Society and Environment - Student Workbook: Book C - Ages 7-8

Page 85

Clothing Many people wear new clothes or their best clothes to celebrations. Some celebrations, like the ones below, mean wearing special clothes or costumes. St Patrick’s Day (17 March)

People wear something green to honour St Patrick, who died long ago on 17 March in Ireland. Many people also wear a shamrock, or three-leaf clover, which is Ireland’s national emblem.

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May Day


(1 May)

In Europe, people like to celebrate the arrival of spring. People dance around a maypole, wearing bright costumes and garlands of flowers in their hair. Some dancers wear colourful braces, as well as bells on their ankles.


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Weddings Many brides wear veils. This is a very old tradition. A woman’s face covered by a veil meant that she was ‘spoken for’. A veil was also sometimes used to disguise a bride so she would not be recognised by evil spirits wishing to harm the bridal couple.

During this Hindu festival, people remember the god Krishna, who loved to play tricks. One of his favourites was to drench his friends with coloured water. On the morning of Holi, people wear old clothes and squirt coloured water at each other with water pistols, pumps or bottles. People get drenched—and very colourful!

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Answer these questions. 1. What other special clothing is worn at a wedding?

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2. Why do you think garlands of flowers are worn on May Day?

3. Name an occasion where you have worn new clothes or your best clothes, or a special piece of clothing. Describe what you wore, and why you think it was important.



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