Tatvamasi 2015

Page 37

tatvamasi october 2015 36



Vedanti Agarwal • Swati Khambhayta

avivari now: stretches on one long strip of shops, more or less linear but leading to a more concentrated and dense market, eventually taking you out onto the main road. Propagating an organized way of gathering what is needed. Ravivari before: was an agglomeration of shops, distributed in a way to take the customers through, not being linear but a mass to be traveled within and around, allowing to loiter, stop by, think and maybe come back.

In an egg, a closed system, the molecules collide not only with each other but also, with the walls which transfer some of its energy to the molecules of the system making them move faster, This increases entropy, with time. But if the egg breaks, the liquid starts flowing, to eventually spread out to its limit. In the Ravivari, the agglomeration of shops, increases entropy, creating a tight knit between the customers and stakeholders, to allow closer and disorderly movement making it alive and sustainable. The linear arrangement of shops has made an invisible line of movement, losing the scope of unconscious movement, which affects the overall environment of buying and selling.

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