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in transportation at American University in Washington, D.C. Byrd escaped from the Army last September. He is living in Westminster, Md ., with his wife, Anne. CHARLIE WOOD is now a graduate student and Teaching F ellow in art history at the University of Pennsylvania. Previously Charlie did some graduate work at Trinity and was Heritage Foundation Fellow at Old Deerfield, Mass., during the summer of 1961. There is still a contingent of the Class of '58 serving in the Armed Forces. BOB BACK has interrupted his graduate work in Russian Studies to spend a few years as Lt. Back, USAF., Kincheloe AFB, Michigan. Recently Bob has clone a bit of lecturing, including a talk on the "Cold War" to a Kiwanis Club in St. Ignace, Mich. and to a class of Dr. Bankwitz, ' eath the Elms. JOHN CRANDALL is stationed in Norfolk where wife, Mimi, and son, John, are helping him hold down the fort. PHIL SIMMONS is now an instructor navigator at Pease AFB, New Hampshire. He and Fran are living in North Hampton in a new house there; competition for daughter Lisa is eJo.:pected inJun ~. BAlillY ELLIOTT was maiTied to Miss Judith Mick February 17, 1962. Then on March 5th it was off to Greenland for six months without wife! Barry and Judy hope to have a "second honeymoon" when he returns. DICK MOORE has avoided th e Air Force only to fall prey to the Marines. He is now a 1st Lieutenant at Camp Lejeun e· his family, including his fifteen month-old son are down there with him. JIM STUDLEY became the. fat!l er of Jeffrey L. Studley in January. J1m IS now in flight training at Webb AFB m Spnng, Texas. TOM BARRETT and his wife ancy have been living in England si~ce March 1959. Tom is stationed tl1ere Wltll the Air Force. The family has been growing rapidly and ?OW ~umb e rs two boys and a girl. Tom IS statwned at th ~ Rf\F Station Bentwaters, Suffolk, and mv1tes any classmates coming over this sm;nmer to look him up. DE NY HAIGHT 1s out of the Navy as of March 17 and hopes to go to a graduate business school. Last but not least a large number of the class members are out in the big, bad civilian work-a-day world. JACK SHENKAN is now an account executive at WT AE in Pittsburgh. The Shenkans are el!:p ecting their second child tllis June. Jack reports that TIM RALSTON has joined tl1e Peace Corps and JAC:'5 DRAGO "has a spooky job in the Army. ROY MciLWAINE is out in Ohio working with Koppers Co., Inc. His family now includes two boys. FRED FOY is in my neighborhood working with the Chenlical Bank New York Trust Company where he is holding down the credit department. ( Loans anybody?) Also on the local scene is JAY ELSAS who keeps Wall Street under control from his office ( 60 Wall) at Salomon Bros. and Hutzler. Another man of finance is AL BISHOP who is with th e Meadow Brook National Bank on Long Island. (Credit too! ) Al marri ed tl1e former Miss Margaret Guerin in July 1961. FRED GLEASON is up in Albany witl1 the National Commerci al Bank and Trust Co. Fred will marry Miss Sandra Nowak this May.


James Studley '58 GERHY NEWTON was graduated from the University of ViJ·ginia Law School in January 1961. Since Ma1·ch of that year he has been a legal cotmselor with the H artford National Bank. The Newtons now have a son, Edward Germain born last Iovember. DON NEVINS manfed the former Miss Katl1 erine Sue Miller last November and tl1ey are now living i11 Brooklyn H eights. H e is working with Mutual Life lnsmance Co. of New York. H.OLAND HOPKINS has given up the life of a disk jockey and is in Duxbury, Mass., workin g in the commercial and industrial real estate business. H e and his wife, Jan, have two cllildren: a boy, two years old, and a girl, four. PARKER RENEL T, wife and son are living in Levittown, N.J. H e is working with the Provident Tradesmens Bank and Trust Co. in Philadelphia. DAN LOURIE is temporarily back in the service of Uncle Sam, thanks to the call up of Reserves a few months back. Dan has been working witl1 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. and hopes to return to them soon . He, llis wife, Anitra, and son, Kevin, are stationed in Petersburg, Va. PETE LOWENSTEIN is now an attorney with the S. E. C. in Washington. He and Sue are living in Alexandria, Va. JEH.RY BARTH is a District Field Engineer for the Aerospace Electrical Di vision of W estinghouse. Jerry and tl1e family ( including tl1e recently arrived John Kirkpatrick Barth ) are living in Los Angeles . HUBERT WOLFE writes that he is still with th e Ameri can Arbitration Association in New York. H e adds that he sees "CLUTCH" McCLENAHAN, "CHAN" (Real Estate Broker ) BIGELOW, and BOB ( the Banker ) DORA from tinle to time. CLEM CH.OWE h as been teacl1ing World History (and there's quite a bit of it ) in th e Cambridge, N.Y.;, Centr~! School since September 1961. DINTY MOORE has completed his servi ce witl1 th e USAF and is now employed as a technical specialist in th e system sciences d epartment of the Mitre Corporation of Bedford Mass. He plans to do some grad uate wo'rk in Psychology at Boston University this fall.

DON WEINSTEIN's exodus has taken him to Encino, Calif., (although his ca r~ is postmarked T arzana??) where he IS with the Haymond D evelopment Industries ( reinforced plastics, electronics and all that ). Don and Donna have been married since 1958 and have a daughter, Alysse Dee. BE TNY WILLIAMS !s now working for Pitney-Bowes, Inc., 111 the Boston area. He and his wife are expecting (and by now probably have) a second child. H aving successfully completed work for an M. A. at Trinity in January, BILL KILTY hopes to teach overseas with ilie Armed Forces' D ependen ts Schools. In the mea ntime Bill has been working ,~~ ilie Winterhaus Lodge in Stowe, Vt., m an all-out effort to learn how to ski." AL OLSEN has been clown in sunny Atlanta for several years now with Anaconda Metal Hose. H e and his wife, Sue, were married last September. BILL CURTISS and family now have a home in Milfor~ , Conn . Bill is working witl1 the Connecticut Union League as a Field Representative in Kensington. RIDGE SATTERTHvVAITE spent several years with the Friends Service Committee in El Salvador and Mexico. H e is now in his second year of teachin g Spanish at the vVesttow!l School in Pennsylvania. Rid ge and Ius wife Ellen recently becam e the parents of a son, Roger Willis. HOGEH ~IL~RIM recently won national first pnze m the Nathan Burkan Memorial competition for an essay in the law of copyright. The essay will be published in Volume 12 of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers annual compendium. Dr. ARTH UR HAROVAS is presently a captain iJ1 the USAF and is s t~­ tion ed at Dover AFB, D el. H e and Ius wife, Betty, will soon return .to vVethersfield where he will be a res1dent at the H artford H ospital for Oral Surgery. FRED THOMPSON is now with tl1e production metallurgy department of ilie Baltimore Works to the Research an d T echnology D epartment. In other words he is a research engineer working on alloy development in th e field of metallur![y. Fred and some of his associates are working on a scheme to provide n~etal~urgical specinlens for college and university laboratories. GEORGE BAXTER has been named an administrative assistant in the illtemational division of Smiili , Kline & French, Philadelphia. BOB OLIVEH is in. ~s sec: one! year at the University of MISSISSIPJ?I Medi cal School. PETER GARRETT 1s witl1 Kendall Co., New York City, in theiJ· market research department. BRADLEY WOOD is a candidate for tl1e M.A. degree in the History of Art at the University of Pennsylvania. That classmates, should bring you up to elate' on quite a few of the Class of '58. My thanks to all of you who responded so well to our class letter. Needless to say, I shall appreciate hearing from more of you in th e future.


Paul S. Campion 295 Princeton St. H artford, Conn.

It appears as if we have a few Coast Guarders in tl1e news this month. JOHN HICKEY, married las t May to tl1e former

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