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With Election Day inching ever closer, Tacoma Weekly takes a look at the people and amendments on city and county ballots. Learn more at www. View/73109/2018-General-Election-Local-Voters-Pamphlet.

Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney


The day is almost here. On Oct. 20, the $31 million, 55,000-square-foot Eastside Community Center opens to the public. Located at 1721 E. 56th St. on Tacoma’s Eastside, the center will offer a multi-use gymnasium, a social hall, meeting rooms, a culinary kitchen, a weight room and cardio-fitness areas. The anchor attraction of the center, however, will be a pool that offers lap lanes, a diving board, a climbing wall that drops into the pool, a “drop slide” that also splashes into the pool and zip line that resembles a lake-side rope swing. The pool area also includes a toddler area with a spray feature and a hot tub. “After years of dreaming, the day is finally here,” said Andrea Smith, president of the Board of Park Commissioners. “The board is excited to celebrate with the entire community.” The facility has been years in the planning and comes courtesy of a partnership among Metro Parks Tacoma, the City of Tacoma, Tacoma Public Schools, Tacoma Housing Authority, the Boys & Girls Clubs of South Puget Sound, the Greater Metro Parks Foundation and the Billy Ray Shirley III Foundation. It is expected to draw up to 350,000 visitors


The Eastside Community Center will offer a pool, diving board, a “drop slide,” hot tub and spray features as well as workout rooms, dance and class spaces as well as meeting rooms. A grand opening is set for Oct. 20. a year, including 200 children a day who visit the center to participate in Boys & Girls Clubs of South Puget Sound programs. Some library services will be available in collaboration with nearby First Creek Middle School. One feature the facility offers comes after community input listed it as a top priority – a production-quality recording studio.

“They wanted a place to make and record music,” Recreation Supervisor Ben Foster said, noting that the facility will also provide recording and mixing equipment as well as lessons on how to use it. “People will be able to come in and do everything from simple editing and making music to recording a whole album.” u See EASTSIDE / page 11

Pothole of the Week...........2


City Life............................... 17

Night Life Calendar.......... 23

Bulletin Board......................3

Hot Tickets..........................12

Culture Corner....................21

Word Search...................... 25

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MARK LINDQUIST (prefers Democratic Party) Current County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist is seeking re-election after being appointed by a bipartisan and unanimous Pierce County Council vote in 2009, elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Among high-profile cases he has worked on, these include convicting the Tacoma Mall shooter and he is currently prosecuting the 1986 murder of Jennifer Bastian. Lindquist is chair of the United Way campaign, on the Tacoma Community College Foundation Board, City Club Board and Rotary. His educational achievements include University of Washington, University of Southern California and University of Puget Sound Law School. Lindquist has also been noted for his work protecting seniors through his elder abuse unit, an improved domestic violence team and High Priority Offender program targeting “career criminals.” Lindquist is endorsed by Democrats and Republicans, unions and business owners, firefighters, police officers, teachers, and community leaders like Tacoma Mayor Victoria Woodards and Puyallup Senator Hans Zeiger. MARY ROBNETT (prefers NonPartisan Party) A professional prosecutor for going on 25 years, Mary Robnett is throwing her hat into the political arena for the first time. She is no stranger to handling high-profile cases, including


2 | NEWS

Pothole of the Week HAWTHORNE AND NORTH 9TH

Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS



The Tacoma Weekly's Crater Gator decided to throw in a celebrity guest to this week's find, a plant-filled gem in West Tacoma that seemed a bit more like a salad bar in a Motel 6 than a street in an otherwise modern city. With this in mind, we are still in the process of trying out new pothole seeking varmints. If you’ve got any ideas, please send them to

There have been a lot of changes along Tacoma’s 72nd street in the decade since 53-year-old Ronald McKellar was hit and killed. David Rose Pewee’s Tavern is now a marijuana shop. That’s where McKellar and his friend were drinking that rainy, blustery night on Oct. 4, 2008 before a vehicle hit him while he crossed the street to catch the last bus. The passage of time hasn’t dulled the pain of his loss for Jeff McKellar, Ron’s older brother. “Ten years is an awful long time. My brother has family. He has kids and lots of people want to know what happened,” said McKellar. Tacoma Police say Ron’s drinking buddy had crossed the street first but when he looked back, his friend had vanished. “His back is to Ron and he hears a thud noise. He turns around and he sees a car driving off and Ron`s gone,” said Tacoma Detective Vicki Chittick, who talked with us about the case in 2015.

Ron’s friend described the car as a light-colored or tan 1980’s Ford Thunderbird. A short time later, somebody spotted a man lying in the middle of the road 12 blocks away at 64th and C Street. “He was dragged a mile and a quarter down the street,” said McKellar. Police say there was no video from area businesses or evidence left behind at the scene, but there was a witness who may have seen everything. A woman who heard the crash raced across the street to see if everyone was okay. “This person comes out, they live behind Peewee’s Tavern, and they saw a grey Jeep Cherokee pull into the Rite Aid lot. Right into this area she contacts the driver who got out and describes him as being an older white male, approximately in his 50’s, who’s got gray hair and was wearing a gray jacket and jeans. She asked him if he’s all right or needed help and he said, ‘I’m not part of the accident.’ A car just hit a pedestrian, but we don’t have a pedestrian here so everybody’s wondering what happened,” said Det. Chittick. The driver left before police arrived, but they would love to talk to him now. McKellar is pleading with him to come forward. “Please do something. How could you

Ronald McKellar have this on your mind all these years?” said McKellar. He doesn’t know if the driver who hit his brother is still alive but won’t give up hope that somebody can provide some answers. “People talk about closure all the time. Where is it?” asked McKellar. Crime Stoppers of Tacoma-Pierce County is offering a cash reward of up to $1,000 to anyone who can help solve this case. You can remain anonymous. Call 1 (800) 222-TIPS (8477) or use the P3 Tips App on your phone to submit the information. This is one of the cases airing this weekend on “Washington’s Most Wanted” on Friday at 11:30 p.m. on Q13 Fox and Saturday at 10 p.m. on JOEtv.

VEHICULAR HOMICIDE Tacoma Police detectives need your help to identify the suspect responsible for the hit and run death of victim Ronald McKellar. At approximately 12:25 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 5, 2008, victim Ronald McKellar was struck by an unidentified vehicle as he attempted to cross Pacific Avenue near the intersection of 72nd St. in Tacoma. Investigators believe the victim was dragged several blocks by the vehicle before the suspect fled the area. Detectives are looking for any witnesses to the crime, including the driver and passengers from a gray Jeep Cherokee that was seen in the area at the time of the collision. Fridays at 10:30pm on




Receive up to for information leading to the arrest and charges filed for the person(s) in this case.

Call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)

All Callers will remain anonymous

6824 19th Street W, #139 • University Place WA 98466

NEWS | 3

TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018

BULLETIN BOARD CHANGES COMING FOR 1-5/S. 38TH ST. INTERCHANGE This fall, design-builder Skanska will modify the existing Interstate 5/South 38th Street interchange to allow right and left turns at the top of the loop ramp. To enable this change, the South 38th Street east ramp will close to all traffic as early as Oct. 12 for 30 days. Closing this ramp will prohibit southbound I-5 and eastbound State Route 16 travelers from reaching South 38th Street east. The following detour will be in place: • Eastbound SR 16 drivers going to South 38th Street east or west will detour to South 56th Street to northbound I-5 to exit 132. • Southbound I-5 drivers going to South 38th Street east will detour to South 56th Street to northbound I-5 to exit 132. • The southbound I-5 exit 132A to South 38th Street west will not be affected. Once work is complete in early November, South 38th Street will have a new traffic signal that allows eastbound and westbound access to all drivers. This temporary configuration will remain in place through the end of the project. As early as Oct. 12, eastbound SR 16 drivers headed to southbound I-5 will also temporarily relocate to the newly built SR 16 HOV lanes. This change will affect South Sprague Avenue travelers going to southbound I-5. South Sprague Avenue drivers will use the following detour: South Sprague Avenue to southbound I-5 will detour to westbound SR 16, South Union Avenue and back to eastbound SR 16 to continue on southbound I-5. The South Sprague Avenue to southbound I-5 detour will be in place until the South 38th Street east loop ramp reconfiguration is complete. These temporary lane configurations allow for the rebuilding of the SR 16 and southbound I-5 exits to South 38th Street. This work is part of the I-5/SR 16 HOV Structure and Connections project. Visit the web page for updated HOV construction information. Real-time traveler information is available from the WSDOT app and by following the WSDOT regional Twitter feed. KING-5 REPORTER TO DISCUSS EARTHQUAKES It’s old news that the Pacific Northwest is primed for a major earthquake. It’s equally old news that the Pacific Northwest is unprepared for that impending disaster. Recent earthquake and volcanic activity around the Pacific – from Guatemala to Hawaii and beyond– has reinforced the potential we have for a major seismic event here. Join KING-5 science reporter Glenn Farley for “Shift Happens,” where he will discuss how our region has prepared, the gaps in those preparations, and how families can survive not only a disaster but, more importantly, up to six weeks following before countywide infrastructure is restored. “Shift Happens” will be presented on Tuesday, Oct. 16 in the Rotunda (Building 3) at Clover Park Technical College, 4500 Steilacoom Blvd. SW in Lakewood. Doors open at 6 p.m. Experts will have resources on insurance, preparedness kits, home retrofit, the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, and door prizes. The featured presentation by Farley will start at 6:30 p.m. “Shift Happens” is free and open to the public. Anyone of any age can attend. No RSVP is required. The presentation is sponsored by Pierce County Emergency Management and Aging and Disability Resources. For ADA accommodations contact Emergency Management Access & Functional Needs Coordinator Serina McWha at (253) 798-2203 or CONNECT WITH NATURE AT GREEN TACOMA DAY The Green Tacoma Partnership invites businesses, community groups, families and individuals to participate in Green Tacoma Day and Arbor Day, on Saturday, Oct. 13, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Participants can volunteer at one of 11 sites to plant trees, remove weeds and litter, connect with the community, and provide a helping hand to local green spaces. Green Tacoma Day is the celebration of the partnership’s work to restore urban green spaces, while Arbor Day celebrates the planting, growing, and caring of Tacoma’s trees. For 24 years, the Arbor Day Foundation has recognized Tacoma as a Tree City USA for the City’s commitment to maintaining a healthy tree canopy. Residents interested in keeping Tacoma green in their own backyard are encouraged to check out the Tree Coupon Program. The program is open now through April 1, 2019, to Tacoma and Pierce County residents. For more information, visit

treecoupon. Project sites include Alling Park, China Lake, Franklin Park, Garfield Gulch, Gog-le-hi-te Wetlands, Julia’s Gulch, Mason Gulch, Mason Middle School Tree Planting, Oak Tree Park, Rhone-Poulenc Salt Marsh and Tacoma Community College. Green Tacoma Partnership members include Pierce Conservation District, City of Tacoma, Metro Parks Tacoma, Forterra, EarthCorps, Tacoma School District and Tacoma Community College. To learn more about the event or to register online, visit WORKFORCE CENTRAL CONVENES COMMUNITY FOR NEW JOBS PLAN The Pierce County Workforce Development Council (WDC) has unveiled its latest workforce strategic plan draft for the region, and is holding a community convening in October to share its plan for preparing local people for local jobs. The council wants to hear from Pierce County community members. Read the draft plan at Through federal legislation, the WDC is charged with leading and overseeing the local workforce development system in Pierce County, called WorkSource. This means that the WDC must ensure that the workforce development system provides exceptional services that include providing workers and job seekers with training and resources to help them find meaningful work, and helping Pierce County businesses recruit, screen and hire local talent to fit their needs. There are individuals in Pierce County who historically have not been served as effectively or served at all by the workforce development system. The WDC has identified two important groups: young adults who are not working and are not in school, and adults without a high school diploma or equivalent. WDC’s goal is to effectively address the barriers these individuals face in accessing education and training and finding meaningful work that offers a living wage. You can help: Join a community conversation on Oct. 17 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or from 3:30-5 p.m. to learn about the strategic plan draft, ask questions and offer feedback. The conversations take place at Workforce Central, 3650 S. Cedar St., Tacoma. APPLICANTS SOUGHT FOR BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN TECHNICAL ADVISORY GROUP The Tacoma city manager is currently seeking three members and one youth member to serve on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Technical Advisory Group, each for a three-year term. The group advises the Transportation Commission on active transportation-related matters, such as shortterm and long-range bicycle and pedestrian priority projects, and compliance with local, regional and federal transportation regulations. In addition, the group provides expertise and makes recommendations on the implementation of the Transportation Master Plan including wayfinding, design, connectivity and encouragement for active transportation. The group will also provide guidance on the reprioritization of bicycle and pedestrian projects as new networks are implemented. The group consists of 11 members appointed by the city manager who are Tacoma residents, bringing a range of perspectives and expertise that focus on the city’s longterm vision for bicycle and pedestrian enhancements throughout the city. It is recommended that the members appointed reflect the following categories of special interest/discipline: pedestrian and bicycle sector, youth sector, health sector, Metro Parks and ADA community. Regularly scheduled meetings are on the fourth Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Tacoma Municipal Building (747 Market St., room 243). To find out additional information on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Technical Advisory Group, please visit their website. To apply, fill out the application form. Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, Oct. 17 to Active Transportation Coordinator Meredith Soniat at or call (253) 591-5380 for more information. FIVE POSITIONS AVAILABLE ON CITIZEN POLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Tacoma City Council is looking to fill five positions on the Citizen Police Advisory Committee, including three at-large positions, one youth position and one City Council District 5 position. SEE MORE BULLETIN BOARD ITEMS ON PAGE 8

Tacoma Weekly News LLC P.O. Box 7185, Tacoma, WA 98417 PH: (253) 922-5317 FAX: (253) 922-5305 PUBLISHER John Weymer / NEWS DESK MANAGING EDITOR Matt Nagle / STAFF WRITERS Steve Dunkelberger / Dave Davison / SPORTS EDITOR Justin Gimse / CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Barb Rock, John Larson COPY EDITING John Larson CARTOONISTS Chris Britt, Milt Priggee PAGINATION Dave Davison, Lisa Lemmer, Debbie Denbrook WEB DEVELOPER Mike Vendetti PHOTOGRAPHERS Rocky Ross, Bill Bungard ADVERTISING Marlene Yeam /

Tacoma Weekly is interested in what is happening in our community. Please send your news and story ideas to the above address or e-mail us at

We have added five digital weekly newspapers covering: UNIVERSITY PLACE: Home to the nationally renowned U.S. Open host site Chambers Bay Golf Course, with beautiful scenic views of the Olympic Mountains, Mount Rainier and the Puget Sound. FIFE: A small town community in the heart of the bustling I-5 corridor, with nearby neighbors Milton and Edgewood. LAKEWOOD: This thriving South Puget Sound city is known for its safe and attractive neighborhoods, vibrant downtown, active arts and cultural communities. PUYALLUP: A family-first community and home to the Washington State Fair, Daffodil Festival and Parade, popular farmers markets and much more. GIG HARBOR: ‘Gateway to the Olympic Peninsula’ offering idyllic Northwest views, state and city parks, and historic waterfront that includes boutiques and fine dining.

4 | NEWS

Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS


Parents, students and educators knew that the delayed start of the school year in Tacoma would come at a price with either shorter breaks or extensions tacked onto the end of the year. Parental scuttlebutt also included some fears that school would be even held on Saturdays. The latter didn’t happen, but the lost seven days from the strike comes at a cost – shorter Thanksgiving break, winter break and spring break to reach the state’s magic number of 182 instruction days. “We wanted to do what is right for the students,” district spokesman Dan Voepel said. “What we said was, ‘What is best for students, and that is to have as much time in the classroom before those tests in the spring.’ I don’t know how we could do it any other way.” News of the revised calendar exploded on social media, with many parents lamenting about either changing their vacation plans or facing missed school time for their children. Some fronted a conspiracy theory that the shorter breaks were meant to inconvenience parents and teachers for supporting the strike that gained salary increases for every level of teachers. “We recognize that there are families who have made plans that they can’t get out of,” Voelpel said, noting that parents in such cases should contact their schools to make arraignments for those days and make sure missed days are at least recorded as excused. “There is no ‘best solution.’” Holding school on Saturdays, which the district did during the strike in 2010,

would have been disruptive, while tacking the full seven lost days at the end would affect schedules for graduating seniors. Having different schedules for elementary, middle and high schools would have, likewise, caused confusion for families with multiple children. “There wasn’t going to be any schedule we could make where we could make everyone happy, so we decided on what was best for students,” Voepel said. “There is no ‘best solution.’” The Thanksgiving break lost a day and is down to just two days with an early release day on Nov. 21, which still counts in the state’s educational formula. Winter break starts on Monday Dec. 24 and runs through Jan. 3 instead of Jan. 4. Spring break loses two days by starting Wednesday, April 3 instead of Monday, April 1. The last day of school is June 18. The two remaining makeup days are the district’s two snow days, Feb. 15 and May 24, which are now school days. That could mean the school calendar might shift again if school days get canceled because of inclement weather, although the new snow days drag out the end of school to June 20. Nature might be on the side of that not happening. “Winter will be warmer and much rainier than normal, with below-normal snowfall,” according to the Farmer’s Almanac. “The coldest periods will occur in early and late December, early January, and mid- and late February, with the snowiest periods in early January and mid-February.” All of the talk about revised school schedules comes at a time when paraeducators are in negotiations over their


Tacoma Public Schools released a revised school calendar last week that makes up the lost school days created during the teacher strike, which means shorter winter and spring breaks to get as many school days into the books before standardized testing comes in the spring. wages. Their contract runs through the year but a clause in it allows the union to open negotiations over wages outside of the overall contract talks. The union exercised that clause following the McLeary decision that led to teacher salary increases courtesy of a new formula the state uses to fund public education. That new formula, however, means that urban school districts like Tacoma actually get less money because it caps the amount it can receive from voter-approved levies. State lawmakers have pledge to “fix the formula” during the upcoming legislative session, but nothing is certain. Tacoma School District is already facing a $17 million shortfall just for this

school year from the increase in teacher and technical staff salaries, and a $38 million deficit for the 2019-2020 budget overall. Those numbers make talks of more wage increases problematic since increases mean cuts elsewhere, namely staff since 85 percent of the district’s budget is salary and benefits. “You can’t solve the problem without affecting people,” Voepel said, noting that the district will first look at reductions of the administration’s support staff. The union representing the district's paraeducators has scheduled a vote Thursday night, after this edition had gone to the presses. Updates will be posted at when they are available.

Tenant relocation assistance draws emotional testimony BY JOHN LARSON

A proposal for tenant relocation assistance led to some often-emotional testimony during the Oct. 2 Tacoma City Council meeting. The assistance would not be available to a tenant who is evicted for failure to pay rent, or engaging in behavior that would justify an eviction, such as criminal activity. It is for people forced to move because their landlord plans to demolish the structure, change its use or conduct extensive renovation. It would allocate up to $2,000 per housing unit to cover moving costs and expenses related to the new rental home, such as a damage deposit or hooking up utilities. The cost would be split evenly between the city and the

landlord. It is meant for tenants earning 50 percent or less of the average median income of Pierce County. The average median income here is currently $28,571. If approved, the program would go into effect on Feb. 1, 2019. The city held several meetings with stakeholders in crafting the proposal. Representatives of several groups that represent landlords, such as Rental Housing Association of Washington and Washington Landlord Association, as well as some “mom and pop” owners, attended these sessions. Most speakers urged to council to adopt the proposal, with several claiming the assistance is not a high enough amount. Amy Tower, a community organizer with Tenants Union of Washington State, said the assistance “is so desperately needed.” While she wished it were a higher amount, she termed it “a step in the right direction.”


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When residents of the Tiki Apartments were displaced earlier this year, the city contracted with Comprehensive Life Resources to assist tenants in finding new homes. Nathan Blackmer, an employee of the organization, said the average cost of assisting them has been $1,820. He said one in three now live outside the city limits of Tacoma, which he said is turning into “an economically gated city.” Nicholas Bostwick described his recent purchase of a house in Tacoma. He had to evict the tenants due to conditions of his Federal Housing Association loan. He gave them 60 days to move. He fears tenants could refuse to pay rent or utilities for several months while occupying a home they will soon vacate. “Where is our help?” he asked. The council will take further action on the topic at an upcoming meeting.

TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018

NEWS | 5


TACOMA’S ECONOMIC FUTURE BY REP. LAURIE JINKINS Tacoma’s future is coming closer, as the City of Tacoma, Puyallup Tribe, the City of Fife, Pierce County, and the Port negotiate the start of long-term planning for the Tideflats. Business, labor, environmentalists, neighbors, and Native people all have ideas for the best ways to use this land; the planning process is intended to hear from everyone. Not surprisingly, some ideas clash, and a few can’t co-exist. How these different views play out will play a big part in shaping Tacoma’s future. I’m interested in the process as a Tacoma resident, of course, but I’m also paying attention as a legislator. While the State doesn’t have a formal role in the process, state laws and resources are involved in many ways. The Growth Management Act, for example, provides the context for land use planning. The legislature helps fund roads and other essential infrastructure. And state agencies have responsibilities for shorelines and fish and wildlife. I vote on a lot of issues related to this planning process. Even so, I don’t claim to understand all the concerns and opportunities involved. It’s pretty complicated in terms of science, economics, law, and politics. Right now, I’m particularly interested in the role of manufacturing in Tacoma’s economic future. Manufacturing is a type of business in which a raw

material – typically vegetable or mineral – is turned into a useable good. Grain is turned into flour, flour is turned into bread. Each step “adds value” – flour is more valuable than grain; bread is more valuable than flour. And because of added value (and not incidentally, the strength of industrial unions), manufacturing jobs tend to pay well. Some argue that high wages and more stringent environmental laws caused U.S. manufacturers to move to other countries or to automate their factories. Whether that’s true or not, in the past 30 years the number of Americans working in manufacturing fell from 17.5 million to 12.4 million, according to the Pew Research Center. That’s a drop of about 30 percent. And even with national manufacturing employment at an historic low, the Tacoma area is doing worse. Only five percent of our jobs are in manufacturing, compared with 6.3 percent of jobs across the country. This is troubling. Manufacturing is one of only a handful of economic sectors that pays well. Software is another; transportation and construction are also on the list. But if factories aren’t making things, there’s less demand for transportation. And if people don’t earn good wages, they don’t buy new houses or shop at new stores. We’re at a crossroads. Rebuilding American manufacturing is a major topic nationally, and it’s central to the question of Tacoma’s future. At the risk of oversimplification, the choice in the Tideflats planning process is whether to encourage or discourage manufacturing. And, if we encourage manufacturing, what kind should it be? There’s no easy answer. Manufacturing supporters like the new Manufacturing Industrial Council (led by Meredith Neal),

the Chamber of Commerce, and several labor unions make a solid economic argument: Manufacturing is essential to growing Tacoma’s economy. By making things here and selling them at a profit elsewhere, the local economy becomes stronger. But people are also concerned about the environmental impacts of manufacturing. Most acknowledge the economic growth argument, but some prefer an economy based on “cleaner” products: software; consulting services; tourism; education. Even though Tideflats businesses spend millions of dollars neutralizing negative impact, the manufacturing model calls for low cost raw material sources: mono-culture forests, engineered food crops, cheap mineral extraction, and fuel-intensive transportation. Still others want a Tacoma that’s more pretty than gritty, more like sophisticated San Francisco than muscular Oakland. For some, manufacturing is Tacoma’s past; arts, culture and an economy built on intellectual products is our future. This discussion isn’t unique to Tacoma; it’s taking place in cities across the U.S. and around the world. If the Tideflats planning process can unite the community around a shared economic vision, we can have a vibrant, healthy future. But if we remain fractured in our views of the future, if we compete for resources and stymie initiatives, Tacoma risks falling behind the competition for talent, for investment, and for quality of life no matter which of these views you take. I’ll be watching closely. I encourage you to do the same, and I look forward to working with you on these important questions. Laurie Jinkins is a public health official from Tacoma who serves as a member of the Washington House of Representatives from the 27th district.

ABOLISH IMMIGRATION DETENTION BY ANDREW MOSS If you visit a detainee at the Adelanto ICE Processing Center northeast of Los Angeles, you’ll turn off Highway 395 onto Rancho Road, travel a short distance, and pull into a parking lot squeezed between the detention facility on your left and a privately run state prison on your right. If you’re at the east facility, you’ll walk into a small lobby, give the receptionist your ID and the detainee’s “A” number, and wait in a space decorated like a health clinic waiting room. There you’ll find cheerful nature posters, a TV set playing “Good Day LA,” a child’s play set in a corner, and Good Housekeeping magazines and a Spanish-language Bible hanging on a wall. When you’re notified that your detainee is ready to see you, you leave everything in a locker: pens, paper, keys, cellphone. You are buzzed through heavy metal doors into a visiting area, where you sit across from your detainee under the watchful eye of a guard and a TV surveillance camera. There, three or four other detainees sit as well with their family members, attorneys, or volunteer visitors. You have an hour to be with your detainee, to hear her stories, to offer whatever moral support you can, and to share a hug. Then, time is up, and your detainee, along with the three or four other women in their blue, orange, or red jumpsuits, is ushered out one door, and you through another. You look back at one another one last time. Something seems very solid about all of this: the barbed wire outside, the heavy metal doors, the waiting room, the jumpsuits. But incongruities force their way into consciousness: the government describes this place as providing “civil, administrative confinement.” But you know it’s prison. And you wonder why your detainee, an Eritrean who simply asked for asylum when she came across the border six months ago, is imprisoned here. Or why another detainee you’ve visited, a father and hard worker who had a DUI years ago, was swept up by ICE to languish

here for months. Some facts begin to float before the mind’s eye: This place, the Adelanto ICE Processing Center, is a for-profit facility, run by a publicly traded corporation called the GEO Group, Inc., which made $2.26 billion in revenues from all its enterprises last year. Of the roughly 200 detention facilities in the U.S., almost three-fourths are run by for-profit enterprises, generating revenue from the confinement of 34,000 to 40,000 detainees per day, 400,000 per year. Detention facilities across the country have been cited by both governmental agencies and advocacy groups for a wide range of human rights abuses, including physical and sexual assault, medical neglect, and poor food and unsanitary conditions. Last year, the organization Human Rights Watch released a report with findings by independent medical experts that more than half the 15 deaths occurring in detention over a 16-month period (December 2015 through April 2017) were linked to inadequate medical care. The Adelanto ICE Processing Center didn’t even exist as an immigration detention facility until 2011, when GEO entered into an agreement with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and the city of Adelanto to take over an existing prison. In fact, no detention facilities at all existed in the U.S. between 1954, when Ellis Island closed, and 1981, when President Ronald Reagan opened the first one in Puerto Rico to detain Haitian refugees fleeing political chaos and repression in their country. The 1980s and 1990s were boom years for the growth of detention facilities, their expansion intertwined with a growth of mass incarceration that scholar Michelle Alexander identified as the “New Jim Crow.” Systems of racial oppression and immigration detention have developed hand in hand; Donald Trump’s racial discourse (Mexicans as “rapists,” immigrants as “animals”) is the most recent soundtrack for these developments. There are proven, cost-effective alternatives to de-

tention. These are community accompaniment programs, pioneered by organizations like Freedom for Immigrants, that respect people’s dignity and rights when they enter this country. One day, the contractors will come back to the Adelanto ICE Processing Center. Perhaps, as they cut down the barbed wire, they will remodel the place and turn it into a school, or a museum like Ellis Island. Or, perhaps, they’ll raze the whole edifice and put up new housing units instead. Whatever the case, you’ll know as you drive away that a whole lot of work will have to be done in the meantime. This is the work of changing a mindset. This is the work of moving from opportunistic distortions (immigrants as threats and criminals) to genuine questions: how do we help others become productive, contributing members of our communities? How do we expand our understandings of our own citizenship in the process? How do we transition from being a republic of fear to being an exemplar for other nations wrestling with issues of migration? And how, in redefining our identities as individuals and as a nation, do we come to see the border not as a site of separation and of threats, but as a place of coming together, as a site of possibility and creativity? Andrew Moss, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is an emeritus professor at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, where he taught in nonviolence studies for 10 years.

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6 | NEWS

Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS

TACOMA MAN CHARGED WITH MURDER Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist charged Daniel Duane Hatch, 54, on Oct. 3 with one count of murder in the second degree. Hatch allegedly stabbed to death Sarah Mercer, 42, during a domestic dispute. “October is domestic violence awareness month,” said Lindquist. “This case is an unfortunate reminder of how volatile domestic situations can become. Holding offenders accountable, supporting victims, and reducing domestic violence are among our top priorities.” On Sept. 30, Fife police officers responded to the 4000 block of 61st

Avenue East, in Fife, after reports of a domestic violence incident with a weapon involved. The initial 911 call was placed by Laurel Hatch. She told the dispatcher about an argument with her former roommate, Sarah Mercer. Laurel Hatch said her husband, Daniel Hatch, had stabbed Mercer and that she appeared to be dead. When officers arrived, they saw Daniel Hatch and Laurel Hatch exit the residence. When the door opened, officers could see Mercer’s body lying face up just inside the front door. Laurel Hatch told officers that Mer-

cer moved into the residence some time ago. There had been disputes over the rent, and Mercer was moving out. The afternoon of the stabbing, Mercer had apparently come to pick up her belongings. Laurel and Daniel said they were upstairs when Mercer arrived, and Daniel went downstairs to answer the door. Laurel described hearing a scuffle and shouting, and she says she saw Daniel and Mercer in a physical altercation. When it was over, Laurel saw Mercer lying on the ground and Daniel Hatch standing next to her. Laurel says she saw blood and a possible wound to

Mercer’s chest and there was knife next to her body. No other weapons were found and Mercer appeared to have been unarmed. Daniel Hatch had a small cut on one of his knuckles and a small scratch on the left side of his face. An autopsy confirmed that Mercer had two stab wounds, one which transected the aorta and the other to her left buttock. Bail was set at $1,000,000. Charges are only allegations and a person is presumed innocent unless he or she is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

City manager unveils proposed budget BY JOHN LARSON

During the Oct. 2 Tacoma City Council study session on the proposed 2019-20 biennial budget, City Manager Elizabeth Pauli presented a plan to improve public safety, protect affordable housing and support young people experiencing homelessness. The proposed budget is $3.5 billion, of which $515 million is allocated to the general fund. This fund covers some key functions of city government that residents are most familiar with, notably public safety. Police is slated for $175.5 million, or 35 percent, with fire at $125.2 million, or 24 percent. Property tax accounts for 24 percent, sales tax 23 percent, business tax 21 percent and utility tax 18 percent.

When the budget process began in May, a deficit of $5.3 million in the general fund was discovered. Most of this can be made up by several fees and fines. One is a fine for false fire alarms. Another is for non-emergency lift assistance. This is when firefighters are called to an assisted living facility to assist staff with moving a patient. Pauli acknowledged the work of staff on the budget, as well as input from the public, which brought “an unprecedented level of engagement.” The city had information booths at six summer festivals. Pauli and other staff made presentations to Neighborhood Councils, as well as the Black Collective and Latinos Unidos. Feedback from residents indicated their top five concerns are affordable housing, homelessness, public safety, economic development and access to transit. Detailed information

about various sections of the budget will be presented at study sessions for the next several weeks. The meetings take place at noon on Tuesdays at Tacoma Municipal Building. Four town hall meetings with Council members are scheduled this month. The first will be from 6-8 p.m. on Oct. 8 at Stewart Middle School, located at 5010 Pacific Ave. The second will be from 6-8 p.m. on Oct. 11 at the Centre at Norpoint, located at 4818 Nassau Ave. NE. The third will be 6-8 p.m. on Oct. 22 at Wilson High School, located at 1202 N. Orchard St. The final meeting will be 2-4 p.m. on Oct. 27 at STAR Center, located at 3873 S. 66th St. Food, childcare and Spanish language interpretation will be provided at this event. More information about the process can be found at budget.


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Prosecutor Mark Lindquist has charged Alex Lopez Leon, 30, with two counts of murder in the second degree for allegedly killing Wilberth Joel Lopez Acala, 22, and Adrian Valencia Cuevas, 19, in University Place in May 2018. Lopez Leon was arraigned Oct. 3 after a warrant for his arrest was issued early this month. Lopez Leon was being held in federal custody on a violation of conditions pursuant to a previous federal conviction. On May 14 at approximately 5:30 a.m., officers arrived in the area of 63rd Street West in University Place for a welfare check on a vehicle that was blocking the street. There were two men in the front seat of the car. The driver had a gunshot wound to the right side of his head and the front passenger had a gunshot wound to the left side of his head. The victims were later identified as Wilberth Joel Lopez Acala and Adrian Valencia Cuevas. Both were confirmed dead at the scene. Officers found blood in the driver’s seat and shell casings and beer cans in

the back seat. Video footage from the area recorded two males climbing out of the window of the vehicle and running from the area. Investigators identified one of the men as the defendant, Alex Lopez Leon, and the other as Javier Valenzuela Felix. Valenzuela Felix was arraigned in June of this year and trial is set to begin Oct. 11. Detectives spoke with Lopez Leon. He said he, the two victims, and Valenzuela Felix were driving around firing a gun. Valenzuela Felix had the gun and was shooting. He then shot the front passenger in the head and told the driver to find an area they could discard the body. When they arrived in the location the vehicle was found, Valenzuela Felix shot the driver. Lopez Leon and Valenzuela Felix climbed out of the vehicle and ran. Lopez Leon reported that he had no idea why either victim was shot, but said he later heard media reports calling the killings drug related. Lopez Leon’s bail was set at $5,000,000.

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NEWS | 7

TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018

TEAM BACKPACK PUTS OUT CALL TO HELP STUDENTS IN NEED Community invited to big fundraiser on Oct. 13


It takes a village to fill this many backpacks, and these are just a small representation of the hundreds of backpacks given to students in local schools, stuffed with food, hygiene products, school supplies and much more.


Back in 2012, Nicole Ward was working at Rock the Dock Pub & Grill, going about her daily routines as always. Then she saw something that sent her in a direction where giving became her way of life. It seems that her friend and counselor at Lincoln High School made a Facebook post asking for help with a holiday charity for students in need, and Ward shared it with her friends and challenged them to help. Within 45 min-

utes, a neighbor donated the first backpack of what would become thousands over the ensuing years from people all over town, with the first Team Backpack of Tacoma fundraiser bringing in $5,000 in just 18 days. Fast-forward to 2016 and Team Backpack acquired the legal 501(c)3 non-profit status under the name “Forgotten Youth Foundation.” Working closely with principals, counselors and community liaisons at Tacoma schools to find out what the most crucial needs were among students, Team Backpack expanded its giving beyond backpacks and care packages full of

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food, clothing and hygiene items to what is by now likely tons of school supplies, along with gift cards, Christmas cards with money inside, and countless diapers and formula for teen parents who are continuing their education. Today, Team Backpack helps homeless youth and other students in need at 21 high schools in the Pierce County area, and counting. This year, three new schools reach out to Team Backpack for help. “The absolute coolest thing that sets us aside u See BACKPACK / page 9

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8 | NEWS

Tree Hugger’s Corner A guide for those who want to get out there and take action on behalf of the environment and social justice.


Mason Middle School Tree Planting Mason Middle School, 3901 N. 28th St., Tacoma Help in planting 40 large trees around Mason Middle School. Trees at Mason Middle School will have an immediate impact. Air quality and shade will be improved while trees will bring nature into the students' lives.  INFO: 336752490406087 SATURDAY, OCT. 13, 2 P.M.

Prepare for Public Comment on Puget Sound Energy’s Liquefied Natural Gas Permit Wheelock Library, 3722 N. 26th St., Tacoma Learn how to write letters, editorials and public comments for Puget Sound Clean Air Agency SEIS on Puget LNG. In preparation for the October 2018 Public Comment Period and Public Hearing for Oral Comments on Puget Sound Clean Air Agency’s Draft SEIS, 350 Tacoma will be holding a series of workshops to prepare written and oral comments and editorials. 350 Tacoma will break all this down into understandable language, and provide some templates from which comments can be adapted. This opportunity represents the single best chance that citizens still have to stop this climate-killing project from ever becoming operational.  INFO: 693541801025873 TUESDAY, OCT. 23, 6-8:30 P.M.

Tacoma Roots Summit: Affordable Housing Evergreen Tacoma, 1210 6th Ave., Tacoma Once a season, Tacoma Roots: Environmental Justice Forum hosts a summit to bring together folks in Pierce County and beyond to discuss environmental justice issues we face here. This third Tacoma Roots Summit will focus on affordable housing and sustainability. Housing is the largest cost in most people’s lives and Tacoma residents are feeling the burden of rising costs, with people of color in particular being burdened (and displaced) the most. The plan is to discuss why people who care about the environment should have a role in conversations about affordable housing – advocating for sustainable building (if we’re building new housing, let’s make it green), smart density (let’s prevent sprawl into land/habitats we need to protect), robust transportation (let’s make transit so easy the cheapest option is also the most practical), and energy conservation (let’s pass on the savings and lower occupants’ utility bills).  INFO: 71097679729637

Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS


The Citizen Police Advisory Committee is an advisory panel to the City Council as it pertains to Tacoma Police Department policy. The committee is responsible for conducting policy review; reviewing trends in complaint investigation and statistical reports; and engaging in community outreach. Members of the Citizen Police Advisory Committee are recommended by the Community Vitality and Safety Committee and appointed by the City Council. The committee is comprised of 11 members – one member from each City Council district, five members from the general community and one youth member. At least 40 percent of its members are representative of traditionally underrepresented communities. Qualified applicants must be residents of Tacoma, not hold any other elective public office, not currently serve as a member of the Tacoma Police Department, or be an immediate family member of a department employee. Women, persons with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, persons of color and immigrants are encouraged to apply. Additional information on the Citizen Police Advisory Committee is available at or through Bucoda Warren in the City Manager’s Office, who can be reached at or (253) 5947925. Applications must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office by Friday, Oct. 12. One can apply online at Those with questions, or who are in need of a hard copy application or other accommodations, may contact the City Clerk’s Office at (253) 591-5178, servetacoma@ or Tacoma Municipal Building North, 733 Market St. Room 11, Tacoma, WA 98402. BEST BUY AWARDS GRANT TO PIERCE COLLEGE Pierce College’s Lakewood Computer Clubhouse will continue to inspire local youth through innovative STEM programming thanks to a $9,500 community grant awarded by Best Buy on Oct. 2. The grant will support the operation of the college’s after-school program, allowing the organization to revamp its space and purchase new equipment. The Lakewood Computer Clubhouse, based at Lochburn Middle School, is a free after-school drop-in center open every weekday from 3:15-5:30 p.m. The program provides activities designed for youth ages 8 to 18. Clubhouse members explore cutting-edge software, collaborating with others in an informal learning environment. The clubhouse is supported by the Pierce College Foundation in partnership with the Clover Park School District and the City of Lakewood. Mentors from Pierce College and beyond spend time at the clubhouse working with youth on a variety of projects, while also exposing them to higher education. With this grant, Clubhouse Coordinator Stella Kemper hopes to bring even more STEM education opportunities to youth who many not have access to technology at home. “Many kids are just looking for a place where they belong, and some of them come from complicated family backgrounds,” Kemper said. “The clubhouse gives them a chance to be challenged in a safe environment where all kids are comfortable.” RELATIONSHIPS CHANGE WHEN CAREGIVING NEEDS BEGIN Friendships can last a lifetime. When childhood friendships continue into adulthood, they can evolve into something more, such as a tremendous support system offering encouragement, and even growing into caregiving. Not all caregivers are family. Many caregivers are friends and neighbors close by or far away. Pierce County Aging and Disability Resources is offering another free film in our caregiving series. The film “Miss You Already” will be shown on Saturday, Oct. 13, at the Grand Cinema, located at 606 S. Fawcett Ave. in Tacoma. The film begins at 10:45 a.m. with doors opening at 10:30 a.m. Complimentary popcorn will be provided by Advanced Healthcare. The film is free, but tickets must be reserved online through Brown Paper Tickets or by calling the Aging and Disability Resource

Center (ADRC) at (253) 798-4600. “Miss You Already” centers on two women who have been best friends forever. They have shared everything since they were kids – secrets, clothes, laughs, substances, and boyfriends. As adults, one has a great job and lives in a townhouse with her wonderful family. The other has a less glamorous job and lives with her boyfriend on a houseboat in London. Although their friendship is rock solid, it is put to the test when life throws them curveballs that affect their health and happiness. “There is nothing more special than a lasting friendship,” said Aaron Van Valkenburg, Pierce County Aging and Disability Resources manager. “They can support us through thick and thin. Deep, lasting friendships are vital when the need for caregiving arises. While family is important, drawing on the support of close friends can complement the assistance that others are able to provide. This film definitely shows how important friends are in offering care.” Pierce County Aging and Disability Resources offers this film as part of our Family Caregiver Support Program. The program helps unpaid family caregivers with a variety of supports including education, counseling, adaptive equipment, housework and errands services and respite care. The program offers support to families of all incomes. For more information about the program or to reserve your tickets, call the Pierce County Aging and Disability Resource Center at (253) 798-4600. SHELTER OPEN HOUSE: A DAY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Come meet your match at the Seventh annual Statewide Shelter Open House, hosted by Pawsitive Alliance. More than 25 – and counting – shelters in every region of the state are participating for this exciting event. Local participants include the Tacoma Humane Society at 2608 Center St. and Sunny Skies Animal Rescue in Puyallup, 1102 E. Main Ave. “This year many of the shelters involved are choosing fun, new activities to get their community involved and to showcase their animals,” says Amy Ferguson, executive director of Pawsitive Alliance. “Blue Mountain Humane Society in Walla Walla is encouraging everyone that comes through their doors to walk a shelter dog. Seattle Area Feline Rescue in Shoreline is showing their ‘catucopia’ of cats of all ages.” The Pawsitive Alliance website at has a list of the shelters participating. The Shelter Open House Facebook event page will list all of the promotions planned by the shelters for this fun, annual event. Follow #shelteropenhouse during the event for exciting shelter updates and heartwarming adoption stories. Special thank you to our sponsors Martha Faulkner of RSVP Real Estate, Canine Behavior Center, Petcurean, Good Neighbor Vet, Pet Connection Magazine, and DML Insurance. GOODWILL CELEBRATES VALUE OF EMPLOYING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. We encourage you to save the date for Goodwill’s WE ARE: Bright Shining Stars event on Friday, Oct. 19. The event will highlight the work of Goodwill’s Disability Services team and the people they serve. The event takes place at the Goodwill Milgard Work Opportunity Center, 714 S. 27th St., Tacoma, and includes: • 3 p.m. – Event begins in the Bistro, art viewing, WE ARE viewing, live music • 3:05 p.m. – Welcome • 3:30 p.m. – First presentation/experiences from employers and employees about importance of employment • 4 p.m. – Cake and wish list – how you can help • 4:30 p.m. – Second presentation/discussion of the employment landscape from the self-advocacy and legislative community • 5 p.m. – Mingle For more information and to RSVP, contact Disability Services Program Manager Jamie Stout at (253) 573-6629 or e-mail


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NEWS | 9

TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018

t Backpack From page 7 from other outreach programs is that we have removed the barrier to reach these students,” Ward said. “We deliver directly to our schools, making it possible for the staff to have necessary items on hand for these kids to get each individual’s needs met. This makes it not only convenient for staff/ students; I feel it really helps remove the humiliation factor as well.” The Forgotten Youth Foundation “Team Backpack of Tacoma” is recipient of the 2018 City of Destiny Awards for the category of “Homeless Advocacy.” The city added this as a new category this year because they saw so much value in what Team Backpack does. A major achievement came in 2018 when Ward led the way to bring a fiberglass greenhouse to Oakland High School where students grow plants, conduct experiments and learn valuable academic and life lessons. This gift was possible thanks to Ward partnering with John Hamil at Tacoma company Solar Gem Greenhouses, which provided the greenhouse at a significant discount. Xavier Cooper, a 2010 Wilson High School graduate who plays for the New York Jets, contributed to help cover the cost of the greenhouse and gardening supplies. Team Backpack also purchased a new portable basketball hoop setup for the Willie Stewart Academy. “Everything we do goes directly to our schools,” Ward said. “Of course, we have regular operations cost. I am proud to say that 82 percent of our project funding goes to the schools (items we purchase) and the other 18 percent goes to these operation costs – storage unit fees, insurance, etc. We are 100 percent volunteer at this point still.” A big need right now is a permanent home in Tacoma. Currently, Team Backpack works from a small home office, a storage unit and a post office box and needs a facility where everything can be in one place. A box truck


Nicole Ward (in back, arms raised) is the dynamo behind Team Backpack and its work to give poor and homeless youth a hand up. Growing up in similar situations throughout her teen years, she was moved to make a difference in students lives and help them persevere through what she believes are the hardest years of character development. or mini van would also be a big help to keep backpacks and donations out of the elements. Right now, an open bed pickup truck is all that Team Backpack has to use. SAVE THE DATE The goal for 2018 is to build 1,500 backpacks to be distributed to homeless high school students in Tacoma and public schools in the greater Pierce County area. This will help alleviate a serious unmet need for resources for homeless students who go without proper food, shelter, hygiene supplies and necessary items that help keep them mentally focused in high school, the gateway to success in later life. Items needed include coats, socks, clothing, blankets, toiletries, gift cards, backpacks, and the other important articles to help students get through the long winter school break that lasts from before the holidays until after the New Year. Among items that are needed most are blankets. “If I could say one of the

things that costs the most to purchase would be blankets,” Ward said. “We always seem to fall short of donations for this. We ask that blankets be no larger than twin size because that is the perfect size for our needs and saves room in the packs.” To help Team Backpack in their work, the community is warmly invited to the “7th Annual Homeless Teen’s Backpack Project” on Saturday, Oct.13, at the I.L.W.U. Local 23 Longshore Union Hall, 1306 Alexander Ave. E. in Fife. Doors opens at 5 p.m., auction registration opens at 5:15 p.m., silent auction opens at 5:30 p.m. and live auction begins at 8 p.m. There are more than 100 items to be had: private narrated flight for two people for two hours, tour for 10 of the Port of Tacoma, legal services for a will and testament, autographed Seattle Seahawks memorabilia, Seahawks tickets for Dec. 2 game against the 49ers, two-night stay in a king suite with brunch buffet from the Hilton in Bellevue, art from Tacoma artists, vintage and antique

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items, bicycles, sporting equipment, gift certificates to local restaurants and pubs, miscellaneous clothing items, vintage vinyl records totaling $1, 300, KISS bobble heads, wine and alcohol baskets (must be 21+ to bid on these items), autographed Melissa Etheridge memorabilia, $250 gift certificate from Selden’s home furnishings, gift certificate for advertising in the Tacoma Weekly, and more. Admission is $15 per adult and $10 per student and includes one Team Backpack memorial bracelet, light hors d’ oeuvres, a no-host bar and one complimentary drink courtesy of Rock the Dock (21+ only). Rod Koon and Friends will provide great live music. Purchase presale tickets at http:// 7th-annual-homeless-teens-backpackproject. Learn more about Team Backpack at To make donations, call (253) 678-3474 or email teambackpack2012@yahoo. com.

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10| NEWS

t Election '18 From page 1 the Zina Linnik homicide, the “Parkland Rapist,” and Edgewood’s “Craigslist murderers.” She rose to chief criminal deputy, overseeing the Criminal Division and today works as an assistant attorney general in the Sexually Violent Predators unit. Robnett’s education was at University of Puget Sound Law School and Weber State. She is endorsed by: State Auditor and former County Executive Pat McCarthy (D), former Attorney General Rob McKenna (R), former Prosecutor Gerry Horne (D), Pierce County Deputy Sheriffs Guild, Pierce County Corrections and Sergeants Guild, Tacoma Police Union, retired judges, police officers, attorneys, and taxpayers. “I’m running to restore integrity and trust in the Prosecutor’s Office,” Robnett wrote for the Pierce County Voters’ Guide. “My pledge to you: To be tough, honest, ethical, and fair. I would be honored to earn your vote.”

Pierce County Auditor JULIE ANDERSON (running unopposed)

Pierce County Council, District No. 1 LORRA JACKSON (prefers Democratic Party) With no elected experience behind her, Lorra Jackson is looking to change that in this election. Currently a custom compliance analyst with emphasis in international trade and a former broker in the New York Financial District, Jackson intends to put her financial experience to work helping the County Council with budget management and more. Jackson’s education resume includes the New York Academy of Art, master of fine arts; University of Washington, bachelor of science in electrical engineering; and customs broker license, series seven license. She has engaged in community service directing youth in creating public art and grassroots political action with Indivisible Puyallup, and has been a museum docent. Endorsements: Pierce County Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 726, Pierce County Central Labor Council, 25th District Democrats, 31st District Democrats, 2nd District Democrats, Pierce County Democrats and Pierce County Young Democrats. Jackson’s issues of interest if elected to the County Council are unmanaged growth and traffic issues, building public parks and recreational facilities for youth, and fostering neighborhood relationships. DAVE MORELL (prefers Republican Party) A former Washington state representative for the 25th District, Dave Morell’s elected experience also includes fire commissioner for Central Pierce Fire and Rescue, and Pierce County Charter Review Commission. Morell is also a 35-year business owner (NGS, Inc. and Rock Creek Gardens) and he’s a graduate of Clover Park Technical College. Morell’s community service is wide-ranging: land use – South Hill Advisory Commission; Pierce County Airport (Thun Field) Advisory Commission; Flood Control Zone District Advisory Board member; Pierce Coun-

Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS ty Parks and Recreation board member; Puyallup/Sumner Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee, and more. Among his endorsements are Pierce County Republican Party, Mainstream Republicans of Washington, U.S. Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-8th), Secretary of State Kim Wyman, Pierce County Executive Bruce Dammeier, Orting Mayor Josh Penner, state representatives and senators. A resident of Puyallup’s South Hill, his interests on the County Council will involve parks and recreation, affordable housing, land use, zoning and flood control. “My plan is to keep taxes low and cut the red tape, focusing on public safety, transportation and jobs, making our community a safe and vibrant place to live and work,” he wrote for the Pierce County Voters’ Guide.

Pierce County Council, District No. 5 MARTY CAMPBELL (prefers Democratic Party) A familiar face around Tacoma going back to when he owned Buzzard’s Compact Discs and Stadium Video many years ago, Marty Campbell has remained active in communities. Elected to Tacoma City Council in 2010, he served until 2017 then term limits prevented him from running again. Other professional experience: Salishan Community Association manager; Pierce County Regional Council; Tacoma-Pierce County Board of Health, vicechair; Public Safety, Human Services and Education Committee, vice-chair. While on Tacoma City Council, Campbell worked for better wages, growing the city’s economy and balancing the budget, compassionate immigration, homelessness and human trafficking policies, among other areas. Over the years Campbell has served on boards and commissions, including: Crystal Judson Family Justice Center, chair; Cross-District Business Association, chair; Environmental Services Commission; Tacoma Arts Commission. If elected to County Council, he plans to help entrepreneurs turn vacant neighborhood storefronts into successful local businesses that create family-wage jobs, prioritize supporting our schools, improving safety response times and reducing traffic congestion; more funding for mental health care and substance abuse treatment and prevention. Endorsements: Congressmen Derek Kilmer and Denny Heck; Mayor Victoria Woodards; current and former Senators Steve Conway, Jeannie Darneille, and Rosa Franklin; Representatives Laurie Jinkins, Jake Fey and Christine Kilduff; Councilmember Rick Talbert and many organizations, including local teachers. JUSTIN VAN DYK (prefers Republican Party) A lifelong Pierce County resident, Justin Van Dyk’s elected experience includes executive board member for Community Health; Tacoma Charter Review Commission; South End Neighborhood Council; and Pierce County precinct committee officer, District 5. Other professional experience: NEXT, founder and president; Pierce County Business Solutions, owner; and LVL Graphic Design, vice-president. His community service record ranges from being founder of Clean Wapato, to volunteering for the American Heart Association, the American Cancer

Society and at numerous food banks across Pierce County. “During my years in office in Pierce County I’ve fought for lower taxes and even voted to lower political salaries given to elected officials. My time has been focused on job growth in the Puget Sound area,” Van Dyk wrote for the Pierce County Voters’ Guide. Additional areas of activity involve government taxation of businesses and residents, combatting graffiti, business development and stopping drug activity.

Pierce County Council, District No. 7 DEREK M. YOUNG (prefers Democratic Party) Previously serving four terms on Gig Harbor City Council, Young currently serves on Pierce County Council, sitting on all four committees and vice chair of Public Safety, Human Services and Budget. He represents Pierce County on a dozen external boards and commissions, chairing the National Association of Counties Behavioral Health Subcommittee, and co-chairing the Washington State Association of Counties Legislative Steering Committee. He is a member of Gig Harbor Rotary and Chamber of Commerce. Among his accomplishments on County Council, Young convened the Opioid Task Force and voted to sue big pharmaceutical companies. In addition, “I’ve consistently voted to protect our way of life by safekeeping our shorelines and rural lands. I’m the only candidate in the race that supports higher construction impact fees, having sponsored bills for schools and parks. Our residents don’t want to subsidize growth,” he wrote for the Pierce County Voters’ Guide. Young is endorsed by nearly 40 current and former elected officials including U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell and U.S. Representatives Derek Kilmer and Denny Heck and Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor. DAVID OLSON (prefers Republican Party) David Olson’s elected experience reaches back to 2013 on the Peninsula School Board, District 5, a position he still holds, and also includes a seat on the Pierce County Charter Review Commission, District 7 (2016). A retired U.S. Navy officer and former defense contractor, professionally Olson is currently a business banking officer. Olson is also active in community service as a Greater Gig Harbor Foundation Board member; World Trade Center Tacoma Board member; president-elect, City Club of Tacoma; vice president, Hilltop Business Association and on the Gig Harbor Rotary. His previous service was as a board member with the Gig Harbor/Peninsula FISH Food Bank; Junior Achievement; Habitat for Humanity and regional director of the Drug Education for Youth Program. “As your County Council member, I pledge to support family-wage jobs, advocate for small businesses, fight burdensome new taxes that squeeze our residents and businesses out, and transparently manage the County budget,” Olson states in the Pierce County Voters’ Guide. “When it comes to traffic, homelessness, housing and growth, we cannot tax our way to a solution. It’s me for new leadership that’s committed to fighting for working families and small businesses.” Olson is endorsed by Secretary of

State Kim Wyman, Pierce County Executive Bruce Dammeier, Sen. Jan Angel (WA-26), Dick Muri (WA-28), business and labor.

Pierce County District Court In the race for Pierce County District Court, just two of the eight positions on the ballot have contested races. The other six candidates are running unopposed.

Pierce County District Court, Position No. 3 LIZANNE PADULA An attorney with 24 years of experience working as a pro-tem judge, former deputy prosecutor and in private practice, Lizanne Padula is a domestic violence prosecutor; continuing legal education instructor; and former reserve police officer. She earned a “superb” rating from the Avvo Legal Resource Organization and is a small business owner. She has garnered extensive experience in virtually every area of law practiced in the District Court. Out in the community, she has provided extensive pro-bono legal work for unrepresented populations and has served underprivileged youth through the non-profit organization Threads of Change, among other volunteerism. Padula is endorsed in this election by judges at every level, from municipal courts to Washington State Supreme Court. TIM LEWIS Tim Lewis is a certified judge protem with eight years judicial experience. He is also a senior deputy prosecutor, leading the Felony Division and handling some of the most serious cases in the county. Lewis says he views the law as public service and volunteers his time to provide legal aid to veterans, and help alleviate hunger in communities. His community service: Habitat for Humanity; Sexual Assault Center of Pierce County supporter, youth soccer coach, Volunteer Legal Services, Veterans Law Clinic, Lawyers Helping Hungry Children, Tacoma Community College Foundation, and a Tacoma-Pierce County Minority Bar Association Law Day volunteer.

Pierce County District Court, Position No. 6 KARL WILLIAMS Karl Williams has served as Pierce County District Court judge pro tem for 22 years. He also serves as judge pro tem for Fife, Puyallup and Ruston. He has practiced law for 30 years with trial experience in both criminal and civil cases. He serves as youth protection officer for Rotary District 5020 and he chairs the District Court Liaison Committee and volunteers for the Bar Association free legal clinics. Williams is the only candidate in this race who has received the highest rating of “exceptionally well qualified” by the Tacoma-Pierce County Bar, Washington Women Lawyers and Pierce County Minority Bar. He has been endorsed by members of both political parties as well as numerous judges, commissioners, prosecutors and attorneys. JOHN SHEERAN A Pierce County deputy prosecuting attorney for 22 years and current assistant chief criminal deputy, John

u See ELECTION '18 / page 11

NEWS | 11

TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018


The basketball court at the new Eastside Community Center will have open basketball times during the week, while the pool will have a slide that sends riders splashing into the deep end of the pool. The Boys and Girls Club will use the kitchen for daily meals for its programs, but it will also serve as the central kitchen for senior meal programs, events and cooking classes.

t Eastside From page 1 The center will operate similarly to the park district’s STAR Center across town, with charges for the pool, weight room and classes. Passes for Tacoma residents run from $19 a month for children to $32 for adults with a $99 per month family cap and financial assistance to qualified residents. Day passes are available for $5 a day. Free amenities include use of the indoor walking track – 19 laps per mile, an indoor slide and wifi access with public computers in the lobby. Metronome Coffee will have location in the lobby as well. Party rooms, conference rooms and banquet space for up to 500 people are also available for rent. Future plans include the addition of a boardwalk through the wooded marshland around the center.

t Election '18 From page 10 Sheeran is also a former felony division chief. He is the current elected fire commissioner (chair 2017) of West Pierce Fire and Rescue, past president of the Pierce County Prosecuting Attorneys’ Association and past president of the Public Safety Employees Insurance, Inc., which provides disability insurance to law enforcement officers. His bipartisan endorsements include fellow prosecutors, criminal defense attorneys, and judges Jeanette Lineberry, Kevin McCann, Grant Blinn, Steve Rosen and Patrick Oishi, among many others.

Tacoma Municipal Court In the races for three positions on Tacoma Municipal Court, only one involves two challenging candidates. DEREK M. SMITH Derek M. Smith has presided over thousands of municipal cases as a pro tem judge, with experience as both a prosecutor and as a criminal defense attorney in municipal courts. He received his education at Seattle University School of Law, graduating J.D. cum laude, and University of California, Davis, with a bachelor’s degree in international relations.

CELEBRATION TIME, COME ON! The day begins with the Eastside Families Parade, which starts at 10 a.m. in the Salishan neighborhood. The half-hour parade is usually called the First Creek Back to School Parade, but for this year only it moves to coincide with Celebrate Eastside, ending at the community center’s front doors. Celebrate Eastside formally begins with a 10:30 a.m. ribbon-cutting on Oct. 20 at Eastside Community Center, 1721 E. 56th St., on the campus of First Creek Middle School, and will feature music and remarks from Mayor Victoria Woodards. Highlights of the event include the dedication of a time capsule and a host of performers including: • Obe Quarless, a steel pan virtuoso whose specialties are soca, calypso and reggae • Pachanga Alert!, presenting a blend of music from Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina and Colombia • Ballet Folklorico de First Creek Middle School presenting regional dances of Mexico • Vision Step Team, performing traditional step dance arrangements

Smith and his wife are active in the Tacoma community and volunteer with Tacoma Public Schools, Sherman Elementary PTSA, Family Housing Network and Sound Outreach. Smith is endorsed by more than a dozen of his fellow municipal court judges across the state. Smith has more than a dozen judicial endorsements and many community endorsements. DWAYNE L. CHRISTOPHER Dwayne L. Christopher has been a pro tem judge and attorney for 19 years, having served in private practice, inhouse counsel and associate counsel capacities. He is a trustee of the Tacoma-Pierce County Bar Association and judicial assistant to Judge Brian Tollefson. In community service, Christopher is president of Palmer Scholars; a high school and college mentor with the Merle Palmer Minority Scholarship Foundation; YMCA volunteer; March for Babies; MESA Program; Tacoma Rescue Mission; Paint Tacoma Beautiful; City Club Tacoma; and recipient of the 2017 United Way Live United Award and Service to Diversity Award 2016. Christopher’s education includes Seattle University School of Law, juris doctorate; a bachelor’s degree (cum laude) from Morehouse College; Wilson High School; Baker Junior High;

• The League, from the Iconic Arts Complex, doing hip hop • The Movement, showcasing young rappers and singers • Hearts for Kids, performing traditional and modern dancing from the Pacific Islands Once the activities wrap up around 2 p.m., the center will be open for guests to stay and play free of charge for the rest of Saturday and all Sunday. And at 6 p.m. Saturday, Eastside Community Center staff will present a free indoor movie and open the gym for basketball. The event is supported by Graduate Tacoma, Comcast Essentials, Regence and Heritage Bank. Because space is limited, Metro Parks asks people to sign up to use the recording studio and swimming pool. Signup links will be posted to the Eastside Community Center page when available.

Life Christian Academy and Birney Elementary. Christopher is endorsed by 17 Pierce County and Tacoma judges, Sen. Jeannie Darneille, and Reps. Laurie Jinkins and Steve Kirby, Tacoma Mayor Victoria Woodards, County Executive Bruce Dammeier and numerous other leaders and elected officials.

Pierce County Charter Amendments AMENDMENT NO. 48 If approved, will change the county budget cycle from an annual (one-year) cycle to a biennial (two-year) cycle commencing Jan. 1, 2020. AMENDMENT NO. 49 If approved, will streamline and clarify procedures for filing and processing initiative, agenda, referendum and charter amendment petitions by adding new definition sections; adopting mandatory form and style requirements for petitions; clarifying the computation of procedural time periods and the number of signatures required to validate a petition; eliminating the requirement that the filing officer and the prosecuting attorney confer with initiative petitioners; and by making other minor technical corrections

AMENDMENT NO. 50 If approved, will require the County Council to fill vacancies in partisan elective offices by appointment from a list of three people submitted by the county central committee of the major political party represented by the official in office immediately prior to the declaration of vacancy. If this official was elected from a non-major political party, or stated no party preference, vacancies must be filled in the same manner as nonpartisan offices.

NO FUSS NO MUSS NO POP-UPS Frustration-free News

12 | NEWS

Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS

Utility rates prep for increases, including $5 bump for Click network BY STEVE DUNKELBERGER

Utility rate hikes are in the works for power, water and cable packages through the municipally owned Click Network under a budget working its way toward City Council consideration later this fall. The department heads of the various arms of Tacoma Public Utilities briefed the city’s Government Performance and Finance Committee on the rate changes this week and received a green light to bring the changes to the full utility commission and then the City Council vote. What is new this year is that any rate changes will be approved at the same time as TPU’s overall budget. Previous budgets have been approved in the fall based on rate changes that were then approved in the spring, which created some shuffling if the rate increases – that fueled the budget – weren’t approved. The utility presented a balanced budget for Click Network, which had been posting a paper loss of millions of dollars a year. That is projected to be about $6 million this year and is under a legal challenge over the shortfall being absorbed

by Tacoma Power’s overall operating funds. TPU is also exploring public-private partnerships that could lease out the fiber-optic network. Until those issues settle out, Click marches on since any change will take about a year to implement. Click’s budget calls for a two-tiered rate increase for cable TV subscribers of 9.8 percent in 2019 and an 18 percent jump in 2020 and a $5 a month increase for Internet services each year as well but would remain below prices offered in the city by Comcast, according to staff reports. “In order to achieve a fully self-funded budget for the 2019-2020 biennium, drastic cost cuts and revenue enhancements are necessary,” TPU Director Jackie Flowers wrote in the report detailing the state of Click Network’s operations. Power rates could increase by an average of 2 percent, but residential rates would only increase by .9 percent. That translates to a change from the current $93.80 a month for the “average resident” to $95.49 by 2020. It would remain among the least expensive power rates in the region, which is topped by Pacific Corp. at

$123.83 a month and Puget Sound Energy’s $123.12 a month and slightly lower than Lakeview Light and Power’s $100.19 a month. Residential water rates would go up by 2.9 percent, from $38.49 per month currently to $40.58 by 2020, if the proposed rates are approved, putting Tacoma Water in the middle of the pack of a comparison chart of other water systems in the region. Rounding out the utility’s departments is Tacoma Rail, which separates long-haul railroad cars on the Tideflats


to then load outgoing cargo ships and “stacks” inbound cargo cars for freight hauling around the nation. Its rates will bump $1 to $6 per car and a $2.50 fuel surcharge. “We are still the best deal in North America when it comes to rates,” Rail Superintendent Dale King said. The TPU Board is set to hold a public hearing on Oct. 10 and then approve the rate changes on Oct. 24. The Tacoma City Council is set to then have its public hearing on Nov. 6 and take up the issue on Nov. 13.


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There was nothing fancy about this Bellarmine corner kick attempt. While the ball careened back into play, keeping a scoring chance alive for Bellarmine, the referee wasn't having any of it and called a foul on the play.



hick and scary clouds hung to the north, but they wouldn’t have an effect on the night’s kick-off. The only question was whether more rain clouds would move in from the southwest, with a healthy wind blowing up on the hill at Bellarmine Prep’s Memorial Field on Tuesday, Oct. 2. The Puyallup Vikings girls’ soccer team would bring an unblemished 8-0-0 record into the match, while Bellarmine was also looking tough with an undefeated 5-02 mark. What was most important to these two clubs was keeping themselves at the head of the nine-team 4A South Puget Sound League pack. With an uneven number of teams, the league cannot fit a full 16-team league bill into a regular season, so each team plays four teams twice, and another four teams only once. This year, the bean counters came up with just one meeting between the Vikings and the Lions, so the stakes were going to be even higher. It may have been quite windy and chilly outside, but you wouldn’t have known it from the heat of battle taking place on the Bellarmine pitch. Both squads gave as good as they got, and at times, the play got a little physi-

cal. Luckily, cooler heads continued to prevail throughout the match, and neither side pushed their actions beyond a simple, hard-nosed effort. The first 10 minutes of play saw Puyallup attempt to take early control of the match. However, the Lions began nudging the ball deeper into Viking territory by the end of the 10 minutes. The second 10 minutes of action was pretty much a carbon copy of the first, with both teams looking for some openings in the opposition’s defense. It also became clear early on, that the accuracy of passes was going to be impacted by the wet playing surface at Memorial Field. There was nowhere for the ball to grab on the field, and instead, the ball tended to have a nasty skip to it. Bellarmine had a prime opportunity in the third 10 minutes of play on a corner kick. However, a collision with Puyallup freshman goalkeeper Rylee Wood killed the chance for the Lions, and the scoring chance was turned away. It wouldn’t take long for Puyallup to take advantage of Bellarmine’s near miss. With 10 minutes left in the first half, Puyallup junior midfielder Elsa Bley took a pass from the end-line that ran across the face of the Bellarmine goal and sent the shot toward the back of the net. Bellarmine senior goalkeeper Isabel Davis dove and got a hand on the ball, stopping its momentum, but the ball continued to spin on the turf, and subsequently rolled just inside of the left post for a 1-0 Puyallup lead.

The Lions had a shot at an equalizer goal a few minutes before the half. Bellarmine sophomore Grace Edvalds zipped through the Puyallup defense, hot on the trail of a lead pass into the box. Wood came off her line and rushed the ball, but was too late, as Edvalds crushed the ball with her right foot. Unfortunately, the aim was a little off for Edvalds, and the ball sailed just outside of the right post. Puyallup would take its 1-0 lead into the halftime break. Bellarmine and Puyallup went right back at it in the second half. Neither squad was able to get an early push into their opponent’s end of the field, as most of the play took place in the middle-third of the pitch. The Lions finally had another great chance 24 minutes into the second half. Bellarmine would set up for a corner kick, and the players massed in front of the Puyallup goal. After a ricochet out of the box, Bellarmine freshman defender Kylie Leverett had the ball at her feet, and an opening in front of her. However, her right-footed kick didn’t have enough gas on it, and it was covered up by Puyallup freshman goalkeeper Ally Larkin before it could find a home inside the right post. Puyallup would tack on a goal by junior Sydney Evans with just 10 minutes left to play, and the 2-0 lead was too much for Bellarmine to overcome. The Lions host a big match against Sumner on Saturday, Oct. 6, at 3 p.m. Puyallup will host Curtis on Saturday, Oct. 13, at 7:30 p.m.


Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS


TACOMA STARS ADD FORMER SOUNDER JAMES RILEY The Tacoma Stars have continued an impressive off-season of player signings with possibly their biggest name yet. Former Seattle Sounder defender James Riley will don the Stars' argyle kit this season. An 11-year veteran of Major League Soccer, Riley made 84 appearances as a Sounder between 2009 and 2011. Altogether, Riley made an incredible 251 appearances in MLS play, including five Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup victories, as well as an MLS Cup win with the LA Galaxy in 2014. Of late, Riley has been part of the Seattle Sounders and Seattle Sounders S2 broadcast team. Tacoma also announced the return of the “Danish Dynamo” Philip Lund. The 2017-18 Co-Rookie of the Year scored 17 goals and added three assists for the Stars last season, as well as two goals and an assist in the playoffs. Lund spent 2013 with the Seattle Sounders, and has played professionally in the Faroe Islands, Norway and Oklahoma City.

AREA HIGH SCHOOL RESULTS FOOTBALL Thursday, Sept. 27 Peninsula – 28, Timberline – 27 Franklin Pierce – 28, Renton – 6 Friday, Sept. 28 Lincoln – 52, Spanaway Lake – 14 Wilson – 34, Stadium – 14 Bellarmine – 48, South Kitsap – 0 Union – 38, Puyallup – 31 Rogers – 14, Sumner - 10 Bethel – 48, Mt. Tahoma – 19 Lakes – 42, Bonney Lake - 0 Curtis – 56, Emerald Ridge – 0 Fife – 42, Foss – 0 Yelm – 41, Capital - 27 Gig Harbor – 50, N. Thurston – 8 Graham-K – 35, Olympia - 0 Central Kitsap – 50, Shelton – 0 North Kitsap – 35, Clover Park – 0 River Ridge – 50, Evergreen – 0 Steilacoom – 64, Highline – 14 Eatonville – 38, Orting - 21 Washington – 49, Lindbergh - 0 White River – 42, Foster – 22 Pt. Townsend – 40, Vashon – 13 Rainier – 53, Life Christian – 12 Ev. Lutheran - 54, Muckleshoot - 52 Saturday, Sept. 29 Cascade Chr. - 45, Bellevue Chr. - 7 Quilcene – 50, Tacoma Baptist – 34 Charles Wright – 34, Chimacum – 28 GIRLS SOCCER Wednesday, Sept. 26 Renton – 2, Foss – 1 Ocosta – 2, Life Christian – 1 Thursday, Sept. 27 Bonney Lake – 2, Stadium – 1 Lakes – 3, Wilson – 2 Bethel – 7, Mt. Tahoma – 0 Spanaway Lake – 2, Lincoln - 0 Bellarmine – 1, Olympia – 1 Curtis – 2, Sumner – 2 Puyallup – 2, Graham-K – 0 South Kitsap – 1, Rogers – 0 Peninsula – 3, Timberline – 3 Gig Harbor – 7, Yelm – 0 Shelton – 2, Capital – 2 C. Kitsap – 1, N. Thurston – 0 Fife – 9, Foster - 0 Lindbergh – 5, Franklin Pierce – 2

With the addition of former San Diego Sockers’ standout Matt Clare, and the return of breakout star Mike Ramos, and stud Nick Perera, the Stars look like a team on the rise in the Major Arena Soccer League. The Stars kick off the 2018-19 season Saturday, Dec. 1 against the Dallas Sidekicks. Guarantee your seat to all the action by calling 1-844-STARS-84 or go to www. Tacoma Stars games are streamed live on with live stats available at Stay up to date with the Stars by following them on Twitter (@ TacomaStarsSC) or Instagram ( or (

Highline – 6, Washington – 1 Steilacoom – 0, White River – 0 Tyee – 2, Orting – 1 Eatonville – 0, River Ridge – 0 Evergreen – 0, Clover Park - 0 Friday, Sept. 28 Aub. Adventist – 4, Concordia - 3 Saturday, Sept. 29 Emerald Ridge – 1, Mt. Si – 1 Bellevue Chr. - 1, Cascade Chr. - 0 Kalama – 6, Life Christian - 0 Monday, Oct. 1 Stadium – 1, Mt. Tahoma – 0 Eatonville – 2, Tenino – 2 Fife – 7, Highline – 0 Bellevue Chr. - 4, Vashon - 3 Tuesday, Oct. 2 Wilson – 2, Lincoln – 0 Bonney Lake – 3, Lakes – 1 Bethel – 3, Spanaway Lake - 0 Puyallup – 2, Bellarmine – 0 Curtis – 2, Graham Kapowsin – 1 Olympia – 2, Rogers – 0 Sumner – 1, Emerald Ridge – 1 Gig Harbor – 3, Peninsula – 0 Timberline – 3, N. Thurston – 2 C. Kitsap – 2, Shelton – 0 Capital – 4, Yelm – 1 Foster – 5, Foss – 0 Tyee – 2, Steilacoom - 0 Franklin Pierce – 4, R. Ridge – 1 White River – 7, Evergreen – 0 Eatonville – 5, Clover Park – 0 Orting – 5, Renton – 0 Cascade Chr. - 7, Annie Wright – 0 BOYS SOCCER Thursday, Sept. 27 Life Christian – 11, Crosspoint – 3 Ev. Lutheran – 14, Christian Faith – 1 Concordia – 1, Tacoma Baptist - 0 Monday, Oct. 1 Ev. Lutheran – 2, Life Christian – 1 Tacoma Baptist – 10, Chr. Faith – 0 PS Adventist – 6, Concordia - 0 VOLLEYBALL Wednesday, Sept. 26 Stadium – 3, Bonney Lake – 0 Lincoln – 3, Mt. Tahoma – 1 Wilson – 3, Bethel – 0

Spanaway Lake – 3, Lakes - 1 Curtis – 3, Graham Kapowsin – 2 Puyallup – 3, Sumner – 0 Rogers – 3, Emerald Ridge - 1 Vashon – 3, Annie Wright – 0 Bellevue Chr. - 3, Cascade Chr. - 0 Thursday, Sept. 27 Olympia – 3, Bellarmine – 0 Peninsula – 3, Gig Harbor – 1 N. Thurston – 3, Timberline – 1 Capital – 3, Yelm – 0 Central Kitsap – 3, Shelton – 0 Washington – 3, Evergreen – 0 Foss – 3, Franklin Pierce – 0 Orting – 3, Foster – 0 Fife – 3, White River - 1 Highline – 3, Eatonville – 2 Clover Park – 3, Renton – 0 R. Ridge – 3, Tyee – 1 Steilacoom – 3, Lindbergh – 0 Clover Park – 3, Renton – 0 Ilwaco – 3, Chief Leschi – 0 Willapa – 3, Life Christian – 0 Ev. Lutheran – 3, NW Yeshiva – 0 Chr. Faith – 3, Concordia - 1 Saturday, Sept. 29 Tacoma Baptist – 3, Rainier Chr – 0 Darrington – 3, Ev. Lutheran - 0 Monday, Oct. 1 Wilson – 3, Spanaway Lake – 1 Stadium – 3, Bethel – 1 Lakes – 3, Lincoln – 0 Bonney Lake – 3, Mt. Tahoma – 0 Franklin Pierce – 3, Lindbergh – 0 Washington – 3, Highline – 0 Steilacoom – 3, White River – 0 Orting – 3, Tyee – 0 R. Ridge – 3, Eatonville – 0 Foss – 3, Renton – 0 Clover Park – 3, Evergreen – 1 Cascade Chr. - 3, Annie Wright – 0 Rainier Chr. - 3, Chief Leschi – 1 Pope John Paul II – 3, Concordia -2 Ev. Lutheran – 3, MV Christian - 1 Tuesday, Oct. 2 Bellarmine – 3, So. Kitsap – 2 Puyallup – 3, Olympia – 1 Curtis – 3, Rogers – 1 Graham Kapowsin – 3, Sumner – 0 Pe Ell – 3, Chief Leschi – 0 Quilcene – 3, Tacoma Baptist – 1

Tacoma’s Hot Tickets FALL'S BEST FRIDAY, OCT. 5 – FOOTBALL Wilson vs. Mt. Tahoma Mt. Tahoma Stadium – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 5 – FOOTBALL Lincoln vs. Stadium Stadium Bowl – 7 p.m. SATURDAY, OCT. 6 – FOOTBALL Adna vs. Life Christian Harry Lang Stadium – 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10 - USL SOCCER Colorado Springs FC vs. Sounders S2 Cheney Stadium - 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 12 – FOOTBALL Mt. Tahoma vs. Lincoln Lincoln Bowl – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 12 – FOOTBALL Bonney Lake vs. Wilson Stadium Bowl – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 12 – FOOTBALL Spanaway Lake vs. Lakes Harry Lang Stadium – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 12 – FOOTBALL Stadium vs. Bethel Art Crate Stadium – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 12 – FOOTBALL Bellarmine vs. Rogers Sparks Stadium – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 12 – FOOTBALL Emerald Ridge vs. Sumner Sunset Stadium – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 12 – FOOTBALL Graham Kapowsin vs. Curtis Curtis Viking Stadium – 7 p.m. SATURDAY, OCT. 13 – FOOTBALL Vashon vs. Cascade Christian Sunset Stadium – 7 p.m. THURSDAY, OCT. 18 – FOOTBALL Rogers vs. Graham Kapowsin Art Crate Stadium – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 19 – FOOTBALL Lakes vs. Lincoln Lincoln Bowl – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 19 – FOOTBALL Mt. Tahoma vs. Stadium Stadium Bowl – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 19 – FOOTBALL Wilson vs. Spanaway Lake Art Crate Stadium – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 19 – FOOTBALL Bethel vs. Bonney Lake Sunset Stadium – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 19 – FOOTBALL Sumner vs. Bellarmine Bellarmine Memorial Field – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 19 – FOOTBALL Curtis vs. Puyallup Sparks Stadium – 7 p.m. SATURDAY, OCT. 20 – FOOTBALL Heritage vs. Emerald Ridge Sparks Stadium – 7 p.m. THURSDAY, OCT. 25 – FOOTBALL Bellarmine vs. Emerald Ridge Sparks Stadium – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 26 – FOOTBALL Wilson vs. Lakes Harry Lang Stadium – 7 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 26 – FOOTBALL Bonney Lake vs. Mt. Tahoma Mt. Tahoma Stadium – 7 p.m.


TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018



The Tacoma Community College Titans paid a visit to the Green River Gators on Saturday, Sept. 29, hoping to keep within striking distance of the NWAC West Region lead. Playing under night skies, the Titans struck first nearly 16 minutes into the match, when Amanda Rickey took a feed from Aubrey Smith and found the back of the Gators’ net. From that point on, the Titans’ defense would put the clamps on Green River’s offense for the complete game shutout. Kira Kearsley and Aliya Enciso split time in goal for Tacoma, to earn the clean sheet. The Titans return home to host Highline on Saturday, Oct. 6, at 12 p.m.

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City Life






‘RAVEN AND THE BOX OF DAYLIGHT’ Preston Singletary’s new Museum of Glass exhibit is a dramatic experience


Seattle based artist Preston Singletary is a master of his medium: glass. Descended from the Tlingit of Southwest Alaska, Singletary has made a name for himself by continuing the rich artistic traditions of the Native cultures of the Pacific Northwest by inventively working with ancient motifs and forms in the new medium of glass. Through the years, Singletary has achieved stunning results. In his latest show, “Raven and the Box of Daylight” – which opened at the Museum of Glass Oct. 3 – Singletary has taken things up a notch by transforming the museum into a series of installations that tell the Native story of Raven, the light-bringer, the personage who accomplished the feat of bringing light into the world of darkness. In summary, Raven is the trickster and shape-shifter of the mythology of local Native Americans. The story of Raven as light-bringer is as rich in symbolism and layers of meaning as that of any scriptural tradition. This one has been preserved through oral transmission; a story told and retold generation after generation. Singletary worked with Walter Porter, a Tlingit keeper of the story as well as a mythologist and historian. The exhibition was curated by Miranda Belarde-Lewis, PhD (Zuni/ Tlingit). Juniper Shuey helped with the creation of the video projections in the show. In the story, Raven is a white bird, and the world is in darkness. The light is jealously kept as a private possession in the house of a rich man. Raven takes upon himself the task of stealing the light from this man. To accomplish the feat, Raven infiltrates the nobleman’s family by planting himself in the womb of the man’s daughter and being born into the family as the rich man’s grandson. One remarkable feature of the episode of this virgin birth is that Raven is born in humble surroundings, not unlike the nativity of Jesus in the New Testament. Once in the nobleman’s house, Raven is able to open the three boxes in which the rich man keeps the stars, the moon and the sun. These go up the smoke hole and provide light to the exterior world. Furious at Raven’s betrayal, the rich man holds Raven over a fire and Raven is turned black from the smoke. Singletary brings vitality to the story by transforming the museum into a se-


A master of art glass, Tlingit descendant Preston Singletary carries on a rich tradition of visual art and storytelling in a series of installations at the Museum of Glass. “Raven and the Box of Daylight” uses glass sculptures, sound effects and digital projections to tell the story of how Raven was able to bring light to the world. ries of spaces, each of which functions as a chapter of the tale. Visitors to the museum are thus treated to a full sensory experience of the tale. Glass sculptures illustrate parts of the story and each space includes sound effects, video projections and lighting effects that give the whole show a magical impact. In Tlingit cultural tradition (and that of the local tribes), the key stories were conveyed by a similar sensory experience with masked dancers, music, drumming and songs that allowed for a live participation in the story. Singletary manages to extend the tradition with new media and technol-

ogy. His doing so is an act of generosity. In reaching beyond tribal and ethnic affiliation, Singletary allows everyone to come into the light of this rich story. W a l k i n g through the museum, a visitor goes from the dark, ancient rain forest and into the richness of the nobleman’s house. There is a fantastic sculpture of the Raven in his primordial form as the white bird. The nobleman’s house is furnished with a display of lush objects (which function as something of a mini retrospective of some of Singletary’s past work). Next, there is a mysterious room where the three boxes are kept, the

boxes that contain the stars, the sun and the moon. This moody space precedes the entry into the glorious and expansive final room, which illustrates the world of the first sunrise. It is a large space of sunshine and light that the Raven has made possible. This room is filled with magnificent bust portraits of people dressed in garments decorated with geometric designs and decked out in fanciful hats, many of them surmounted by animal forms. The colors of the glass are a lush as candies and bath products made for the rich and famous. Stepping into this final room is like coming into a treasure vault or the most holy part of a fantastic temple. “Raven and the Box of Daylight” is not a simple museum exhibit of precious objects; it is a dramatic experience that has a palpable impact upon the viewer. The show is on view through August of next year. This show is a monumental achievement by an artistic genius. For more information, visit


Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS


We have entered Tacoma Arts Month. Wednesday, Oct. 3 was the official kickoff at the Kaleidoscope party and now the entire month of October is marked off as a time to focus on the arts that are thriving here in this City of Destiny. The heart of Arts Month is the Tacoma Studio Tour. During the weekend of Oct. 13 and 14 – from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day – arts tourists will be able to visit the lairs of creativity and the dens of inspiration where our artists transform the raw stuff of visions, theories and imaginings into sensory objects that embody the ideas of their creators. You can visit the shops of jewelry makers, the work spaces of painters, the caverns where sculptors work, the places where photographers shoot and the gloriously messy pits where potters transform humble mud into fine, fanciful vessels. The 2018 studio tour features more than 80 artists working out of 47 different spaces. For a map and complete listing of all participating studios, go to The studio locations will have maps and passports as well. The Tacoma Studio Tour Passport can be found in the Tacoma Studio Tour brochure (available at all studio locations during the tour and at many Tacoma cultural institutions ahead of time). All of the studios will have an arts activity that visitors can take part in. Examples include making a paperweight in hot glass or a bead with a torch at Hilltop Artists' studio, creating a small assemblage using found objects at David Bader’s studio, or trying your hand at scenography at Joe Becker’s photography studio. Arts Month organizers have put out a fun passport book. You can get your book stamped at each of the studios that you visit. Once you’ve collected at least seven stamps, you can enter a drawing for a chance to win one of several prize packages. The 2018 prize packages include artwork hand-crafted by select artists. Below is a select listing of some of the studios that tourists can visit. Additional note: Not all of the studios are open both days of the tour. Some are open Saturday only, others only open on Sunday. Most, however, are open the entire weekend. Selection of stops on the Tacoma Art Studio Tour: HILLTOP ARTISTS: GLASS Studio #26: 602 N. Sprague Ave. • Open Saturday, Oct. 13 Dedicated to the mission “Using glass art to connect young people from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds to better futures,” Hilltop Artists was founded in 1994 and has grown to provide 650+ young people annually, ages 12-20, with hot glass instruction, related arts training and adult mentoring in an experiential learning environment. Enter the hot shop on the west side of Jason Lee Middle School near the basketball courts. Demo: Make a paperweight in hot glass or bead with a torch (age 12+ only). Under 12: Try out some coloring activities and jewelry-making experiences. Info: JENNIFER CHIN: PAINTING, COLLAGE, PRINTMAKING, MIXED MEDIA Studio #11: 1901 Jefferson Ave., #300 • Open Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 13 and 14 Since childhood, Jennifer Chin has been asking “why” and “what if.” Her quest to find the deeper meaning hidden beneath a slurry of “because” led her to the technology sector. Computers work along a golden thread of logical and defined connections. She observed that humans struggle with the nu-

ance “do what I want” versus “do what I ask.” She has been exploring this discord through paint, collage, and printmaking ever since. There is logic in the chaotic network around us, and to Chin, it is beautiful. Demo: Make a small artist book/zine. Info: BILL COLBY: PRINTS AND PAINTINGS Studio #40: 1847 N. Skyline Dr. (enter from lower level entrance) • Open Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 13 and 14 The joy of nature is within all of us and in Bill Colby’s artwork. His seven decades of creativity have much variety and he is inspired by themes that last several years and sometimes return. He has created woodcuts of nature and birds, watercolor landscapes, and painted architecture and artifacts of Asia and India. Rain and cosmos inspire him in the new millennium, featuring wood grain and vibrant hues. Demo: Make a small woodcut print on rice paper. Info: CREATIVE COLLOQUY: LITERARY ARTS, PERFORMING ARTS Studio #2: 5412 South Tacoma Way • Open Sunday, Oct. 14 Creative Colloquy fosters the writing community in the South Sound through unique literary events and publications. The non-profit literary organization was founded in February of 2014 with the intention of fostering relationships built upon the mutual admiration of the written word and providing a platform to highlight literary talent in the South Sound. Demo: Make or watch a demonstration of a zine or chapbook; participate in an open-mic opportunity. Info: DEBBI COMMODORE: LETTERPRESS, BOOK ARTS, PAPER CUTTING Studio #29: 1710 North Fife St. • Open Saturday, Oct. 13 Debbi Commodore is a letterpress and paper cutting artist who focuses on bringing these elements into her artist books. Her work can be grouped into three themes, urban community, using materials outside of their intended utility, and nature. The themes found in her work are fluid and intersect with one another. Her curiosity of the book form explores pushing traditional book format outside its boundaries. Demo: Fold and create a unique book from provided supplies using the dragon fold structure. Info: CHERYL DE GROOT: METAL JEWELRY Studio #7: 2926 S. Steele St., 2nd floor • Open Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 13 and 14 Cheryl De Groot has been producing jewelry for many years. She has also taught jewelry making at the college level, welded ships, fished commercially in Alaska, and has rounded up cattle for different ranches in the west. Demo: String beads onto leather. Info: ALICE DI CERTO: JEWELRY, PHOTOGRAPHY Studio #42: 3419 N. Ferdinand St. • Open Sunday, Oct. 14 As an artist, Alice Di Certo is interested in photography, jewelry, and sculpture. She is interested to explore, through art, social and environmental issues as well as her personal view of beauty. In jewelry, she explores the use of natural objects and spices instead of traditional gems, and likes to experiment with different materials and techniques. At the studio tour, she

will show her jewelry as well as her photographs. Demo: Create a found objects pendant. Info: LYNN DI NINO: SWEATERS (KNITS) Studio #7: 2926 S. Steele St., 2nd floor • Open Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 13 and 14 Recent additions to Lynn Di Nino’s sweater coat collection include: men’s long coats, women’s fingertip length coats created from sweaters, and found knits. All garments feature Di Nino’s signature invention: ‘sock’ pockets. Demo: Watch a demonstration on flat-felled seams. Info: BECKY FREHSE: MIXED MEDIA PAINTING AND ASSEMBLAGE Studio #7: 2926 S. Steele St., 2nd Floor • Open Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 13 and 14 Becky Frehse’s studio practice revolves around her exploration of musical themes as visual sensations of rhythm, tempo, key modulation, and so on. Often a ruled, musical staff is the underpinning for many layers of textured modeling compounds and lush color. Repurposed musical instruments or fragments of instruments are sometimes integrated with collage and painting as mixed media constructions. Demo: Use a press mold to create a doll’s face with Sculpt-It. Info: LISA KINOSHITA: ART, CRAFT, ECLECTIC DESIGN Studio #14: 821 Pacific Ave. • Open Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 13 and 14 MINKA presents art, craft and furnishings by emerging and established artists. This stimulating show features large-scale painting by Lauren Boilini, carved wood-and-wool sheep by Sonja Bergström, paper sculpture by Lisa Kinoshita, and an exhibit of Japanese folk textiles curated by Paula Shields. Snow Winters will offer a hands-on activity for attendees, repurposing acrylic remnants to make jewelry and mosaic tiles. Demo: Watch Winters demonstrate jewelry-making using remnants from acrylic manufacturing. Info: CHANDLER O’LEARY: ILLUSTRATION, LETTERING, BOOK ARTS Studio #31: 2911 N. 27th St. • Open Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 13 and 14 Chandler O’Leary is a Rhode Island School of Design graduate and the proprietor of Anagram Press, specializing in lettering and illustration. O'Leary is the author and artist of the illustrated travel blog Drawn the Road Again, and one half of the collaborative team behind the Dead Feminists book and broadside series. Her next book, an illustrated road trip atlas of the West Coast, will be published by Sasquatch Books in April 2019. Demo: Try your hand at pochoir and create a gift tag to take home. Info: REID OZAKI: CERAMICS Studio #8: 2515 B South Tacoma Way • Open Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 13 and 14 For more than 40 years, Reid Ozaki has been creating finely crafted work influenced by the ceramic traditions of Japan. Ceramics has not only served as a point of artistic focus for Ozaki, but also as a gateway into Japanese art forms like Ikebana and Chanoyu. The study of the tea ceremony and its customary utensils has become a potent source of inspiration and key to the aesthetic that he pursues. Demo: View the various steps of ceramic work in process and images of the firing process. Info:


TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018

ART GALLERY ROUNDUP Your guide to visual arts venues in the City of Destiny

image” in the work of contemporary independent comics artists. The artists are interested particularly in perspectives on the body that challenge broad cultural assumptions about health, gender, race, beauty, ability, nudity and sex. The exhibit will consider how bodies move through the world – as sensitive skin, as vulnerable meat, as human and as animal. Info: campus-the-northwest/places-spaces/ kittredge-gallery


New art shows have been popping up like mushrooms all over town. Here is a listing of some of the most recent offerings. 253 COLLECTIVE 1901 Jefferson Ave., Suite 100, Tacoma “An Abstract Coupling: A Fine Art Show” • Oct. 14 through Nov. 10; Artist Reception, Third Thursday Art Walk, Oct. 18, 4-8 p.m. Featuring the work of artists Diana Carey and Jonathon Gorman Carey studied metal working at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. Her sculptures emerge from dreams and take shape as the metal directs where it wants to go. Her light, fluid sculptures counterbalance the rigidity of the medium she is working with. The sculptures are meant to be touched, allowing the observer to move with them. Carey has been creating steel sculptures for six years. Gorman received his Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in painting and drawing from the University of Washington, School of Art. His recent work examines the connection between our “sense of self” and our “sense of place”. Gorman constructs complexities in texture, form and color that convey emotional tensions transfixed in space and time. Info: 950 GALLERY 950 Pacific Ave., Suite 205, Tacoma Galen Turner and Chris Sharp • Through Oct. 18 Galen Turner is a Tacoma artist who works in neon and assemblage. Chris Sharp is the inaugural winner of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation’s Foundation of Art Award and is a well-known sign painter in the Tacoma area. Info: gallery ART ABOVE 321 Pacific Ave., Tacoma “Journey Through the Day of the Dead” • Through Nov. 30; Reception Oct. 13-14, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the Tacoma Studio Tour Explore two of the great cultural traditions of Mexico: Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) featuring a vibrant altar created by art expert Dr. Antonio Sanchez and “Folk art of Oaxaca,” an exhibit of whimsical animal sculptures carved by the world-famous artisans of Oaxaca, Mexico. From the collections of Brian Ebersole and Dr. Sanchez. The show also features new work by Jeremiah Maddock. Info: FEAST ART CENTER GALLERY 1402 S. 11th St., Tacoma “Catherine’s Garden” • Through Oct. 14 Nichole Rathburn is an installation artist and sculptor who uses her artistic practice as an opportunity to make connections. Hoping to encourage a sense of awareness and communication, she aims to draw the viewer out of the fog of the modern world and divert their attention to the unobserved. Visually, she

253 Collective

Fireside Gallery

950 Gallery Minka


Tacoma is exploding with art work. An abundance of work is on display at galleries and art spots all over town. You can view everything from Mexican folk art (at Art Above Gallery) to traditional oil and acrylic paintings to creations make in neon. is interested in enlarging small patterns and subtle movements found in nature, using these textures to evoke a sense of empathy. Rathburn earned a BFA in Fine Art with an emphasis in sculpture, printmaking and video from Cornish College of the Arts in 2010 and is currently employed as a foundry artisan, which has greatly influenced her artistic practice by granting her access to new materials and processes. Info: events/317087415762534 STEILACOOM FIRESIDE GALLERY Steilacoom Community Center, 2301 S. Worthington St., Steilacoom Paintings by Anne Doane and Barbara Beaver • Through Oct. 29 Paintings by Anne Doane and Barbara Beaver are on display at Steilacoom Fireside Gallery. Watercolor, oil and mixed media paintings are featured in the show. Both artists are members of Pacific Gallery Artists. Gallery hours: Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed weekends and holidays). Info: HANDFORTH GALLERY Tacoma Public Library Main Branch, 1102 Tacoma Ave., Tacoma

“Where the Wild Things Are” • Through Dec. 1 The traveling “Memorial Exhibition…50 Years, 50 Works, 50 Reasons” includes work from Sendak’s estate, museums, and private collectors, providing a rare opportunity for Puget Sound residents and those living beyond to view 50 drawings, watercolors, prints and other original pieces that represent Sendak’s career. Supplemental informative displays on Sendak’s life and work accompany each work. Come to Tacoma Public Library to meet Max, his monsters and others of Sendak’s beloved “Where the Wild Things Are” characters as he envisioned them and brought them to life on paper. Tacoma Public Library’s Handforth Gallery is proud to host this nationally acclaimed exhibit, which can be viewed free during library hours at the Main Branch (Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.). Info: handforth-gallery KITTREDGE GALLERY University of Puget Sound “Comix Body” • Oct. 8 through Nov. 1; Reception Oct 29, 5-7 p.m. with panel interview of featured artists “Comix Body,” curated by Mita Mahato, will focus on the concept of “body

MINKA 821 Pacific Ave., Tacoma “The Jungle” • Oct. 13 through Dec, 31; Reception Nov. 15, 5-8 p.m. Just in, epic paintings by Lauren Boilini! Lauren will be at the studio tour on Oct. 13, 2-5 p.m.; her show will be up through Dec. 31.Composed of five large panels, “The Jungle” was originally created for an installation at the Amazon Campus in Seattle. This work explores themes of male aggression, the effects of overcrowding, ecological devastation, nature stripped down to its essence. Alongside it, Boilini produced a book of drawings, “The Fugue: An Island Love Story,” published by Last Word Press in Olympia. “The Fugue” consists of small drawings based around the artist’s observations on sport and war, and their mutual relationship to violence. The story takes place on a fictional island in which only male members of different species have survived, with the destruction that inevitably follows. Here, Boilini talks about “The Jungle” in her own words: “In my current body of work, I examine modes of excess. The concept of gluttony is reflected by our culture, where images of excess have become both ubiquitous and meaningless, eventually dissolving into the realm of pattern. We are a hedonistic society, always hungry for more, until the ‘more’ we are seeking loses its meaning. “My studio practice consists of large-scale, mural-sized paintings, though I also often work directly on wall surfaces, exploring painting-as-installation. Because of their large dimensions, my paintings have the potential for physically dominating a space, as well as psychologically overwhelming the viewer. “Research and exploration are vital to my studio practice. Considering the concept of excess, I have been fascinated by the phenomena of crowds, of people converging together in one place. I investigate various events and practices that force masses of life forms together, to discover how they interact when driven in hordes. This includes religious practices, festivals, holidays, political gatherings, orgies, feeding frenzies, stampedes, riots, migrations, etc. Recently, I have been drawn to images of battles and duels, where opposing forces fight for the same space. I am interested in what compels us toward violence and the destruction of life.” Info:

u See GALLERIES / page 24


The Things We Like UPCOMING EVENTS: OCT. 12-13, 6 P.M.

Haunted Hall

Center at Norpoint, 4818 Nassau Ave. NE, Tacoma Bring the family for a frightfully fun walk through the Haunted Hall at the Center at Norpoint. Spirits will take over Cascade Hall for two nights only – Friday, Oct. 12 and Saturday, Oct. 13 from 6-8 p.m. Children 5 and under are free. Children 7 and under must be accompanied by an adult. $5 per person at the door or buy tickets in advance and save.  INFO: php?cid=10401 SATURDAY, OCT. 13, 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M.

Orting Pumpkin Fest

Orting City Park, Foothills Trail, Orting Featuring: Food and beverage booths with pumpkin menu items; Orting Valley Farmer’s Market; live entertainment for all ages on two stages; rod and custom car show; games, bounce house and amusements for kids; arts and crafts vendors in the park; Little Pumpkin Pals Parade (at noon); Point Defiance Pirates; The Rockin’ RF’s; Jeweled Scarab Dance Company; Worthy Ministry Stage; Life Christian Eagle Drumline; Act 1 Theater Production-Scarecrows. The Little Pumpkin Pals Parade is open to kids in pumpkin-themed costumes to parade on the Foothills Trail from the Bell Tower to Car Show and back to the gazebo. Prizes will be awarded.  INFO: or email or email SUNDAY, OCT. 14, 1-9:30 P.M.

Grand Dance Extravaganza

STAR Center, 3873 S. 66th St., Tacoma Dance Workshops, performances, and social dancing will all take place at the 15th annual Metro Parks Tacoma and USA Dance Tacoma #1023 Dance Extravaganza. The event features live music and dance performances. Residents $75; non-residents $82; USA Dance members/STAR pass holders $65. Individual workshops: $15 pre-dance lesson and dance: $12 (students $5). Dinner, pre-dance lesson and dance: $25  INFO:; or call STAR Center (253) 404-3939. THURSDAY, OCT. 18, 6 P.M.

Michael Magee Poetry Reading W.W. Seymour Conservatory, 316 S. G St., Tacoma Michael Magee will read from his new poetry collection, “How We Move Toward Light,” (MoonPath Press) and selected works about Marcel, Proust, Walt Whitman and Neil Young in the Wright Park setting. A Q&A and book signing will follow. Magee’s poems have appeared in “In Tahoma’s Shadow,” “Cirque Magazine” and “Journal of Wild Culture.” He has read at San Francisco’s Dancing Poetry Contest, Shakespeare and Company, Paris and for BBC Radio in England. Suggested Conservatory donation $3.  INFO: php?cid=10391 THURSDAY, OCT. 18, 6 P.M.

A Brief History of the Tacoma Buddhist Temple

Tacoma Buddhist Temple, 1717 Fawcett Ave., Tacoma Coming this fall to three of Tacoma’s iconic historic buildings, a team of writers will present stories they have gathered about Pierce County history as part of HistoryLink’s Pierce County: Writing Our History project. With funding from the Pierce County Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission, HistoryLink has brought together a group of Pierce County writers and advisors to build the Pierce County-related content on HistoryLink. org. Tamiko Nimura and Justin Wadland will present, “Stories of Resilience, Sangha, & Kendo: A Brief History of the Tacoma Buddhist Temple” at the Tacoma Buddhist Temple.  INFO: 2113419185547105

Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS

COMMUNITY THEATER ROUNDUP Your guide to community theater in and around the City of Destiny


The world of community theater is heating up. Check out everything that is about to transpire on a stage near you: TACOMA LITTLE THEATRE 210 N. I St., Tacoma Upcoming: “Bell, Book and Candle” • Oct. 26 through Nov. 11 Tacoma Little Theatre continues its 100th Anniversary Season with a Halloween treat for everyone: John Van Druten’s bewitchingly fun romantic comedy “Bell, Book and Candle,” directed by Brett Carr. Gillian Holroyd is one of the few modern people who can actually cast spells and perform feats of supernaturalism. She casts a spell over an unattached publisher, Shepherd Henderson, partly to keep him away from a rival and partly because she is attracted to him. He falls head over heels in love with her at once and wants to marry her. But witches, unfortunately, cannot fall in love, and this minute imperfection leads to a number of difficulties before they find out if they can live happily ever after. “Bell, Book and Candle” is recommended for ages 8 and up. Upcoming: Muh Grog Zoo • Oct. 12, 8 p.m. Join Muh Grog Zoo for a very special milestone performance of Muh Grog Zoo’s Improvised one-act Plays. They’ll be getting their 149th and 150th word this night. These randomly chosen words (from two audience members) will provide MGZ the wherewithal to do two, 40-minute Improvised one-act plays. Tickets: $10 Info: Upcoming: “Fatal Football Fever” Murder Mystery Dinner The Social Bar and Grill, 1715 Dock St., Tacoma • Oct. 11-13, 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 14, 3 p.m. Tacoma Little Theatre starts off the football season with The Social Bar and Grill to present a murder mystery dinner experience perfect for the gridiron: “Fatal Football Fever,” directed by Karen Christensen. What happens when a small town becomes the potential site for a brand new professional football team? The town’s wealthiest residents, Dan and Nancy Ann SeAnsee, would certainly like their names on the scoreboard, as would an aspiring entrepreneur, Andre Pennewer. Throw in two lovely, nouveau riche sisters, Les and Jesse Abelle, a love-sick mayor, Paul Tishen, and an ex-football player, Heathro Ancatch, and you’ve got a locker room full of trouble. Find out who scores and who is taken off the field in this deadly game. Info: TACOMA MUSICAL PLAYHOUSE 7116 6th Ave., Tacoma Now Showing: “Newsies, the Broadway Musical” • Through Oct. 7 Set in turn-of-the century New York City, “Newsies” is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a band of teenaged “newsies.” When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys’ expense, Jack rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions and fight for what’s right. Tickets: $22-$31 Upcoming: “How I Became a Pirate” • Oct. 27 through Nov. 4: Saturday, Oct. 27, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.; Sunday, Oct. 28, 2 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. 3, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 4, 2 p.m. Ahoy, mateys! It’s time to step aboard for a high seas adventure: TMP Family Theater announces its first musical of the 2018-2019 season, “How I Became A Pirate.” The play is based on the picture book “How I Became a Pirate” by Melinda Long and illustrated by David Shannon. The musical amps up the fun of Captain Braid Beard (a non-threatening but playfully gruff Nicholas Bray) searching for a digger to help him and his crew bury his treasure. When he notes the skill with which Jeremy has created a sandcastle, as well as his fine shov-

el, he whisks young Jeremy aboard his boat. “A Good One to Boot” kicks off the show as the cast of pirates sings and dances with infectious energy. Sail off on a fantastic musical excursion when a band of comical pirate’s lands at North Beach looking for an expert digger to join their crew. Jeremy finds that adventuring can be lots of fun, but also learns that love and home are treasures you can’t find on any map. Info: LAKEWOOD PLAYHOUSE 5729 Lakewood Towne Center Blvd. SW, Lakewood Upcoming: “The fourth annual Lakewood Playhouse Theatre Awards” • Sunday, Oct. 7, 6-8 p.m. Join the Lakewood Playhouse crew as they celebrate the shows from last season and the incredible achievements made by the cast and crew members of the shows of Lakewood Playhouse’s Amazing 79th Season (20172018). This free event will feature awards voted on by the Lakewood Playhouse Season ticket and flex pass holders from last season. Everyone is invited, but seating is limited to 151. Upcoming: “War of the Worlds” • Oct. 12-14 Lakewood Playhouse’s hugely popular live radio show returns for the eleventh year in a row with its annual Halloween radio gala. This year celebrates the radio play that terrified American, “The War of the Worlds.” The entire show will be presented as if it were live from a radio studio straight out of the ‘40s; complete with live sound effects. Performances are Friday, Oct. 12 and Saturday Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. and Sunday Oct. 14, 2 p.m. Since it is Halloween season, costumes are welcomed but not required. Entry into the show includes a glass of wine and complimentary hor d’oeurves. Upcoming: “An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe” • Oct. 19-20, 7:30 p.m. South Sound Veteran Actor Tim Hoban recreates an audience with Edgar Allen Poe as he promotes a magazine called “The Stylus” and the stories and poetry found within. Tickets: $10 Info: CENTERSTAGE THEATRE 3200 SW Dash Point Rd., #A-1, Federal Way Upcoming: “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged” Through Oct. 21 All of Shakespeare’s plays. Three actors. 97 minutes. No footnotes needed. Tickets: $12-$29 Info: PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY At PLU Eastvold Auditorium Stage Upcoming: “Constellations” by Nick Payne • Oct. 5-6, 7:30 p.m. At PLU Phillips Center Studio Theatre Through a fugue of vignettes, Roland and Marianne’s lives unfold in a multiverse of possibilities. Tickets: $5 (free PLU students) Info: Upcoming: “Medea” by Euripides • Oct. 25-27, 7:30 p.m., Oct. 28, 2 p.m. At PLU Eastvold Auditorium Stage When her husband leaves her for another woman, Medea takes vengeance in this startling and dramatic classic. Tickets: $5-$10 (free for PLU students) Info: UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND Norton Clapp Theatre, Jones Hall Upcoming: “Antigone” by Sophocles • Oct. 26, 27, Nov. 1-3, 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 4, 2 p.m. Sophocles’ “Antigone” is the story of a young woman who brings an entire empire to its knees because she does what she believes is right – she buries her brother’s


TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018

MURALISTS WANTED Mural work to begin in Tacoma and Puyallup

Culture Corner A guide to cultural organizations of Tacoma

COMING TO A CULTURE SPOT WITHIN THE TACOMA ORBIT: Lovers of brass will have a couple of good chances to hear some prime examples of great brass music at two upcoming, free events: SUNDAY, OCT. 7, 7 P.M.

Brass Band Tacoma: Debut Concert


Aspiring muralists have a couple of upcoming opportunities to either submit ideas to become a Spaceworks mural artist or to participate in the creation of a mural at a site in Puyallup.


Are you interested in becoming a muralist and joining the illustrious ranks of artists like Diego Rivera and Banksy? There are a couple of opportunities locally to get your foot in the door. Spaceworks is a Tacoma based arts program that works to foster local artists. They are currently accepting applications for artists wanting to create murals and art installations. Spaceworks artists temporarily place 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, mural or multi-media art installations in storefront windows, outdoor spaces, and an outdoor video gallery in the city of Tacoma. The program offers an artist stipend (approximately $500 for installations, $750-$1,500 murals) to support the creation of new work and site-specific projects, or the installation of existing work. Since launching in 2010, Spaceworks has commissioned more than 150 art installations. Spaceworks seeks visual artists and visual artist teams from the Pacific Northwest who can develop a site responsive, temporary public art display and successfully and fully activate a public space that is visible 24/7. The artist should be experienced and seeking a unique location to exhibit artwork, and be one who can create an enticing destination-quality visual display for passersby. Any individual artist or artist team in the Pacific Northwest (including Canada) may apply. The selection panelists are asked to base their decisions using the following criteria: overall aesthetic quality of art submitted in work samples; ingenuity in concept of art submitted in work samples; ability to create work that would engage passers by and ability to implement unique display methods of art. Apply at www.spaceworkstacoma. com/apply-to-streetside-artscapes. Deadline for the current applicants is Nov. 29, 11:59 p.m. Please note that this application is asking to see past work only. Specific proposals will happen later in the process, after the applicant has been accepted. If you don’t yet have the experience to meet the application requirements, Spaceworks hosts periodic information sessions geared toward helping new

artists develop their public art skills. (Check for the dates of these.) Another opportunity to work on a mural is coming up in Puyallup. Wellknown, California-based artist Roberto Salas will be creating a mural in Puyallup and is inviting local folks to come participate in the work. This is a good opportunity to have a hands-on opportunity. The planning meeting for the Puyallup mural is Monday, Oct. 8, 7 p.m. at Thr3e Coffee, 202 7th St. SW, Puyallup. The free mural creation with Salas runs Oct. 8 through Oct. 14. The finishing day is followed by a one-hour lecture and chili feed Sunday, Oct. 14, 5-6 p.m. The mural is to be painted near the community garden across from Puyallup High School. For more information, contact Chuck Fitzgerald at chuck@northwest-designs. com or office administrator Judi Nix at Of his work, Salas says, “Building these public art projects stems from both the conceptual and physical potential of the sites. My goal is to create work that is inter-generational, crosses economic divisions and speaks to a local audience of similar yet unique life experiences. “My site-specific artworks conceptually integrate local history, community identity, and cultural linkages between people and time. The integration of the community profile in the development of the artwork has proved essential in public settings. I have completed commissions that have dealt with large-scale wall surfaces. These projects include relief sculptures, mosaics and painted murals. Other commissions in outdoor settings include large-scale stone steles, road sign and totemic sculptures, and seating areas. “Each commission has integrated community focus groups and/or professional engineers/architects’ input either through collaborative brainstorming workshops or hands-on participation. Additionally, through research, my ideas and imagery are inspired by a community’s local history and geography. “It is my goal to provide a positive experience to communities of diverse populations, who may rarely frequent art institutions to experience visual arts.”

Building 2, Tacoma Community College, near corner of South 12th Street and Mildred Street, Tacoma Dr. John Falskow will conduct the premiere concert of Brass Band Tacoma. The band consists of some of the strongest brass and percussionists from South Puget Sound. Featured soloists are - Jason Gilliam (euphonium), and Denise Cline (alto horn). Program: Peter Graham’s “Prelude on Tallis;” Lovatt Cooper’s “Dark Side of the Moon;” Philip Sparke’s “Aria” (featuring Cline in an alto horn solo); Kenneth Alford’s “On the Quarterdeck;” Jacob de Haan’s “Diogenes;” Edward Elgar’s “Nimrod;” John Hartmann’s “Variations on Rule Britannia” (featuring a euphonium solo by Gilliam); Erik Satie’s “Gymnopedie No. 1;” and Frank Loesser’s “Luck be a Lady.” This concert is free and open to the public. For more information, visit


The Choppers Brass Quintet Slavonian Hall, 2306 N. 30th St., Tacoma Classical Tuesdays is excited to bring a brass quintet to Slavonian Hall. The free concert starts at 7 p.m. The Choppers Brass Quintet members are active throughout the Northwest region: Shelly Devlin, trumpet; Denise Cline, trumpet; Stacey Eliason, French horn; Barry Ehrlich, trombone; Jameson Bratcher, tuba. They’ll play works by popular American composers including Eric Ewazen, Leonard Bernstein and others. Join Classical Tuesdays in Old Town for coffee and cookies before the music starts. For more information, visit

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Sunday All Day Happy Hour!




Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS


Broadway Center presents ‘We Banjo 3’ We Banjo 3 is one of the most prolific and exciting bands to emerge from Ireland in recent years. Featuring banjo, fiddle, mandolin, guitar, percussion and beautiful harmonies, We Banjo 3’s music is affectionately described as “Celtgrass.” The Galway-based quartet comprises two sets of brothers, Enda and Fergal Scahill and Martin and David Howley, who collectively hold more than a dozen “All Ireland” titles. We Banjo 3 released their fourth studio recording, “Haven,” on July 27 as the follow up to their highly acclaimed 2016 release, “String Theory,” which went to # 1 on Billboard’s World Music Chart. We Banjo 3’s unique crossover of many genres of music is beautifully reflected on “Haven.” The 11 original compositions take the listener on an exploratory, honest and uplifting musical journey. “Haven” reached # 1 on Billboard’s Bluegrass Chart the week of Aug. 13 as well as making many other charts. The video for the single “Light in The Sky” premiered on on Aug. 30 and is still on their list of most trending videos.

“Haven” has received rave reviews including four stars from Irish Times. said, “Their blend of Celtic and bluegrass with dashes of folk-pop, and country is perfectly suited for the Americana scene. Their songs fall comfortably into The Lumineers style of earnest folk pop anthems.” Elmore Magazine said, “It’s as if Punch Brothers, Sam Bush, Jerry Douglas and The Chieftains all got together for a battle of the bands but decided to pool their resources instead. The future of world music is here.” We Banjo 3 has developed a loyal following in the U.S., Ireland and other parts of the world, winning over audiences at major music and Irish festivals and prestigious venues with their joyous, engaging live show. In a review of this year’s ROMP festival, Semi-Bluegrass said, “Probably my favorite set of the week, and arguably the most engaging and entertaining was the geton-your-feet CeltGrass performance of Ireland’s We Banjo 3. The band drew fans to the front of the stage like iron filings to a magnet and their energy and


We Banjo 3, a group of Irish musicians, will be playing a concert of their Celtic brand of bluegrass at the Rialto Theater Oct. 12. enthusiasm rippled through the crowd setting the stage for a great night of music. When they come around your neck of the woods, go see owe it to yourself.” Appearing with We Banjo 3 is Skerryvore, a band that creates a unique fusion of folk, rock and Americana that represents all the different personalities

and upbringing of the eight band members from different regions of Scotland. They are two-time winners of Scotland’s Traditional Music ‘Live Act of the Year’ Award (2016 and 2011). The show takes place Friday, Oct. 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rialto Theater (310 S. 9th St.). Tickets are $29, $39, $49. For information, visit


A group from recent Dance Theatre Northwest Jr Dance Ensemble class. (Top, left to right): Company member Oceana Thunder, Jr.; Dance Ensemble members Willow Marx, Annalise Mitchell, Haley Copeland, Phoebe Holland, Ellice Bledsoe, Olivia Estes; and DTNW’s Artistic Director Melanie Kirk-Stauffer. (Lower, left to right): Lilie Nausid, Jessilyn Ye, Suza Haskins, Hannah Priscoe, Emily Cunningham, Fancy Williamson, Liza Morado and Dana Falskow. JAZZ LIVE AT MARINE VIEW HOSTS 100TH CONCERT Guitarist, composer and arranger Chieli Minucci ( will take the stage at Marine View Church (Marine View Church, 8469 Eastside Dr. NE, Tacoma) on Sunday, Oct. 14 at 5 p.m. to celebrate Jazz LIVE at Marine View’s 100th jazz concert. Minucci is the longtime leader of the Grammy-nominated jazz-fusion group Special EFX featuring Chieli Minucci, a major force on the jazz and world music scene for 35 years. Besides writing and performing his own music, Minucci shares his guitar brilliance throughout the entertainment world. He has recorded and performed with many top artists, such as Celine Dion, Lionel Richie, Jennifer Lopez, Jewel, Mark Anthony, Michael Bolton, Anastasia, as well as jazz artists Kirk Whalum, Jeff Lorber, Norman Brown, Bernie Williams, Marion Meadows, Lao Tizer, Mindi Abair, Rick Braun, Gerald Veasley, Omar Hakim and many others. Although renowned in the jazz and pop world, Minucci is also a gifted television and film composer. He has won three Emmy Awards and been nominated 10 times for his eclectic compositional work on CBS’s “The Guiding Light.” He has written music for well-known programs such as “Dancing with the Stars,” “American Idol,” “Good Morning America”

(theme), “Bloomberg Radio” (theme), “Access Hollywood,” “The 700 Club” and others. His music can also be heard on the soundtracks of the films “Bowfinger,” “Legally Blonde,” “Panic” and others. Minucci’s original scoring work can be heard in live stage productions of “Peter Pan,” “Dora the Explorer,” “Thomas the Tank Engine” and others. Lao Tizer ( has collaborated with Minucci for many years. He is a superb keyboardist, pianist and composer. Embracing a wide range of musical influences, he fronts his own band with the likes of Minucci, Eric Marienthal on sax, Karen Briggs on violin and multi-instrumentalist Steve Nieves. Also appearing for the special occasion are two in-demand area musicians: bassist Osama Afifi and drummer Brad Boal. Don’t miss a great celebration of the popular South Sound concert series. Admission free to all ages. For information call (253) 229-9206 or visit www. AUDITIONS BRING IN NEW DANCE THEATRE NORTHWEST COMPANY MEMBERS Auditions were recently held at Dance Theatre Northwest for DTNW’s Junior and Advanced Junior Dance Ensemble. Congratulations to the newest mem-

bers Pearl Brooks, Emily Cunningham, Dana Falskow, Francesca King, Jessilyn Ye and Victoria Yeager, along with returning ensemble members Ellice Bledsoe, Haley Copeland, Olivia Estes, Gigi Herrera, Sophie Herrera, Suza Haskins, Phoebe Holland, Paige Hubers, Willow Marx, Annalise Mitchell, Liza Morado, Lilie Nausid, Hannah Prisco, Fancy Williamson and Emma Young. With auditions consisting of classical ballet barre, center and pointe work, dancers who auditioned will be awarded roles in upcoming holiday community outreach performances. These performers, along with company members Katherine Neumann, Oceana Thunder, guest artists and student performers, will be the backbone of this season’s “Nutcracker.” They will also offer numerous DTNW community outreach performances throughout the 2018-2019 season. DTNW’s goal is to provide American contemporary and classical dance performance and ballet-based dance education; to maintain artistic integrity; and to offer the community an opportunity to experience dance as an important art form. DTNW was incorporated as 501-c-3 for arts Education and Performances in 1986 and has done more than 31 years’ service to the u See ARTS MONTH / page 24


TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018

Tacoma Concert Band announces new season, new conductor

Night Life TW PICK OF THE WEEK: UPS Piano Trio Come to University of Puget Sound’s Thompson Hall on Sunday Oct. 7, 2 p.m. for the inaugural concert of the Puget Sound Piano Trio Series. This first season will feature three Brahms piano trios with other works that will explore diversity, versatility and unpredictability. This very first concert will be set in the intimate Tahoma Room on the University of Puget Sound campus and will feature the beautiful Brahms Piano Trio #1 PHOTO COURTESY OF UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND and the eclectic Hagen Trio #3. Plan to enThe Puget Sound Piano Trio joy chamber music as it was originally performed: in a private setting with a small-group audience. Tickets are limited for this special event so please reserve your spot early. The Puget Sound Piano Trio is the ensemble-in-residence at University of Puget Sound School of Music. The trio’s celebrated performances on the Jacobsen Series and in other Pacific Northwest venues reach both the campus community and a larger regional and national audience. The trio is composed of Puget Sound faculty members Maria Sampen (violin), Alistair MacRae (cello), and Tanya Stambuk (piano). Tickets are $15-$20. For information, visit: details/jacobsen-series-piano-trio/2018-10-07/


(left) Modest Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition” will be performed at Tacoma Concert Band’s first concert of the new season. (right) Master horn player Gail Williams will be featured when the band performs Richard Strauss’ “Horn Concerto no. 1.”

Following a highly successful tour of Scotland and Ireland with its retiring conductor Robert Musser, the Tacoma Concert Band will launch its 39th season with four exciting concerts under a new conductor Gerard Morris, director of bands and chair of winds and percussion at University of Puget Sound. Morris has been the recipient of many honors and awards for his teaching and his musical skills. He has taught and conducted throughout the United States and abroad, as well as performing internationally on the euphonium. The band’s first concert under Maestro Morris, on Oct. 13, will feature world-renowned French horn virtuoso Gail Williams, performing Richard Strauss’ popular “Horn Concerto no. 1.” Williams, former associate principal horn with the Chicago Symphony, has taught and performed throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia, as a soloist and with both major orchestras and chamber ensembles. She is currently on the faculty of Northwestern University. Also on the program will be Mussorgsky’s epic “Pictures at an Exhibition,” plus music by Edward Elgar and Richard Wagner. It will be a rousing start to what will be a season of wonderful music, performed by the Northwest’s premier concert band. Mussorgsky’s 1874 masterpiece, “Pictures at an Exhibition,” is a musical tribute to an artist friend of the composer – Viktor Hartmann, who died at an early age. Mussorgsky wrote the piece as a musical depiction of a tour of a posthumous exhibition of Hartmann’s work. The work is a musical illustration of some of Hartmann’s paintings.

Word Search Word List EASTSIDE










Please note: Due to the remodeling of the Pantages Theater, this concert will be performed at the Rialto Theater. The remainder of the season will be performed at the Pantages. Don’t miss this exciting start to the TCB’s new season, and new era!

WHO: Tacoma Concert Band, featuring French horn soloist Gail Williams. WHAT: “Pictures at an Exhibition,” the first concert of the TCB’s 2018-19 season. WHEN: Saturday evening, Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Rialto Theater, downtown Tacoma. TICKETS: From $18, discounts for students, seniors, and military personnel, available from the Broadway Center Box Office, 901 Broadway, (253) 591-5894, (800) 291-7593. More Information:;

2611 N. PROCTOR 253.752.9500



7:00 PM




10:00 AM SAT 10/6 - WEDNESDAY 10/10



Friday, Oct. 5

AIRPORT TAVERN: Omarvelous, Double Shot, Gabe the Babe, Bilori, Tim McCarthy (DJ) 9 p.m. ALMA MATER: Motopony, Plastic Picnic, Bath Toys (indie, pop) 8 p.m. BLEU NOTE LOUNGE: Maureese Itson (jazz saxophone) 7 p.m. EMERALD QUEEN CASINO: Billy Gardell (comedy) 8:30 p.m. JAZZBONES: Enloe, Cashing in Karma, Mister Master (rock) 8 p.m. LOUIE G’S: Kian Russell, Splitting Silence, Gypsy Temple (rock) 8 p.m. PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY, MARY BAKER RUSSELL MUSIC CENTER: Consonare Amici (choral) 8 p.m. THE PLAID PIG: The Plaid Pig Brinksmen, Clyde Villain, Leify Green (hardcore, punk, experimental) 8 p.m. SHAKABRAH: The Gateway Show (comedy) 9 p.m. STINK CHEESE AND MEAT: Erina McLaren (singer/songwriter) 7 p.m. THE SWISS: Cole Z, Brotha KO, Wax the Producer, Revert, Prophet (DJ) 9 p.m. TACOMA COMEDY CLUB: Andy Woodhull (comedy) 7:30 p.m., 10:00 p.m.

Saturday, Oct. 6

AIRPORT TAVERN: Planet Scum, Seawulfz, Cystic, GreenWater (punk) 9 p.m. DOYLES PUBLIC HOUSE: The Salmonberries, Joshua Cain, Sandi Fernandez (folk, bluegrass, singer/songwriter) 9 p.m. JAZZBONES: Pig Snout (rock) 8 p.m. LOUIE G’S: Outshined (rock) 7 p.m. THE PLAID PIG: The Accused A.D., Zero Down, Big Wheel Stunt Show, Brain Cell Genocide (rock) 9 p.m. RIALTO THEATER: Northwest Sinfonietta (classical) 7:30 p.m. ROCK THE DOCK: Tatoosh (rock) 8 p.m. THE SPAR: High and Lonesome Bluegrass Band (bluegrass) 7 p.m. STONEGATE: No Cheese Please (rock) 8:30 p.m. THE SWISS: Sonic Funk Orchestra (funky dance music) 9 p.m. TACOMA COMEDY CLUB: Andy Woodhull (comedy) 7:30 p.m., 10:00 p.m. THE VALLEY: Vacant Voices, Cloud Person, Nails Hide Metal (rock) 9 p.m.

Sunday, Oct. 7

HARMON BREWERY: The Smilin’ Scandinavians (polka) 5 p.m. JOHNNY’S DOCK: Little Bill Trio (blues) 5 p.m. ODD OTTER: Stephanie (singer/songwriter) 6 p.m. THE PLAID PIG: Hawthorne Roots (roots rock) 8 p.m. REAL ART TACOMA: 48 Degrees North, Rick Reyes, Sam Bogle, Rest, Adrian Milanio (alternative rock) 7 p.m. STONEGATE: Groovin Higher Jazz Orchestra

(jazz) 5 p.m. STONEGATE: Country Music Jam (jam) 8:30 p.m. TACOMA COMEDY CLUB: Andy Woodhull (comedy) 7:30 p.m. UNCLE SAM’S: Final Notice with Bob Evans (country, rock, bluegrass) 7 p.m. UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND, THOMAS HALL, TAHOMA ROOM: Piano Trio (classical) 2 p.m. THE VALLEY: The Brainiax, Nate Mays (rock) 8 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 8

THE FORUM: The Happy Sinners (jazzy pop) 8:30 p.m. UNCLE SAM’S: CBC Band (jam) 7 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 9

ANTHEM COFFEE: LiveLoud Open Mic (open mic) 6 p.m. AIRPORT TAVERN: Avi Buffalo, Haunted Summer (indie, alternative) 7 p.m. METRONOME: Open Mic (open mic) 7 p.m. PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY, LAGERQUIST CONCERT HALL: University Symphony Orchestra (classical) 8 p.m. SLAVONIAN HALL: The Choppers Brass Quintet (classical) 7 p.m. STONEGATE: Blues Jam with Roger Williamson (blues) 8 p.m. TACOMA COMEDY New Talent Tuesday (comedy) 7:30 p.m. UNCLE SAM’S: SOB Band (jam) 7 p.m., NC THE VALLEY: Rock n’ Roll Magic (rock) 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 10

ALMA MATER: The Happy Sinners (jazzy pop) 6:30 p.m. STINK CHEESE AND MEAT: B Sharp Jazz Jam, Ian Crocker Trio (jazz) 7 p.m. TACOMA COMEDY CLUB: Open Mic (comedy) 7:30 p.m. UNCLE SAM’S: Subvinyl Jukebox, DBC Rock Jam (jam) 7 p.m., NC

Thursday, Oct. 11

ANTHEM COFFEE: Champagne Sunday (jazzy pop) 6:30 p.m. PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY, LAGERQUIST CONCERT HALL: Regency Voices (choral) 8 p.m. THE PLAID PIG: Cloneapalooza (rock) 9 p.m. ROCK THE DOCK: Open Mic with Dustin (rock) 8 p.m. STONEGATE: Power Rock Jam (rock jam) 8 p.m., NC THE SWISS: Stand Up for YWCA (comedy) 6:30 p.m. TACOMA COMEDY CLUB: Dan Cummins (comedy) 7:30 p.m. UNCLE SAM’S: Jerry Miller (rock, blues) 7 p.m. UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND, SCHNEEBECK CONCERT HALL: Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble (classical) 7:30 p.m.


Bring it to Barb BY BARB ROCK

Answering your questions on mental health, relationships and life issues

THIS WEEK’S QUESTION: Dear Barb, Today’s news is full of false religions, warfare, and natural disasters. I am not fanatical but I was raised in a Bible believing Christian home, I am wondering how many of the end times prophecies have been fulfilled? I realize there would be an increase in “famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes” in diverse places, but it seems that current events are a build-up for even greater trouble ahead! Signed, Feeling Frightened Dear Frightened, According to the Bible, the last days are described as “perilous times” because of the increasingly evil character of man. If you watch any news, most would agree that shadiness has broadened that gray line down the center of black and white (e.g. good and evil). The list of prophecies spoken about in the Bible are things people will become in the last days – lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power (2 Timothy 3:1-2) . This all seems to fit our modern age exactly as we watch it become more prevalent. There is no doubt that these things are happening. In contrast, something called “moral relativism” is also happening. Moral relativism is a philosophy that asserts that there is no global, absolute moral law that applies to all people, for all time, and in all places. A grand example of this philosophy in action can be seen in the 2007-2008 meltdown that occurred in the American financial and banking industry. Those who taught “relative morality” in their philosophy and business ethics college courses oddly enough were outraged and absolutely sure that those who engaged in moral relativism and deceptive business practices ought to be punished for their unethical moral behavior. This type of reaction speaks loudly to an important truth: Moral relativists suddenly have a rather dim view of moral relativism when it will negatively affect them and their financial situation or a loss. Summing up the relative moral philosophy, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “You have your way, I have my way. As for the right way, it does not exist.” Do whatever you think is right. Summing up the opposite philosophy with this acronym for the BIBLE which is: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Do whatever the Bible says is right. The current events, along side the tendencies our world right now seems to mirror, coincide closely with the prophesies, so you are correct, something’s brewing! Barb Rock is a mental health counselor for the House of Matthew Homeward Bound program in Tacoma, and the published author of “Run Your Own Race: Happiness after 50.” Send any questions related to mental health, relationships or life issues to her at BarbRockrocks@

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Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS

t Theaters From page 20 does what she believes is right – she buries her brother’s body despite his dishonorable death. This simple choice to cover a body with earth is an act of great rebellion and defiance against her uncle and new king Kreon, who demands loyalty above all else and threatens death as the consequence against it. Throughout the play’s inexorably tragic action, we see the tension between loyalty to family and the gods pitted against loyalty to the state with fatal consequences, revealing a cautionary tale against unchecked power. Tickets: $5-$10 (free for UPS students) Info: events-calendar/details/antigone-by-sophocles/2018-10-26 TOY BOAT THEATER COMPANY King’s Books, 218 St. Helens Ave., Tacoma Upcoming: “Paradise Motel” • Oct. 12 and 13, 8 p.m. Toy Boat Theatre presents “Paradise Motel,” readings from the writings of playwright/actor Sam Shepard. “Paradise Motel” is a minimally staged reading by six great actors, underscored by American country-rock guitar by Peter Pendras. It plays for about 80 minutes, followed by wine. “Paradise Motel” is a staged reading of select works from iconic American playwright and Oscar nominated film actor Sam Shepard, who died on July 27, 2017 of complications from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), or Lou Gherig’s Disease. Shepard’s cannon of plays and writings offers a dark and gritty portrait of the American family. In plain, often profane language, his characters argue, abandon, return after years away, love hard and fight harder. Many of his works are funny, his characters given to high expectations and very low results. Shepard’s plays continue to be frequently staged and provide coveted roles for actors. “Paradise Motel” features selections from Shepard’s diverse writings: plays, short stories, poems, essays,

t Galleries From page 20 PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY GALLERY PLU Campus, 12180 Park Ave. S., Tacoma “It’s All In The Details” • Through Oct. 24 This year’s gallery season opens with Pacific Northwest ceramicists who create unique home decor. Each of our featured artists rely on their strong forms and surface designs to interpret production pottery for the contemporary home. Info: TACOMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE GALLERY The Gallery is located in Bldg. 4, near the corner of 12th

t Art Briefs From page 22 community. The award-winning regional performing dance company features a Junior Dance Ensemble, guest performers, guest vocalists and an extensive support network of professional artists and volunteers now serving in various capacities. DTNW provides performances and training in classical ballet, tap, jazz, Vinyasa Yoga, musical theater and dance fitness. The dance company is houses at 2811 Bridgeport Way W., Ste. 24 in University Place. For more information, visit or call (253) 778-6534. SAINT OPHELIA HOLDS CD RELEASE SHOW On Saturday, Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., Saint Ophelia, an alternative folk rock band based on Vashon, will premiere its self-titled debut album during a CD-release performance at the Katherine L White Hall (Vashon Center for the Arts, 19600 Vashon Hwy. SW, Vashon). The band formed just over a year ago and quick-

journals and interviews. The company of readers is comprised of notable regional actors: Marilyn Bennett, Mark Peterson, Deya Ozburn, Jeff Salazar, Jason Sharp and Meleesa Wyatt. Peter Pendras, a long-time Northwest guitarist and recording artist, will accompany the performance. This reading contains adult themes and language; suitable for mature teens and adults. Entrance fee is $5. Info: DUKESBAY THEATER 508 6th Ave. #10, Tacoma Upcoming: “Yohen” • Oct. 19 through Nov. 4, Fridays and Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. A marriage that is falling apart: Between James, an African American man, and Sumi, a Japanese national who met her husband while he served in postwar Japan. After James’ retirement from the Army, the cracks in the pottery of their 37-year marriage begin to crumble. When James is told to leave their house, Sumi asks that they start over from the beginning. Date again. See each other through new eyes. Can a new life routine (which includes James volunteering at a local community center and Sumi studying the art of pottery) help them repair what is broken and save what is worth keeping? Yohen is a Japanese pottery term which refers to an “accident in the kiln firing that results in transformation of the pot.” Philip Kan Gotanda’s story uses this term as a metaphor for James’ and Sumi’s marriage, as they struggle to find permanence amidst change. “Yohen” is a bittersweet story that is an exploration of love, marriage, cultural/racial differences and the beauty that comes from creating your own art and your own life. All proceeds for “Yohen” will benefit Tacoma’s new Bryant Neighborhood Center, which will begin building in Spring of 2019. The Bryant Neighborhood Center’s mission is to build community and provide collaborative services and support to the surrounding Bryant/Jason Lee neighborhood. Info:

and Mildred. 16th Annual Juried Local Art Exhibition • Sept. 18 through Oct. 20 Local artists show their stuff in this great annual exhibit. Info: TACOMA ARMORY 1001 S. Yakima Ave., Tacoma “Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition” • Through Oct. 14 Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition recreates the awe and wonder of arguably one of mankind’s greatest artistic achievements and will let you experience this art from a new perspective. Info:

ly became a local favorite. Singer-songwriter Joseph Panzetta and Rebekah Kuzma, both on vocals and acoustic guitar, lead the group that includes Dan Tyack on pedal steel guitar, Michael Marcus on bass, and Wesley Peterson on drums. The uniqueness of Saint Ophelia’s sound lies within the blend of its vocals, musicianship and eclectic original songs within a vast range of styles. Panzetta describes their sound as primarily folk rock. “My songwriting is from the school of Stephen Stills and Neil Young,” says Panzetta. “But we also get pretty funky at times and people start dancing. We lean a little country western on one of our songs, blues and soul on others, and we have some ballads as well.” This makes listening to Saint Ophelia a unique and visceral experience. Saint Ophelia will play the entirety of their new album live during the first set of Saturday’s performance. The second set will include some new material and a host of covers, accentuated by appearances by special guests joining the band. Admission is $10 students and seniors, $8 VCA members, $12 general admission, $16 at the door. For more information, visit


TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018

Coming Events

Promote your community event, class, meeting, concert, art exhibit or theater production by e-mailing or calling (253) 922-5317.


Manager Jamie Stout at (253) 5736629 or

Sat., Oct. 13 – Sun., Oct. 14, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, 5400 N. Pearl St., Tacoma

ARTISAN MARKET AT POINT RUSTON Thurs., 5-9 p.m., through Oct. 18 Point Ruston Pavilion, 5105 Main St., Ruston Twinkling lights, the sounds of the sea, summer breezes, and a canopy of stars… La Paloma’s signature Waterfront Night Market evokes the feel of a romantic European bazaar. Spend the evening listening to strolling musicians while shopping for the loveliest wares from local artisans. Come every Thursday evening for a truly magical experience, completely unique to the Point Ruston community. The perfect place to buy or sell your best treasures, La Paloma Market is your destination for vintage, antique, and artisan wares. Casual and eclectic, this market is a patchwork of goods, exhibitors, and artists. Stop by for a one of a kind, local shopping experience. Ages: All ages. Info:

Go Boo at the Zoo for a weekend featuring fall-themed decorations around the grounds and special treats for the animals. Come in costume and enjoy a discount of $2 off general admission. Play ghostly games for treats. And look around the Zoo for all the decorations: Vote for your favorite as you leave. Info:

TOWN CRIER SPEAKS FESTIVAL Fri., Oct 5 and Sat., Oct. 6, 7:30-9 p.m. University of Puget Sound, McIntyre Hall Rausch Auditorium, 1500 N. Warner St., Tacoma Come see a festival of one-act plays entirely written, produced, directed and performed by University of Puget Sound students. Price: $2. Info: FORT NISQUALLY BY CANDLELIGHT Fri., Oct 5 and Sat., Oct. 6, 7-9 p.m. Fort Nisqually Living History Museum, 5400 N. Pearl St., Tacoma Experience a magical evening walking tour of Fort Nisqually Living History Museum. Candles and campfires light your way as the people of 1857 come to life. In candle-lit scenarios throughout the Fort, visitors will encounter Hudson’s Bay Company managers and their wives, American settlers, fur trappers, Scottish and French-Canadian laborers, young people at a dance, blacksmiths working at the forge, clerks in the sale shop, and cooks in the kitchen. More than a hundred characters will interact with each other, but won’t be aware of their 21st century visitors. For them, it is October of 1857. The Fort’s residents are celebrating the wedding of Letitia Work and clerk Edward Huggins, discussing the recent trial and conviction of Chief Leschi and sharing in the labors of the day. Walking tours are approximately an hour in length and begin every 15 minutes. A shuttle bus transports visitors to Fort Nisqually from the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium parking lot. Ages: All ages. Price: $15 adults, $10 youth 4-17 (advance ticket purchase required) at For questions about accessibility requirements or for more info: (253) 404-3970 DISNEY’S ‘NEWSIES’ Fri., Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m. Sat., Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m. Sun., Oct. 7, 2 p.m. CLOSING PERFORMANCE Tacoma Musical Playhouse, 7116 Sixth Ave., Tacoma Disney’s “Newsies” is the first show for the 25th anniversary season at the Tacoma Musical Playhouse. Set in turn-of-the century New York City, this is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a band of teenaged “newsies.” When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys’ expense, Jack rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions and fight for what’s right. Ages: All ages. Price: $22-$31. Info:; (253) 565-6867 NAACP HEALTH FAIR Saturday, Oct. 6, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Oasis of Hope Center, 1937 S. G St., Tacoma Presentations by health experts, health and wellness exhibitors, and entertainment. Ages: All ages. Price: Free. Info: (253) 331-7584

28TH DISTRICT CANDIDATES FORUM Tues., Oct. 9, 6:30-9 p.m. Lakewood Presbyterian Church, 8601 104th St. SW., Lakewood The four candidates for representatives to the Washington State Legislature will present statements and answer questions at an event sponsored by Faith Action Network. Ages: All ages. Price: Free. Info: REPAIRING AND TRAINING YOUR BRAIN Tues., Oct. 9, 6:30-8 p.m. The Swiss, 1904 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma Join the monthly Grit City Think & Drink with Marc Nahmani, assistant professor of neurobiology at UW Tacoma. When in our lives are our brains most malleable and adaptable – and why? Do we create new brain cells and does that help us improve learning and memory? Can the brain recover from injury? During this talk we’ll dispel some common misconceptions about these topics and we’ll discuss the answers that neurobiological research currently has on offer. We’ll also dive into what we know about growing new brain cells throughout our lives and how many neurons we’re taking out with each delicious beer. Ages: 21+ Price: Free event, food, drink, and you get to learn cool stuff for free. Info: events/172032500355365 NEW TECH TACOMA Wed., Oct. 10, 5:30-8 p.m. Court House Square, 1102 A St., Tacoma More than just a meet-up, we’re a community that loves and supports people, the Northwest and tech. New Tech Tacoma is breaking down the silos and bringing together the smart, fun, creative people from across the full spectrum of the Seattle and Tacoma area tech community. Ages: Adults. Price: $8-$10. Info: new-tech-tacoma A NIGHT OF FEMINIST COMEDY Thurs., Oct. 11, 6:30-9 p.m. The Swiss, 1904 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma YWCA’s second annual comedy show featuring Alyssa Yeoman, Chocolate the Entertainer, El Sanchez, Jamika Scott, Jill Silva, Monisa Brown and Sarah Champion. You won’t want to miss this! Ages: 21+. Price: $10 to support YWCA Pierce County’s lifesaving domestic violence services. MURDER MYSTERY DINNER Thurs.-Sat, Oct. 11-13, 7:30 p.m. Sun., Oct. 14, 3 p.m. The Social Bar and Grill, 1715 Dock St., Tacoma Tacoma Little Theatre starts off the football season with The Social Bar and Grill to present a murder mystery dinner experience perfect for the gridiron, “Fatal Football Fever,” directed by Karen Christensen. What happens when a small town becomes the potential site for a brand new

professional football team? The town’s wealthiest residents, Dan and Nancy Ann SeAnsee, would certainly like their names on the scoreboard, as would an aspiring entrepreneur, Andre Pennewer. Throw in two lovely, nouveau riche sisters, Les and Jesse Abelle, lovesick mayor Paul Tishen, and ex-football player Heathro Ancatch and you’ve got a locker room full of trouble. Find out who scores and who is taken off the field in this deadly game! Dinner includes: appetizer, salad, main entrée (meat, chicken, vegetarian/gluten free) and dessert. Coffee, tea, water and soda are included, and alcohol is available for purchase at the bar or from your server. Ages: 21+. Price: $55/person – Reservations are required. Info: www., (253) 2722281 ‘WAR OF THE WORLDS’ Fri., Oct. 12, 8 p.m. Sat., Oct. 13, 8 p.m. Sun., Oct. 14, 2 p.m. Lakewood Playhouse at Lakewood Towne Center, 5729 Lakewood Towne Center Blvd., Lakewood Lakewood Playhouse’s hugely popular, live radio show returns for the 11th year. This year celebrates the radio program that terrified America.The entire show will be presented as if it were live from a radio studio straight out of the ‘40s, complete with live sound effects. Since it is Halloween season, costumes are most welcomed but not required. Ages: All ages. Price: Tickets $25 per person, and includes a glass of wine and complimentary hors d’oeuvres (additional glasses $5 per glass). Info: (253) 588-0042; ORTING PUMPKIN FEST Sat., Oct. 13, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. In the heart of town at Orting City Park Come celebrate, promote, and enhance community spirit and pride with an affordable, fun, and family-oriented festival. The fest features items prepared with pumpkin as a main ingredient, with eight food booths run by professional vendors and local not-for-profit groups working to raise funds for community projects. Besides lots of good food, the event will include live entertainment on two stages, 50 arts and crafts booths, commercial booths, local farmers market, rod and custom car show, games, bounce houses, activities for children, Point Defiance Pirates and the Little Pumpkin Pals Parade at noon. Visit farms and more at the Orting Station building including local wine, honey, produce, locally roasted coffee, plants, and more. Ages: All ages. Price: Free. Info: WE ARE: BRIGHT, SHINING STARS Fri., Oct. 19, 3-5 p.m. Goodwill Milgard Work Opportunity Center, 714 S. 27th St., Tacoma October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, so

save the date for Goodwill’s WE ARE: Bright Shining Stars event. The event will highlight the work of Goodwill’s Disability Services team and the people they serve and include: 3 p.m. – Event begins in the Bistro, art viewing, WE ARE viewing, live music 3:05 p.m. – Welcome 3:30 p.m. – First presentation/ experiences from employers and employees about importance of employment 4 p.m. – Cake and wish list – how you can help 4:30 p.m. – Second presentation/ discussion of the employment landscape from the self-advocacy and legislative community 5 p.m. – Mingle Ages: All ages. Price: Free. Info/ RSVP: Disability Services Program


Word Search B A L L O T C Z I J O S H T U R N E R K



















We’ve hidden 12 Tacoma Weekly-themed words in this word search. How many can you find? Not sure what you’re looking for? Head over to page 22 for the complete word list.


HAUNTED HALL How many words can you make out of this phrase?



Sunday, October 7, 2018 • • TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS










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ABANDONED VEHICLE SALE Fife Towing, Fife Recovery Service & NW Towing, at 1313 34th Ave E, Fife on 10/11/2018. In compliance with the RCW46.55.130 at 11:00 a.m. Viewing of cars from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Registered Tow Numbers 5009, 5421, 5588. Cash Auction Only


Abandoned Vehicle Lakewood Towing Inc. #5002, 9393 Lakeview Ave SW, Lakewood WA 98499 Ph. 253-582-5080 Auction 10092018 Date 10/09/2018 Sign in & View @ 12 pm. Auction Starts @ 2 pm in accordance with RCW 46.55.130 Lakewood Towing Inc. will sell to the highest bidder

LEGAL NOTICES North Carolina Cumberland County In the General Court of Justice District Court Division 18-CVD-2947 Notice of Service of Process by Publication Shunqureau Gilbert Plaintiff, V. Remandez Nelson Defendant. To Remandez Nelson, Defendant Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Plaintiff is seeking judgment of absolute divorce. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than the 2nd day October 2018, which is 40 days from the first publication of this notice. Upon your failure to file a pleading by the above date, party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought.

24 Hour Service



Empire Farm Labor Contractors, LLC. from Salinas, CA. is hiring 80 Temporary Farmworker, Laborer, Crops from 11/1/2018 to 5/10/2019: 60 hrs/ week. Workers will walk open fields, cutting romaine or iceberg lettuce and bell peppers, from the ground utilizing cutting knives, and shears. Workers will build boxes for the harvest, handle and move cartons, sort, bag, tap and pack, in corresponding boxes. Workers may occasionally hand weed with long handled hoes. A lettuce and pepper cutter employee walks on the furrows at the side of the harvester machine, he will bend forward his body (90 degrees) over the furrows in the field to cut lettuce head or peppers (90%). The employee that works (10%) of his time trimming the lettuce, removing excess or damaged leaves if it’s necessary depending on the product quality. He will place lettuce or peppers on a tray after he completely sure that the product is clean and ready to be picked. A carton maker employee will be building boxes on top of a harvester (90%) of the time by unfolding the carton and inserting the tabs into the perforation area to complete the box and pass it to the packers over a rail. (10%) of the time, he will be lifting a bundle of cartons of 12 pounds to build the box. The lettuce packers will be sorting and bagging lettuce (90%) and tapping lettuce (10%) and pack on the corresponding box according to the quality. The pepper packers will grab and sort the peppers from trays and sort good from bad (50%), packing all top-quality peppers inside carton (50%). $13.18 (prevailing wage). Guarantee of 3/4 of the workdays. All work tools, supplies, and equipment furnished without cost to the worker. Free housing is provided to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the workday. Transportation and subsistence expenses to the worksite will be provided or paid by the employer, with payment to be made no later than completion of 50% of the work contract. Send Resume to: Washington State Employment Security Department, Workforce Career Development Division (WCDD), Agriculture Services/Foreign Labor Certification, P.O. Box 3759, Omak, WA 98841, Job order #16170468.

Signed by Attorney for Plaintiff Publication Dates 8/24/2018-10/2/2018 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KITSAP COUNTY

In re the Estate of: RANDY LEE MILLS, Deceased. No. PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claims would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020 (3); or (2) four months after the date of the first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.51 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. Date of first Publication: 9/28/18 Personal Representative: ANDREA M. MILLS Attorney for Personal Representative: GREGORY P. NORBUT Address for Mailing or Service: 18890 Eighth Avenue, Poulsbo, WA 98370 DATED this 28th day of September, 2018. ANDREA M. MILLS Personal Representative Attorney for Estate: THE NORBUT LAW FIRM


TACOMA WEEKLY NEWS • • Sunday, October 7, 2018




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3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, 1,960 SqFt. Spacious home situated on just under 1/2 acre homesite. You will love the huge, fenced back yard. Main floor master bedroom with vaulted ceilings. Open kitchen/dining area with abundance of storage. The living room includes vaulted ceilings and beautiful gas fireplace. Main floor bonus room could be office, 4th bedroom or media room. Plenty of RV parking. This is a great home!

4 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,554 SqFt. Great starter home you will love the landscaping! Corner lot large garden & outbuilding, across the street from Birney elementary, home features 3.4 bedrooms and 1.75 baths, fireplace some updating but ready for your personal touches. 2 car garage. Home is conveniently located in a neighborhood close to freeways, shopping and restaurants.



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