Tales Magazine: Curious

Page 124

pandora’s jam jar LOUIS CENNAMO - CREATIVE WRITER A dimension hopper moves so fast that passing time has no time to pass. Until he passes another time in a spinning blue world, a ghost plane of sunlight and shadows….And a place he knows so well… The bittersweet smoke trailing from the burning oil of sandalwood and patchouli meandered for a while, and straightened by thicker air, spiraled upward then began to fade and vanish somewhere high up in the room. I had followed the scent-trail to its vanishing point and wondered where I might enter ….I hopped in from the invisible space between what appears to be real and what is something else altogether, something really unreal… My spacesuit felt convincing to me, and I hoped to those spirits I had come to explore with. They were earthbound adventurers tied to a finite existence, or so it seemed…And locked into forgetting, they were searching for a great truth they had forgotten… most had forgotten they were searching. Madam Pandora emerged from the half-light with a rectangular carved wooden box and laid it on the table in front of us. Silence roared for a few moments and then she took her seat at the head of the table and scanned us with her penetrating eyes. As she looked into my eyes there was a time-stop moment and maybe a flash of recognition, as if she knew…But she continued like it hadn’t happened, speaking softly… .“This is my Pandora’s Box, and tonight it will open for all of you.”

She paused to take in the expressions on our six faces, studying mine a lot more closely, no doubt to feel the vibrations emanating from the auric fields she was sensing, before continuing… “You see, just like the fabled Pandora, you know her?”…(A few nods). Well this is MY Pandora’s Box, and when I open for you, then out will come many little demons”. There were one or two startled looks, Pandora’s face settled into a reassuring smile.. “But oh you look so worried, no! no, … not ACTUAL demons. No no…these are cards. And I will invite each of you to pick one and reveal which demon you have”.


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