Boston Techie, April 2012

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Know Your City’s Trees! April Contest




APRIL 2012

Where in South Boston is this tree? This is a good example of a larger, mature street tree. Even without its leaves in the winter, it lends a pleasant natural canopy to a street scene that otherwise is largely paved over.

In this issue…

Street trees require regular care as they are outside their natural habitat. Tree pits (those small patches of soil where street trees are planted) need to be cleaned, weeded and aerated.

Step into the Cloud with TNB A Handy Glossary on Office 365 & the Cloud David Tenofsky, Account Executive Know a Great Techie? We’re Hiring! March 24: Southie Trees Volunteering & Film

Tech Networks of Boston supports the preservation of mature urban trees, which make neighborhoods more pleasant, filter our air and water, and moderate temperatures. We hope you’ll use this contest as a fun way to get to know your city’s trees!

1 Wadleigh Place South Boston, MA 02127

Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper

Know Your City’s Trees

Step into the Cloud with Tech Networks of Boston If you’re still running your own Exchange server or file server, or worrying about sitewide licenses for Microsoft Office upgrades or compatibility with staff members’ mixed Windows and Macintosh laptops, it might be time to step into the cloud. Tech Networks of Boston is here to help you take that step. Cloud migration will save you time and money from day one. Instead of running your own servers, let Microsoft host your Exchange e-mail and SharePoint servers, while you no longer worry about server maintenance. You can even get all-new Office Professional licenses for low monthly subscriptions, with free upgrades as Microsoft releases new versions, instead of paying for your upgrades upfront. That’s life in the cloud. When you step into the cloud, Tech Networks will ensure it’s successful. We provide Microsoft cloud hosting, and with

the technical experience and client-oriented problem solving of our IT staff, we’ll migrate your information correctly and securely into the cloud, and we’ll always be there to solve any issues or handle further upgrade needs as they arise. Microsoft Office 365 is your gateway into the cloud. With Office 365, you get cloud-hosted servers for your Exchange e-mail and SharePoint needs, along with the latest Office Professional software, available both on your desktop and on the Web. All of this comes at low monthly subscription prices. In fact, if your organization could use Exchange but has never wanted to pay a high up-front price, Office 365 could be ideal. Step into the cloud with us. As a certified Microsoft Partner, Tech Networks of Boston is your guide to life in the cloud.

March 24: Southie Trees Volunteering and Film

A Handy Glossary on Office 365 and the Cloud

Please join Southie Trees and our neighborhood partners for a volunteer event on March 24. Starting at 10:30, we’ll care for tree pits (the patches of soil where street trees grow) focusing on East Broadway, followed by a screening of Southie Trees’ own short film Uprooted at the South Boston Public Library. Meet at 10:30 at the Library, 646 East Broadway, South Boston.

Now you can run an office without having to run a server. Microsoft’s securely hosted Office 365 applications give you the full power of Office Professional without any of the server maintenance worries. Microsoft runs the servers for you, in the cloud. With some versions of Office 365, you can even use your familiar desktop Office applications through a Web browser or on your desktop as usual, depending on where you are.

In the morning, we’ll renovate tree pits with mulch, garbage removal (it will be a week after the Parade), weeding and flower planting. We will also plant shrubs

and flowers in the South Boston Public Library garden. Then we’ll see the film Uprooted, a documentary made about the work of Southie Trees improving the urban forest setting in South Boston. RSVP to or (617) 269-0299 x310. See you there!

Meet a Boston Techie

David Tenofsky Account Executive

As an Account Executive, David Tenofsky provides a crucial interface between our technical staff and our clients. David works closely with client staff, taking responsibility for entire engagements and ensuring the client’s satisfaction. He diligently ascertains the needs of clients, translates those needs into language for the technical staff to understand them, then takes technical feedback and translates it back to comprehensible language for the client. David came to TNB with experience in all aspects of IT client relationships, including sales, customer service, consulting, and direct systems engineering. Having seen client relationships from all of those angles, David is ideally positioned to help our clients through the entire process of their engagement, from pre-contract consulting all the way through the completion of the contracted project, to ongoing collaboration with the client, ensuring the continued effectiveness of their systems and the availability of further TNB resources should they be required at any time.

Here is a glossary of terms you will hear in discussing Office 365 and the cloud.  In the cloud: Stored on the Internet rather than in your office. Frees you from worrying about server maintenance.  Hosted: A hosted file or program is accessed through a server in the cloud. This “host server” is provided as part of your cloud service.  Hosted Exchange: The backbone of Office 365, giving you all the

benefits of Microsoft Exchange with Outlook e-mail and collaboration, without having to run your own Exchange server. Hosted Exchange makes sense for organizations of all sizes, opening the doors to advanced collaboration for organizations that can’t run their own Exchange server.  Hosted SharePoint: Like hosted Exchange, gives you the benefits of SharePoint without having to run your own server.  Office Web Applications: The full Microsoft Office Professional suite, accessible through Internet Explorer in addition to your desktop. Office Web Apps give you access to your files anytime, anywhere, while also giving you current versions of Office desktop software. Tech Networks of Boston is proud to be a Microsoft Partner providing support and implementation for Office 365. Call us at (617) 269-0299 for information!

Know a Great Techie? We’re Hiring! Have a friend who would make a great Boston Techie? Tech Networks of Boston is hiring! Currently we’re looking for a Help Desk Technician; we’re always interested in talking to great engineers at all levels. For more information, visit to browse through the available jobs. Anyone interested in working at TNB should send a résumé and cover letter to We look forward to hearing from you!

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