week 1 - 5 journal midsemster

Page 26

Parametric Design

In architectural discourse, parametric design iscontroversial.what is parametric design in architecture? Patrik Schumacher as one of experts in Parametric design, explain that; “ all architectural elements and complexes are parametrically malleable. This implies a fundamental ontological shift within the basic, constituent elements of architecture. Instead of classical and modern reliance on rigid geometrical figures –rectangles, cubes, cylinders, pyramids and spheres – the new primitives of parametricism are animate geometrical entities –spines, nurbs ”In 21st century, technology is running human’s life. The human’s needs and norms are more complex. Architecture as one the most influential designs need to respond to complex issues. Parametric design gives the opportunity to designers to create unlimited shape and form and methods. According to Schumacher, “ Parametricism seems to organize the increasing diversity and complexity of social institutions and life processes within the most advanced societies. It aims to establish a complex variegated spatial order, using scripting to differentiate and correlate all elements and subsystems of design. “In 19 th century Industrial revolutions, affected architecture language enormously. Now in 21 century it is the environmental issues that dominate the architecture. Parametric design is a great approach for finding new solutions to environmental issues of the built environment. In this chapter I looked at two buildings that are designed through parametric design. The innovations that are possible through parametric design saved great amount of energy and time in.


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