Australian Curriculum Science: Year 7 - Ages 11+

Page 128

What are some advances in the treatment and management of water? Science as a Human Endeavour units:

Nature and development of science Use and influence of science Identifying advances made with how water is treated for household and industrial use Identifying that water use, treatment and management involves applying technology from different areas of science Understanding the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contributions to water management Investigating issues involved with recycling greywater and blackwater

Inquiry skills focus:

Preparation • Students will need access to the internet and nonfiction resources to compile their report on page 121.

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S The lessons

• After treating the text on page 119, discuss with the students where their school and/or household water supply originates; e.g. reservoir, desalination plant etc. Note: An excursion to a water treatment plant or reservoir would benefit the students’ understanding of this unit. • Students could work individually, in pairs or as a small group to complete the report on page 121. The suggested websites given in the first column provide relevant information, as will other websites and resource material they find. Students should plan how to present their report; e.g. charts, diagrams and written/typed information to display; PowerPoint™ display and so on.

Questioning and predicting Planning and conducting Processing and analysing data and information Communicating

Answers Page 120

Background information

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Content focus:

− < grey-water> − < Greywater_Reuse_and_Recycling.pdf>

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

1. A substance that makes something dirty or polluted. 2. Answers should include the following points: only treated water to improve taste, were unaware water could be contaminated with deadly bacteria, placed hot metal instruments in water to treat it, manually filtered it through cloth or sand. 3. microscope 4. physiology/microbiology/biology/chemistry, sanitary engineering/ public health education 5. (a) filtration (b) storage (c) coagulation (d) disinfection (e) sedimentation 6. Possible answers: (a) In what areas are Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders helping make decisions about water use and management? (b) Who was the English physician who identified how cholera got into a water supply? (c) What will indigenous water resource knowledge assist in?

• The world’s first metropolitan treatment plant was built in Paisley, Scotland, in 1804. The plant depended on sand filters.

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• Useful websites: − < watertreatmentplant_index.cfm> (text links to a diagram of processes in the water treatment cycle) − < support_indig_resources.pdf> (Teaching ideas and website links relating to indigenous perspectives regarding sustainability of water. Refer to pages 5 and 6 of the document.)

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• Greywater is water from plumbing systems such as washing machines, showers and baths. When treated properly, it can be reused for purposes such as watering the garden. Blackwater is water from toilets, urinals, bidets and water used to wash nappies. It can be treated for use as part of a fertiliser program.

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Earth and space sciences

• There are other issues concerning water use and management that have not been discussed in this unit. Students could research to find out about them; e.g. desalination plants, bioremediation, or water pollution issues in their local area.

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Teacher check

• The following websites could be useful for students in completing the report about greywater and blackwater on page 121: − < pages/Grey_water_-_recycling_water_at_home> − <>



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