DREAM OF LIFE |TAIKER Magazine 臺客雜誌 issue03

Page 19

Craig McGinlay Interviewed By Dylan Tang Photographed By Chris Davis

1. 你喜歡時尚嗎?你覺得時尚是什 麼?

1. What do you think about fashion? Do you like fashion?


“I think fashion is important and it's a way of showing your personality. I didn't realise this until I moved into modelling 3 years ago, then into acting 2 years ago but I am amazed how my perception of fashion has changed. I was invited along to support a friends brand during London Fashion Week Mens, which at the time was known as LCM, a couple of years ago and I was not massively looking forward to attending if I'm honest, however since going along and seeing what it's all about I really enjoyed the shows and presentations. It was actually a lot more relaxed than I had anticipated it would be. I had a lot of fun, was great meeting new people and gaining an understanding of how much work the designers do in order to produce these incredible shows and presentations.”

一件事,而這是一件非常重要的事。我 開始接觸時尚是在三年前開始擔任模特 兒的時候,也是我開始擔任演員的兩年 後,從那個時候我對於時尚的感覺就開 始改變了。我開始在倫敦男裝週時受邀 去朋友的品牌站台支持,老實說,在更 早之前,我並不覺得我會開始想參加這 類型的活動。但是,自從開始接觸之後, 我就開始喜歡上時裝秀以及時裝發表 會,因為我發現我真的喜歡這樣子的事 情,而且我其實也很享受參加這類型的 活動,因為除了享受活動的氛圍之外, 我也很開心可以認識不同的人並且開始 了解到時裝設計師在舉辦一場秀的背後 付出了多大的努力。

2. 你最喜歡的品牌是什麼呢? 這聽起來是個陷阱題呢! 很多品牌我都非常喜歡,而且也很榮幸 能跟其中一些品牌合作,我並不覺得我 可以說出哪個品牌我特別鍾愛。但是我 的確在時裝週時特別喜歡穿著薩維爾街 的訂製西裝,或者有黑領結的經典晚宴 服。因為我平常穿著的風格總是靴子、 運動鞋、牛仔褲、T-shirt 和皮外套。

2. What’s your favourite brand? “Hmmm, putting me on the spot here aren't you... no pressure...... There are too many that I have had the pleasure of working with to say just one in particular. I do like wearing saville row tailoring during fashion week, or a classic dinner suit for a black tie event. My 'go to' casual look would have to be boots or trainers, jeans, t-shirt, and a leather jacket.”

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