The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1

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to the place you have been seeking and searching for. Now there will be no need to go anywhere, now you will not need any Master, any teaching. You have come home. THIS ENERGY IS DIRECTED OUTWARD (POWS DOWNWARD). Ordinarily, the energy that is coming from the eyes flows outward. ’Outward’ and ’downward’ are synonymous. THEREFORE THE WAY OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER DEPENDS WHOLLY ON THE BACKWARDFLOWING METHOD. Ordinarily the energy is going outward and downward. You have to bring it backward, inward – and ’inward’ is synonymous with ’upward’. Once it starts coming back to you and you become a circle of energy, you will be surprised: a new dimension has opened up; you start moving upwards. Your life is no longer horizontal, it has taken a new route, the vertical. God exists on the vertical route. You will not come across him in the world – not that he is not in the world, but unless you are moving vertically, you will not come across him. Just as a blind man cannot see light, the horizontal man cannot see God. Many come to me and say, ’If you show us God, we will believe.’ But how can I show you God? How can I show a blind man light unless he is prepared to go through the treatment so that his eyes open? I will have to turn you from your horizontal way of life into a vertical way of life. That’s what sannyas is all about: a vertical way of being. And once the light starts moving upwards, the Golden Flower opens up. These are symbols; there is no flower inside you. ’Flower’ simply represents flowering, ’golden’ simply represents its light-fulness, its radiance. THE CIRCULATION OF THE LIGHT IS NOT ONLY A FANTASY. Remember: the circulation of the light is not only a fantasy. In the beginning it may appear so – you will have to be patient – soon it becomes a fact. It is a fact, it is a fact from the very beginning, but just because you have never been in contact with it, in the beginning it looks like a fantasy. BY CONCENTRATING THE THOUGHTS, ONE CAN FLY; BY CONCENTRATING THE DESIRES, ONE FALLS. Desire is the Taoist name for energy moving downward. ’Outward’ and ’thought’ is the Taoist symbol for energy moving inward. So don’t misunderstand. By ’thought’, Taoists don’t mean your so-called thoughts, by ’thought’ they mean thought-energy purified of desire. If it is purified of desire and all desire has disappeared, then there is no need to go out, because you go out only because you are desirous of something. You desire a house, you desire money, you desire power, you desire a man, a woman, this and that, then you go out. If there is no desire, thought need not go out; it starts turning inwards – the one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn happens. The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1



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