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International New Talent Competition




約他去看絕世雪景 Matterhorn 迪德利克艾賓格 Diederik Ebbinge 荷蘭 Netherlands│2013│DCP│Colour│87min 2013 鹿特丹影展觀眾票選獎 鰥夫佛瑞一人獨居,過著規律到連幾點幾分 吃飯差一秒都不行的無聊生活;席歐是個精 神異常的流浪漢,硬是要住進佛瑞家,打擾 他的生活。沒想到兩人誤打誤撞合組「動物 模仿秀」,為小朋友生日派對表演,竟大受 歡迎。隨著規律被打破了,佛瑞開始把席歐 當做家人般認真對待,卻引起保守鄰居的八 卦與側目,最後甚至揭開了兩個男人各自不 為人知的祕密……。鹿特丹影展滿場觀眾笑 淚交織、掌聲如雷,是一部看似冷酷、其實 熱情的動人小品。 Fred is a lonely 54-year-old man. Since the death of his wife, he has lived alone. Fred rides around in the local bus, virtuously attending church and eating his green beans, meat and potatoes at 6 o’clock on the dot every day. One day, the tramp Theo wanders into his life. After an initial moment of suspicion, Fred takes Theo in. Like a strict father, he tries to educate his new housemate…

中山堂 6/29 (六) 1740

中山堂 7/4 (四) 1420 ★


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