Review of geothermal energy utilization in NW Slo and SW Hung

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INTERREG III A - Operational Programme Slovenia-Hungary 20072013 Screening of the geothermal utilization, evaluation of the thermal groundwater bodies and preparation of the joint aquifer management plan in the Mura-Zala basin (T-JAM) REVIEW OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY UTILIZATION IN NORTHEASTERN SLOVENIA AND SOUTH-WESTERN HUNGARY

Project partners: Geološki zavod Slovenije Nyugat-dunántúli Környezetvédelmi és Vízügyi Igazgatóság

Report prepared by: mag. Andrej Lapanje mag. Dušan Rajver Špela Kumelj Simon Mozetič

Edgár Székely Péter Bányai Laura Tóth István Hamza István Juhász

Director GeoZS:


doc. dr. Marko Komac

István Nádor

Ljubljana, Szombathely, 17.8.2010

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