wayfinding guidelines
Welcome to the Tully Wayfinding Signage Style Guide. The aim of the Tully Wayfinding Strategy is to create an easily navigated and friendly space for children and adults of all ages. By providing students and visitors with on-site information, wayfinding signage helps to connect visitors and students to all area of our school. Tully is prod to be an Educate together School. Educate Together is unique in education. Like many other schools in Ireland, Educate Together schools are state-funded and teach the National Curriculum. They are non-feepaying schools and are open to students of all backgrounds. They are co-educational and have no school uniforms. But they are much more than that: Educate Together schools work hard to instil a sense of equality and justice in students.
Relationship diagram
Relationship Diagram
Colour palette & System
An eye catching and friendly colour palette has been developed to allow for modularity across different areas of Tully. The colours range from brighter tones of yellows, pinks, greens and orange; through to darker tones of blue purple and finally I chose navy as the neutural tone to pair each colour with.
All Signs have been paired with the neutral colour navey to allow for maximum impact and recognition. Pink signage is found in the areas surrounding the special needs unit. Orange signage is found in the areas surrounding the sports hall. Yellow signage is found in the areas surrounding the front offices. Blue signage is found in the areas surrounding the classrooms. Purple signage is found in all external areas of the building.
Orange signage paired with the neutral colour navy is found in the areas surrounding the sports hall.
Blue signage paired with the neutral colour navy is found in the areas surrounding the classrooms.
Yellow signage paired with the neutral colour navy is found in the areas surrounding the front offices.
Pink signage paired with the neutral colour navy is found in the areas surrounding the special needs unit.
Purple signage paired with the neutral colour navy is found in all external areas of the building.
Sign type & Placement
Mini Wayfinding Plinth Sign Type: Locational Audience Purpose: Journey Plan To provide students and visitors with key mapped locations. Mapped Plinths contain three key directional points at the top.
Wayfinding Plinth Sign Type: Locational Audience Purpose: Journey Plan To provide students and visitors with key mapped locations. Mapped Plinths contain three key directional points at the top.
School Identification/ Wayfinding Plinth Sign Type: Locational Audience Purpose: Journey Plan/Arrival To provide students and visitors with key mapped locations. Mapped Plinths contain three key directional points at the top. This sign will be seen at the entrance to the school at the main road.
External Wayfinding Plinth Sign Type: Locational Audience Purpose: Journey Plan To provide students and visitors with key mapped locations. Mapped Plinths contain three key directional points at the top.
Trail Markers Sign Type: Directional Audience Purpose: Reassurance To provide users with directional information along trails. Varying in size depending on location.
Directional Fingerboard Sign Type: Directional Audience Purpose: Reassurance To provide users with key directional information at nodes where existing infrastructure does not permit co-location
Information Hub Sign Type: Directional Audience Purpose: Reassurance To provide users with key directional information at nodes where existing infrastructure does not permit co-location using only icons. Primarily for childrens use.
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Site Identification Sign Type: Identification Audience Purpose: Arrival . To cofirm arrival at locations. Larger structures to be used in outdoor settings.
Size & Fabrication
Material: brushed matte metal brushed metal to be used for the body of the signage family for durability as well as to give the signage a high quality and established feeling.
Material: perspex All arrows and letters to be made from perspex with built in back lights to enhance atmosphere and for clarity in darkness.
Typography & Symbols
Iconography Iconography to remain the same across all signage types (with the exception of colour change according to area)
Iconography When icons are applied to walls at large scale with vinyl stickers, the fill of the below icons will change to a gestural scroll in reference to the tully’s branding.
Iconography When icons are applied to walls at large scale with vinyl stickers, the fill of the below icons will change to a gestural scroll in reference to the tully’s branding.
Typeography Font: Aeonik Display weight: Bold Reading weight: Medium