Boston Techie, March 2012

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Know Your City’s Trees! March Contest




MARCH 2012

Where in South Boston is this tree? This tree is in the process of being cut in a lopsided manner as part of a construction project. In Massachusetts, the cutting of any shade tree on a public way requires a permit, which can only be issued after a public hearing (see Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 87, Section 3).

In this issue… The Consulting Department Gets It Done Collaborate Online with Microsoft Office 365 Isa Cuba, Senior Practice Consultant

Tech Networks of Boston supports the preservation of mature urban trees, which make neighborhoods more pleasant, filter our air and water, and moderate temperatures. It’s one of the ways trees are adapting to our warming climate. We hope you’ll use this contest as a fun way to get to know your city’s trees!

TNB Opposes MBTA Service Cuts, Fare Hikes Get a Grant for a Tree Planting Event

Susan Labandibar on Entrepreneurship Panel Know Your City’s Trees

The Consulting Department Gets It Done When clients need to migrate to new infrastructure, bring back data from a complicated backup, solve a mystery problem, or design a new network, our Senior Consultants get the job done.

1 Wadleigh Place South Boston, MA 02127

Our Senior Consultants are the most experienced engineers at Tech Networks, each with over 10 years of professional experience solving problems similar to those they’re helping our clients with today. No matter how large the task or difficult the problem, our Consulting Department can handle it. If our Senior Consultants don’t know the answer, they have the experience and know-how to find the answer, or engineer a custom solution for the problem at hand. Here are some of the projects our Senior Consultants are currently working on:

Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper

Migrating a client to cloud servers

Managing IT for an office move

Installing a computer lab

Migrating a client to Office 365 (see inside for more information)

Recommending and implementing improvements to a client’s database

Implementing a comprehensive intranet with social networking and document storage

Our Consulting Department is here to serve you when your needs go beyond systems maintenance. With capabilities like these, TNB can meet all your IT needs.

Please Note: Tech Networks of Boston will be closed on Monday, February 20, in observance of Presidents’ Day. Emergency service will be available as usual.

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Get a Grant for a Tree Planting Event

Susan Labandibar on Entrepreneur Panel

To apply for a Grow Boston Greener tree-planting grant, locate a publicly accessible area where you’d like to plant a tree and contact Southie Trees. We’ll help you fill out the application and find volunteers for planting. You don’t need 501(c)(3) status, thanks to the South Boston Neighborhood Development Association acting as fiscal agent. Street tree planting is not part of this grant. Additional information is available at Send an e-mail to with any questions or to get started!

Suffolk University has invited Tech Networks CEO Susan Labandibar for a panel discussion on Women Making a Difference in Entrepreneurship. This panel is part of a lifelong learning program offered each year by the Sawyer Business School to feature outstanding Boston leaders from a variety of fields. The panel will be held Tuesday, Feb. 28, in the Suffolk Law School Function Room at 120 Tremont St., Boston. The $50 cost includes lunch. Register here:

Collaborate Online with Microsoft Office 365 Tech Networks of Boston is partnering with Microsoft to offer Office 365, the new cloud-hosted Office application suite. In Office 365, you can edit your Word, Excel, or other Office documents through your web browser, using the familiar Microsoft Office interface. The files are fully compatible with desktop and server installations of Microsoft Office, and can be uploaded and downloaded at any time. An important new capability of Office 365 is online collaboration, where two or

more users edit the same document at the same time. If two users edit the same document, you will see your coworker’s cursor as well as your own, and be able to edit together in a meeting or over the Internet. Tech Networks of Boston recently hosted a webinar on Office 365. Visit to view the webinar. Ask us questions right on the site, or call us anytime at (617) 269-0299.

TNB Opposes MBTA Service Cuts, Fare Hikes Meet a Boston Techie

Israel “Isa” Cuba Senior Practice Consultant

Isa Cuba, Senior Practice Consultant at TNB, has more than 13 years of direct IT experience. He has exercised his talents managing IT departments and assisting organizations in the planning, deployment and support of corporate networks. Prior to joining TNB, Isa was a Senior Network Consultant at MIS Alliance. As the organization’s most senior engineer, he designed and implemented VMware network infrastructure from the ground up. He deployed enterprise-wide storage and networking solutions and trained internal teams on migration techniques. Isa holds multiple professional certificates and degrees in management of information systems. At TNB, Isa serves as a CTO-level advisor for major TNB clients, is responsible for direct implementation of network infrastructure projects, and mentors other TNB consultants by providing technology training, creating policies and procedures for service delivery, and recommending new software and hardware for deployment.

No matter how you look at it, the proposed MBTA fare hikes are bad for business. “We subsidize subway, bus and commuter rail passes for our employees,” says Susan Labandibar, President of Tech Networks. “These fare increases could cost us nearly $10,000 per year.” Remote Services Manager Diane Tirschel has calculated her costs of commuting from Attleboro by commuter rail, with her 50% TNB subsidy. It’s about even: $197.50 per month for the train, versus $191 per month driving, with a gallon of gas costing $3.50. “I’m on the fence right now as it is,” says Tirschel. “I would like to contribute to making the environment better, but [the fare hikes] are making that hard for me.”

“Adding thousands of cars to the roads is not only environmentally irresponsible, but detrimental for economic growth in the Commonwealth,” says Labandibar. “Our subsidy has allowed several employees, including me, to avoid car ownership altogether.” But the fare hikes could change that. Cordaryll Monroe walks to the commuter rail station from his home in Ayer, but “was considering getting a car when I heard about the MBTA raising their fares.” Seventeen years ago, when she founded Tech Networks of Boston, Susan Labandibar made sure our offices were close to transit. “These fare hikes and service cuts are undercutting a key element of our business strategy,” she says.


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