1949 Hack Yearbook

Page 43

Canadensis, ~ e n n s ~ l v a n i a Glee Club 1; Orchestra 1, 2; Centenary Singers a I , 2; Chapel Choir 1; Leaders Corps; Delta Sigma Sigma.



"Thunderation'" Laughing "Smoke Musical Worries Gets in Your Eyes"'. about cleaning the room . That job at Buck , "Gotta write a letter" , Doesn't Hill relish those 8 a. m. classes Bound to run into her in the mail lounge . . Cute smile . "I'm going to bed."


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Paradise Inn, Cresco, Pennsylvania March 22 Glee Club 1; Hack Board 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.


Living in the Poconos "The Blue Bird of Happy Pretty hair Happiness" Sketching . What an artist! . Waiting for Leisure in the lounge "I the weekend heard a joke" . Would rather not have to . "Will I get a letter?" "It's-time study to go to bed!" "Who's been in the cheese!" Loves to knit.


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