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Dear Members, TARPA CONVENTION 1997 was my first time out for the annual meeting, and I recommend it to all. This is the why of our organization; a chance to visit old friends and learn what is happening to some not there. Returning home to my computer, it is now time to put on the Secretary/Treasurer uniform and get back to work. The first order of business was to produce minutes of the convention for our "TOPICS" editor. That done, I can now tell you about my first six months on the job. Please stay tuned for this is all about us. With the help of your previous S/T, Dick Davis, I can now manipulate your data base (FILEMAKER PRO 3.0). With the help of Bob Sherman and his data base, your records are gradually being corrected to contain missing data such a birthdays, seniority dates, retirement dates and such. Bob is also copying the TARPA data base on his computer in PC format. This way, we are covered whether the next TARPA officers are Microsoft PC or Macintosh fanatics. In April 1997 I sent out about 325 post cards to members. The postcard asked for address corrections and/or dues payment for 1995/96/97. In other words, you payers were carrying some non-revs. At last count, the non-rev list has been reduced to about 108 people. Corrected addresses saved you some money. It costs about $4.50 to produce and mail each TARPA TOPICS. If we get your address wrong or you are away with no hold on your mail, the magazine is destroyed. In July 1997 about 100 TOPICS were not delivered and were destroyed by your ever vigilant Post Office .... $ 450.00 burned but better than March 1997. Now some kind words after observing TARPA operations through my new-kid on the block eyes: All the Associate (A) and Retired (R) members should say little prayers of thanks for Eagles, Honorees, Subscribers and the United States Marine Corps. Many of these people pay ,required or not, and our Marines pay regularly and fill in all the lines on their data up-date forms. This brings me to the most important part of this report. TARPA will produce and mail the MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 1998 next January. Please take the time to fill out and send your personal data to me. I will update changes or confirm correctness for each and all. Use the forms provided in this issue of TARPA TOPICS Dues for 1998 are still $25.00 per year. Please use the envelope inside this TOPICS to mail dues payments. Thanks for your attention.

Phil Belisle Sec/Treas


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