21st Century Bright Future

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ten more problems. All this chaos is resulting in a sense of struggle rather than co-operation. In the midst of these situations, the subtle environment is also becoming toxic. Nature is gearing herself to punish all those who have abused her. Drought, floods, earthquakes and various types of diseases are indicative of this punishment. Nature who is supposed to nourish and protect like a mother is getting prepared to destroy her children. Will the Earth remain undamaged after the assault of nuclear weapons, fatal radiations and poisonous chemicals? It feels as though clouds of destruction are hovering all around and there is a real possibility that our beautiful earth will be reduced into a speck of cosmic dust. As we live our lives daily we are unaware that the earth is constantly moving but rather we feel that the earth is fixed, but those with more subtle vision are constantly aware that the earth is rotating on its axis while circling the Sun even though the experience is beyond the physical senses. Similarly, though ordinary man may feel that today’s world is normal and smooth, perceptive people have realized that the conditions are explosive and we are sitting on a powder keg with destruction waiting to happen . Experts and clairvoyants are sending out clear messages that the end of the 20th century will be wrought with very painful conditions. This situation may appear today or tomorrow and even more importantly within our own lifetime. In the name of progress we are heading towards our destruction and with demands for ‘instant gratification ‘we are pledging our future. Mineral resources are fast depleting on earth. Despite physical comforts lack of physical and mental vitality is leading to innumerable deaths; Lack of self-esteem and mutual cooperation is making people lead an ever increasing life of chaos and stress. All the portents are there for everyone to see and it is only going to get worse from here. 13.

Balance – an integral part of the divine system

Even in the midst of our current situation, we must remember one important fact that there is a higher power that controls this entire creation. Human beings and this entire earth were created through this power and as such it is impossible to think that this power would witness the potential destruction of its creation. Just as parents set boundaries for their children we have to respect our limits and behave responsibly with our world. Common sense tells us to step back and stop contributing to the impending world disasters.



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