Virginia's Nonprofit Sector: Shaping the Economic, Cultural, and Social Landscape

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OVERVIEW o The Southside Region encompasses three of Virginia’s smaller cities—Danville, Emporia, and Martinsville. o The region accounts for just four percent of the state’s nonprofit organizations. In 2010, major nonprofits based in the region included three hospitals—Community Memorial Healthcenter, Halifax Regional Hos-­‐ pital, and Southside Community Hospital—and two schools, Hampden-­‐Sydney College and Averett Uni-­‐ versity (TABLE B4.1). REGIONAL SNAPSHOT: NONPROFIT EMPLOYMENT o With 7,131 nonprofit employees, the region accounted for just 3.0 percent of Virginia’s nonprofit em-­‐ ployment in 2011. This proportion is below the region’s share of the state’s total population (3.0 percent vs. 4.7 percent) (TABLE B4.2). o Similarly, nonprofit employment in the Southside Region accounted for 5.8 percent of the region’s total employment, which is slightly below the state average of 6.6 percent. Between 2000 and 2011, the Southside Region suffered the most significant nonprofit and for-­‐profit job o losses in the state (with annual average growth rates of -­‐1.9 percent and -­‐1.7 percent, respectively). REGIONAL SNAPSHOT: NONPROFIT FINANCES o Southside Region nonprofits generated nearly $669.2 million in revenues (1.7 percent of the state’s total nonprofit revenues) and held over $1.3 billion in assets (1.7 percent of the state’s total nonprofit assets) in 2010 (TABLE B4.3). o Over a third (35 percent) of these revenues were generated by hospitals. Colleges and universities also played a key role in the region’s economy by generating nearly a fifth (19 percent) of its total revenues. o Nearly three-­‐fourths (72 percent) of the region’s assets were held by three fields—religious, grantmaking, and civic associations (27 percent); colleges and universities (27 percent); and hospitals (18 percent) (TABLE B4.4). o Southside nonprofits expended over $642.1 million (1.7 percent of the state’s total nonprofit expendi-­‐ tures) in 2010. This translates into $1,687 of expenditures per capita, which falls 64 percent below the state average.

Virginia's nonprofit sector: SHAPING THE ECONOMIC, CULTURAL, AND SOCIAL LANDSCAPE | Nonprofit Economic Data Bulletin #41 | 41

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