Teen Eye Autumn 2017: The Armor Issue

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020 Rosie joined her college’s Asian Culture club the day after. She met plenty of people who were also raised by Racism. Racism was stealthy. It had many different appearances and had many different names.

Rosie had never hated anyone more than Racism. Racism pushed her down every hill she came across and stepped on her at the bottom. It made her ask if every choice was “too Asian” or “trying too hard to be white”. Racism made her feel like she was less than what she was worth. Racism was never able to give her the affirmation she so badly needed. It had taken Rosie much too long to realize that Racism was wrong. She was not subhuman. She was worthy of being loved by everyone who was worthy of loving her. Rosie watched with a hardened shell as her weakness bloomed into strength.

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