Takapuna Methodist Church Bulletin 5th November 2017 - Pentecost 22

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AFFIRMATION OF FAITH In desert and bushland, mountain and water, we see the signs that God is with us. In grass that grows through cities of concrete, we see the signs that God is with us. In the faces of people whom God so loves, we see the signs that God is with us. In our brokenness, there is the hope of wholeness. In our emptiness, there is the hope of fullness. In our deaths, lies the hope of resurrection life. This is the Word in Christ to us. The flame of the Holy Spirit lives in this place and travels with us. Amen (Dorothy McRae-McMahon) (sit) Prayers of Intercession (with the following response) Leader: God of truth, for all the saints People: we give you thanks and praise. The Offertory

(Gifts of money and food, together with bread and wine, are brought forward) ALL:

O God, by the help of your Holy Spirit may giving and sharing be the pattern of our lives, as it was the pattern of the life of Jesus. Amen

(please sit)


As we walk along beside you The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader:

The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It right to give our thanks and praise. God, you are before all things; You are beyond all things; And in the midst of all things and all peoples you have made yourself known.

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