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Research for stereotypes that exist to your region about old age people in the working place. Exercise 2 Write the advantages and disadvantages for age over 50+ in society and more specific for an organization or business. Exercise 3 Write (as an employer) the opportunities that an old person has so as to take a better position in your organization. Exercise 4: Working in groups Write job opportunities and facilities in the new society

Exercise 5: Case Study Two senior employees are exchanging opinions about a junior employee who is in a temporary job. They agree in several things: that the young man often starts working too late in the mornings, especially on Mondays. He has frequent short term absences and although he works quickly, he is not systematically enough. He also avoids doing routine work he finds boring. Two managers are discussing what to do about a senior employee who has been working there for more than 30 years. They see he is gradually having less energy. He does not want to participate in ICT courses any more and he prefers to talk about his cottage by the sea rather than discuss business matters.

Do you thinkthese two cases show stereotypes and prejudices of younger/elder employees? Does this mirrow reality?

What is your experience with elder/younger employees at your workplace?

To what extend is the employee responsible for keeping himself updated?

Exercise 6 Divide in 4 groups Group 1 – Make a poster where you describe the strong sides of senior employees Group 2 - Make a poster where you describe the strong sides of junior employees Group 3 - Make a poster where you describe the weak sides of senior employees Group 4 - Make a poster where you describe the weak sides of junior employees Put the posters on the wall and compare the 4 different posters as to similarities and differences. 188

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