Records Volume 45: Archdeacon Harpsfield's Visitation 1557

Page 162



Richardus Smithson Giles Willelmus Chilmell Johannes Crambrocke Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris}l ... recipientium XXVll] et ffamWre infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem - xvj Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem pre Die et anno prescriptis dictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et eisdem visis iu dicialiter iniunxit prout inferius habetur Ffirste yt is commanndid to repaire the chann cell whiche is in decay to prouyde ij fronntes for the aultare whearof one muste be of say or better then say with courteines, ij wypinge towelles ij crewates a corporas clothe and a case, ij candlestickes a staffe for the crosse a crosse c10uthe and an other crosse non , a surplesse for the preste, a masse booke, to pro vide Marie and John decentlie painted with the patrone bye All Sainctes To prouyde a vele, to kepe the fonnte vndernon lockenon and key, to prouyde a lampe, a light before the roode, and repaire the churche by All Sainctes

J acobus

[f. 15Ir.]


Reetorv1c * Doctor


Vicarius Dominus Galfridus Ashlie Curatus Dominus Johannes Raper:!: Ieonomus Henricus Sherwo04~ Parochiani Willelmus Gilbert Rogerus Cowlie Rogerus Burton§ Thomas Adames§ Nicholaus Adams Johannes Maye J Qhannes Carpenter Walterus Ffen Edwardus Horde Thomas Tyler Alen Jeckyn

* ·Rector ' crossed out.

~ Collated 3 Aug. 1542 on death of Richard Gwente, LL.D. (Cranmer, 389). H umfrey Jordeyn collated 21 Feb. 1559 on death of Tindall (Parker, 34a). :!: Thomas Griffith curate 1552 (A.C., x, 286). § Inhabitant 1552 (Ibid.).

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