An Aussie Christmas: Ages 8-12

Page 44

Aussie angels Make an angel for your Christmas tree or use as a gift for Mum or Grandma. Tick each step as you complete it. 1. Collect your materials. • white felt • gold cord • native grass/dried flowers • 2 small gumnuts • corrugated cardboard

• yellow felt • yellow wool • scissors • 2 small buttons • small gum leaf • strong glue • fine, black marker • large craftstick or tongue depressor

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2. Follow the instructions.

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(a) Draw a template and cut two dresses exactly the same size from white felt. Put one aside. (b) Glue the craft stick to one dress so that a small amount of the stick hangs below the dress (forming the feet) and a larger amount shows at the top (forming the head). (c) Cut and glue two discs of yellow felt to form the hands.

(d) Glue these to the back of the dress which has been put aside. (Half of the disc should hang below the sleeve of the dress.)

© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons (e) Glue the two dresses together. (The craft stick and the hands will now be • f orr e vi ew pur posesonl y• sandwiched in between.) (f) Turn the angel over to the back.

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(g) Draw, cut and glue corrugated cardboard wings to the back so that they come level with the top of the craft stick.

(h) Make a loop from gold cord, knot and glue it to the top of the craft stick.

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(i) Turn the angel to the front.

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(j) Cut and glue some yarn to the head for hair.

(k) Tie a small bundle of native grass or dried flowers together and glue to the neck. (l) Glue on the small gumnuts, gum leaf and buttons.

(m) Use the fine, black marker to add eyes, nose, mouth, feet divisions and fake stitching. (n) Allow to dry completely. 3. Hang on the tree or wrap nicely ready for giving. 4.

Use the back of the worksheet to design other Aussie decorations using craft sticks. 36

An Aussie Christmas

R.I.C. Publications®

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