Comprehension for Independent Readers: Ages 10+

Page 72

Target words


Reading each nursery rhyme carefully in order to answer each question would be onerous and time consuming. Scan the nursery rhymes to find what could be the target word and then check more carefully. The column number or the upper part (UP) or the lower part (LP) of the table of nursery rhymes is given with each clue, most of the time.

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Use the nursery rhymes on page 65 to solve the clues.

A word that starts with the letter ‘c’ and has six letters (column 1)

A word that has a double ‘d’ (column 2)

A word that rhymes with ‘glory’ (column 3)

A six-letter word that ends with a ‘y’ (UP)

A word that rhymes with ‘bell’ (LP)

Two words, each containing three different vowels (column 3)

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o c . c e A word that rhymes with ‘gem’ h(LP) r er o t s super

Two five-letter words with a vowel as the middle letter (column 1)

Four different animals (column 2)


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Sometimes, there is more than one word that matches the target and any of them will do but take note that sometimes you are asked for more than one answer.

Comprehension for independent readers

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