Records Volume 68: Spain and the Jacobean Catholics Volume 2

Page 48



14 After Philip had the book reviewed again he wrote: " . . .not only is it true common doctrine and approved in the school of the doctors of the Church bu t it does not possess anything prejudicial or provocative to the said king ... " (E 2572/43, Philip to Sarmiento, Madrid 16 June 1614). IS Earlier the Spanish court had protested that Digby provided shelter for "delinquents" in his embassy but Velasco had warned from London that Digby's freedom in Spain was protected by the same practice as that by which the English authorities could not prevent Catholics from visiting his chapel in London (E 2590/100 Velasco to Lerma London 22 July 1613). 16 Ferdinand de Boisschot.


Sentences in parentheses are written over the original cipher. Michael Walpole, S.J. Antonio Foscarini.


Samuel Spifame, Sieur de Buisseaux.

17 18

8. THE ARCHPRIEST OF ENGLAND TO DIEGO SARMIENTO DE AcuNA, 10 December 1613. Original autograph, 1 page, E libra 368/11. George Birchet (Birkhead) was appointed Archpriest in 1608 (See P. Renold, Letters of William Allen and Richard Barret, 1572-98, C.R.S.: vol. 58 , pp. 58-59). It is clear Sarmiento intended to correspond with the leaders of the English clergy - William Harison acknowledged his letters and assistance when he was the third Archpriest (E libro 368/110, letter of 27 October 1615). In fact Sarmiento later implied that it was his recommendation that secured Harison's appointment (Documentos Ineditos vol. 1, pp. 15859). In 1621 he provided funds for John Bennet, fourth Archpriest, to go to Rome to speak on behalf of the Spanish match (See Doc. 52 note).

(p.1) + Illustrissime Domine, Quae nunc per annos plurimos pro fide Christiana sustinuimus ea cunctis aliarum gentium principibus et populis nota et manifesta esse vehementer desideramus. Atque ideo multum prafecto gaudemus Excellentiam Vestram in has partes appulisse: quia quae de vestra singulari zelo accepimus mire nostros animos ad credendum excitant Magnificentiam vestram posse et velle nostras calamitates recto oculo inspicere. Nemo si quidem eas vel hostium nostrorum versutias satis percipiet, nisi Dei et Catholicae religionis amans. Quam certe nunc annis quinquaginta minime interuptis exercendi nulla data est nobis licentia. Imo longe maior Catholicorum pars, etiam illorum qui nullo

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