which do no quasi totalit d of turnove been destro y t exist a r o t y f h e t a h d t e a t h im n e d rebuilt sev a and verticall u g r e b s a n w e e n r vironme taken in Beir purpose, be y. Translation and cen times and whiche o u t , a c it oday but necause just like caricaontextualization of thffers strata both hoyrizthat h xt much exp tu o e images is lanation lartee, what is written on not offerendtal th r, something all is unders o that the qeuw ick pace of t too he cit Archewallo gy is a la
وثيق لحيطان عندم2009 و2عم تحكيني هو ت رات اجتماعي005 حيطان ما بين عامي مدينة ان يتعرض لتغي ليكتاب صوراً ل مم،ً يتضمن هذا ا موجودا.ان لبن ة سياسيسم الكبير منهاعة التغيير ف عد القحت المجهر سرزء الساحق م م تصوير الج ت ع ض ت.مدينة bor of docu Lebanon w mentation as experien of the walls cing a seri compiles im of the city es of trans ages most o between 20 formations f which do n that the urb 05 and 200 on the soc ot exist any 9, when an environm io-political longer, indic ent experie city that ha level. This ating the in nces. The q s been destr book credible spe uasi totality oyed and re vertically. T ed of turno of the imag built seven ranslation a ver es were tak times and w nd contextu like caricatu en in Beiru hich offers alization of re, what is t, a strata both the images written on something horizontally is not offere the wall is that the quic a nd d u n on purpose derstood to k pace of th the raison d , because ju day but nee e city does n ’etre of their st ds much ex ot allow and existence. planation la therefore ex ter, plaining the m goes aga in st Les murs m urs de la vil le est une d Liban conna ocumentatio issait une s n des murs e rie de trans grande majo de la ville e formations rité n’existe ntre 2005 et socio-politq nt plus, ce totalité de ce 2009, alors ues. Ce livre qui met en s photos on que le compile des e vidence la ra t été prises a offre des str images don pidité du m Beyrouth, u ata sur le pla t la ouvement u ne ville qui a nh images est rbain. La qu été detruite absente volo orizontal, mais sur le ve asi et reconstru rt ntairement, besoin d’ex ite sept fois car, tout com ical aussi. La traduction plications p e t q ui e m lus tard, les t la contextu e la caricatu éxpliquer va ecrits sur le alisation des re qui est co a l’encontre m urs changen mprise aujo de leur raiso ud’hui mais t tellement ra n d’être mêm a pidement q e. u’essayer de le s رات اجتماعية يتعرض لتغيي دما كان لبنان عة التغيير في عن2009 و2005 ت المجهر سر ة ما بين عامي مما يضع تح،ً .ايض ًا عامودي ًا حيطان المدين منها موجودا ار افقي ًا ولكن يني هو توثيق ل القسم الكبير آث تقدم طبقات تلقائي ًا ولكنه طان عم تحك صوراً لم يعد وهي مدينة،ت فهمه اليوم الحي ن هذا الكتاب مواد في بيرو ور الذي يمكن فبالتالي شرح يتضم.ياسية حق من هذه ال كما الكاريكات لتغيير المدني وس وير الجزء السا ،ن هذه الصور طى السريعة ل تم تص.دينة كل ارادي اذ ا تثبت الخ،دته الم ة والشرح بش اآلن ّية التي أول حجب الترجم خطى اللحظة تم ويلة عندما يت ب شروحات ط ً ودها أص طل .ال يت ى ومنطق وج الصور يتناف
L d es m 2 ocum urs m u 005 etentati urs C neseri 2009,on de de l me livre edetraalors s mur a vil e ajorit comp nsfor que le s de lle es L vidence n’e ile de matio Libana villet a a quas e la raxisten s imagnssoc conn re Beyroi total piditet plus es doio-pol ai s const uth, uite de dsu mo, uce qnut la gitrq a auusrsle prlaunite senpe vilcle e photoveme i met t i q . f u h L o i o a i s r a s on nt ur t r a d u izont et q ete t ete pb c t i o n al, m ui offr detru ri e t l a ais su e des ite c o n te r le v stra x t u a l ertic i s a t i o Designed by Farah Samman Cover artwork by Ashekma n
transf Lebanon wa between 200 entation This bormations ons experiencin 5 and 20 not exook compiles the socio-p g a series speed ist any longe images mostolitical lev exper of turnover thr, indicating th of which d were iences. The q at the urban e e incredib destr taken in Bei uasi totality o nvironmen o y e d a n d reburut, a city th f the image i l t s e v e n timeat has been s a n d w hich
الحيطان عم تحكيني
Praise for G etting The N ews
From Poem s (2009): «I thought it was fascin ating, if a b sort of Kero it bewilderi uac/Joycea ng and ove n spilling fort is plenty to r-caffeinate h of energy admire, the d at times: and though mom with h clapping w quick and li t. It has mo er two coffe hen a plane quid, a mentum, ce es and 13 m lands safely Author of T rtainly. The ini-cookies, in the Midd he Shell Co re the stuff ab le East. It is llector (Com out passeng bound to g menting on e rs o p a la n ces.» Antho earlier draft Praise for T ny Doerr – of the manu he Wit and script) Wisdom of Arty Stotle (2003): «Not only it is well-writt e n and thoug it is, and he ht-provokin re, I am refe g, but what rring to Che flap of the b I like best ab m aly›s self-no ook, a task out this boo te of him tr at which he Can Change k is how hu ying to be a supremely Your Life man human bein succeeds.» Alain de Bo g in the inn er tton - Autho «Pretty well r of How Pro done!» Win u s t McCormack – Publisher, Tin House M «People we agazine re leaning o v er me on th social cataly e subway to st!» Carolin get a glimp e O›sullivan se of what I – Journalist, was reading The Guardia «One of th . This book n e most im is a portant poe American P tic voices in oet, Chair o the Eastern f the Poetry «Comical, ir Mediterran Departmen onic and fill ean» Miche t American U ed with sym glimpses in al Denniso n iv b ersity of Be olism and a to the huma n irut llegory, [Ch n condition «Somehow e .» Alexande m a in his artwo ly ›s ] poems are r Besant - T rk, to which fuse all his in cleverly wro he Daily Sta the self-ma terests toge ught r d e book is inex ther into a li postmodern tricably link vely explos malaises of ion of pop c ed, Chemaly loneliness a ulture, mas manages to nd alienatio s consumeri n.» Kaelen sm, and the Wilson Gold dual ie – The Da ily Star