The Cross Timbers Gazette September 2017

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September 2017

What’s Happening in Copper Canyon

September 2017... from the desk of Mayor Sue Tejml

Woodland Drive is completed this month! Chinn Chapel Road in December Updates are on Town website www. Town is not raising its low .297505 Property Tax Rate Preliminary 2017-2018 Budget is on Town website www.coppercanyontx. com Guardrails on Streets are effective for safety – and mandated by TxDOT Some Town residents weren’t pleased with the look of the new guardrails on Woodland Drive and Chinn Chapel Road, since they detract from the “natural environment” feel of Copper Canyon. Guardrails are definitely shiny and metallic – but effective for safety – and required by TxDOT. I was a little surprised during the rebuilding of Orchid Hill Lane to come home one afternoon and find a newly erected FIFTY FOOT LONG shiny metallic guardrail in front of my home! It did NOT “blend in” with the tall tree canopy and lush landscape behind it. However, also behind the guardrail was a twelve foot immediate drop off into a


creek and a very steep sloped, though green grassed, drainage ditch. Any vehicle hitting that strong metal railing mounted on stout posts concreted into the ground would have been spared rolling off into the creek or drainage ditch behind the guardrail. A neighboring town tried painting their guardrails green to “blend in” with landscaping. But, the paint peeled. And to repair the peeling paint, the guardrails had to be removed, so that the new paint could be baked on again. Meanwhile, temporary concrete barriers would have to be placed for safety where the metal railings had been removed for repainting. Our Council decided (I believe very wisely) not to saddle the Town with the ongoing maintenance expense of removing and repainting required guardrails on Copper Canyon roads. So, “shiny metallic” they shall remain – but hopefully keep Town residents, and those just passing through Copper Canyon, safe. Town Hall’s Parking Lot: to Repave in Concrete and Add Spaces – or Not. Occasionally, Town Hall is in need of more parking spaces: (1) On once a month Municipal Court days; (2) For the few well attended Council Meetings in the year with a controversial topic on the Agenda; (3) For special once a year Town events such as the July 4th Parade and See MAYOR SUE on Page A14


Online at

News From Town Hall By Double Oak Mayor Mike Donnelly - 972-539-9464 @DoubleOakTx

Hello Double Oak residents, 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget Plan – No Change to Property Tax Rate The town council, staff, treasurer and citizens have worked together to develop a proposed operating budget for our next fiscal year which begins on October 1st. The consensus of the council is to maintain the current tax rate of 0.23240 per $100. Double Oak has a good financial balance sheet, no bond debt and no bank credit notes, operates on a pay-as-we-go philosophy and “our town property tax rate remains one of the overall lowest in all of Denton County and North Texas.” according to Mayor Mike Donnelly. Town Treasurer Ted Gruenloh along with members of town council and staff have worked together to be good stewards with your tax dollars, and as Mayor, I am very proud of their effort and the conservative and responsible budget they produced for the town.

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If you are a Double Oak resident or business and have any questions or want to share your thoughts on the proposed budget, tax rate or any other business of the town, please feel free to contact Mayor Donnelly, members of council or town staff. You are always welcome to attend a town council meeting and share your thoughts and views. The first public hearing on the 20172018 proposed budget and tax rate will be held on Tuesday, September 5, and the second public hearing will be held on Monday, September 18. A special called meeting to adopt the 2017-2018 budget and tax rate will be held on Monday, September 25, at 5:30 p.m. Town Council is the governing body for the town, and as such, some of their responsibilities for our 3,000 residents are: • Setting the tax rate and adopting the fiscal year budget • Hiring approval of town personnel • Authorizing the payment of town bills • Build and maintain town roads • Maintain and improve town facilities and equipment • Provide for the data service and archival needs of the town • Provide for Police – Fire and EMS service Whisenhunt Named Fire Chief It is with great pleasure to announce See DOUBLE OAK on Page A23

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