenstown/ Central Otago each Easter to relax and enjoy the autumn colours. We’re saving that for late April this year. Instead we’ll be home working on the house one day and will enjoy visiting Wairarapa the next. Make the most of your break and enjoy time on the non-working days with your loved ones!
Deputy Mayor - Justin Lester
I want to wish everyone a very happy Easter and I hope Wellingtonians will be able to spend some time with their loved ones. My wife Liz and I will be taking our kids up to Otaki for a few days to spend time with their grandparents and family friends. For us it’s about taking stock after a busy summer and having some downtime with our children. Have a great Easter everybody and travel safely if you’re heading out of town.
Onslow-Western Ward Councillor - Simon Woolf
Easter is a time of great religious and historical significance for many Wellingtonians. It is also a time to gain some solid rest and relaxation after a busy start to a year. Our family have decided to stay in Wellington, and spend some quality time together. The amazing weather we have had was a contributing factor. I picked up the Wellington Walks Guide today, and we will try to nail at least a couple of the tracks and trails around Wellington’s skyline. Wellington can be so stunning, and getting up onto the heights, with the views, and surrounded by our natural beauty, has that ability to recharge the batteries. There may even be the odd Easter egg and Hot Cross Bun consumed on the way! Wishing all Wellingtonians an enjoyable and safe time over the Easter break.
Northern Ward Councillor - Helene Ritchie
Have a great Easter in the coolest-hottest little Capital in the world, or wherever you choose. I will be hunting for Easter eggs in the bush, what will you be doing? Our new library for Johnsonville and the Northern suburbs is on track… and yes we will be able to show films there. Many happies, Helene.
Onslow-Western Ward Councillor - Andy Foster
“For most of us Easter is that last great long holiday weekend before winter arrives. However, especially as debate occasionally flares about such things as Easter trading hours, where did Easter come from? We all know it is a Christian festival marking the death and resurrection of Jesus. Going back even further a multitude of northern hemisphere cultures celebrated the coming of spring, fertility, and new life. The symbols of new life we use today like (Easter) eggs and bunnies go back thousands of years, and were picked up and wrapped into the Christian celebration of Easter. The name we use today seems to have come from an Anglo Saxon goddess of the spring. However you are marking Easter, enjoy yourself, and if you are travelling, please drive safely and courteously, and I hope the traffic is not too heavy!”
Young St Benedict’s student’s farewell their older peers as they leave for year eight camp. PHOTO: Supplied
Students head for Hillary camp By Sharnahea Wilson
St Benedict’s School year eight students had their annual camp send off last week when younger students waved them off as they headed for the Hillary Outdoors Education Centre. St Benedict’s Khandallah Principal Dave Lamont said the camp send-off is one of the highlights of the year for year eight students. “The camp provides them with challenges throughout the week that help them to develop confidence, resilience, perseverance, problem solving and teamwork. “They are encouraged to push themselves to take part in activities that are mostly new to them and will broaden their experiences,” he said. The students left for the Education Centre in Tongariro National Park on Monday, March 14.
While the students are at camp they will take part in activities such as caving, abseiling, tramping, high ropes, kayaking across a lake and camping in tents over night as well as a range of team building activities. “One of the main benefits we have observed after the year eight students arrive back from their camp is that they are ready to take on their leadership roles with a new confidence and passion and they work together as a much more cohesive group throughout the rest of the year,” Dave said. While the year eight students are away at camp the year seven students are involved in their own ‘education outside the classroom’ experiences. “This year their activities include walking up Mt Kaukau, spending a day at Camp Kaitoke, Capital E, and winding up the week with a sports day at the Kilbirne ASB Sports Centre.”
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58-year-old man charged in relation to fatal vehicle incident A homicide investigation is underway after a woman was killed in Northland last week. Police said emergency services were called to Garden Rd in Northland last Tuesday about 9.15pm, after receiving reports a woman had been hit by a car. Detective Sergeant Haley Ryan said despite the efforts of ambulance staff following the accident, the woman died at the scene. Police later confi rmed the woman who died was 55-year-old Delia Grace Williams. A 58-year-old man has since appeared in Wellington District Court charged with assault with a blunt
weapon and excess breath alcohol, in relation to the incident. Meanwhile, Sergeant Ryan said police were still trying to build a picture of the events leading up to Tuesday night’s incident. This included gathering as much information about Delia's history as possible, Sergeant Ryan said. “Therefore we would ask anyone who knew Delia and has information about her background or the days leading up to her death that may help with our enquiries to please contact Wellington Police.” If you have any information, contact 04 381 2000.
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Get a free lifejacket for your keys We have 50 lifejacket key rings to give away. Email us at harbours@gw.govt.nz with your name and address and what type of water activities you enjoy over summer and we will send one out to you. HARBOURMASTER
Wednesday March 23, 2016
readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street.
Question: What does Easter mean to you?
Thomas Wilson, Karori
Ruby Spenser, Karori
Rian O’Leary, Karori
It means time for sins to be forgiven by Jesus who died on the cross for us.
It’s a time of peace, excitement and refreshing for a new year.
It’s not just about chocolate it’s about God and Jesus and going to church.
Petelo Matefoa-Solia, Karori
Nell Laracy McCrystal, Karori
On Easter I like to go to church and have some marshmallow chocolate eggs.
It means being with your family and remembering Jesus and what he did for people.
Isabella Tafatu, Karori Spending time with family, having fun and remembering good memories.
EYE ON CRIME In Johnsonville a property in Broderick Road was entered with the object of interfering with a vehicle parked inside. The vehicle was smeared with a mix of oats and flour. In Ohariu Road a house was broken into via smashed windows. A large TV and a laptop computer are known to have been stolen.
A black Ford utility Ranger pa rked in D israeli St reet suffered a smashed window in an attempted late night breakin. The alarm was activated and the offender depar ted but the event was caught on CCTV and is with Police. A red Toyota Hilux parked outside a house in Broderick Road was
entered, possibly through an insecure door lock. At this stage nothing seems to be missing. In Newlands a black Honda Civic parked in a car-port inside a property in Kenmore Street was stolen. A blue Honda Integra parked secure outside a house in Baylands Drive overnight was entered though a smashed
front passenger window. A laptop computer, an Iphone, an Ipod and headphones were stolen from the back seat. In Khandallah a supermarket was broken into. Entry was gained by forcing the front door with a crowbar. The cigarette cabinet was targeted and the lock was forced. Offenders took
the cigarettes and departed in their vehicle. It is estimated that they were in the store for approximately 30 seconds. CCTV footage has recorded the events. The garage of a house in Nicholson Road was forcibly entered during the day and a TV, a DVD player and a nail gun were stolen.
(Back left to right), Cardinal McKeefry’s Ruby Spenser, Principal Tania Savage and Thomas Wilson. (Front left to right), Isabella Tafatu, Petelo Matufeo-Solia, Nell LaracyMcCrystal and Rian O’Leary. PHOTO: Sharnahea Wilson
New principal for local school Johnsonville rest homes with spark
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By Sharnahea Wilson
Cardinal McKeefry School is celebrating this year in style with dress up days and their new principal Tania Savage. After 20 years of service to Cardinal McKeefry and the local Wilton community, former principal Colleen Restieaux left at the end of term two 2015. Tania Savage started as the school principal in term three last year and has loved every minute of it. “The school has a very close community feel, they say it takes a village to raise a child and I believe that is true. It’s nice to be working in that sort of environment,” she said. Tania is very passionate about Catholic education and said she likes the fact that the school has a small roll. “You get to know the names of all the students.” Tania said it will be a busy year ahead for the school community with many students opting to take part in the New
Zealand-wide William Pike Challenge Award. To take part in the challenge, each student must begin a new sport or hobby and document their progress. Each student has an online journal which they write in each time they practice their hobby. The children also have to commit to a number of hours of community help each week with the overall aim of the challenge being to get kids outdoors. A team of 19 children from the school also took part in the recent Weetbix Tryathalon. Tania said the great thing about being part of a small school is the children get more opportunities to go places and participate in inter-school competitions. “Everyone gets a go.” Last week the school held a ‘wear something green’ day for St Patrick’s Day where each child brought along a small donation for Catholic charity Caritas.
Wednesday March 23, 2016
Easter weekend Easter Weekend is coming up and Wellington is packed with lots of events to keep the family busy over the four day break. The Hurricanes vs. Kings rugby game at Westpac Stadium is on this Friday, starting at 7.30pm. Adult tickets start from $25 and children under 16 from $10.
Art revitalises local Park
The Great Zealandia Easter Egg Hunt is on at the Zealandia Eco-Sanctuary this long weekend. Pop in between 9am and 5pm and collect eggs to win special prizes. Admission is free.
The Great Kiwi Egg Hunt will take place at Wellington Zoo on Saturday, between 11am and 1pm. Visitors are invited to find Whittaker’s chocolate eggs that have been hidden around the zoo. Normal entrance fees apply.
Wellington Free Outdoor Cinema is back this Saturday. Starting at 7.45pm Wellingtonians can see a free classic movie at Lagoon Lawn, outside St John’s bar on 5 Cable Street, Wellington.
Wellington Botanic Gardens will host an ‘Easter Fun Pace Egging’ between 2pm and 4.30pm on Sunday. At the top of the cable car there will be best decorated boiled egg, egg rolling and raw egg throwing “pace egging” competitions. Entry is free and entertainment will be provided by the Wellington Morris Dancers.
Wellingtonians got together to celebrate Art in the Park recently when artists revitalised the historic Flagstaff Hill and Terrace Gardens. As part of the celebrations supported by Wellington City Council a community picnic was held and two innovative new artworks were installed on the walls of Flagstaff Hill by mosaic artist Rachel Silver and French Street Artist, Olivier Kenneybrew. The artworks, which were the result of collaboration between the artists and the local community,
aimed to enliven the space with bold colours. Mayor Celia Wade-Brown said “A big thank you to the community who advocated for the city to purchase Flagstaff Hill over a number of years and for working with the Council on the redesign of the Terrace Gardens”. Park goers wandered down to the Terrace Gardens Park on Saturday, March 12 where they watched the artists in action. They were then treated to live performances by local musicians.
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Wednesday March 23, 2016
Wednesday March 23, 2016
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FRIDAY Saturday SUNDAY
21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th
March March March March March March March
6am - 11pm 6am - 11pm 6am - 11pm 6am - 11pm CLOSED 6am - 11pm CLOSED
As from Monday March 28th normal hours resume
12 Wednesday March 23, 2016
Tenant happy with healthy home It will be a warmer winter in Johnsonville for one tenant and her family this year after her landlord made his rental property a healthier place to live. Johnsonville mum Tiriti Paikea has lived in her current home with her three kids, aged seven, six and two, for about a year and said last winter was a difficult time. “It was really quite cold – we had the heater going all the time. The power bills were quite big, between about $300 and $500 a month,” she said. Tiriti was using three electric heaters to warm up the two-storey home and all three of her kids were sick with respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis and asthma.
Tiriti was referred to Warm Fuzzies, a Sustainability Trust-run programme which supports families with housing-related health issues to improve their homes. An advisor assessed the house and prepared a report for landlord, Tong Liu. Healthy Homes manager Miranda Struthers advocated for tenants on ways their landlord could improve homes to both insure healthy tenants and upgrade their own asset. “It’s often hard to engage the landlord as there are currently no minimum standards for housing. The proposed Residential Tenancy Amendment Bill is a start, but it needs to go much further.” Long-time landlord Tong Liu said he had not realised how cold the
home was in winter time, and when Sustainability Trust advised of their findings in the home he jumped to action. In the last two months he has installed under-floor and ceiling insulation, a heat pump, ground vapour barrier, tracks over the windows so Tiriti could get curtains from the Wellington Curtain Bank, hot water cylinder wrapping and smoke alarms. “I really feel landlords should take responsibility and look after their tenants. It’s a moral issue,” Tong said. Do you think there should be minimum standards for all housing in New Zealand? Email the editor at herald@wsn.co.nz
Healthy Homes manager Miranda Struthers and Johnsonville landlord Tong Liu are proud to provide a tenant with a healthier home.
ABOUT Sun shines on Karori West fair
PHOTO CREDIT: Beckie Wilson
About 2000 people attended Karori West Normal School fair on Saturday, March 19 raising $32,000 for the school. The money will be used to buy school equipment, including for the playground. There was plenty of sunshine, candyfloss and energetic children at the event. “It’s been a great turn-out,” fair co-ordinator Alida Steemson said. Kids participated in events all day, including Karate and Zumba demonstrations, and best-dressed doll and teddy competitions. Many community groups were involved, including Civil Defence, the Fire Service, the community constable and the Karori Historical Society. Principal Janice Shramka said it was a brilliant day. “Thank you to all the Karori West community and everyone that attended.”
(1:) Matthew McGee, 11, left, and Josh Bluck, 12, enjoy candy floss. (2:) Amanda Scott serving up fresh candyfloss. (3:) Principal Janice Shramka with Shriya Solanki, 11. (4:) Holly Cooper, 6, has her nails painted by Kate Pyne. (5: ) Mother and daughter Anne and Liz Rose running the plants stall. (6:) Wonder Woman fair co-ordinator Alida Steemson.
Wednesday March 23, 2016
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Wednesday March 23, 2016
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Wednesday March 23, 2016
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Wednesday March 23, 2016
Easter Church Services 2016 Worship with us in these holy days · Maundy Thursday 24 March, 7.30pm We receive the Supper of our Lord · Good Friday 25 March, 10.00am We remember the death of our Lord · Easter Sunday 27 March, 10.00am We celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. St Paul’s Lutheran Church 12 King St, Mt Cook • 385 7087
The meaning behind Easter Easter Sunday is celebrated all around the world with hot cross buns and chocolate easter eggs, with many going to look for eggs, left by an easter bunny. However, on Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of the lord, Jesus Christ. Christians believe, according to the Bible, that Jesus was raised from the dead three days after his death on the cross. The death of Jesus Christ is remembered on Good Friday; the Friday just before Easter. Through his death, burial and resurrection, Jesus paid the price for our sin so that all who believe in
him, may have a relationship with God, through Jesus, and eternal life with him.
Good Friday - Friday, 25th March
Traditional Easter Symbols Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny dates back to the paga n fest iva l which celebrated Easter, the Goddess of Offspring and Springtime. Her earthly symbol was the Rabbit, and given how quickly rabbits produce ‘offspring’, you can understand why!
Easter Monday - Monday, 28th March
Hot Cross Buns. Hot cross buns are a part of the Christian celebration, and are used to symbolize the cross on which Jesus was crucified.
Easter Services
EVERYTHING Easter 2016
EASTER SERVICES Good Friday & Easter Sunday 10am at The Salvation Army Johnsonville
at Wesley Church 75 Taranaki Street - Friday 25 March 2016 (Good Friday) 10am – Combined Parish Service: Rev. Motekiai Fakatou - Sunday 27 March 2016 (Easter Day) 10am – Parish Service of Holy Communion: Rev. Falaniko Mann-Taito All are most welcome.
THe Salvation army Johnsonville | 04 477 4853 www.SAJchurch.com | 125-137 Johnsonville Road johnsonville_Corps@nzf.salvationarmy.org
Phone: (04) 384 7695 www.wesleychurch.org.nz
St Andrew’s on The Terrace Hato Anaru o Te Parehua Founded 1840
30 The Terrace, Box 5203, Wellington Aotearoa New Zealand 6145 T: 04-472-9211 | E: office@standrews.org.nz www.standrews.org.nz
Easter Services at St Andrew’s on The Terrace 2016 Thursday 24th March 5.30pm Maundy Thursday Gathering Reflective format with Communion
Friday 25th March 10am Good Friday Service Reflection on those present with Jesus at the Cross
Sunday 27th March 10am Easter Sunday Celebration including Communion St Andrew’s on The Terrace is an inclusive Church. All are welcome.
10.00 am Festal Choral Eucharist Preacher: The Very Revd Digby Wilkinson Music: Mass in B flat - Mozart
7.30 pm Choral Eucharist Foot-washing Music: Communion Service in F Darke 10.00 am Service of Shadows Readings with Candles Cathedral Choir: Kyries 2.00 pm Vigil at the Cross Cathedral Choir: Motets
7.00 pm Easter Vigil Lighting of the Paschal Candle Renewal of Baptism Vows Cathedral Choir
7.45 am Eucharist with Hymns
5.00 pm Festal Choral Evensong Preacher: The Revd Canon Simon Winn Music: Dyson in D Cnr Molesworth and Hill Streets, PO Box 12 044 Wellington 6144 PHONE 04 472 0286 FAX 04 474 1555
P: 587 1660
we are also including ‘To the Circus’ which we have never 17 Wednesday March 23, 2016 done before. Trades and Services “We haveDeath strongNotices men, tightSALES rope walkers, lion tamers and Steve Maggs BUILDING/PAINTING prompt service, reasonable FORTUNE, Graham Charles: CZNM more, and it will be a very fullMarch 19, rates. Free quotes. Phone 04 977-7850 or 027-451- 2016. E: steve@wsn.co.nz and entertaining show for all 5005. ages,”Jamila: Fiona said.19, 2016. P: 587 1660 KHALIL, March Students aged three to 18 CRAFTSMAN years from both Karori and PLUMBER Brooklyn Studios are busy Qualified for: Distribution by: Genx REGDistribution DRAINLAYER preparing for the up-coming Alterations, Additions Graham Plumbing & michelle.mcguire@paradise.net.nz production. Dip. FD Refurbishment, Repairs Drainage Ltd Wednesday November 18, 2015 (04) 970 0439 Call John Ph Allan Johnstone: Senior students not Cnr Burgess & Johnsonville Rds, only get 970 2409 973 1239 to show off their dance skills How to reach us Johnsonville or 027 457 4999 027 450 3239 but also have to learn how to Ph: 04 477 6855 Motorists can expect more The closuresact will begin attell Walker said detourswith would bebody “We’re doing and a story Toeverythin the C www.lychgate.co.nz closures along State Highway 10pm and the motorway will in place and everyone would be can to minimise disrup PAINTING 1 next weekend. re-open at 7am on Sunday able to get where they wanted which is why we’re doing language and mime, Fiona Telephone (04) 587TEAM 1660 T h e h ig hway b e t we e n morning and 5.30am on Mon- to go at all times. the middle of the night du Exc. Refs. Comp. wonder Ngauranga Thorndon was or day morning. All lanes in both However, he said people the weekend.” said. Address: 23 Broderick Rd, For and Resource closed last weekend and will directions will be closed. should allow more time for He said the last moto Johnsonville Rates. All work Building Consent “You “I am very lucky to have my close once again on Saturday Despite the closure, Weltheir journeys during these closures took place in Au P.O.ABC Box 38-776, Audit 2012: 24,456 copies weekly guaranteed. 28 and Sunday 29 of November. lington Highway Manager, Neil times. and went like clockwork. WMC 5045. Fax: (04) 587 1661 • Houses • Additions them w mother, Katie Haines, on board Independent Herald FREE QUOTES • Alterations • Decks SALES to four as she was not only a ballet The largest circulating newspaper in MarcusMANAGER: Ph: 973-4343 Alsosuburbs Design & dancer and teacher but was or so ye West & Northern or MbWellington 021 764-831 Stephan van Rensburg Consent advice stephan@wsn.co.nz “I lov also a drama and mime tutor so P: 587 1660 Ph: Warwick the girls are lucky to have her pop in t GARDENER 478 0800 021 129 4715 expertise during rehearsals,” in on wh REPORTER: Published by: Les & Katrina Whiteside Sharnahea Wilson Continued from page 1 Fiona she said. Qualifi ed, Experienced E: herald@wsn.co.nz Wellington SuburbanTwenty Newspapers Ltd years ago Fiona, from P: 587 1660 Fiona said she has had great many s References available. Fiona Haines Dance Academy, put together a show based on Phone: pleasure in teaching over the time a the classic fairy tale Pinocchio, YOUR NEWSPAPER Advertise your Emma SALES 021 0289LOCAL 6398 and this year’s show is set to be past 20 years and has had some that are better than ever. Living Colour Garden Services
Dana Brown
State Highway 1 to close PLANS
An old fairy tale comes back to life
Young conservationists train in OtariWilton’s Bush Children from seven schools descended on Otari-Wilton's Bush to become scientists, artists, rongoa Maori (traditional medicine) practitioners and conservationists on the March 14 and 15. 150 Students collected and planted native seeds, learned about Maori stories of the forest, conducted a health assessment of a local stream and created drawings to help Otari design its fernery gateway. The event was a joint initiative between Enviroschools and the Wellington City Council. Enviroschools facilitator Micheline Evans said many of the children who went on the day were sustainability leaders within their schools. “We wanted to provide rich experiences for them so they could go away and work out how to take action to support our native ecosystems.”
services here. 04 387 7160
David Lewis E: david@wsn.co.nz P: 587 1660
Johnsonville and Tawa
“We are doing a rehash of the very first show I put on, but we are also including ‘To the Circus’ which we have never done before. “We have strong men, tightSALES rope walkers, lion tamers and Steve Maggs more, and it will be a very full E: steve@wsn.co.nz and entertaining show for all ages,” Fiona said. P: 587 1660 Students aged three to 18 years from both Karori and Brooklyn Studios are busy Distribution by: Genx Distribution preparing for the up-coming michelle.mcguire@paradise.net.nz production. (04) 970 0439 Senior students not only get to show off their dance skills but also have to learn how to act and tell a story with body To the Circus: Strong men show off their muscles. PHOTOS: Sharnahea Wilson language and mime, Fiona wonderful students. of life. said. work pays off when the d “You form quite a bond with “Along with the obvious ers get to perform in their “I am very lucky to have my ABC Audit 2012: 24,456 copies weekly mother, Katie Haines, on board them when you see them three posture, confidence and enjoy- of year production. Independent Herald Over 10 years experience in property ytreporp ni ecneirepxe sraey 01 revO ytareweek porpover ni ten ecnement, irepxcomes e srathe eyskills 01 ryou evOget “Every year we put o as she was not only a ballet to four times The largest circulating newspaper in SMARTWASH SYSTEM from overcoming nerves from large production which is dancer and teacher but was or so years. West & Northern suburbs maintenance...from front gate to back fence ecnef kcab ot etag tnorf morf...ecnanetniam Wellington e c n e f k c a b o t e t a g t n o r f m o r f . . . e c n a n etniamhighlight for all students.” The Safe Low Pressure Clean also a drama and mime tutor so “I love it when past students going on stage and sitting the girls are lucky to have her pop in to say hello and fill me exams - dedication, discipline, ERIN expertise during rehearsals,” in on what they are now doing.” reliability, time management, ‘Pinocchio’ and ‘To the Published by:CALL Les & Katrina Whiteside FOR A FREE QUOTE Fiona said her dancers learn punctuality and giving every- cus’ will be performed on she said. Wellington Suburban Newspapers Ltd Fiona said she has had great many skills throughout their thing your all and your best, day, November 29 at 12 wellingtonpropertywash.co.nz www.mrgreen.co.nz pleasure in teaching over the time at the dance academy she said.” 3pm and 6pm in the Mem YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER Fiona said this all the hard Theatre in Kelburn. past 20eed Spraying years and has had some that are beneficial in all walks Gardening W
Highlights for parents included the bush walk up to the rimu tree. One parent said the “stories from Maori • Exterior soft wash mythology about the trees we were seeing • Lawns • Hedges • Spouting clean was awesome, what a great way to learn”. • Sections • Gardens • Gold card discount Another parent said “I loved hanging Ph: 499 9919 out and learning with my kids.” Guardian Funeral Home One of the children on the day said “I or 0800 586 008 otioin mothe rP ystream”. luJ notiomorP yluJ Spring Lawn Mowing could have spent allnday Johnsonville: 4 Moorefield Road 0800 86 77 27 Schools will continue GNINAEto LC work RETTUwith G GNINAELC RETTUG Ph: 477 4025 Enviroschools, Wellington City Council g n i w o l l o f e h t o d o s l a e W g n i w o l l o f e ht od osla eW Lawn Mowing Fer�lising and Zealandia to take action in response Tawa: 157 Main Road Over 10 years g n i y a r p S d e e W g n i n e d r a G g n i y a r p S d e e W gninedraG Hedge Trimming Moss Removal to what they've learned. Ph: 232 1588 experience in property g n i s i l ti r e F g n i w o M n w a L g n i s i l ti r e F g n i w oM nwaL Showroom: This might involve helping a commuSec�on Clearing Water Blas�ng Hutt Road, Thorndon maintenance... from front www.gfh.co.nz l a v o m e R s s o M g n i m m i r T e g d e H l a v o m e R s s o M g n i m m i rT egde29H nity group in a local reserve, adopting a General Pruning End of tenancy cleans BLINDS FOR YOUR HOME AND O gate to back fence stream or trapping in theirgnschool gntisalBpests retaW iraelC noticeS Removal of Trees gntisalB retaW locally gnirowned aelC notiFuneral ceS Carpet Cleaning Johnsonville’s Directors Johnsonville’sonly only locally owned Funeral Directors grounds. snaelc ycnanet fo dnE gninurP lareneG snaelc ycnanet fo dnE gninurP lareneG Otari Schoolgnistudents also naelC tepraCwere seerTconfo lavomeR gninaelC tepraC seerT fo lavomeR Daryl Walsh notioguides morP yluJ at notiomorP yluJ sidering becoming young tour Spring Lawn Mowing and all your General Iy Nr Aa ELD C RETTUG GNINAELGarden C RETTUG Local Business BNI member laWGNlcould hslaW lyraD Otari-Wilton’s bush sohsthey share gniwollof eht od osla eW gniwoneeded llof eht od osla eW Maintenance ssenisuB lacoL ssenisuB lacoL their backyard with others. Call Phone: 021 355 385 today new fabrics • Wide range of b 583 553 120 :enohP 583 553Situations 120 :enoVacant hP ••Exciting LocalOr: 04 478 4220 business BNI Member Trades and Services Colour consultancy • Installation - Rep • 3 year guarantee Phone: 021 355 385 or 04 478 4220 Daryl Walsh highveinandout@gmail.com 0224 874 40 :rO 0224 874 40 :rO FREE measure and quote Local Business BNI member hslaW lyraD h s l a W l y r a D Teacher Aide Position Available highfiveinandout@gmail.com moc.liamg@tuod m oc.liamg@tuod nanDay ievfihKindergarten gHours: ih Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm, Sat 10a ssen nia sun B liae cov L fihgih ssenisuB lacoL Phone: 021 355 385 Johnsonville Full JUST DEDICATED TO YOUR SATISFA 583 553 120 :enohP 583 553 120 :enohP Or: 04 478 4220 ytreporp ni ecneirepxe sraey 01 revO ecnef kcab ot etag tnorf morf...ecnanetniam
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Lawn Mowing
Hedge Trimming
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General Pruning
End of tenancy cleans
gniraelC noticeS
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Young students put to the test Formerly cpa spares
Funeral Director
Eager students delved into the World of Maths during the educational roadshow which encouraged students to apply mathematics to the physical world. Junior Queen Margaret College students from years one to eight were put to the test with a series of problemsolving mathematics activities on March 7 and 8. Through the World of Maths young A solid mathematicians were tasked with a number of challenges designed to test a range of skills from the strands of number, space, measurement, chance and data, and logical thinking and sequencing. Year five student Jaskiran Rahi managed to solve a tricky puzzle called Which Block? She used different sized shapes to work out the total area without knowledge of the length or width. She said the problems were hard but fun and some of the stations were more difficult than others. Head of Department forourMathematics Applications are available at recruitment ce or at the security gate based in the the andoffi Commerce Paul Sherris said Ngauranga George in Wellington. World of Barry Maths Contact 472visit 7987 allowed or 021 276 students 6654.
ACROSS ACROSS 1. Pseudoynm, nom ....(2-5) ACROSS 1.5.ACROSS Pseudoynm, nom ....(2-5) Menorah. (11) 1. (5-6) 5. Result Menorah. (11) 1. Result (5-6) 11. Secondary (5) 7. Scoundrel (7)(5) 11. 7.French Scoundrel (7) house. (7) 12.Secondary country 11. Pulls (5)country 11. Pulls (5) 12. French house. (7) 13. Glorify. (5) 12.12. Deviousness (7) (7) Deviousness 13. Glorify. (5) 14.Excellent Receiver. (5) (9) 13. 13. Excellent 14. Receiver. (9)(5) 15.Alert Refuge. (9) 14. (9) 14. Alert (9) 15. Refuge. (9) 16.15. Young kangaroo. (4) 15. So (9) (9) So 16. Young kangaroo. (4)(7) 17. Distinguish(from). 16. Directs (6) 16. Directs (6) 17. Distinguish(from). 19.18. Cook slowly. (6) (7) 18. Skull (7) Skull (7) (6) 19. Cook slowly. 23. Feverish. (6) 21. 21. Disorder (4) Disorder (4) 23. Feverish. (6) 26.23. Pack train (7) 23. Racket (3) (3) Racket 26. Pack train (7) 29.25. Set of breeding horses. (4) 25. Take sipssips (3) (3) Take by 29. Set ofbybreeding horses. 30.27. Actress, ... Farrow. (3) (4) 27. Stake (4) Stake (4) 30. Actress, ... Farrow. (3) 32. Proper. (3) 28. 28. Artlessness Artlessness 32. Proper. (3)(4)(7) (7) 34.30. Goulash Low chair; Chaise ... (6) 30. Low chair; Chaise ... (6) 34. Goulash (4) 35.32. Dcument holder, ...(3)case.(7) Expert; ... hand 32. Expert; ... hand (3) 35. Dcument holder, ... 36.33. Cavalry soldier. (6)case.(7) Strange (3) (6) 33. Strange (3) 36. Cavalry soldier. 39. To lie snug. (6) 34. Zealous (6) 34. To Zealous (6) (6) 39. lie snug. 40.35. Cowboy movie. (7) (7) In brisk time(music) 35. In brisk time(music) 40. Cowboy movie. (7) (7) 42.36. Musical work. U.S. state (4)(4) 36. U.S. state (4) 42. Musical work. (9) (4) 46.37. Fraudulent. Biblical vessel (3) 37. Biblical vessel 46. Fraudulent. (9)(3) Curve 48.39. Genuine. 39. Curve (3) (3)(9) 48. Genuine. (9) of road. (5) Cupid (4) 50.41. Highest 41. Cupid (4)part 50. Highest part to ofair road. (5) Exposed 51.43. Mechanic. (7) 43. Exposed to air (7) (7) 51. Mechanic. (7) 45. Female relatives 52.Female Spendour. (5) (6) (6) 45. relatives 52. Spendour. (5) time(Lat) (9) An endless 53.48. Exploit. (11) 48. An endless time(Lat) (9) 53. Exploit. (11) Left handed people(inf) 54.49. Rapture. (7)people(inf) 49. Left handed (9) (9) 54. Rapture. (7)
to engage with genuine mathematical problems in a kinaesthetic way. “Worksheets, books and digital resources are fine, but being able to touch and physically interact with a problem is an important experience. This is especially true of younger students, who were the main focus for the visit recently,” Paul said. He explained the ability to solve problems is a major part of learning mathematics and there can be a tendency to focus too much on exercises. “An exercise is an opportunity to practice a specific skill: the student is aware of the method needed, and the aim is just to practise its application. A problem is something where neither the answer nor the method needed to find an answer are obvious at the outset.” Paul organised World of Maths to visit the College in the hope the girls would enjoy interacting with genuine mathematical problems in a physical, collaborative and fun way. “I saw many doing just that, and View thegirls Wainuiomata News we are very happy with the way it went online www.wsn.co.nz overall.”
By Russell Russell McQuarters McQuarters By By Russell McQuarters By Russell McQuarters
DOWN 46. Adage(pl) (5) DOWN 46. Adage(pl) (5) 1. Dispute. (5) 47. Supple. (5) (abbr) (3)(3)(5) 51.1. Angry (5) Dispute. (5) (abbr) 51. Angry (5) 47. Supple. 2.Solidify Style. (7) 49. Girls (3) name (5) 33. Sphere 52. by by cooling (7)(7) 2.52. Style. (7) 33. Sphere (3) (5) Solidify cooling 49. Girls name 3.Anaesthetic Not mature. (6) 38. U.S. horse race; Derby (8)(8) 53. (5) 3.53. Not mature. (6) 38. U.S. horse race;... ... Derby Anaesthetic (5) 4.Humbleness Religious assembly. (8) 40.40. Restrained (8)(8) 54.4. (7)(7) Restrained 54. Humbleness Religious assembly. (8) 5.Friendship Disorderly.(11) (7) 42.42. Casual (7)(7) 55. Casual Friendship (11) 5.55. 6.Disorderly. Requires. (7) (5) 44.44. Annual calendar (7)(7) Annual calendar 6. Requires. (5) 7. Of a horse. (6) 46.46. Scoffs (6)(6) DOWN Scoffs 7.DOWN Of a horse. (6) Opening. (8) 47.47. Manservant (6)(6) 1.8.8. Sound (5)(5)(8) Manservant 1.Opening. Sound Punctilious. (11) 48.48. Form of of expression (5)(5) 2.9.9. Sent (11) Form expression 2.Punctilious. Sent (11) (11) 10. Hornless cow. (5) 49.49. Water vapour (5)(5) 3. Shy (8)(8) cow. Water vapour 3.Hornless Shy 10. (5) U.S. president(1963-69) 50.50. Gambol (5)(5) 4.16. Of public revenue (6)(6) Gambol 4.U.S. Of public revenue 16. president(1963-69) SOLUTION Lyndon ...(7) (5)(5) 5. Turn outwards 5.Lyndon Turn outwards SOLUTION ...(7) Solution last week, 162004 March For November 17, 18. Extend. (5) SOLUTION SOLUTION 6. Constrict (7) 6.Extend. Constrict (7) For November 17, 2004 18. (5) Solution last week, 11 November 20. Suffers. (7) For For July April 28, 9, 2003 2004 For For July April 28, 9, 2003 2004 7. Has high morals 7.Suffers. Has high 20. (7)morals(8)(8) 21. Border. (3) 8. Reduce (6) 8. Reduce (6) 21. Border. (3) Lout. (3) 9.Lout. Sanction 9.22. Sanction (7)(7) 22. (3)muslin. 24. Butter (11) 10. Audacity (5) (11) 10. Audacity (5) 24. Butter muslin. 25. U.S. spy agency(abbr) (3) 16. Arrange in steps (7) (3) 16. Arrange in steps (7) 25. U.S. spy agency(abbr) 27. Lessen. (5) 17. ‘Old Blue Eyes’ Frank ...(7) 17. ‘Old Blue Eyes’ Frank ...(7) 27. Lessen. 28. Zero. (3)(5) (5) 19. Competitor 19. Competitor 28. Zero. (3) (5) (3) 31. Consumed. 20. N.Z. Prime Minister 20. N.Z. Prime Minister 31. Consumed. (3) 33.1975-84 Sailor. (3)Sir 1975-84 Robert Sir Robert ... ... (7)(7) 33. Sailor. (3) 22. Boils 37. Coalition. 22. Boils (7)(7) (8) 37. Coalition. 24. Catch (3)(8) (8) 38. False claim. 24. Catch (3) 38. False claim. (8) (3) 26. Group of whales 41. Route. 26. Group of (7) whales (3) 41. Route. (7) 29. Topic (5) 43.Topic Knee-cap. (7) 29. (5) 43. Knee-cap. (7) 31. Uninvited guest (4-7) 44. Rub out. guest (6) 31. Uninvited (4-7) 44. Rub out. (6) 32. Deoxyribonucleic acid 45.Deoxyribonucleic Alcove. (6) 32. acid 45. Alcove. (6)
Family fun for football fans
By Sharnahea Wilson
Football fans had a family fun day on Sunday when they celebrated the launch of Northern Hills Football Pathway. The Pathway is the collaboration of all the major football organisations based in the northern suburbs. The launch of the Northern Hills Football Pathway was a great success according to organiser and Onslow College 1st XI Coach, Lance Goodwin. The initiative set up between five local clubs aims to provide youngsters with the tools and opportunities to improve their football and provide a pathway to play at the highest level
within their local community. “It's taken us a while to get here but we're extremely excited about the future of football in the North Wellington area. “We have a wealth of junior and senior football talent and we are now in a great position to retain that talent here and provide real opportunities to those that want to progress their football career," Lance said. The players were also treated to a guest appea rance by legendary Wellington Phoenix squad member Ben Sigmund. The Pathway was created to ensure players from all the Junior Clubs and Colleges are aware there is a football pathway available in their
neighbourhood once they go to college. Supporting the event was Packaworld head and local football enthusiast Pete Roberts who was busy showing off the latest inflatable goal technology. “We're delighted to support the launch. It's a great initiative and now there's no reason for our better players to move clubs to seek so called better opportunities. “As we've seen with the recent success of the North Wellington 1st Team, gaining promotion to Capital Premier division, our better players are staying within the community which can only be good for the area,” Pete said.
Rugby World Cup visits Onslow
(Back left) Sharon Hisatake, Grace Errington, (Middle left) Georgia Macgregor, Ranie Liua’ana, (front left) Mary Tagaloga, Ebony JordanLewis, Anne Palauni-Aiono. PHOTOS: Sharnahea Wilson
Onslow College Senior Rugby boys.
Wednesday March 23, 2016
Felix Crookston concentrates on ‘Keepie Uppie’ on his way to landing 2nd place at a football day on Sunday.
Johnsonville cricketers win Cooper Wakefield Cup
By Sharnahea Wilson
By Sharnahea Wilson
A bunch of lucky Onslow College rugby players got a taste of Victory on Monday when they had the chance to see the shiny gold Rugby World Cup trophy in the flesh. The Webb Ellis Cup, along with the Bledisloe Cup, was brought to the College at lunch time and students were given a brief overview of its history before getting the opportunity to take photos with it. The senior boys, junior boys and girls rugby teams lined up one by one to take ‘selfies’ with the cup which the All Blacks have now won twice in a row. Student and keen sportswoman Grace Errington said she has played rugby all her life and was stoked to get the chance to see the Webb Ellis Cup. Her fellow player Ranie Liua’ana was also excited about seeing the cup saying she had watched “every single game” in the tournament. “It’s pretty cool to see the cup in real life,” she said. Onslow Rugby Administrator Regan O’Neill said Onslow College is still developing as a rugby school. “We are keen to increase our talent pool and this kind of thing helps. “This is the first time we have had the cup here at Onslow College, it is pretty cool.”
The Johnsonville girls cricket team overpowered Hutt Districts team on Saturday, March 19 - taking home the Cooper Wakefield Cup. The competition at the Hutt Rec included girls’ teams from Upper Hutt, Hutt Districts, Wellington Collegians and the Johnsonville Cricket Club. The competition’s winning silverware is jointly named after Amanda Cooper and Megan Wakefield, both former Wellington Blaze players. Captain of the team Xara Jetly said winning the game was a big moment for her as leader of the team. “It was a huge deal, because I had to make the correct technical and difficult field placement
decisions that worked.” She said it was “awesome for the team” to bring home the cup “[It was] a huge breakthrough for the team, as [we] have not won for the last two years.” Vice-Captain Nikita Decruy was also stoked to win the game. “The whole team wanted to win the fi nal. We knew we could do it. Now there is a strong connection between the team,” she said. She said training every week and learning new skills made it possible to win the game. “The goal of that training was to try hard to succeed. In the finals, we worked as a team and got the result.” Xara agreed saying “Team bonding helped.”
Back row: Michael Billmore (Coach), Rachael Lockhart, Nikita Decruy, Anna-Leigh Gillies, Emma Benfell, Rhiannon Bond, Amanda Cooper (former Wellington Blaze) Front row: Lateefah Idris, Jenessha Maisuria, Xara Jetly, Zoe Wishnowsky.
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