Independent Herald 28-10-14

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Wednesday, 29 October, 2014

Today 9-15

Thursday 12-17

Friday 8-16

Saturday 12-14

Debut novel Author pleased to see her work published By Dan Whitfield It has been on and off for about seven years, rewritten once, and has already been read by more than a dozen people, but the best part was when Kate Carty got a chance to hold her debut novel for real. Run Thomas Run tells the unheard story of Assyrian Christians living in Iraq under the world’s most notorious dictator – Saddam Hussein, and begins in the turbulent Iraq of the 1990s. It follows the lives of the Odishu family as they flee Saddam’s regime to start a new life in England. “It’s amazing to finally get it printed…It’s a real buzz to actually see it,” Kate says. Kate was inspired to write the book as a result of close relationships with the Assyrian community. In the early 1990s, she met two Assyrian brothers and their sister in a hostel in Turkey after the trio had fled Iraq. She later married one of the brothers and moved to Wellington. Continued on page 2


AUTHOR: Kate Carty with her first novel. PHOTO: Dan Whitfield.


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Wednesday October 29, 2014

Focused on helping those in need

Telephone (04) 587 1660 Address: 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045. Fax: (04) 587 1661


Stephan van Rensburg E: P: 587 1660

By Dan Whitfield


Daniel Whitfield E: P: 587 1660 SALES:

Michelle Hagen E: P: 587 1660 SALES

David Lewis E: P: 587 1660

TEAM MEMBERS: Arthur Ritchie and James Small believe food bank donations are important and look forward to working with the community. PHOTO: Dan Whitfield

National Sales: Sam Barnes

Distribution by: Genx Distribution (04) 970 0439

Continued from page 1 By Dan Whitfield

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Drawing on stories of the wider Assyrian community here and abroad, Kate was able to craft the emotionally powerful novel that explores new ground in Western fiction. “It opens up their world and lets people know who they are as well as how they lived,” Kate says. With its themes of guilt, redemption and misplaced loyalty, and its narrative focusing on a father’s contorted love and a long-kept childhood secret, Run Thomas Run is a gripping story that resonates long after the final page, she says.


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The book has been described as a haunting story that brings the devastation of Iraq’s tumultuous history to life and examines its impact on future generations. “It’s been a bit of a journey but I’m really thrilled to have my first novel published,” she says. Kate developed her ideas over seven years, working on it while studying at the International Institute of Modern Letters at Victoria University and on the Whitireia Creative Writing programme. She is hopeful that this will not be her last published piece of work, with her next manuscript in the pipeline. Kate’s next novel is likely to be something that makes you smile.

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With the end of the year fast approaching, St Benedict’s School students are looking to the community for support. Christmas can be a really tough time for many families. Tight budgets and larger-thannormal shopping bills are just a few problems that people can face during this time, which is why food banks and local organisations are crucial – and why students are getting involved with collecting. Catholic Character Team is a school group made up of senior school students in charge of pushing the collection process over the rest of the school term. At this stage, the team is working to inform those living in the area about the school’s efforts – with the reminder people can donate canned or non-perishable food items at the school.

Principal David Lamont says the school will be pushing a lot in the lead up to Christmas, asking families of the school and community to donate what they can. All food will be given to St Vincent de Paul Society in Khandallah. David says the team of students push at different times throughout the year for donations towards the food bank. The Catholic Character Team is made up of year eight students and is involved with different activities around the school, including mass. “There are different leadership opportunities but we encourage them [students in the Catholic Character Team] to get involved and help provide a service to the community,” David says. A collection point has been set up in the school office foyer.

Debut novel

Classified Sales: Nicola Adams



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Wednesday October 29, 2014

Open home for homestays By Dan Whitfield

WELCOMING: Greg and Jan Sneath with Julia Haedicke and Miki Nakai. PHOTO: Dan Whitfield.

Greg and Jan Sneath have been welcoming to so many exchange students from other countries over the years, saying it has been an experience for both them and those who come to stay with them. At present, the Johnsonville family – which consists of Greg and Jan, along with two of three of their children – are playing host to Julia Haedicke, who is from Germany, and Miki Nakai, from Osaka, Japan. Both of the girls are attending school at Onslow College, enabling them to learn more about other cultures, and to increase their English vocabulary. Although Julia has finished school where she is from, for her it is all about having fun and enjoying the experience. “Onslow is really good with looking after its international students. It’s been great having Julia and Miki here with us,” Jan says. Greg and Jan throughout their life have enjoyed travelling, which is something they believe led them to sign up for the homestays programme. “We’ve done quite a lot of travelling ourselves and are very inter-

ested about other cultures still,” Jan says. Since living in Wellington, the pair has hosted about five international students from places including Korea, Japan, Chile and Vietnam – and before this, they had three while living in Auckland. “It’s an experience that offers them an enormous benefit at the end…It is good because it allows them to learn about the different cultures that are out there,” Greg says. The couple say it has been a big experience for them. They love opening their door to help the students grow as individuals, develop confidence, and say it is rewarding to see them succeed. Julia and Miki have enjoyed countless activities most Kiwis take for granted, such as going tramping – and are looking forward to going home to tell their friends about the country. For Miki, this was her first time out of Japan and she will be in New Zealand for 11 months, whereas Julia has travelled before but only with her parents. She is here for about five months. “It helps you to appreciate where home is,” Greg says.

inbriefnews New mural done by children Sixteen senior students from Newlands School have been offered the opportunity to work with artist Sheyne Tuffery to develop ideas for a new art work on a wall of the Johnsonville Shopping Centre. This Friday the students will work with Sheyne developing ideas and concepts around the old stockyards that were an important feature of Johnsonville for so many years.

Need help with arthritis Free seminars have been designed to help residents live positively with arthritis. Churton Park Community Centre hosted sessions a few months ago and people were buzzing about how useful they were, which is why sessions are making a return. On Wednesday, November 5, sessions will begin and will run from 10am. To register, contact Beckie Duffy on 830 4802, or email: beckie.duffy@

Work begins on sustainability project Work on Onslow Medical Centre’s new sustainability driven medical centre has started, with the concrete base laid last week. The new building will be approximately 300sqm, which is three times the size of their current premise located on the corner of Moorefield Rd. The new medical centre will include five consultation rooms, nurse consulting rooms, treatment and minor surgery rooms, dispensary, and also

administration and staff areas. Onslow Medical Centre’s existing building will hopefully be leased to allied medical professionals such as physiotherapist, counsellor, midwife or a podiatrist. Work is set to be completed by June 2015.

Make sure Santa can get into your house this year!

with this special door & key for himself, the elves and Christmas fairies.

CONSTRUCTION: Concrete pumped on to site for the base of the building. PHOTO: Dan Whitfield.

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Wednesday October 29, 2014


Raroa gets behind Buddy Day By Dan Whitfield

First aiders in the home

Everyone can play their part to create safe environments for children and by speaking up when they are worried about a child, actions which can help minimise the likelihood of child abuse happening in the future. Many businesses, including editorial and advertising staff at the Independent Herald, will play their part in the fourth annual Buddy Day – New Zealand’s only child abuse prevention awareness day. Child abuse is not ‘too big an issue to deal with’ and one person can make a difference, is what organisers want people to understand this year. Delivered by Child Matters, the awareness day involves adults around Wellington adopting a life-size cardboard buddy and taking it into communities and workplaces. The buddy is used as a tool to generate conversations about the wellbeing of New Zealand children – and that it is up to all

An information session presented by Natalie Parsons is set to give families the basic skills required to help them know what to do when faced with common medical emergencies around the home. The first aid in the home programme will cover scene assessment, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), choking, burns, slips and falls, and bleeding – all taught by a registered first aid instructor. It is set to run from 6.30pm-8.50pm on November 3. West Park School is hosting the event at its school hall. Discount first aid kits will be available on the night, and a $10 entry will be required with proceeds going to the school.

Morning tea for parents A meet the parents morning tea will be held on the final Friday of this month, with it aimed at new and not-so-new parents who would like to meet the others in the school. Organised by the Home and School Committee, the morning tea will provide an opportunity for parents to ask any questions they may have, or just sit and have a chat over a cup of tea. The next morning event is set to be held on Friday, October 31, and will run from 9am-9.45am in the school staffroom.





Available to constituents:

Johnsonville Monday 10 November Tawa Saturday 15 November For appointments phone 478 0076 (J'ville office) 3 Frankmoore Ave, Johnsonville

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THE CREATORS: Emily Latham, Zoe Henderson, Lauren Davies, Emily Bull, and Chloe Crowe hanging with their buddies. PHOTO: Dan Whitfield.

adults to keep kids safe. Five girls from Raroa Normal Intermediate School – Emily Latham, Zoe Henderson, Lauren Davies, Emily Bull, and Chloe Crowe, put in a lot of effort to create four buddies that were given to the Independent Herald. Emily, Zoe, Lauren, Emily, and Chloe say it was a fun and exciting project, and is a good way to raise awareness about child abuse. It took them about a week to make their buddies, with back up from teacher Matt Tilley. Buddy Day this year is on November 14. Other schools around Wellington that are taking part include Pomare School, Northland School, St Catherine’s School, Khandallah School, Bishop Viard College, Raroa Normal Intermediate School, Aroha Motessori, Island Bay School and Pinehaven Primary School.  For more information, go to

Batch of smart cookies By Dan Whitfield Forty-four minus 14 is the number of St Benedict’s School students that have excelled in a recent mathematics examination – all coming out with a level of distinction. Principal David Lamont is very proud of the result, saying it is something the school offers students each year. Out of all of the students, 30 received a merit award or above recommendation in the ICAS University of New South Wales mathematics exam. Betty Custodia and Katerina Lagoutaris picked up merits; while Johan de Wit, Clair Giles, Bailey Monastra, Francesca

Lawson, Liam Maitland, Henry McIntyre, Katherine Robson, Isabella Samaniego, James Tuck, Ystefano Ubaldo, Claire Chan, Alister Giles, Kelsey Wilkinson, Aisling Lawson, and Astin Monastra were presented with a credit. Distinction awards were given to Kashyapa De Alwis, Sandrine Dimen, Jigs Ibarra, Emma Maitland, Josh Cassidy, Lavinia de Wit, JL Ibarra, Dhyanesh Joseph, and Haveesha Perera. Emma Dias and Samantha Samaniego were the only two to receive high distinction recommendations. David says this is a wonderful result and that the students should be pleased with their results.

AWARDEES: Betty Custodia, Katerina Lagoutaris, Johan de Wit, Clair Giles, Bailey Monastra, Francesca Lawson, Liam Maitland, Henry McIntyre, Katherine Robson, Isabella Samaniego, James Tuck, Ystefano Ubaldo, Claire Chan, Alister Giles, Kelsey Wilkinson, Aisling Lawson, Astin Monastra, Kashyapa De Alwis, Sandrine Dimen, Jigs Ibarra, Emma Maitland, Josh Cassidy, Lavinia de Wit, JL Ibarra, Dhyanesh Joseph, Haveesha Perera, Emma Dias, and Samantha Samaniego. PHOTO: Dan Whitfield

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Wednesday October 29, 2014


Stories behind street names Councillor Andy Foster, undertook the early research himself, says he realised many of our streets were named after local heroes and battles after the idea was raised last year. “We’re recognising these people and events with new street signs that will inform and add a new layer of meaning. It is about our sense of place, where we have come from and where we are now,” Andy says. The council’s project will be to create memorial street signs to commemorate Armistice Day. Interesting facts about the

names behind the street signs include Messines Rd named after the 1917 Battle of Messines in Belgian – which was a significant victory for the allied forces. Each of the memorial signs will state the officer’s title, position and where they fought, and streets titled after battles will name the occupying forces and in some cases when the area was liberated. “There is a story behind the names, which we will be all the richer for knowing. These signs are a small recognition of that,” says Andy says.

T h e m emor ia l street signs will be launched in time for Armistice Day, on November 11. They will continue to be installed according to significant dates throughout the commemoration period for World War I and will remain as permanent fixtures.

STREET: There’s an interesting story behind the name of Messines Rd. PHOTO: Dan Whitfield.

Gardens set to bloom Daniel Whitfield While Newlands Intermediate School are not officially an Enviroschool, principal Angela

Lowe is positive students are doing everything they can to be as environmentally friendly as possible. The school started working on its summer vegetable gardens

last week with a serious focus on beginning its bee garden on the bank beside the bottom field. Students have been growing vegetables and herbs for the food technology class this year and are currently growing seedlings for the local Marae to help with an upcoming project. Angela says at this stage, it is about working towards the direction of organic garden and sustainability. Students are looking for donations of any bee-friendly plants such as thyme, lavender, rosemary, borage or any blue flowering plants. They would also be grateful for donations of bamboo stakes and large pots at least 300mm wide. Planning for the school’s Cultural Celebration Evening on December 11 is well underway. Students are very enthusiastic about it and have begun planning their food stall ideas and items for the concert.



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GREEN THUMB: Newlands Intermediate School gardeners busy tending to their crops. PHOTO: Supplied.

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Six streets, one road and an avenue will be getting special treatment after Wellington City Council identified the history and interesting stories behind the names the eight Karori locations. Verviers St, Birdwood St, Chaytor St, Lemons St, Flers St, Versaille St, Messines Rd, and Beaty Ave all have an association with World War I, including some named in memory of soldiers lost and battles fought during the war. They will be recognised as part of the city’s WW100 commemorations.



Wednesday October 29, 2014

Skate park needs support By Dan Whitfield

Thinking retirement Choosing a retirement home is not a decision to be taken lightly says Enliven village consultant Allan Davidson, who has learned a thing or two about retirement living over the years. “There are some major life changes when you retire and you want to be close to your family, close to support services and in a place that’s easy to get around.” The popular Huntleigh Retirement Apartments offer modern retirement living in a vibrant and secure community in the heart of Karori, where residents can enjoy their independence while having help on hand if they need it. “When you move into a Huntleigh Apartment you are adjacent to Huntleigh Home – a rest home and hospital. You can be prepared for the future.” Enliven also offers in-home support services that can support people to maintain their independence at home and continue to enjoy fulfilling lives. “There’s a lot of support available here if our residents need it, but they are completely independent and we encourage them to make their apartment their own in any way they desire.” Allan says times have changed over the years, meaning most people hardly know

their next-door neighbours – but at Huntleigh you are part of a community. “Living at Huntleigh Apartments means you’re living alongside like-minded people from a similar generation, which creates a sense of community again.” Along with the quiet, central location and the support services on-site, Allan says another aspect which makes Enliven’s Huntleigh Apartments so special is because they are provided by Presbyterian Support Central. “It’s a not-for-profit organisation and the money from the apartments gets put back into funding social services, so residents are giving back to the community by living here.” While Huntleigh Apartments are currently at capacity, Allan says people can join the waiting list if they are considering moving into a retirement apartment in the future. “When an apartment becomes available we get in touch with everyone on the waiting list. It’s such a popular area in Karori, a lot of families have grown up and experienced a lot of good memories here, so it’s in great demand.”  To find out more about Enliven’s Huntleigh Apartments in Karori, call 04 439 4949 or visit www.enlivencentral.

Business owner Marieka Schrader is concerned about the safety of young skateboarders as one of the only places left for them to ride is a busy shopping centre carpark. Marieka, owner of Marieka’s Alterations, Dressmaking and Haberdashery, held a petition last year to hear what others thought of having a skate park installed somewhere in the community. The petition had quite a response with more than 200 signatures including both Ohariu MP Peter Dunne and Wellington City councillor Justin Lester. Seeing a skate park built in Johnsonville is still the goal after witnessing countless close calls between traffic and skater, as well as one skater going through a window. “I really feel like there is a huge need for this and if we did have a skate park it would benefit not only those who use it but members of the community as well,” Marieka says. “Skaters go down the steps outside my

shop and across one of the main traffic ways into the carpark where cars and buses go hooning through, it’s pretty dangerous,” she says. While most people would have told them to clear off, Marieka saw the solution as a need to create a safe place for them. “I spoke some of the skateboards to find out what they wanted, and the response was huge – with many thinking it was a good idea, including the parents,” Marieka says. She feels a suitable place for the park could be by Johnsonville Memorial Park. The local resident understands the next step involves securing funds and getting certain parties on board, but Councillor Lester allegedly informed her there was no land or budget available for the project.  Marieka is looking for support with the idea for a skate park in Johnsonville, and if people are interested they get in touch with her on 477 1204. Alternatively, the Independent Herald would like to hear your opinions. Email with your thoughts.

SUPPORT NEEDED: Marieka Schrader wants to see a skate park created in Johnsonville. PHOTO: Dan Whitfield

Join us at

Cashmere Home Enliven’s Cashmere Home is a long-standing community icon. Residents of Cashmere Home are supported to continue doing the things they love, while we provide the very best in clinical care. They tell us they enjoy the vibrant, warm and welcoming community where there is always something happening! Now we’re inviting members of our community to join us to socialise and have some fun. Men’s Club Tuesdays from 2-4pm Join the men of Cashmere for stimulating activities, to chat about the rugby and enjoy some refreshments. Recreation Club Fridays 1-3pm Join us for a game of bowls or a gentle exercise class followed by afternoon tea. If you live in the Johnsonville area we can pick you up and drop you home. Call us on (04) 477 7067 to find out more or register your interest. Visit Call 0800 36 54 83 (that’s 0800 ENLIVEN) or Email

Bridge action this weekend The piles and supports are in and this weekend the beams for the first half of the new Johnsonville bridge will be craned into position. The area by our site office in Broderick Road (behind Richard’s Motorcycle Services) will be open so you can drop by, take a look and find out more about the project. Saturday 1 November, 10am–2pm Please walk down if you can and leave parking spaces adjacent to nearby businesses free for their customers. Buses will replace trains on the Johnsonville line on 1 and 2 November. Check For more info on the roading improvements, go to jvilleroads or email to get updates.

Wednesday October 29, 2014

Racing towards Wellington’s history By Dan Whitfield Despite living in Mount Cook, Graeme Davidson is focused on getting everyone living in the Wellington region involved in his new race – The Great Wellington Hunt. He hopes that through being part of the Amazing Race-styled event, people will be able to better answer the question, how well do you know Wellington? “I was born and raised in Wellington, [but] a friend visiting from abroad was asking me about the city’s history and I didn’t have the answers. I did some research and it has evolved to become The Great Wellington Hunt,” says Graeme. The event is set to run on November 2 and will involve teams solving clues and racing to reach various locations over the course of an afternoon. Each of the 14 locations, one of which is the statue of John Plimmer and his dog Fritz in central Wellington, will have a clue that people will have to solve before moving on. Something that was a must for Graeme was having clues or questions that would not be able to be answered by simply typing it into Google. He says people taking part will have to put their knowledge to the test no matter


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From Classical, Modern, Retro, Plain and Florals READY FOR THE RACE: Organiser Graeme Davidson beside the statue of John Plimmer and his dog Fritz on Plimmer Steps. PHOTO CREDIT: Dan Whitfield

what. “It’s something that Wellington doesn’t have and from talking to people that want to do it, it’s something they are interested in,” Graeme says. “It’s going to be great educating people,” he says. While the event has an entry fee of $25 per adult and $15 for children under 15, all proceeds will be

going towards Make A Wish New Zealand – an organisation that grants special wishes of children with life-threatening medical  To register, contact Graeme Davidson via email: graeme. or go to the event’s Facebook page: Entries close on October 30.

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MARC TADDEI Conductor EMMA FRASER Soprano N HENRY CHOO Tenor PM JAMES CLAYTON Beritone ENTREThe Orpheus Choir of Wellington Wellington Young Voices Choir Also featuring Arohanui Strings - Sistema Hutt Valley performing Mozart’s Eine kleine Nachtmusik.

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Wednesday October 29, 2014

readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street.

Question: Name one person you would like to meet (dead or alive), and why?

Ken Gurney Johnsonville

Dawn Ferguson Johnsonville

Jan Pike Johnsonville

Roger Ridley-Smith Johnsonville

John Archbold Johnsonville

“Mahatma Gandhi, because of his serenity towards what he did.”

“Mother Teresa, because of her simplicity in living and how it affected so many people’s lives.”

“Joan Baez, because she is a wonderful person and is a singer/songwriter, as well as an activist.”

“Napoleon Bonaparte, because I’ve seen the bed he was born in and I think it would be interesting.”

“Artist Joseph Mallord William Turner, because I admire his work.”


Sarah Norling Johnsonville “William Shakespeare, because he was a genius.”

to the editor

Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. Guidelines are that they should be no longer than 150 words. They must be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even if a nom de plume is provided for publication. The editor reserves the right to abridge letters or withhold unsuitable letters from publication. Send or fax them to the address on page two, or email them to news@ Please note that your name and street address must also be provided in e mails.

Spaces for disabled parks Dear Ed, It seems as if shopping complexes hate to give space for Disabled Parking, yet they are only too happy to take our money. Johnsonville shopping centre has the most amounts of Disability spaces in the Wellington area. Shopping at Countdown John St, they have 3 narrows parks. Today there were trolleys parked

None of the shopping areas monitor their parks, and often the lazy use the parks. I made a suggestion to Pak'nSave Kilbirnie on how they are monitored at Upper Hutt, but that was too much trouble. At last they do not use the parks now to hose down their trolleys as was the case. We still have the two very dangerous parks in Normanby

St and Newtown Ave. Instead of spending big money on a Cycleway, for those who do not pay any road tax, not sure how many would be rate payers. We need safer and more parking in Newtown to spend our money not drive through as cyclists would, so WCC should spend money to look into this area. Heather Bevan Island Bay

Cameras flashing

Pleas to locals Dear Ed, A plea to all Broadmeadows residents – please give some feedback about the proposed changes to the local bus routes. Even if you don’t use the bus, and I rarely do, think of others who do – and a bus service will improve the value of your house should you ever sell. When I heard that the shopper bus service will cease

beside the park I was in, and if I had had my disabled friend with me she would have been unable to fully open the door to exit the car. As it happened it was only me and the space between my door and the car next to me meant I could barely open the door wide enough to get out. I usually have to open the widely with my foot then exit the car. Today exiting was not easy.

in July 2015 I thought, great, here we are stranded in our hilly suburb with no shops or other facilities. Now we have an opportunity to request an even better service. Don’t miss the chance, you only have until 31 October. Go to nz/have-your-say/ Lynne King Broadmeadows

The Churton Park Photography Club will be hosting its end of year exhibition next month. Set to be held on Tuesday, November 25, the event will be an opportunity to see and appreciate the talent and the achievements of this group in the past year. Starting at 7pm, Simmer Café will host the exhibition.

Examples of student work will also be framed and available to purchase.  For those of who are curious about joining the club, the exhibition will be a good way to get some information and meet some of the members.

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Wednesday October 29, 2014

Thumbs up for the September summary By Dan Whitfield With a rough population of over 10,000. Johnsonville and the surrounding suburbs is continuing to be a happening place to be. A recent Northern suburbs liaison meeting has proved effective in finding out how local services and organisations are operating in the community. The Johnsonville Community Centre has had a busy month with the celebration of its 40th birthday on October 4, and along the same lines; Ken Gurney, from the Johnsonville Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), says it has been very busy. Challenge 2000’s Bridget Roche spoke about the Street Day Appeal and how it was very successful – having activities for young people aged from 10 to 17 during the school holidays. Kirk Beyer, the Youth Pastor at The Rock Church in Ngauranga, was excited about youth activities that are running over coming months. The activities are set to also focus on young people from 10 to 17-years-old with a Top Town theme. The church is also organising some programmes at the community centre.

Glennys Rowlands and Sandra Gaelic, who are part of the Lions Club of Johnsonville, were pleased to announce it had raised funds for Wellington Free Ambulance over September 12 and 14 with success. It is also selling Lions Christmas cakes and hampers over the next few months leading up to the Christmas parade on December 6. SeniorNet’s Sandra Gaelic says the iPad classes are popular; and Glenside Progressive Association Jan Voss says a $5000 grant has been received from The Morgan Foundation and is set to help build a fence for a predator free zone. The local Halfway House is looking at updating the inside and having some of the rooms used as a community centre for the likes of garden groups and meetings. The number of grandparents is steadily rising, and Cecile Donovan from Grandparents Raising Grandchildren says there is now an Extraordinary Care Fund which can now pay for activities for a child for up to $2000 a year. The next Northern suburbs liaison meeting will be happening today (Wednesday) from midday.

POSITIVE COMMUNITY: Johnsonville. PHOTO: Supplied.

HAVE YOUR SAY on options for bus routes in Khandallah, Ngaio, and Broadmeadows Feedback by 31 October 2014.

Te Ahumairangi Hill tracks closed By Dan Whitfield A group of large pine and macrocarpa trees from Te Ahumairangi Hill are set to be removed as part of Wellington City Council’s hazardous tree removal programme. With work to commence in coming weeks, the trees are being removed from the hillside because of the risk they pose to property, power lines and the road during high winds or storms. In the past, several trees have been blown down in this area. Work is due to begin mid-November, and is expected to take about a month. Heavy machinery will be used to remove the trees and for safety reasons, Te Ahumairangi Hill tracks will be closed while work is taking place. Traffic management will also be in place when the trees are removed by Weld St. Council has outlined most of the timber and wood recovered from the site will be sold and all other debris processed through a large mulching machine. While the process will be straight forward, Wadestown residents understand trees being blown down has been an issue in the past but would have liked to be more included and informed by council

in this project. John Shrapnell says people may remember a large block of trees that was cleared below the Wadestown Tennis Club court. He says the area was replanted by volunteers with trees supplied by Project Crimson, and imagines a similar path will be followed this time. “The final landscape plan for the Tinakori Hill created a lot of local interest and several public meetings were held, some of which became heated. I suggest there will be similar interest in this removal project,” John says. John understands that not many of the residents know about the project, but suggests it would have been worthwhile for public meeting to have been held to explain to locals what is happening in the near future and the plans for replanting. “It would help if people felt they were being consulted on something so close to their homes,” he says. The groups of trees are located along Weld St in Wadestown. Wellington City Council’s arboriculture team manager William Melville confirmed that the site will be replanted with native shurbs and trees in phases between next year and 2018.

More information on the options and how to send in your feedback will be posted to all households and is available online at (or scan the QR code below). For timetables and information about Metlink’s bus and train services: • • @metlinkwgtn • 0800 801 700 •



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Wednesday October 29, 2014


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The 2010 Regional MTA Awarded the Viaduct Servicentre as:

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From left: Ant, Mike, Guy, Tom, Royce, Kirk

Viaduct Servicentre

Viaduct Servicentre 182 Glenmore Street, Kelburnor. Phone Michael Tock 04 475 8079. Wellington City Real Estate Limited

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182 Glenmore Street, Kelburnor. Phone Michael Tock 04 475 8079.

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12 Wednesday October 29, 2014

Asthma and COPD Asthma and COPD are both conditions which affect the lungs and are frequently seen in New Zealand, with one in four children and one in six adults experiencing asthma. Most of us are familiar with the symptoms of asthma that include wheezing, coughing, (particularly during the night), chest tightness and sometimes gasping for breath. Some people have one or more of these symptoms most of the time, while others can get them suddenly, when they are having an ‘asthma attack’. It can be particularly distressing when these symptoms occur and it is important to try and understand what is happening, how to control them and how to prevent them from occurring. People with asthma have sensitive airways in their lungs and the illness is triggered when things such as dust mites and pollen cause breathing tubes to react and become tighter. Cigarette smoke, changes in air temperature, and other lung

illnesses (e.g. bronchitis), can also trigger asthma. The tubes swell and mucus builds-up, making it harder for air to go in and out of the lungs and causing a whistle-like, wheezy, sound. Asthma can’t be cured, but people can lead a full life if they learn to avoid what triggers their asthma, understand their symptoms and use their medicines to keep the asthma under control. Helping people manage their asthma requires a team approach and Self Care pharmacists are part of that team. “We provide patients with advice about how their medicines work and the correct use of medicines (especially inhalers and spacers) according to their own particular asthma action plans, to get the best results”. The main types of asthma medicines are preventers, relievers and, symptom controllers. Preventers are important because they keep asthma under control. They reduce

swelling and mucus build-up in the breathing tubes. Preventers need to be used every day, even when you feel well. Relievers are for use during an ‘attack’, to open-up the tubes, relax tightened muscles and relieve symptoms. Symptom controllers relax airway muscles but do not affect swelling in the breathing tubes. Usually they are used every day, along with a preventer, but are not for acute asthma relief during an ‘attack’. By following their own action plans, people can balance the use of preventers, relievers and symptom controllers to keep their asthma under control, take action early during an asthma ‘attack’, to prevent more serious problems, and bring their asthma back under control. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is another, increasingly common, lung disease that shares many of the same symptoms as asthma. It can be mistaken for asthma, and sometimes people with

COPD can have asthma as well. COPD has different trigger factors and treatment requirements from asthma and unlike asthma, lung damage in people with COPD occurs steadily over time and is permanent. Cigarette smoking is the most common factor responsible for COPD and quitting smoking is the most critical factor in slowing the progression of COPD. Pharmacists provide smoking cessation advice, products, and encouragement to COPD sufferers wanting to ‘kick’ their smoking habits and improve their quality of life to manage COPD. Contact your Self Care pharmacist to find out more details and ask for a copy of the Self Care fact card on “Asthma”, “COPD” and “Quit Smoking”. Prepared by Pharmacy Self Care, Pharmaceutical Society of NZ Inc, Level 10, Grand Tower Arcade, 16-20 Willis Street, Wellington, 6142.

Pneumonia dangers Johnsonville Medical Centre Pharmacy Ltd

2 Trafalgar Street, JOHNSONVILLE Geoff Savell MPS Phone: 920-8844 OPENING HOURS: Mon-Wed: 8:30am - 8pm Thurs/Fri: 8:30am - 6:00pm. Sat: 9:30am - 12:30pm

Pneumonia is an infection of the air sacs in the lungs and is caused by bacteria, viruses or, rarely, fungi. Most cases of pneumonia are caused by bacteria, most commonly bacteria called streptococcus pneumonia but viral pneumonia is more common in children. Anyone can develop pneumonia but some groups are at greater risk: Babies and toddlers - particularly those born prematurely People who have had a recent viral infection - such as a cold or flu Smokers, chronic lung conditions, people with suppressed immune systems, people who drink excessive alcohol, patients in hospital and those who have had strokes. Pneumonia can develop when a person breathes in small droplets that contain pneumonia-causing organisms. It can also occur when bacteria or viruses that are normally present in the mouth, nose and throat, enter the lungs.

Symptoms include: High fever, chills, shortness of breath, increased breathing rate, a worsening cough that may produce discoloured or bloody sputum (phlegm) and sharp chest pains – caused by inflammation of the membrane that lines the lungs. In babies and children, symptoms may be less specific and they may not show clear signs of a chest infection. Commonly they will have a high fever, appear very unwell, and become lethargic. They may also have noisy or rattly breathing, have difficulty with feeding and make a grunting sound with breathing. It is also possible for the skin, lips and nail beds to become dusky or bluish. This is a sign that the lungs are unable to deliver enough oxygen to the body. If this occurs it is vital to seek medical assistance straight away. Most cases of pneumonia can be treated at home. However babies, children, and people

with severe pneumonia may need to be admitted to hospital for treatment. Pneumonia is usually treated with antibiotics, even if viral pneumonia is suspected as there may be a degree of bacterial infection as well. The type of antibiotic used and the way it is given will be determined by the severity and cause of the pneumonia.





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Wednesday October 29, 2014


Saint John’s stalls attract crowds


 Chantelle Bosch enjoy the fair along with her children Callum (5), Seth (3) and Keira (7).

 Sophie Graham (6) with her mum, Angie Perry.

 Perserves aplenty: Wendie Ayley, Jo Soal and Jenny Armstrong.

 Rev. Ben Johnson-Frow and his son Jakob Johnson-Frow (8).


Scout walk is back on

Cemetery Bus Service Karori & Makara Cemeteries This bus service is sponsored by the Lychgate Funeral Home.

By Dan Whitfield The Johnsonville Scout Group is positive an inaugural community walk will successfully boost its membership as well as raising much needed funds for activities. Despite being rained out in September, the Johnsonville Community Walk has been rescheduled for November 2 – with some of the group’s youngest members encouraging the public to get involved. It is set to cover about 4km, and group area leader Johann Weichs says: “It will be an enjoyable fun walk that our keas, cubs and scouts are all involved with, and lets the group overall contribute to the local community.” At this stage, the walk will start from 11am at the Kipling St play area, then goes up and into Truscott St. From there, it will be a gentle walk up the hill to overlook Johnsonville before descending down to loop back to the start. Walk organiser Ian Rogers says it is all about having fun and to raise the profile of the club.

It operates on the first Tuesday of each month. (If the first Tuesday is a Public Holiday then the bus trip will take place on the following Tuesday). The cost of the return trip is $5.00 per person.

Tuesday 4TH NOVEMBER 2014 Opposite 38 Onepu Road, Kilbirnie Miramar Library Newtown Library (opposite) Island Bay Library Courtenay Place Bus Stop (Outside 11 Courtenay Place) Lambton Bus Interchange - (Platform C) Rutherford House KARORI CEMETERY (Gate only) (Outside 93 Karori Road) Karori Library MAKARA CEMETERY

READY TO WALK: Kotuku Keas Johnsonville group are ready for the community walk. PHOTO: Dan Whitfield.

All of the junior members have been out and about seeking pledges to complete the walk, with a minimum target of $20 each to be raised. Ian says it teaches them to interact with people and how to fundraise. Through raising funds, many of the younger members will complete the necessary stages for their Community Badge, with the group rewarding the individual kea, cub or scouts who gains the highest pledges. Members of the public are also

welcome to come along and enjoy the walk, with a barbeque and fun activities at the end to show off what being a kea, cub or scout is all about. At the moment, the Johnsonville Scout Group has 80 active members and 12 warranted leaders who meet weekly at the hall on Ironside Rd. Activities run by the group are aligned to the Scouts New Zealand National Programme that allows young people to pursue interests and achieve great things at an age appropriate level.

1.00pm 1.10pm 1.20pm 1.30pm 1.40pm 1.50pm 2.00pm 2.05pm 2.15pm

Return trip leaves Makara Cemetery at 3.00pm, Karori Cemetery visitors pick up is at the bus stop opposite 93 Karori Rd at approx. 3.15pm.

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WEST PH 476 6472

Part of Bledisloe NZ Ltd

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Wednesday October 29, 2014

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The 2010 Johnsonville Regional MTA Ngaio Awarded the Viaduct Servicentre Bridgestone as: Thorndon

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From left: Ant, Mike, Guy, Tom, Royce, Kirk

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Offers expire 31st October 2014. This voucher must be presented. Terms and conditions apply. Bookings essential. This cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Wheel alignment valid for cars, 4x4s and vans only. WOF inspection excludes motorcycles.

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burnor. Phone Michael Tock 04 475 8079.

This space is for SALE Phone Brenda Johnson on 021 640 152 Email

Motoring Family owned and still going strong

Don’t wait for the Christmas rush, book your vehicle in for a service today!

Johnsonville Auto Repairs has been servicing the community for nearly 22 years, and is still going strong. Started in 1991 by Brian and Brenda Belch, it is still a family owned and operated business – and although beginning in a small workshop it has achieved quite a bit. For those that work at Johnsonville Auto Repairs, a memorable highlight was being nominated for Workshop of the Year for the MTA Awards. “It was really flattering to have our customers nominate us and reinforces to us that we are on the right track to becoming the best we can be.” As with most industries, the biggest change has been in technology. Vehicles, especially the newer models, are run mostly by computer and Johnsonville Auto Repairs loves keeping up to date with all of the new developments. The most satisfying part of the job is firstly, seeing our customers leave happy. “When you don’t know a lot about cars it can be daunting putting all of your trust into someone to look after your vehicle so it’s really nice to be able to take that worry away from people.” Problem solving is another particularly satisfying aspect of the job. Marc joined the workshop in 1996 as an apprentice and now runs the workshop with his wife Kelly. Johnsonville Auto Repairs has two senior technicians Marc and Richard, and an apprentice technician, Lem. All are dedicated to maintaining your vehicle in top condition, reducing the likelihood of unnecessary and costly repairs. “I think for us it’s been a matter of keeping

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Classic Panel & Paint has been trading for 10 years and is located on the main road of Newlands, a few doors down from the new supermarket. It is a small panel and paint shop equipped with fabricating gear for repairs & a Sikkens paint system and spray booth for refinishing. They not only do classic cars but also all other work, including insurance work on your every day vehicles. All work is guaranteed (despite what the insurance company might tell you.) You are quite

welcome to bring your car in for a free quote on your insurance claim or private work, any time. The proprietor, Dave Graham has 28 years experience in the trade and has carried out work on all types of vehicles ranging from 1930’s Chevys to late model Toyotas, Nissans etc... He can also do light engineering work. For a competitive price and professional job, call in and see Dave. He will be happy to help out, even if its just to give some free advice.



Wednesday October 29, 2014


Top teacher in hot demand

iPads and sunshades result of fair

By Dan Whitfield

More than $20,000 has been raised from a recent spring fair run by St Benedict’s School. Money that was raised will go towards purchasing a bunch of iPads for students, as well as installing a shade area for the outside junior school classrooms. Principal David Lamont says the iPads are going to be spread throughout the junior classes mainly but all classes will have access to them. “They will be used to enhance the programmes already in place across the school and will also provide us the opportunity to introduce new approaches to learning with the way they are used,” David says. The spring fair was a complete success according to the school and everyone all had a fantastic day. “I am delighted with the amount raised. We are only a small school but we have a fantastic community that is very supportive of us and to have this type of contribution to our school allows us to provide our students with resources and experiences we would otherwise struggle to do with the operational funding we receive,” David says. “I have to say a huge thanks to our parent community who were involved in the organisation and running of the spring fair and also those who helped out on the stalls. It was a fantastic effort all round,” he says. Entertainment on the day included a vertical bungy and an opportunity to meet and play basketball with one of the Wellington Saints players who came along to support the fair. RUNNING HARD: Fraser Bailey and Xara Jetly on the vertical bungy. PHOTO: Supplied.

MUSICAL: Felicity Baker with a number of instruments that will be used in her class. PHOTO: Dan Whitfield.

Felicity Baker is in hot demand around the community, with her new preschool focused music classes beginning at the Churton Park Community Centre in the coming weeks. As a music teacher for over eight years, music is what she wants to do and she is looking forward to passing on her knowledge to the potential musical superstars that could be in the community. The preschool music classes, which are set to run Tuesdays from 10am starting from November 4, will let children explore melody, rhythm, and movement in interactive, fun sessions, Felicity says. “I’m excited and can’t wait to see them flourish…I love teaching music,” Felicity says. The classes will give children an introduction to music making and appreciation. Felicity believes it will also provide an excellent foundation for starting an instrument. “Song and movement are excellent ways to develop children’s brains for wider learning,” she says. There will be five classes focusing on different aspects of music including songs and rhymes. Categories that Felicity will focus on include song, rhythm and movement, introduction to instruments, language, and fun with peers and parents. “The theme (or categories) will be integrated over all the sessions, always including a common theme of fun, communication and interaction between children and their

adults,” she says. Felicity comes from a large musical family which means she is used to working with young people – including working with children at her church. The programme will begin on November 4, and if people sign up before October 31 the first class

is free. Felicity is a local Tawa girl. She is also a Suzuki-trained cello and piano teacher.  For more information or to sign up, contact Felicity Baker 027 272 2580. An alternative contact is:

Parade plans advancing Involvement from the community towards the Johnsonville Lions Club's annual Chirstmas parade is picking up momentum, with the group praising those who have al-

ready expressed interest. Planning for the event, which is set to run on December 6, is advancing well and organisers say road works on Broderick Rd will not affect the parade.


 An application form is available by contacting the club via email: jvillechristmasparade@


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Wednesday October 29, 2014

More than $3000 given to NZ Fallen Heroes Trust By Dan Whitfield The Rotary Club of Karori has successful raised more than $3000 for charity – as well as raising much needed funds for its own activities. The funds came from a collection day before the opening of the Arras Tunnel. Rotary members were out in force, with 15 soliders also helping out

on the day and a total sum of $3151.40 raised for the New Zealand Fallen Heroes Trust. Michael Fagg, a Karori club member, says it is critical to support organisations like this, and it was pleasing to see the support. The New Zealand Fallen Heroes Trust was established by a group of people in the community with strong

ties to the New Zealand Defence Force who saw a role for direct, practical support to the families of those men and women who were injured or killed whilst serving their country. “It was great to see the support and people getting behind the cause. Even though we were asking for a gold coin SUPPORT SHOWN: Rotary’s Michael Fagg, Trustee of donation, we had people giving notes,” NZ Fallen Heroes Trust Rob Munro and WO1 Daniel Michael says. Broughton, who is also a trustee. PHOTO: Supplied.


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Exc. Refs. Comp. Workmanship Rates. All work Guaranteed guaranteed. FREE QUOTES Applications for Out of Zone Enrolment for Terms 1 and Ph: 04 971 9356 Marcus Ph: 973-4343 2, 2015 or 0211 451 Mb 021 Across: Stout,549 4 Politics, 9orCosset, 14764-831 China, 15 Tricks Enrolment of at Northland School is governed by an enrolment


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Public Notice


30 words - IGNORE, Ego, eon, erg, ergo, gen, gin, girn, scheme, details of which are available from the school words - IGNORE, Ego,grin, eon,groin, erg, ergo, gen, gin,nog, the trade, 17 Sheer, 18 Ego, 19 Warrior, 20 Imprudent, 21 giro,30goer, gone, goner, gore, ion, ire, iron, office or the school website noir,girn, nor,giro, ogre,goer, one,gone, ore, REGION, reign,grin, rein,groin, rig, ring, goner, gore, ion,roe. Summit, 24 Crescendo, 25 Spying, 26 Blames, 29 Ungracious, The Board of Trustees has made a limited number of places available at Year 1 for out of zone students in Terms 1 and 31 Awe, 32 Sultan, 33 Plus, 35 Let, 37 Vein, 39 Endowment, ire, iron, nog, noir, nor, ogre, one, ore, REGION, reign, 2, 2015. the 40 Tangerine, 41 Erode, 42 Currency, 47 Upstream, 51 Sniff, rein, rig, ring, roe. As the Board operates an enrolment scheme, it is required Cleaner 55 Speedboat, 56 Lunchtime, 58 Says, 59 Goo, 60 Slip, to fill any vacant out of zone places by ballot in cases where Get a free quote ASAP there are more applications for enrolment than there are 61 Quotas, 62 Rye, 63 Nail polish, 66 Dogged, 67 Forbid, Bob & Jenny places available. Under the terms of the enrolment scheme 69 Reinstate, 72Homes Shroud,& 73 75 Sketchy, 77 Ink, siblings of out of zone children currently at the school get OffiDissipate, ces priority for available places. 80 Lurid, 81 Keep it under wraps, 82 Elegy, 83 Bolted, 84 103 Churton Drive, Churton Park, Wellington email: The deadline for receipt of applications for out of zone Pondered, 85 Sways. ph: 04 477 9918 • mobile: +64 21 161 5245 places is 4.00pm Friday 14 November. If necessary a ballot Down: 2 Tarpaulin, 3 Ulcer, 5 Oafs, 6 Inhuman, 7 Interwill be held on Monday 17 November. rogated, 8 Stand, 9 Cleanly, 10 Sash, 11 Even up, 12 Rivet, 13 Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held. Favours, 14 Crumple, 16 Smokescreen, 22 Accord, 23 Inflate, Showcase your service to Application forms for the ballot are available from: 24 Coroner, 25 Svelte, 27 Malaise, 28 Catnap, 30 Sewn, 32 The Principal, Northland School over 25,000 households Stool, 34 Steam, 36 Rest, 38 Emu, 42 Costs, 43 Reeling, 44 14 Harbour View Road Eddy, 45 Crocus, 46 Wings, Book 48 Sleepwalker, 49 Resolve, 50 Northland, Wellington 6012 12 weeks Any, 51 Station, 52 Florid, 53 Interruption, 54 Thin, 57 Iciest, and receive a 64 Slap-happy, 65 Merrily, 66 Divides, 68 Blinked, 70 Intrude, FREE editorial 71 Quarto, 72 Skeet, 74 Sheep, 76 Threw, 78 Edit, 79 Idle.


Across: 1 Stout, 4 Politics, 9 Cosset, 14 China, 15 Tricks of the trade, 17 Sheer, 18 Ego, 19 Warrior, 20 Imprudent, 21 Summit, 24 Crescendo, 25 Spying, 26 Blames, 29 Ungracious, 31 Awe, 32 Sultan, 33 Plus, 35 Let, 37 Vein, 39 Endowment, 40 Tangerine, 41 Erode, 42 Currency, 47 Upstream, 51 Sniff, 55 Speedboat, 56 Lunchtime, 58 Says, 59 Goo, 60 Slip, 61 Quotas, 62 Rye, 63 Nail polish, 66 Dogged, 67 Forbid, 69 Reinstate, 72 Shroud, 73 Dissipate, 75 Sketchy, 77 Ink, 80 Lurid, 81 Keep it under wraps, 82 Elegy, 83 Bolted, 84 Pondered, 85 Sways. Down: 2 Tarpaulin, 3 Ulcer, 5 Oafs, 6 Inhuman, 7 Interrogated, 8 Stand, 9 Cleanly, 10 Sash, 11 Even up, 12 Rivet, 13 Favours, 14 Crumple, 16 Smokescreen, 22 Accord, 23 Inflate, 24 Coroner, 25 Svelte, 27 Malaise, 28 Catnap, 30 Sewn, 32 Stool, 34 Steam, 36 Rest, 38 Emu, 42 Costs, 43 Reeling, 44 Eddy, 45 Crocus, 46 Wings, 48 Sleepwalker, 49 Resolve, 50 Any, 51 Station, 52 Florid, 53 Interruption, 54 Thin, 57 Iciest, 64 Slap-happy, 65 Merrily, 66 Divides, 68 Blinked, 70 Intrude, 71 Quarto, 72 Skeet, 74 Sheep, 76 Threw, 78 Edit, 79 Idle.

Contact Nicola for more details E M 027 2222871

Got News? Contact

Dan Whitfield on 04 587 1660

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Death Notice MILLER Scott Gordon David: October 24, 2014 RODGERS Lorna Esme Warren (nee Hunt): October 25, 2014 COLLINGS, Vivienne Jean (nee Clendon) Died peacefully surrounded by her family on 21st October 2014. Dearly loved wife of Din and mother and mother in law to Barry, Linda, Steve, Debbie, Michael, Diane, Alan, Gina, Ross, Janet and John. Cherished grandmother and great grandmother. Much loved sister. Thanks to Nurses and Doctors who attended to Viv in ward 5 & 6 at Wellington Hospital. In lieu of flowers, donations to Wellington Free Ambulance would be appreciated. Messages for the Collings family may be sent C/- Lychgate Funerals, 306 Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington. The funeral will be held at 1.00pm on Thursday October 30th at Old St Paul’s, Mulgrave Street, Thorndon, Wellington to be followed by interment at Makara Cemetery. MEAD, Vaughan Reece. NZ Police VM7082 Snr Sgt. On October 26th 2014 at Mary Potter Hospice, Wellington, after a short illness. Aged 54 years. Dearly beloved husband of Lisa and much loved father of James and Finlay. Loved son of Verna and the late Len Mead. Loved brother of Cheryl Jelly, Grant and Lance. Loved and remembered by his nieces, nephews and Godchildren. Loved son-in-law of Anne Chamberlain and brother in law of Colleen and Graeme Perry. In lieu of flowers donations to Mary Potter Hospice would be appreciated and may be left at the service. Messages and tributes may be sent via Vaughan’s tribute page A Funeral service for Vaughan will be held at the Johnsonville Salvation Army Hall, 125 Johnsonville Road, Johnsonville at 3pm on Thursday October 30th 2014 to be followed by private cremation Lychgate Funerals FDANZ Tel. 385 0745


7 Johnsonville Road, Johnsonville. Wellington Tel: (04) 477 6855 Fax: (04) 801 7203

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Supporting people to acknowledge death and celebrate life


Wednesday October 29, 2014


Eye on Crime

The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email

Otago University Study:

Boot Sale

Looking for people with T2 diabetes to attend a focus group to discuss perceptions around food and nutrition. Contact Hannah Lawrence 0278290920

Churton Park New World Sunday 2 Nov 1 – 4pm Enquires: Richard Taylor 4785188 Churton Park Community Association



WordBuilder 6

Johnsonville Neighbourhood Watch




Solution 327: Arm, lam, loam, loan, lorn, man, manor, mar, marl, moa, moan, molar, moral, morn, nor, norm, NORMAL, oar, oral, ram, ran, roam, roan, roman. 1 4 9 14 15

17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 29 31 32 33 35 37 39 40 41 1

42 47 51 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 66 67 69

Portly (5) Affairs of state (8) Pamper (6) Porcelain (5) Special job skills gathered from experience (6,2,3,5) See-through, thin (5) Self-image (3) Fighter (7) Ill-considered (9) Mountain top (6) Gradually louder (mus) (9) Espionage (6) Holds responsible (6) Not kindly or courteous (10) Amazement (3) Muslim sovereign (6) With the addition of (4) Permit (3) Blood vessel (4) Income or property bequeathed (9) Citrus fruit (9) Wear away (5) 2


72 73 75 77 80 81 82 83 84 85 4


Country’s money (8) Against the current (8) Smell (5) Racing craft (9) Meal break (9) Articulates (4) Muck (3) Lose footing (4) Prescribed allocations (6) Cereal crop (3) Cosmetic lacquer (4,6) Obstinately determined (6) Ban (6) Restore to former position (9) Body cloth (6) Break up and vanish (9) Not thorough or detailed (7) Printing fluid (3) Unpleasantly vivid (5) Don’t tell anyone about it (4,2,5,5) Mournful poem (5) Fled (6) Reflected deeply on (8) Wins over (5)




DOWN 2 3 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 22 23 24 25 27 28 30 32 34 36 38

42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52

Rainproof cover (9) Stomach lesion (5) Dolts (4) Cruel and barbaric (7) Questioned closely, aggressively (12) Rise (5) Any cell (anag) (7) Winner’s ribbon (4) Balance (4,2) Metal joiner (5) Likes better (7) Wrinkle by crushing (7) Concealing ruse (11) Agreement (6) Blow up (7) Death investigator (7) Gracefully slender (6) Illness (7) Short sleep (6) Stitched (4) Backless seat (5) Water vapour (5) Pause for relaxation (4) Big bird (3)




53 54 57 64 65 66 68 70 71 72 74 76 78 79

Expenses (5) Staggering (7) Small whirlpool (4) Occurs (anag) (6) Pilot’s badge (5) Somnambulist (11) Settle (7) Whichever (3) Train stop (7) With red or flushed complexion (6) Continuity break (12) Dilute (4) Cities (anag) (6) Cheerfully careless (4-5) Gaily (7) Splits up (7) Briefly shut the eyes (7) Trespass (7) Paper size (6) Clay target shooting sport (5) Farm animal (5) Hurled (5) Check and correct (4) Doing nothing (4)




14 15


17 18










28 29





35 37





40 41





46 51

47 52










59 60





65 66





71 72




78 80



79 81

82 83

into via a forced front door lock. A variety of tools were stolen. In Khandallah a black Mitsubishi Lancer parked in Cashmere Avenue was stolen. A black Subaru Impreza parked in Mandalay Terrace had its left rear window smashed to gain access. Parts of the sound system and a set of Chef’s knives were stolen. A car parked in a driveway in Everest Street was broken into via a smashed left rear quarterlight window and a maglight torch was stolen. In Ngaio a house in Chelmsford Street was burgled after being entered through a jemmied bathroom window. Jewellery items were stolen.


How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the six letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. There's at least one six-letter word. TODAY Good 13 Very Good 17 Excellent 21


In Johnsonville a blue Honda Torneo was stolen from Woodland Road. A silver Subaru Impreza parked insecure in Hindmarsh Street was entered and a tool bag, hand tools and an impact power drill were stolen. In Newlands a silver Toyota Estima parked in Glen Alton Avenue was stolen. An unsuccessful attempt was made to break into a house in Blackrock Road causing damage to a bedroom window. A silver Toyota Hiace van parked in Trebann Street, possibly insecure, was entered and searched and items were taken from the cab and the rear of the van. A white Ford Econovan parked in Salford Street was broken



Hyundai Genesis lifts the active safety bar Hyundai’s luxury offering to the market, the Genesis sedan, will reach New Zealand with a 5 star Australasian New Car Assessment Programme (ANCAP) rating. The large car is the latest rated Hyundai to achieve the maximum ANCAP safety rating for a marque that has consistently performed strongly in crash tests in recent years. In addition, the Korean manufacturer has pulled out all the stops to provide as standard nearly every safety feature on the ANCAP check list including autonomous emergency braking – a feature that has often been excluded from many new models arriving in New Zealand. AA general manager of motoring services Stella Stocks says Hyundai has lifted the bar in terms of focusing on consumer safety. “With the Genesis, Hyundai is putting substance right along style producing one of the saf-

est vehicles to be available to New Zealand motorists,” Ms Stocks says. Transport agency access and use general manager Celia Patrick says improving the safety of New Zealand’s vehicle fleet is a key part of the Government’s Safer Journeys strategy and it is great news that the range of top safetyrated cars was continuing to grow. Stella says now more than ever consumers have a wealth of information available to them to assess the safety merits of any vehicle they are considering. “As more manufacturers improve and increase their active safety systems, consumers will become more familiar with them and expect them to be included as standard on new cars,” she says. ANCAP is supported by the New Zealand Automobile Association and New Zealand Government.


Wednesday October 29, 2014

Top of the table By Dan Whitfield A group of friends from Johnsonville have embarked on a quest stand out from the crowd in a social football league played at their home ground. Oscar Bupha-Intr and his friends Sean Leonard, Scott Tyson, Jono Rayner, Matt Jepson, Jake Scarf, and Tyler Warrington created the team for the community based Twilight Summer Football competition and are hoping to do well while having fun in the process. T he competition is held around Wellington and sees five-a-side teams made up of

corporates, clubs, teams and groups take part in a range of grades. The boys are part of team #CSL and have been playing for four weeks. “We haven’t lost a game yet and we should win our league,” Oscar says. The team play in the B grade of the Johnsonville competition on Wednesday nights, and is just a social game of football. At this stage, the team is leading the competition, and look set for another successful week with the next game against NFS Resurrection. There are six games to go.

EYE ON THE BALL: Renee Moffitt. PHOTO: 111 Emergency 2013.

Season starts with a passion to win By Dan Whitfield

LOOKING LIKE CHAMPIONS: Sean Leonard, Oscar BuphaIntr, TJ Goodwin, Jono Rayner Curtis Goodwin and Scott Tyson. PHOTO: Supplied.


Renee Moffitt is padding up once again for a busy season representing Onslow in the senior women’s cricket competition – with the goal to win both the Joy Lamason Trophy’ 40 over for the second year in a row and to be victors in the Maureen Peters Twenty20. “From our team’s point of view, we are defending champions so we will be looking to defend our title. We were losing finalists in the T20 competition last year but are looking to go one better and take both titles out,” Renee says. The senior competition has four established teams – Onslow, Collegians, Hutt Districts

and Johnsonville, and each team playing in weekly games from November to March. It is the premier club competition for women in Wellington and is the stepping stone into the Wellington under 21 and Wellington Blaze teams. As the captain and opening batsman for Onslow, Renee is looking for a strong competition, with a passion to win just like everyone else on her team. “The best part is testing yourself out against the best Wellington has to offer and fighting for higher honours,” Renee says. “We have a very young squad which have potential to dominate the competition if we stick together,” she says. Both competitions are played

by local clubs in and around Wellington. Renee has been playing for the team for about 10 years, and about eight on the main senior side. Renee is looking forward to the first game this weekend, kicking things off against Hutt Districts with a 40 over match. The Collegians will play Johnsonville in a 40 over match as well. Inside the Wellington based competition there are multiple top players including Renee. Others included New Zealand’s Sophie Devine and Rachel Priest, Sian Ruck – all who may possibly make an appearance for Johnsonville throughout the season. As well as playing cricket, Renee is a volunteer fire fighter.

Outward bound course on its way Registrations for the Halberg Outward Bound Activate Physical Disability Course close on October 31. The course takes place from February 15–22 in the Marlborough Sounds and is designed specifically for physically disabled young people aged 16 to 21 years. The Halberg Disability Sport Foundation and Outward Bound teamed up in June 2014 holding a course for ten physically disabled young people at Anakiwa. The next eight day course will

provide an empowering and inspiring experience including early morning wake-up swims, sailing and a high ropes course. Participants will be challenged mentally and physically and gain essential leadership skills while helping to build their confidence and selfawareness.  For more information, contact Bridget Meyer on or 027 697 7177. To register go to www.halbergallsports. GOOD POSTURE: Claire Baker, Amber Sturtz, Ewa Kusmierczyk, Derek Hodgen, Elspeth Knewstubb, Peter Oz, and Brent O'Connor. PHOTO: Astrid Visser.

Contact your local reporter with sports news and results

Local teachers offer free yoga

Daniel Whitfield E: P: 587 1660

Free yoga classes were provided to Wellingtonians by local yoga studios and teachers over the weekend. The day gave people a chance to try yoga for the first time,

meet instructors, try a different studio, or experience a new style of yoga. Classes were offered to bring more awareness to yoga in the Wellington community, and

show the wealth of talent we have in our city. The day kicked off with an outdoor class in Frank Kitts Park which was open to everyone of any ability.

20 Wednesday October 29, 2014







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