Prospectus 2016

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Ahunga Tikanga Māori Laws & Philosophy POUTĀHŪ / POSTGRADUATE AND TĀHUHU / MASTER The Poutāhū graduate will be able to explain cosmogony as the basis of tikanga prior to contact with Western influences. The authenticity of certain texts and materials on Māori cosmogony and tikanga will also be considered. Reinterpretations of tikanga that have flowed from interaction between tikanga Māori and Pākehā law are examined and deconstructed and tauira will enquire into the potential for tikanga to underpin contemporary developments and strategies.

Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 8) Three year master (NZQA Level 9)

Delivery Residential seminars, self-directed learning and online delivery

Start date March

The Tāhuhu Ahunga Tikanga graduate will be able to explain tikanga tuku iho and assist with the establishment and maintenance of institutions (and institutional arrangements) that are driven and assessed by the principles and application of tikanga tuku iho. They will be able to investigate the origins, principles and practices of tikanga prior to contact with Western influences, describe the origins of Pākehā law and its impact on tikanga Māori, and explain the place of tikanga Māori alongside the laws and philosophies of other peoples. Graduates of Poutāhū and, Tāhuhu Ahunga Tikanga will have the potential to be researchers, teachers and practitioners, particularly among their own people. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit

Fees apply For more information visit or call 0800 WANANGA.

Graduate Destinations Poutāhu / Tāhuhu: –– Independent researcher –– Project researcher –– Lecturer –– Advisor –– Educator –– Mentor –– Kaiāwhina –– Reo Revitalisation –– Post Treaty settlement capacity building

Note: This course will be run subject to numbers.


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