1891 complete

Page 81

Everest, C. S., '71. l·'crg-uson. E. ':\1 .. 'sq. Ferguson, 11 , '(>'-. ·:•Ferguson, J. 1 J., '51

Holway, 0 .. "o. JTurlson, R .. 71 *IIngg, Ci. W. '(•2. !fun!. r\. lJ., '71. ·;·JJ urcl, J I>.. i-1

·:q,'c:rguson. S.. ·57. Ferguson. \\' .. '(q

llushan<l, C. 11., '"<J. lly<lL, E. :\1 731shell, ' :\I , '63 "Jackson .•\., '(><>. '•Jackson, \\' .•\ .. ·. 3· ··•Johnson, E. E .. 's<J. Johnson, F. E., ·~.J Johnson, c:. I J., '54 *Johnson, S \\"., · 1. Jones, C. \\' .. ·,1, Jones. 1::. 1' .. Jr.. ';;. Jones, \\'. X., ·.,~. "l(c\ley, J., '.J.J. Kempe. E .. \., ., 1 l\1'/{}{t'//, /.. .J/.' '7"· J.;:j,,am, E. \". H., '(>IJ. A'i!lur(:.:<' . . /. S., ~'r A" lop jlnt!Jir r.~;·, II. [/ '., ';S.

Fiske, c:. :\kl' .. ·,.., Fogg;, T. B., '52. Fowler. F. II.. '<11. French, r: .. \., 'sq. French, L., 's:~. Frye, P. H .. ·~'l· ( ;~;llaudL't, E. ~I . ~I> Carrlincr, E. R .. ';(,, ( ;eoq;c. J. F .. '77 rieorgc, J. II, ·,~. Ccorgc. T. :\1. ::\., "" c:iesy, S. U., '>-:;. «·(iilman, c;. S .. '-11 (:olden, 11. L~, 'S1. t:oudril'll, A. I~ . '52. r:oorlrkh. J. B .. '(,(,_ c:ootlriclgc, 1 ~.' '(>o. <:ootlt·idge, F., ';;. c:oulcl, C. Z., ' 2. ·:.·c;rec11e, F. 11., 'S2. (;reene, G., ' 3·

K nickcrbackcr, I J. B .. ·s~ • Kramer, F. F., ' c;.

Krumbhaar, \\". IL '55. Lanpher, L. A., 'So. Lcffing\\"cll, c. ~ .. 's.J.

"C;reen, \' .. '(>o.

c;r,xflry. II. .ll . 'sr•. (~\\·inn,

I,c\\"is, l;. F .. '77.

l·". \Y., 'i'2

Lindsley, C . • \., '-t•J. Lobdell, F. U., ·~5·:'Long, \\' .. '-t3·

·:+J Jall. S., 's-1. I I amcn;lc:~·. \ \' ·" ll arriman. F. II., ·-15 I !arriman, F . \\"., '72 * H art, G., '7P. II art. S .. '(,(,, JT avdcn, C. •.. 'r,r •. lft·~-lllllJ/1/, S., :ij. ·X· ]I cwitl, S. (; .. '77 llickox. (;, ,\ .. '51.

IAJ\·cridgc, ]) .E .. ':;o. :\lackay-Smith, .\ .. ';2 ·-')Jacklin. R. B .. '5'·



:\ I arshall,

E., 'S.J. ~I.

.\ I. ,


:\lather. \\'. C~ .• 'ii· .llrLon//t,·, S., ~;b . :\lcCI·ackan, J. H., ·.

I l icks, r;. C .. 'sr.. ! l icks, .J. :\!., '5-1 "II ieks, \\". ·-1~-


:\lcCrm:kan, \\'. IJ., '·"5· :\lcTI'C>I', X. \\' ., ·,2. :\kars, J. E., 'ss. :\l<>nis, F .. 'G.j. ·:<·_\ lorri,;, ]. J 1., '.Js.

l l itcheoek. \\' . . \., 5-l· llilchcock, \\'. I I . '"f· l lotr. I I .. ·. :!.

:'limiT, \\'. R .. '70. I

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