Managing Challenging Children

Page 42

r o e t s Bo r e p ok u S

Using a linear, causative approach and not taking into account the day's complex web of interactions, we might say that the dog was scolded because

A non-linear approach allows for the day's web of events that finally led to the emergent behaviour of the dog being scolded.

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it jumped up: 'A' causes 'B'.

If we continue to look for

Traditionally, to find a solution we have tried to define the problem. However,

cause and effect we will fail to

the world is too complex and ever-changing. If we continue to look for cause

understand much of the nature

and effect we will fail to understand much of the nature of the situation.

of the situation.

Believing that problem behaviour can be linked to one or two factors is

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failing to see the interconnection of all the factors that work to influence our daily lives.

You only have to think of the number of times that you have heard, The problem is that his mum and dad let him run wild or, He's fine at home, it's just that those teachers don't know how to handle him.

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In these sorts of situations finding solutions becomes less important than deferring responsibility or assigning blame. Accomplished classroom teachers manage the classroom the way they do because they are system thinkers and they view the classroom as a complex, non-linear, interrelated web

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of interactions. They are wary of simple cause and effect explanations for behaviour.

There are many factors influencing behaviour in the complex, interrelated world in which we live. They do not operate alone but in interrelationship with us and with each other. If one factor changes, then all parts will readjust and change too. A traffic accident is a great example of a complex interrelated 'event'. On a wet and slippery road an accident occurs. The southbound traffic is halted for about 15 minutes as police work to remove the vehicles. Because it's a busy road, traffic begins to bank up during this 15-minute period. In fact, it banks up for a number of kilometres. Moving this backlog of traffic is slower than the rate at which new traffic joins the end of the queue. 42

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