Know Your City’s Trees! June Contest Where in South Boston are these trees? These two trees seem to be dead or dying. While the tree in the left background is in full bloom, the two foreground trees still have no leaves. This picture was taken in early May, long after leaves and buds appeared across South Boston. In the city and in natural ecosystems, trees die for various reasons. It could have to do with hydration, trauma, tree disease, or other factors. Southie Trees, a project of TNB, has applied for a grant to track urban tree outcomes using opensource software called iTree. Tech Networks of Boston supports the preservation of mature urban trees, which make neighborhoods more pleasant, filter our air and water, and moderate temperatures. We hope you’ll use this contest as a fun way to get to know your city’s trees!
1 Wadleigh Place South Boston, MA 02127
JUNE 2012
Russell Jennings, VP of Finance and Human Resources for Tech Networks of Boston, accepts the Business Partner of the Year Award from Shriver Job Corps for our Deskside Support program. Work Base Learning Coordinator Lisa Crossman presents the award.
A Helping Hand at Your Side Link to Co-Workers with Microsoft Lync Cordaryll Monroe, Deskside Support Technician
South Boston Shines Brighter with TNB Staff Know Your City’s Trees
A Day in the Life of a Deskside Support Technician Sometimes your employees need a helping hand at their side. Full-time Deskside Support from Tech Networks of Boston is the affordable alternative to hiring permanent staff. Our technicians report day-to-day to your managers, observing your hours and policies. They receive ongoing mentoring, career development and training from Tech Networks of Boston. Here are just a few examples of issues our technicians resolve in a typical day. 8:57 Client manager needs a loaner laptop hooked up to the projector in the conference room for a meeting, starting at 10:30.
Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper
In this issue…
9:00 User can’t access e-mail. Couldn’t access company wireless network. Laptop froze and could only be shut down by removing the battery.
10:51 User can’t watch streaming videos on webpages, but YouTube works. Some videos appear briefly, then disappear. 12:44 New temporary employee arrives. Provided employee a spare laptop; set up Outlook e-mail account, network drives and drivers. 1:19 User needs an account on an internal restricted-access network. 2:56 Update internal e-mail distribution lists by removing and adding users. 4:10 User is having trouble creating a table in Word. Our Deskside Support technicians solve problems in client offices every day. To learn more, please call us at 617.269.0299.
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South Boston Shines Brighter with TNB Staff
Link to Co-Workers with Microsoft Lync
On Friday, April 27, TNB staff participated in the citywide Boston Shines cleanup and beautification event. Partnering with Southie Trees, TNB staff worked three hours to clean up the area around Andrew Square, South Boston.
Get the benefits of instant messaging, fully integrated with Microsoft Office. Microsoft Lync is an easy, fast way for coworkers to connect, whether they’re in the same building or in different cities. A Lync contact list contains only coworkers who are part of your Microsoft user list. It makes business conversations easy without encouraging personal ones.
responsibility for urban beautification, not just because it makes the city a more pleasant place to live and work, but also because these efforts help protect the environment in and around our cities.
We purchased and planted flowers, removed weeds, and filled several large bags with litter from the street. As a result, Andrew Square shines a little brighter. As an urban business, Tech Networks has accepted a
Russell Jennings, TNB Vice President of Finance and HR (left) and Junior Accountant Avi Wolfson pick up trash outside Andrew Square Station.
Meet a Boston Techie
Cordaryll Monroe Deskside Support Technician
If you’re an employee at Commonwealth Care Alliance (CCA), you’re probably busy making sure the people of Massachusetts can get the medical care they need. When a computer problem prevents you from working effectively, you need only call and Cordaryll Monroe will be at your side. Cordaryll is a Tech Networks employee working fulltime out of CCA’s office as a Deskside Support Technician. He functions as part of CCA’s IT team, reporting day-to-day to a CCA IT manager. Cordaryll helps CCA employees resolve the many computer issues that inevitably come up—like those in our cover story. Cordaryll came to TNB from the Shriver Job Corps with the CompTIA++, MCP Windows XP, and MCTS: Network Infrastructure and Configuration certificates. He completed a six-week internship followed by full-time work at TNB’s Help Desk on Demand prior to taking on his role at CCA.
TNB client Supporting Strategies uses Lync to tie its workforce together. Steve Schultz, COO, praises its ease of use and integration with Microsoft Office. He also likes Lync’s simple “presence” feature. Presence means “when clients call, I can take a quick look and see who’s working,” Schultz explains, “rather than sending a caller into voicemail.” Presence is especially useful for employees working from outside the office. The core of Lync is instant messaging (IM), in which on-screen messages offer more immediacy than e-mail, without the interruption of a phone call. But Lync offers significant value added beyond its IM core, such as the powerful screen sharing feature. “I can share my screen in Lync,” Schultz says, “so I don’t need GoToMeeting. That saves me money. It’s also very simple: I hit a button and I’m sharing my screen, not necessarily just one-on-one but with a group.” Lync also makes it easy to create online meetings, whether they be group IM
sessions, audio calls or videoconferences. Lync users can set up meeting times via Microsoft Outlook as they would with any other meeting. Participants can join the online meeting by clicking a simple link in Outlook. Lync works with all major mobile devices for seamless business connectivity. Microsoft offers mobile apps for the iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, iPad and more. Move from your mobile device to your office workstation, and keep your conversation going without interruption. At your desktop or on the road, Microsoft Lync’s powerful collaboration features have yet to be discovered for many organizations. To learn more about Lync or about Office 365, call Tech Networks at 617.269.0299 today.
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