Talking and Listening: Ages 5-7

Page 129



Objective: Engage frequently in informal discussion of books with the teacher and others.

Activities covered


• Answering questions as a group

Teacher check

• Looking at parts of a book • Discussing book

Additional activities

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Students talk to a group about a book they have read.

Background information

Teac he r

Before the lesson (Pages 126 and 127)

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This lesson involves talking about books. Although students have questions to answer, the questions are there to guide the discussion and make them look at their book more closely. Discussion within the group should be informal and relaxed. Teachers should have frequent discussions with the class about various books, such as the class reader. Talk about the author, the plot, whether they enjoy it or not, the publisher etc. Students must realise that there is a lot of information on the front cover, back cover, in the index and so on that can tell them more about the book itself.

The class can have a top 10 book list, based on class discussions of the best books they have read. This top 10 list must be reviewed and changed from time to time.

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The teacher must have ready different types of books to give to the groups; for example, a nonfiction book, a poetry book, a novel, an encyclopaedia, a picture book. The class will be divided into groups.

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In groups, students discuss the book the teacher has handed to them. The teacher reads through the page with the students to make sure that they understand all the questions. Show students the ISBN number, a table of contents, the copyright symbol. What are these used for?

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Students answer the questions as a group and fill in their answers on the worksheet. Groups swap books.

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The lesson

The same questions are answered for the rest of the books, but orally.

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