Volume 11 Issue 2 September 2012 What’s Inside Westman Farms — A Family Tradition
Westman Farms A family tradition
Gate Post — Selling Beef The “Cowboy Way”
Simmental Innovations
Breed Improvement — Research
Vet’s Advice
Baxter Black
Grazing Management 101 — Grazing Animal Distribution
What’s Happening
Publication Mail Agreement # 40012794
Commercial Country
arming is a family tradition at Westman Farms. It all began in 1926 when Doug and Murray Westman’s grandfather, John Batke began farming the location where Westman Farms currently is head-quartered. Doug and Murray’s parents, Walden and Dorothy Westman made the decision to stop driving taxi in the town of Vermilion in 1957 to follow their dream of farming and in 1974 brothers, Doug and Murray Westman, joined forces to create Westman Farms. Since then Doug and Nora, their children Kyle and Jason; and Murray and Leslie, and their children Derek and Jill, have called Westman Farms home. After growing up on the farm and completing their post-secondary educations in agriculture and livestock management the fourth generation of Westmans, cousins Derek and Kyle, became business partners with their fathers in 2007. Each partner offers different strengths to the management of Westman Farms. With over 8000 acres of land to manage as well as a custom silage and combining operation, and a cattle operation of approximately 1400 head, there is very little free time at Westman Farms and everyone’s energy and talents are put to good use. The Westmans crop 5800 acres for their own operations: corn for grazing, barley and oats for silage and cash crops of wheat and canola. Their main land base and home farm is located at Vermilion, Alberta, 200 kilometers east of Edmonton, however the Westman operation is spread out and includes pasture land located at Mayerthorpe, AB. Murray has seen many changes in the operation of Westman Farms over the past 10 years. “Cows paid the bills through the 80’s and 90’s”, he said. “The last five years it has been grain income that has paid the bills. Cattle are coming back again and it’s all part of the age old cycle. We do custom silage work, custom spraying and combining. If we have the time and the work fits our plans we try to work these things in. But one thing we don’t do is put ourselves through the stress of trying to predict weather, markets or prices.” The Westmans started their cattle operation with a British based cow herd. In the early 1970’s, prior to purchasing their first Simmental Bull in 1975 they introduced Simmental genetics to their herd through artificial insemination. Some of the continued on page 8
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
#13, 4101 19th St. N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4
Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121
Website: www.simmental.com Email: cansim@simmental.com CSA Executive
CSA Directors
President Ron Nolan Markdale, ON 519-986-2450 (H) 905-330-5299 (C) rnolan@hatch.ca
Lacey Fisher Amherst, NS 902-661-0766 (H) 506-536-8454 (C) timberwoodfarms@ seasidehighspeed.com
First Vice-President Fraser Redpath Mather, MB 204-529-2560 (H) 204-825-7401 (C) 204-529-2560 (F) redsim@xplornet.com
Kelly Ashworth Oungre, SK 306-456-2749 (H) 306-861-2013 (C) jashworth@sasktel.net
Second Vice-President Randy Mader Carstairs, AB 403-337-2928 (H) 403-660-1123 (C) 403-337-2928 (F) rrmader@xplornet.com
PROVINCIAL ASSOCIATIONS British Columbia President: Lorne Webster 604-823-6797 (P & F) Secretary: Reane Sanford 250-991-9496 (P) Reanne@krssimmentals.ca
Kara Enright Tweed, ON 613-478-3404 (H) 613-478-2908 (F) kara_langevin@hotmail.com John Sullivan Kazabazua, PQ 819-467-2713 (H) 819-467-2713 (F) Sullivan.simmentals@bell.net Judy Sweet Drayton Valley, AB 780-542-2634 (H) 780-542-0480 (C) judsweet@telus.net
Alberta President: Maureen Mappin-Smith 403-579-2175 silversmithcattle@yahoo.com Office Contact: Heather Saucier 403-912-2427 (H) 403-938-2059 (F) saucierh@telus.net Field person: Chuck Groeneveld 403-938-7843 (P) 403-938-8135 (F) barnboss@telus.net Saskatchewan President: David Erixon, (306) 270-2893 (H) dustkr@sasktel.net Secretary: Carolyn McCormack 306-697-2945 (H) sasksimmental@yourlink.ca
Manitoba President: Darryl Perkin 204-769-2159 (P & F) dperkin@wcgwave.ca Secretary: Donalee Jones 204-529-2444 (H) 204-726-4193 (F) donalee@midcan.com
Ontario President: Keitha Harris-Donovan 613-257-2617 (H) kharris@psfdh.on.ca
CEO of Office Management Barb Judd Phone: 403-250-7979 bjudd@simmental.com
Quebec President: Philippe Bellavance 819-288-5005 (P) 450-796-4979 (F) philippe.bellavance@hotmail.com Secretary: Sandra Berthiaume 819-395-4453 (P & F) info@simmentalquebec.ca Maritimes President: Peter Gaunce 506-383-4829 (P) Secretary: Ralph Taylor 902-895-2117 (P & F)
A Division of:
Phone: 403-250-5255 www.simmentalcountry.com Layouts & Proofs - Requests for special layouts should be in the Commercial Country office by the first of the second month preceding publication. Although every effort will be made to provide proofs on all ads, proofs are guaranteed only if all ad material arrives in the Country office prior to deadline. Simmental Country Western Representative Darryl Snider Cell: 403-803-6532 Simmental Country Eastern Representative Jane Crawford Cell: 519-317-5263 Editorial Policy - Articles and information in this magazine represent the opinions of the writers and the information that, to the best of our knowledge, was accurate at the time of writing.
Beth Rankin brankin@simmental.com
CEO of Programming and External Relations Bruce Holmquist Cell: 403-988-8676 bholmquist@simmental.com Breed Improvement Sean McGrath Home: 780-853-9673 and Dr. Bob Kemp Marketing Coordinator Margo Cartwright Phone: 403-250-5255 mcartwright@simmental.com YCSA Coordinator Emily Grey Phone: 819-875-3205 Fax: 819-564-4652 emilygrey29@hotmail.com
Deane Young Breton, AB 780-696-3643 (H) 780-542-0855 (C) 780-696-3643 (F) bfcss@telus.net Users of any information contained in Commercial Country are encouraged to validate that information by independent means.
Perry Welygan pwelygan@simmental.com
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Mailing Dates - Each issue will be mailed on or about the first of the month. Commercial Country, mailed as second class, assumes no responsibility for actual receipt date. Advertising Content - The Commercial Country assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy or electronically supplied pictures and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Country containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Simmental Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Š 2012 Simmental Country (1997) Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Canadian Simmental Association. Published September 2012 For: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 With Editorial Contributor
Phone: 306-867-8126 Email: office@springcreekconsulting.ca
4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Office: 306-934-9696 Fax: 306-934-0744 www.todayspublishing.com Editor: Bryan Kostiuk Marketing: Ted Serhienko & Chris Poley Accounting: Mina Serhienko & Treena Ballantyne Circulation: Debbie Thiessen Production: Tiffany Peters, Melissa McRae, Terra Montes & Cherise Tuzikova Please Return Undeliverable Copies To: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Publication Mail Agreement #40012794
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
Fall Production Sale Featuring...
Ontario Fleckvieh Forum XVIII 1 PM • Sunday, October 7, 2012
Bar 5 Sale Barns, Markdale, ON
Mark Your Calendar and Don’t Miss This Exciting Sale
Be sure to view the videos prior to the sale at: www.cattleinmotion.com Live Audio, Live Bidding, Live Broadcast October 6 & 7, 2012
View the catalogue online at: www.bar5.com
Here are Some of the Sale Feature Calves
Ron & Carla Nolan Owners
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
first Simmental sires used were Extra, Canadian Salvator and Galant, to name a few. Over the years the Westman herd has grown to over 700 mother cows. “We have been breeding Simmental for so long that the main cow herd is very highly Simmental based,” says Derek. The main herd calves in March and April and they keep half the herd close to home and the other half goes to Mayerthorpe. The Westmans manage according to conditions. “We keep flexible with our management. Our philosophy is that the herd can go wherever the feed is. We spread out our herd according to grass conditions. It’s part of our overall risk management strategy,” explains Derek. “We started using Simmental genetics due to their structure, performance and milk and the fact that they had the ability to cross well with our cow herd. These are the same reasons we use Simmental genetics today,” said Kyle. “Simmental adds thickness, moderate frame and are easy doing cattle.” The Westmans take great pride in showing the quality and consistency of their breeding program and have been participants at Vermilion Agricultural Fair, Farmfair International and Canadian Western Agribition for a number of years. Their dedication to this program has awarded them numerous honours over the years.“We participate in these shows as an avenue to promote our cattle and our breeding program,” says Derek. “These events provide the opportunity for us to meet new buyers and develop new markets.” In 2011, Westman Farms had the Farmfair Grand Champion Overall pen of bred heifers, Grand Champion Overall pen, and Grand & Reserve Champion People’s Choice with Simmental influenced cattle. After their showing at Farmfair, they moved onto the Canadian Western Agribition and were honoured with Grand Champion and Reserve Champion pen of five, Reserve pen of ten and Reserve Champion Overall with their Simmental influenced cattle. The 2011 showing was the follow up to their excellent showing in 2010 where they were awarded the Agribition Grand Champion pen of five and Grand Champion pen of ten and Grand Champion Overall. Another tradition in which the Westmans take much pride is their annual bred heifer sale that has over 15 years of history. In this sale Westman Farms sell 500 bred Simmental influenced heifers. These heifers are bred BlackAngus for a 45 day calving period. This year’s sale will take place December 3rd at Nilsson Bros Vermilion. “The heifers we sell in this sale are sourced from our own herd and from the herds of our customers who have purchased the top endof our genetics.” Over the many years the Westmans have been in the cattle industry, the Simmental breed has continued to evolve and when asked what Simmental breeders should focus on, the Westmans provide the following insight “don’t lose sight of three key points – udders, feet and calving ease.” The Westmans attribute a large portion of their success to the partnerships and business relations they have built over the years. They work with feed nutritionists to ensure top condition on their animals, a veterinarian for herd health and livestock professionals in acquiring and selling of their animals. These relationships complement their management and operation styles. Genetics also play a big part in the success at Westman Farms. “We do not compromise on bull quality. We use only Simmental and Angus and run a higher percentage of Simmental bulls. Since incorporating Simmental genetics we have seen an improvement in the size of our cattle, their structure and performance as well a smothering ability to raise great calves. We simply make more money with Simmental.” Article written by Simmental Country in collaboration with Lee Gunderson, Alberta Beef Magazine
Canadian Western Agribtion 2010 Grand Champion Pen of Bred Replacement Heifers
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
From the Gate Post
By Bruce Holmquist CEO of Programming and External Relations
Selling Beef the “Cowboy Way” 2012 marked the one hundredth anniversary of the Calgary Stampede – and what a celebration it was. Attendance records were set and well over a 1.4 million people attended to celebrate western Canadian heritage and at least for a day to emulate the “cowboy way”. On any given day there were over a hundred thousand people who were embracing the western lifestyle and all it has to offer. Visitors came from all over the world and in every shape and form; and the cowboy hats they wore were often just as unique in their style and makeup.
supper one evening hundreds of Stampede visitors in Western attire walked by and I couldn’t help but wonder if we as a beef industry fully capitalize and utilize the inherent advantage that we have with many consumers in order to sell the beef we produce. In the midst of growing control and presence of corporations in food production it is very clear that there are many who appreciate and trust the image of ranchers and see the tradition and wholesome value in the things we do. At the same time I also tried to remember the last time I saw 1.4 million people dressed up as hog or chicken producers! Definite advantage to BEEF!
The Canadian and Alberta Simmental Associations were also in attendance as part of the Stampede “Cattle Trail’ which was coordinated and sponsored by several of our beef industry partners including the Canadian Beef Breeds Council. The Cattle Trail was a huge success in showcasing the story of beef production from pasture to the plate which included the seed-stock segment of the industry. Over the ten days of the Centennial Stampede 121,521 visitors walked through and heard the message of beef production in Canada. This is a model that other major exhibitions and fairs could follow to assist us in reducing the gap in understanding what food production is really about.
There are many challenges placed before us in the beef business and at times it is would be easier to look the other way and not act proactively and positively in dealing with them. As ranchers we are looked upon favorably in regards to our lifestyle and we need to use that to our advantage. A visit to any supermarket meat-case will quickly illustrate the disadvantage we face in pricing when compared to chicken or pork but the picture of a herd of cattle on a green pasture and the wholesomeness of that image is something that will steer consumers towards beef.
Outside of Stampede Park it was also easy to see the desire to participate in the western lifestyle while consuming the atmosphere as well as the food and cuisine that we are so proud of; namely beef. As I sat on an outdoor patio having
It’s not about simply wearing the hat and boots, but rather about having the pride in doing what it takes to wear them day in and day out. It is about heritage and stewardship and most importantly in telling the story of why we are proud to do it. That will help us all sell beef!
Don’t miss out on the Winter 2012 issue Deadline - October 1, 2012 16
Canadian Simmental Association
Appuye sur le poteau de cloture
Par Bruce Holmquist Chef de la direction des programmes et relations extérieures
Vendre le boeuf “à la manière des cowboys” Le Stampede de Calgary célébrait son 100e anniversaire en 2012, et on a souligné le tout de belle manière. On a enregistré une assistance record, avec plus de 1,4 millions de personnes venues célébrer l’héritage de l’ouest canadien et vivre au moins une journée “à la manière des cowboys”. Chaque jour, il y avait plus de 100 000 personnes qui embrassaient littéralement le style de vie de l’ouest, avec tout ce qu’il peut offrir. Les visiteurs provenaient de tous les horizons et d’un partout dans le monde; et ceux-là portaient leurs chapeaux de cowboy, avec des formes et des styles tout aussi variés.
de me demander si nous tous, les partenaires de l’industrie bovine, nous capitalisons pleinement et si nous démontrons bien les avantages de notre secteur aux consommateurs afin de vendre la viande de boeuf que nous produisons. Au milieu de notre époque marquée par des contrôles de qualité accrus et la présence de grandes corporations au sein de l’industrie alimentaire, il m’apparait clairement que plusieurs personnes font confiance et sont plutôt sympathiques envers l’image des cowboys, lesquels sont associés avec la tradition et les vraies valeurs de nos activités quotidiennes. En même temps, j’ai aussi essayé de me rappeler de la dernière fois où j’avais vu Les associations canadienne et albertaine Simmental étaient 1,4 million de personnes habillés en producteurs de porc ou bien présentes et elles faisaient partie du “Sentier des de poulet ! Voici un avantage certain pour le BŒUF! bovins”, une nouvelle initiative du Stampede, commanditée et coordonnée par plusieurs partenaires de l’industrie bovine, L’industrie bovine fait face à de nombreux défis et, à l’occasion, y compris le Conseil canadien des races de boucherie. Le il serait plus facile de ne pas les voir, en n’agissant pas de “Sentier des bovins” a connu un vif succès, en démontrant manière proactive et positive pour leur faire face. En tant au public le circuit complet de la production bovine, du que cowboys, on nous considère généralement de manière pâturage jusqu’à l’assiette du consommateur et en incluant favorable, relativement à notre style de vie, et on doit utiliser bien entendu le segment de l’élevage de race pure. Au cours le tout à notre bénéfice. Une visite au comptoir des viandes de des dix jours de ce centenaire du Stampede, un total de n importe laquelle supermarché vous démontrera rapidement 121 521 visiteurs ont circulé à travers ce « sentier » et se que le bœuf est grandement désavantagé par rapport au sont ainsi familiarisés avec la production bovine au Canada. prix du porc et du poulet. Toutefois, une photographie d’un Voici un bel exemple qui mériterait d’être suivi par les autres troupeau de bovins dans un pâturage verdoyant, laquelle foires et les expositions d’envergure, ce qui contribuerait dénote la qualité et la salubrité, permettra d’attirer l’attention à faire comprendre à la population certaines réalités de la des consommateurs envers le bœuf. production alimentaire. Tout cela n’a pas seulement à voir avec le fait de porter À l’extérieur du site du Stampede, il était tout aussi évident le chapeau et des bottes de cowboys, mais plutôt de faire de constater l’ardent désir de participer au style de vie le tout ce qu’il faut à chaque jour afin d’être fier de les porter. l’ouest et d’apprécier le cadre festif et la bonne bouffe, Cela concerne notre héritage et notre bonne intendance, et notamment le produit dont nous sommes si fiers, la viande de de manière encore plus importante d’être fier de raconter boeuf. Un soir alors que je prenais le souper sur une terrasse, pourquoi nous sommes si fiers de faire ce que nous aimons. des centaines de visiteurs du Stampede habillés à la mode Cela nous aidera tous à vendre le bœuf! « western » sont passés près de nous. Je n’ai pu m’empêcher Commercial Country
Canadian Simmental Association
Little Willow Creek Ranch Thank You
Little Willow Creek Ranch would like to thank everyone for their support during our 25th Annual Beef Bull and Heifer Sale. We want to thank our neighbors and sale day workers for helping each and every year. We want to thank Y-Coulee Land & Cattle for their consignment of 2 year old bulls. A special thanks to these buyers at our sale and at the farm:
Bull Buyers
ABL Farms Albert Ross Bar MC Ranch– 3 bulls Battrum Cattle Co. Bernie Harms Bill Bannerman– 2 bulls Brian Peuh– 2 bulls Brad Hein Bristow Ranching Calvin Morgenstern– 2 bulls Claude & Paul Bertrand Clint Currie Cody, Marilyn, Stuart Napper– 2 bulls Dan Fedirko Darlene Scriber Darren Hannis– 2 bulls Dave Heck
Bred Commercial Heifer Buyers
Alfred Josuttes Andy Russett Bert Smith Blaine George Blair’s West Land & Cattle Blair Anderson Box Anchor Farms Bristow Ranching Colt Arnold Dewayne Wiltermuth Fred Bristow Fort Pitt Farms
Dean Moore– 2 bulls Degenhardt Bros. Don Spence– 2 bulls Donfield Farms– 2 bulls Doug Fink Doug Marjoram Doug Mcphee– 3 bulls Ernest Reschny– 2 bulls Fred Bristow– 2 bulls Floyd Schreider George Larre Glen Stone Grant & Jay Hager Harold Sim Harvey Perks Holt Colony Jason Becker Jason Kiziak Glenn Hemmelgarn Jullius & Larry Kurjata Kelly Husch Kevin Bristow Larry Hemmelgarn Levi Bristow Pat Markowich Ross Harmel
K&C Hall Farms Kelly & Bobbie Doepker Kelly Husch– 3 bulls Ken& Bruce Adair Kevin Bristow- 2 bulls Larre Ranching Larouche Farms Leon Holman– 2 bulls Levi Bristow Lindsay & Quinn Franklin Lloyd & Jeff Watson– 2 bulls Maier Ranching– 2 bulls Millard Farms Mixburn Colony– 3 bulls Pat Markowich Puech Farms– 2 bulls Para-Dice Ranches Rick Iverson– 2 bulls
Open Commercial Heifer Buyers Blair West Land & Cattle David Mohr Heartland Lyle Brost Mark Land & Cattle Co. Nilsson Bros. Pat Markovich Stan Pawlow Tyler Farms Westman Farms Y Coulee Land & Cattle
Robert Ecker Roenda Stock Farm– 2 bulls Ross Harmel Rod MacMillan– 2 bulls Rogers River Ranch– 4 bulls Shaun Isaac Simon & Rosale Bodurka Steven Fink- 2 bulls Tom-Lyn Ranch Troy Heidinger– 2 bulls Tyler Amundson Tyler Mapletoft Walter Cooper Working Genes Ranch– 2 bulls Y Coulee Land & Cattle– 2 bulls
Purebred Heifer Buyers at Source Sale, at LWC Sale and at the Ranch
Black Gold Simmentals Crossroad Farms Fore See John Eidsvik – 5 heifers Maxwell Simmentals– 2 heifers Para-Dice Ranches – 2 heifers Robb Farms Roenda Stock Farm Stoughton Farms Tyler Farms – 2 heifers Working Genes Ranch
Heifer Sale
This Crosby bull calf sells in the sale December 7, 2012
Sale will be at the Ranch on Friday, December 7th, 2012
our • Approx. 70 Beef Simmental Bulls Also watch for at ts n e m ~ Several will be extra age bulls, falls and 2 year olds. consign f “The Source” o • Approx. 200 Bred Commercial Simmental Females – Bred Red Angus l Elite Simmenta • 100 – 150 Open Commercial Simmental Females ~ From our customers. Genetics Sale, rd 3 ber • Y-Coulee Land & Cattle Red Angus 2 year olds. ~ 10 bulls Monday Decem er. st in at Lloydm
The Harlands
Box 38, Frenchman Butte, SK S0M 0W0 Ervin & Pat (306) 344-4807 • Ted & Adele (306) 825-6109 Scott & Bev (306) 344-2027 • Blaine & Shelly (306) 344-4962 www.littlewillowcreekranch.ca Commercial Country
Genomic Project Update/ Projet Génomique Mise à Jour
By/Par Sandy Russell - CSA Genomics Project Manager/Responsable du projet de génomique de l’ACS
Carcass and Meat Quality Research in Full Swing July was a very busy month for the Simmental Innovations research initiatives. After much planning and coordination, sampling got underway for the Carcass and Meat Quality Project which is jointly funded by Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Agricultural Development Fund (ADF) and the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency (ALMA). This project is designed to extend and complement the phenotypic and genotypic dataset of the initial Genomic Innovations Project that was funded in April 2011 by Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada’s Canadian Agricultural Adaptation program (CAAP). This work will add to the development of genomic enhanced tools that the cattle industry will be able to use to identify and improve carcass and meat quality. Carcass grading, composition, meat quality analysis, herd of origin and parentage data on approximately 1000 head of Western Canadian sourced Simmental and Simmentalcrossed cattle from a minimum of seven different herd sources are being collected. To date, cattle from three different herds have already been processed at XL Lakeside at Brooks, Alberta and Cargill Meats in High River, Alberta. Carcass grading data (fat depth, loin eye area, marbling score, carcass weight, and quality and yield classes) was collected. At the point of fabrication, a rib section was removed from each carcass, cryovac packaged and shipped to the Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre in Saskatoon for further meat quality analysis.Additionally, tissue samples are being sent to GenServe Laboratories in Saskatoon for High Density (HD) genotyping. All the data collected within the Carcass and Meat Quality Project will be incorporated into the larger Genomic Innovations Project to further expand the data set and to assist in the creation of
genomically-enhanced EPDs. The end goal of both research initiatives is to improve the overall accuracy of existing genetic selection tools on animals at a younger age for the key economic traits of fertility, relative feed intake, and carcass and meat quality and ultimately provide seedstock producers with another tool to assist them with their selection decisions in the future. With the process now defined and underway for rib sampling within both Western Canadian processing facilities attention has turned to securing more cattle for this portion of the Simmental Innovations research. Finished Simmental or Simmental-influenced cattle from across Western Canada are being sourced. If you have Simmental or Simmentalinfluenced cattle that are currently on feed or will be going on feed in the coming year and have parentage information available please contact Bruce Holmquist at 403.988.8676 or bholmquist@simmental.com. Cattle that participate in this project will be sold and harvested under the owner’s traditional system and schedule. Once sold, coordination will occur with the purchasing plant to collect grading data and rib samples during the fabrication process. The samples are purchased by the CSA directly from the plant. There is absolutely no cost or inconvenience to the cattle owner. As stated above, complete individual meat analysis will be conducted and genotyping will be done on all cattle. Those who participate in the research will receive all grading and meat quality data collected on their individual animals. For more information on any of CSA’s research initiatives please contact Bruce Holmquist, CEO of Programming and External Relations @ 403.988.8676 or bholmquist@simmental.com.
Canadian Simmental Association
Pleine vapeur pour le projet de recherche sur les qualités des carcasses et de la viande Le mois de juillet a été très occupé dans le cadre de nos initiatives de recherche et d’innovations de la race Simmental. Suite à une période de planification et de coordination, on a débuté le travail d’échantillonnage dans le projet de recherche sur les qualités des carcasses et de la viande. Rappelons que cette initiative est financée par un effort conjoint du Fonds de développement de l’agriculture (FDA) du gouvernement de la Saskatchewan et de l’Agence albertaine de l’élevage du bétail et de la viande (ALMA). Ce projet a été conçu avec l’objectif d’accroître et de compléter les bases de données phénotypiques et génotypiques du projet initial d’innovations génomiques, d’ailleurs supporté financièrement depuis avril 2011 par une participation d’Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada via son Programme canadien d’adaptation agricole (PCAA). Ces travaux de recherche contribueront au développement d’outils améliorés d’analyse génomique qui seront utiles pour toute l’industrie et permettront de mieux identifier et d’améliorer les qualités des carcasses et de la viande. On s’affaire ainsi à récolter des données provenant de 1000 têtes de bovins de race Simmental ou croisés Simmental issus d’un minimum de sept troupeaux différents de l’ouest canadien, lesquelles données concernent le classement des carcasses, leur composition, l’analyse qualitative de la viande, le troupeau d’origine et les données généalogiques. Jusqu’à maintenant, des bovins provenant de trois troupeaux différents ont été abattus chez XL Lakeside à Brooks en Alberta ainsi que chez Cargill Meats à High River en Alberta. On y a notamment recueilli des données relatives au classement de ces carcasses (l’épaisseur du gras dorsal, la surface de l’oeil-de-longe, les cotes de persillage, le poids de la carcasse, de même que les niveaux de qualité et de rendement). Lors du processus d’abattage, on a prélevé une portion de côtes sur chacune des carcasses, lesquelles échantillons ont été ensuite emballés sous vide puis expédiés au Centre de développement de l’industrie alimentaire de la Saskatchewan à Saskatoon, afin de subir d’autres analyses qualitatives de la viande. Des échantillons de tissus ont également été expédiés aux Laboratoires GenServe de Saskatoon, pour y subir une analyse génotypique de haute densité (HD). Toutes les données recueillies dans le cadre du projet de recherche sur les qualités des carcasses et de la viande seront combinées à celles du projet global sur les innovations génomiques, afin d’accroître les bases de données actuelles et d’appuyer le processus de développement d’EPD améliorés par la génomique. Le but ultime de ces deux initiatives de recherche est d’améliorer la précision
Commercial Country
d’ensemble des outils actuels de sélection génétique chez des animaux encore plus jeunes et cela pour des caractères d’importance économique tels que la fertilité, l’ingestion relative d’aliments, les qualités des carcasses et de la viande. Ultimement, cela devrait fournir de nouveaux outils aux éleveurs de race pure afin de les aider à prendre leurs décisions de sélection dans le futur. Tandis que le travail de prise d’échantillons de ces sections de côtes de boeuf est bien défini et se déroule normalement dans ces deux abattoirs de l’ouest canadien, on concentre maintenant nos efforts en vue d’identifier et de retenir un nombre additionnel de bovins pour cette partie spécifique du projet de recherche et d’innovations de la race Simmental. Si vous possédez des bovins Simmental ou issus de croisements avec la race Simmental qui sont présentement en engraissement ou qui le seront au cours de la prochaine année, et dont on peut obtenir les données généalogiques, nous vous invitons à communiquer avec M. Bruce Holmquist au : 403-988-8676 ou bholmquist@simmental.com. Les nouveaux bovins qui seront retenus pour ce projet seront vendus et livrés à l’abattoir selon la cédule d’achat et de livraison du producteur propriétaire des animaux. Lorsqu’ils auront été vendus et livrés aux divers abattoirs, on coordonnera alors durant le processus d’abattage la récolte des échantillons de côte de boeuf, qui seront d’ailleurs achetés directement de l’abattoir. Le producteur participant n’aura absolument aucuns coûts, ni inconvénients à subir. On effectuera des analyses complètes sur ces échantillons de viande et des échantillons d’ADN seront aussi prélevés chez tous ces bovins et transmis au laboratoire pour y subir une analyse génomique. Les producteurs participant recevront tous les résultats de classement des carcasses et des analyses d’échantillons de viande de leurs bovins respectifs. Si vous désirez obtenir plus d’informations au sujet des projets de recherche de l’ASC, veuillez communiquer avec M. Bruce Holmquist, Chef de la direction des programmes de l’ACS au: 403-988-8676 ou bholmquist@simmental.com.
2011 National Trust Buyers
Oak View Simmentals Bonchuk Farms Cherry Creek Farm Silverlake Farms
2011 Cow-A-Rama Buyers Kopp Farms Ferme Gagnon Tail Creek Farms Triple T Diamond Simmentals Eagle Ridge Simmentals Beagle Simmentals Nolara Farms Forsee Cattle Co. Mappin Simmentals Big Rock Simmentals Carr Farms Ducherer Simmentals
Bar L7 Ranch E & E Stoyberg Hannah Simmentals
2012 Bull Spectrum Buyers Anchor D Ranch Rosebud Colony Maronda Simmentals Jason & Jenna Packer Morinville Colony Herman & Dorothy Penner Steve & Debbie Overguard Lawrence Leischener Lodgepole Ranch Kulyk Simmentals Sever Farms Don Edwards
Dwayne Patterson Nelson Brothers Lazy H Ranch Darlene Kasha Arden Loomis Brad / Bart McNutt Barry Thompson MI Simmentals Dave & Bev Rasmussen M & J Hollingsworth Richard Hoffman Tag Ranch
Sold to ANCHOR D RANCH SIMMENTALS 2012 Bull Spectrum
Watch for our 2012 consignments in Transcon’s National Trust Chapter V - Brandon, Manitoba - November 2, 2012 Transcon’s Simmental Cow-A-Rama XIII - Innisfail, Alberta - November 17, 2012
Harry & Michelle Satchwell Box 47, Cremona, Alberta T0M 0R0 P: 403.637.2587 • C: 403.818.4205 E: virginiaranch@xplornet.com
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
Breed Improvement
Evolution By Sean McGrath
We evaluate things every day. Walking through a crop or down the aisle in a grocery store or looking at cattle; our minds are sorting through thousands of details and evaluating the options. It is quite a reasonable assumption that having more information and using it in the right way can help us in our evaluations and produce more pleasing results.
through to the genetic components of these differences. This is an important investment for the industry, as it is the genetic component that is passed on and provides the value to the next generation.
To further advance the ability to evaluate Simmental genetics a massive research and development effort is ongoing to define The grocery store analogy is a good one. If you were to walk the Simmental genome (DNA) and to evaluate traits such down the canned goods aisle and someone had peeled all the as fertility, longevity, carcass and meat quality traits. This labels off the cans, what would you see? Your assessment would improves our ability to evaluate cattle. be limited to the size and how shiny the can is. You would have The key point here is that evaluation improvements do not tell no idea what is actually contained within the can (also a fun us what we are looking for. When you walk down the canned game to play in someone else’s pantry). You might be able goods aisle, you are searching for specifics, perhaps it is pie to pick the can up and guess at the weight, or find some other filling or tomatoes for a stew. You are not just buying because clues. When the label is placed on that can, a lot of thought the label is pretty; you are usually buying with a purpose goes into the design, colour and other attributes to create an in mind. The same needs to be true with beef cattle. The appealing proposition for your evaluation skills. Simmental genetic base is diverse and can do a lot of things For those wanting further information, nutritional information, very well. Understanding what you want to do and then using the available tools to evaluate cattle will help to improve the weight and expiry dates are all provided. end results. Remember that even with differing end goals, the This is a good analogy for beef cattle selection. When we walk cattle can still look great and function well. into a pen of eye appealing cattle, we often do not know what we are looking at in great detail, other than the fact that they The breed average EPD for current animals is shown below. trigger our senses in a positive way. While this is certainly a This gives some idea of where the yearling and two year old good thing, for those with specific breeding goals, it doesn’t population is at. When looking at a potential herdsire, you can necessarily move them in the direction they had planned. There compare him to this value and to other Canadian Simmental cattle. The cattle cannot be compared with other breeds as the is a lot still left to chance. numbers are not directly comparable. The range (minimum to Simmental breeders have worked hard on collecting data such as maximum) shows that there is a lot of variation to pick from in weights, calving ease scores, mature size, ultrasound and other order to achieve specific end goals or use on different types of measures to assist in evaluating animals. Through investment cow herds. in genetic evaluation, further efforts have been made to work Pct Avg Min Max SD 24
CE 5.8 -8.9 18.6 3.23
BW 2.5 -10.0 11.3 2.30
WW 36.4 -4.6 68.7 8.05
YW 61.4 -3.9 119.2 12.60
MCE 5.3 -1.0 11.8 1.32
Milk 6.7 -12.4 24.4 4.88
MWW 24.9 -11.1 47.5 6.48
SC 0.17 -1.61 1.45 0.334
CWT 2.2 -54.0 121.0 16.70
REA -0.03 -0.70 0.88 0.238
Fat 0.005 -0.063 0.666 0.0402
Marb 0.04 -0.61 1.16 0.211
Canadian Simmental Association
Amélioration de la Race Nous évaluons plusieurs choses à chaque jour. Qu’il s’agisse de marcher dans notre champ de céréales, de circuler dans une allée à l’épicerie ou bien d’observer nos animaux, notre cerveau analyse alors des milliers de détails et il évalue les diverses options. Avec plus d’informations et en les utilisant de la bonne manière, il convient d’assumer que cela nous aide à bien analyser le tout et à obtenir des résultats intéressants. L’analogie précédente d’une épicerie représente un bon exemple. Si vous marchiez dans l’allée des cannes de conserves et qu’une personne avait enlevé toutes les étiquettes sur les cannes, que pourriez-vous donc voir ? Votre évaluation se limiterait à la grosseur et à la brillance de chaque canne. Vous n’auriez ainsi aucune idée du contenu de chacune des cannes (ce qui pourrait également être un tour amusant à jouer dans le garde-manger de quelqu’un). Vous pourriez prendre une canne particulière et tenter d’estimer son poids ou de découvrir d’autres caractéristiques. Par contre, lorsque l’étiquette se trouve sur la canne, plusieurs éléments reliés à la couleur, au dessin et à d’autres éléments du contenu contribuent à vous fournir une meilleure idée et à vous permettre de bien analyser le tout. Si vous désirez obtenir plus d’informations, vous retrouvez notamment sur l’étiquette des spécifications nutritionnelles, le poids de la canne et la date de péremption. On peut faire une bonne analogie avec la sélection des bovins de boucherie. Quand on se promène dans un enclos de bovins ayant une bonne conformation, il arrive souvent qu’on n’ait pas une vue très détaillée, toutefois nous sommes conscients que notre sens de l’observation est alors excité d’agréable façon. Bien que ce soit sûrement une bonne chose, en particulier pour ceux qui possèdent des objectifs spécifiques de sélection, cela ne les assure pas nécessairement de choisir la direction voulue. Une bonne part est encore laissée à la chance. Afin d’appuyer leur évaluation des animaux, les éleveurs Simmental travaillent fort en recueillant des données concernant les poids, les cotes de facilité de vêlage, la taille à maturité, les mesures par ultrasons de même que plusieurs autres données. De plus, grâce à leurs investissements en matière d’évaluation génétique, on a effectué beaucoup d’efforts envers la compréhension des composantes génétiques expliquant les différences de performance. Cela représente un investissement important pour l’industrie, car la composante
génétique est transmise à la prochaine génération et c’est elle qui est responsable de la valeur ajoutée. En vue d’améliorer encore plus notre capacité d’évaluer la génétique Simmental, un imposant projet de recherche et de développement est en cours afin de décoder le génome de la race Simmental (ADN) et de mieux évaluer des caractères d’importance tels que la fertilité, la longévité, et les caractéristiques liées aux carcasses et à la qualité de la viande. Ceci vient directement améliorer notre aptitude d’évaluation des bovins. L’élément clé à ce stade-ci est de réaliser que les améliorations apportées aux évaluations génétiques ne nous fournissent pas vraiment ce que nous recherchons. Lorsque vous circulez dans l’allée des cannes de conserves, vous êtes à la recherche d’éléments particuliers, par exemple une garniture de tarte ou des tomates pour faire une sauce. Vous n’achetez pas un produit donné uniquement parce que l’étiquette est belle; vous faites habituellement un achat en fonction d’un besoin particulier. La même règle doit être vraie avec les bovins de boucherie. Les lignées de la race Simmental sont variées et elles peuvent très bien vous permettre de produire plusieurs choses. La compréhension de ce que vous voulez faire et l’utilisation subséquente des outils disponibles d’évaluation de vos animaux vous aideront à améliorer les produits finaux. Rappelez-vous que même avec des objectifs différents, les bovins peuvent tout de même avoir une bonne conformation et bien performer. Les EPD moyens des animaux actuels de la race apparaissent ci-après. Cela nous fournit une certaine idée où se situent les populations des animaux d’un et de deux ans. Lorsque vous considérez un futur taureau reproducteur, vous pouvez le comparez à ces valeurs ainsi qu’aux autres sujets canadiens de race Simmental. Les bovins ne peuvent toutefois pas être comparés avec d’autres races, puisque les chiffres ne sont pas directement comparables. L’écart démontré (minimum à maximum) nous indique qu’il y a une grande variation en vue de choisir un individu pour atteindre des objectifs spécifiques ou pour employer dans différents types de troupeaux de vaches.
Commercial Country
Canadian Simmental Association
Selling 12 Heifer Calves, 7 Bred Heifers & A Select Group Of Bull Calves
RPCC Blk Ynonna 227Y
Bred JS Sure Bet 4T WHF Slugger X Jamar Midnight Express
RPCC Blk Yin Yang 243Y
Bred WAGR Dream Catcher 03R SVJ Ante Up X Belvin Patriot
RPCC Blk Zara 220Z
SVF/NJC Mo Better X PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker
RPCC Red Yquarta 224Y
Bred LFE BS Lewis 322U (Stubby) MRL 25W X Red Baron HR
RPCC Blk Zaida 201Z
Hooks Shear Force X PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker
RPCC Red Zayna 212Z
Hooks Shear Force X SVF/NJC Built Right N48
RPCC Blk York 233Y
Bred JS Sure Bet 4T WHF Slugger X Sand Ranch Hand
RPCC Blk Zen 228Z
SVF/NJC Mo Better X PVF-Rapid Fire 0195K
River Point Biene 302Z
SAV Net Worth 4200 X Sitz Tradition RLS 8702
Reed , Jane & Shelby Crawford
22950 Taits Rd., Glencoe, ON N0L 1M0 Home: 519.287.5286 Reed Cell: 519.857.7333 Jane Cell: 519.317.5263
Info/catalogue - www.riverpointcattlecompany.com Videos/bidding - www.cattleinmotion.com Sale Consultant - Bohrson Marketing - 403.370.3010 Commercial Country
Open House: October 8th , 2012
MooseComplete Creek Simmentals Herd Dispersal Sale October 27, 2012, 1:00 pm Grande Prairie Livestock Market, Grande Prairie, AB
Bred Heifers
Moose Creek Simmentals
Don, Joyce & Shon Smith Box 47, Gordondale, AB T0H 1V0 Don 780-353-2284 Shon 780-831-6482 28
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
Selling at the Bar 5 sale October 7, 2012 Ferme Sibelle Fleck
Helene, David, Philippe, Etienne Bellavance Res: 819-288-5005 philippe.bellavance@hotmail.ca
Sibelle Fabulous 26Y
Sibelle Peach 32Y
Full Fleckvieh
Sire: Virginia Walker 97W
Dam: Sibelle Pol Rose-Anne
Dam: PRL Paige 16P
Ferme BMS Sebastien Belanger Cell: 418-851-5690 fermebms@globetrotter.net
FBMS 215M Mia 16Y Full Fleckvieh
FBMS 70S Emily 30Y Polled Full Fleckvieh Rolling Acres Torque Sire of 30Y FBMS Emily 70S
Dam: DFM Mia 215M
Boisvert Simmental
FSMB Miss WorldWide 17Y Full Fleckvieh
Sandra Berthiaume et Marc Boisvert Res: 819-395-5502 Cell: 819-314-0367 sandra.berthiaume@sympatico.ca
Sire: PHS Polled Worldwide 14W
FSMB Miss Rooinik 5Y Full Fleckvieh Sire: Rooinik
Groupe BBBG
BBBG Franchesca 2Y Full Fleckvieh Sire: Virginia Walker 97W
Dam: BBBG Franchesca 1S (BBBG Bradock, full sister)
2nd Annual Bull Sale, March 9, 2013 Ste-Sophie de Levrard, Qc Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
Turning Local Production Into Global Advantage & The Fundamentals of Residual Feed Intake (RFI) Presented by Livestock Gentec & Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development October 16th & 17th, Edmonton, Alberta www.livestockgentec.com
Theme: Using Technology to Position Canada as a Global Leader in Livestock Food Production. Featured Presentations: Program: Fundamentals of RFI
Breeding for Improved Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle Dr. John Basarab, Senior Research Scientist, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
RFI: Watching the Painful Birth of a New Trait (A US Perspective) Dr. Monty Kerley, Professor, University of Missouri
Program: Turning Local Production into Global Advantage 10 Years Wasted! ... What Time Has Taught Us About Selecting for Profit Lee Leachman, CEO, Leachman Cattle of Colorado
Delivering on Consumer Attribute Preferences While Controlling Producer Cost of Production Dr. Larry Corah, Vice President, Certified Angus
An Industry View on Making the Most of Animal Genomics Dr. John Webb, Director of Emerging Science, Maple Leaf Foods
Evaluating and Adopting New Technology in Commercial Feedlot Operations Dr. Tye Perrett, Managing Partner, Feedlot Health Management Services
Farm-Based Infrared Technology as an Early Detection & Intervention System for Animal Health and Metabolic Efficiency Dr. Al Schaefer, Research Scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Genomics at the Intersection of Food Security and Food Safety
Dr. Jason Lilly, Vice President, Corporate Development, Neogen Corporation For further information and registration go to www.livestockgentec.com.
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
Canadian Simmental Association
Lot 1 - Sold to Marc Norleen
Lot 4 - Sold to 3L Cattle Co.
Lot 11 - Sold to Spring Creek Colony
3L Cattle Co., Naicam, SK B&T Custom Ag, Tisdale, SK Bob Watt, Melfort, SK Brett Mollison, Melfort, SK Brian McIntosh, Hazlet, SK Brian, Donna and Anna Verbonec, Marcelin, SK Curtis Sturby, Gronlid, SK Dale Atkinson, Melfort, SK David Moskal, Melfort, SK Derrick James, St. Louis, SK Dwayne Sharpen, Sylvania, SK Ernie Wilson, Bjorkdale, SK Gavin Cooper, Star City, SK Gilbert Thomas, St. Brieux, SK Greg Malmgren, Melfort, SK Marc Norleen, Strasbourg, SK Michael Melnyk, Archerwill, SK Murray & Judy Foster, Birch Hills, SK Murray McArthur, Hanna, AB North Creek Farms, Spiritwood, SK Parkhill Ranches, Calgary, AB Peters Simmentals, Perdue, SK R Plus Simmentals, Estevan, SK Reid Holdings, Warman, SK Robert D.L. Klein, Kinistino, SK Rosehill Simmentals Inc., Weldon, SK Shane LeBlanc, Hudson Bay, SK Spring Creek Colony, Walsh, AB Springwater Farms, Tway, SK Timm Cattle Co., Kinistino, SK Trevor Anderson, Melfort, SK Twin Groves Farms Ltd., Birch Hills, SK Wayne Kish, Melfort, SK
Lot 46 - Sold to Peters Simmentals
The Holmquists Kinistino, SK Home: 306.864.3106 Matt’s Cell: 306.864.7942 Paige’s Cell: 306.864.7661 sgcc@sasktel.net Commercial Country
Jenna, Darrel & Ava Timm Home: 306.864.2276 Cell: 306.864.7944 www.sprucegrovecattleco.com
Annual Bull Sale March 19, 2013 - Tisdale, SK 35
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
In spite of greatly increased knowledge and better mineral supplements available we as veterinarians are probably encountering more mineral issues then we ever have. This is spite of more collaboration between nutritionists, feed mills, veterinarians and other agricultural professionals. Why is this? I will explain some of the nutritional deficiencies we see.
respond when the veterinarian administers what they need with a large volume of the three main minerals (Ca, Phos and Mag). He/ she may recommend looking at your mineral program to prevent other cases. If there is just one case it may again go back to the fact that individual cow is not consuming any of the minerals.
Feed mills usually formulate three to four different minerals. These are often put into categories such as pre-calving, breeding mineral, maintenance, pasture and winter mineral. All of these are formulated differently for different reasons but the most important thing is that cattle are getting some sort of mineral year round. All trace minerals have approx 40-50% salt, which is fine. The salt often is what attracts the cattle to consume it. This is a lot different than a trace mineralized salt (either loose or block form) where the main ingredient is salt with just a very few trace minerals added. The major minerals Ca Phos or In the past year we have seen two herd cases of Vitamin A magnesium as well as others are not included. deficiencies causing ill thrift and small weak calves being born. Others went on to develop nervous disorders and in both cases A vast percentage of western Canada is deficient in Selenium this diagnosis was substantiated. In both cases minerals were so this must be supplemented as well. Copper can also be low not being given. You can still see the odd case if only free- and this is especially true up in the Peace River area of Alberta. choice minerals are given as individual cows consume certain When Dr. Cheryl Waldner looked at the death of calves across minerals to varying degrees. Some over consume, some under western Canada many of these calves were deficient in vitamins consume and some consume virtually no minerals at all. When A & E as well as copper deficient. Some producers along nutritionists calculate the formulation of the minerals they with the vitamin AD and selenium shots are giving vitamin E assume there is nothing in the feed. There are of course some capsules to high-risk calves. These vitamins and minerals are minerals and vitamins in the feed so that gives you a bit of a necessary for a proper functioning immune system as well as positive buffer in case minerals are not consumed adequately. for growth and health. You can see that the calves with specific deficiencies are only the tip of the iceberg. Other calves could The best way to mix and give vitamins and minerals is mixed be getting sick from scours and pneumonia when in actual fact daily in the feed (This what we call a TMR or total mixed a subclinical deficiency may be the precursor to their sickness. ration). That way every cow heifer or feedlot animal consumes Its good to even try a small amount of minerals in your creep adequate amounts as long as they are eating. areas. Any amount the calves consume will be beneficial. Lets With heavier milking animals more milk fevers and deficiencies keep the mineral & vitamin status up in our cowherds and of calcium phosphorus or magnesium are seen. These calves on feed. We should get the money invested in minerals deficiencies or a combination thereof often result in downer back several fold by fewer sick calves, quicker response to cattle slightly before slightly after or even during calving. treatment, better performance as growth, your reproductive One often has to go to more of these minerals in a pre-calving rate may improve and you may even cut down on emergency mineral. The good news about these downer cows is that most veterinary visits. There is no doubt the BSE problem took its toll on farmers and different ones skimped in different ways when it came to saving money. Now with one or two or three years using from no minerals to only salt to some fortified salt deficiencies are coming to light. One must remember with clinical deficiencies of one mineral others are close to deficient. If we see one or two cases in a herd there will be variation with the other herd mates but in the majority of cases most will be sub clinically deficient.
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
The Skunk Blind O
Darlin’ Daughter ran downstairs to the kitchen. She could hear the clanking chain banging against the lattice that surrounded the porch deck. Meanwhile Mom tied an extension cord to the trap which kept the skunk from crawling underneath.
A covey of skunks had taken over the boneyard just over the hill from the house. An uneasy truce had been established between Mammaliussquirtonamus and Dad until…he discovered they had been sneaking into his machine shed through the dog-door and eating the dog’s food!
Dad, rifle in hand, told Mom to give the cord a quick jerk and run as fast as she could to keep the skunk from getting his feet on the ground to spray. Mom took off like a beach umbrella in a hurricane! Through the flower beds, across the yard, over the hedge and onto the gravel as fast as she could sail. Her night gown fluttered and her hair flew as she raced onward in her bed slippers with the skunk bouncing crazily in her wake!
ne of the jobs of a Dad is to protect his family from invaders. It explains his membership in the NRA and his tendency to look longingly at the .357 magnum in the glass case. He’s never had to shoot a grizzly bear or rabid rhino, but he has imagined it; saving the family then striking a pose like Thor on the pinnacle of the Parthenon.
He debated whether to build a “skunk blind” and wait, or buy a “skunk call” and lure them within shooting range, or simply bomb the boneyard. In the end he decided to use a leg trap. First he locked up the dogs and all the cats he could catch, then baited the trap with bleu cheese and set it. At three o’clock in the morning Darlin’ Daughter was wakened by the sound of Dad shouting at Mom. There was a large ruckus! Darlin’ listened though her window and heard Dad dancing around the dog door as the chain on the trap clanged against the sheet metal shed!
“Faster! Faster!” yelled Dad as he assumed the shooting stance. Darlin’ stepped out onto the porch. There was Dad illuminated by the yard light, poised; cowboy hat, tighty-whities, high top boots, body the color of cold chicken breast, aiming his 22.250 into the darkness, all proudly on display like Thor doing a Fruit of the Loom commercial under a big fat Alberta moon! “Steady as she goes, Mother!” www.baxterblack.com
“Get a shovel! Find a board! Grab the chain! Hose him down! Get my rifle! Look! The chain is broke! Behind you now! Don’t let go! He’s toward the house!”
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
Grazing Management 101
aise your hand if you’ve recognized the challenges and struggled with getting cattle to graze in areas of a pasture that the bovine mind, for whatever reason, has chosen to avoid. We’ve all seen cattle camped out around a water source or noticed the far corner of a field that is significantly unfertilized.
as easy access to water, shade or shelter, good quality forage, or level terrain. To alter grazing patterns livestock must be given a reason or forced to use those areas that they may not prefer. Methods to Improve Grazing Distribution
There are specific management strategies that can facilitate Ideal grazing distribution occurs when animals are spread uniformly improved distribution. These can be categorized into four over a pasture area and as a result are making use of the available general areas: forage resources to the level that your management plan aims for. The result of uniform grazing distribution is increased productivity 1. Enticing animals to areas of low forage utilization as animals are making more efficient use of the forage available Animals can be enticed or manipulated to travel to areas and grazing impact is being spread more evenly across plants for their requirements while at the same time drawing them in the community. The risk with uneven grazing pressure is that into an area where grazing pressure is desired. Strategic certain areas, plant types or individual plants may be overgrazed placement of water, salt, mineral, oilers or rubs or even at while others are not being utilized at all. times supplemental feed, can encourage animals to graze those areas which they may not have selected previously. From your own management experiences, you know that within It may be as simple as dropping the salt blocks in the far a pasture, animals do selectively graze and choose specific corner of the pasture rather than right near the water source. areas, plant types or even individual plants. And this of course, Placement of water is likely the single most important factor creates challenges, many of which we’ve discussed in earlier affecting grazing distribution. Particularly when planning installments when talking about over or unfertilization and water developments or when designing pastures and the importance of providing adequate rest and recovery for placement of fences, consider the impact of water location plants. What is important to recognize is that through focused on grazing patterns. As distance to water increases, forage management strategies you do have the opportunity to employ utilization decreases. Develop pastures with this in mind methods to improve livestock distribution and ultimately and where possible, consider periodically changing access achieve more uniform grazing pressure. to watering sites. Often improved animal performance can justify water development costs. Factors that Affect Grazing Distribution 2. Adjusting pasture layout and design – the physical layout Achieving uniform grazing distribution is a challenge because of a pasture, particularly fencing, has very direct implications of the number of variables at play. Depending on each unique for grazing animals. Placement of fences can be an important situation these may include: management tool if you aim for a pasture that is uniform. This includes topography, plant communities, water, shade • location of water, shade and shelter • salt and mineral placement and timing of plant growth. With less variability there is a much better chance that animals will graze more uniformly. • vegetation type and palatability of forage • forage quality and quantity In some instances, temporary electric fencing may be used to • topography create paddocks that are very uniform and where animals can be managed more intensively to ensure that uniform grazing • fencing patterns • pasture size and shape occurs. Remember that fences do not have to be straight – when pounding posts consider the lay of the land and the • stocking density • prevailing winds plants included in that management unit. Pasture size is often • kind and class of livestock directly linked to distance to water. We’ve already discussed The reality is that cattle rarely graze uniformly if left to their implications of distance to water and the challenges that may own selection techniques. They do not graze randomly and they be created to entice animals any distance from these areas. select ‘convenience areas’ that may be directed by factors such Smaller pastures often mean more uniform grazing. 42
Canadian Simmental Association
3. Matching kind and class of livestock with pasture characteristics – consider the animal that will graze a specific area and if possible try to match their grazing behaviour with the pasture. Research has shown that yearling cattle tend to graze more uniformly than cow/calf pairs with cows and calves grazing closer to water sources than yearlings. Old cows with calves tend to use sheltered areas most while younger cows with calves tend to use open grassland. With an understanding of these behaviours, you may be able to design a more effective grazing plan.
Making it all Fit
4. Grazing management strategies to influence distribution – planned grazing strategies are one of the most effective ways to improve grazing distribution. Rotational grazing (moving animals through two or more pastures during the grazing period to allow periods of rest) can affect animal distribution within a pasture. As well, rotational systems tend to result in smaller pasture size and more uniform shape. Increasing stocking density can improve livestock grazing distribution and forage use efficiency as the amount of forage available to each animal decreases, creating competition between animals for limited forage. Likewise, with managed grazing systems plans can be based upon proper season of use to ensure that plants are palatable and of high quality, both playing into animal preference and selectivity.
Foragebeef.ca – Technical Information for the Canadian Forage Beef Industry. www.foragebeef.ca.
Commercial Country
Grazing management is complex and the elements that affect the ‘art and science’ are numerous. Throughout this series we’ve touched on some of the basics and hopefully we’ve covered some new ideas that can be applied to your own operation. In our next and final installment we’ll tie it all together and discuss developing practical grazing systems that work! References and Additional Reading:
Mousel, E.M. 2007. Managing Grazing Livestock Distribution. South DakotaStateUniversity Cooperative Extension Service. http://www.thebeefsite.com/articles/1084/managing-livestockgrazing-distribution. Saskatchewan Forage Council. 2008. Managing Saskatchewan Rangeland, Revised Edition. J. Bruynooghe and R. Macdonald (Editors). http://www.saskforage.ca/publications/ ManagingRangeland.pdf Schacht, W.H., J.D. Volesky, and S.S. Waller. 1996. Proper Livestock Grazing Distribution on Rangeland. University of Nebraska – Lincoln. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/extensionhist/1315.
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Canadian Simmental Association
If you would like a Simmental Country Sales Representative at your event, it will take one of the following: a. b. c. d.
1 Year Ad Contract; or 4 Month Ad Contract; or 2 Page Ad About Your Event Plus $100 Charge; or 1 Page Ad About Your Event Plus Travel Expenses To Get To Your Event
Included With The Above, The Advertiser Will Receive: a. 1/2 Page Sale Report In The Simmental Country b. A Disk Of Sale Pictures Contact: Western Representative - Darryl Snider - 403-803-6532 sniderd@telus.net Eastern Representative - Jane Crawford - 519-317-5263 jane.cattle@gmail.com Margo Cartwright - 403-250-5255 country@simmental.com
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Canadian Simmental Association
Domanic Russell Don Bussiere was born on July 21,2012, 6 lbs 4 oz and 19.5 inches. Proud parents Drayton and Brittany (Oberg) and big sister Ember are very excited about the newest addition to their family. Don Oberg is the proud grandfather of this little boy.
Ryan and Cassie Dorran married on July 20th in Didsbury, Alberta. Ryan owns Dorran Marketing Inc and Cassie works with Rural Route Creations and is the Director of Marketing for the Canadian Angus Association.
Congratulation to Jordan and Katie Deeg, Deeg Simmentals, who were married on July 28th, 2012 in Lyalta, Alberta.
Our Sympathies Rebecca Sue (Red) Schwake passed away on July 17th at the age of 61after a short battle with cancer. Rebecca had a passion for cooking, she loved to fish, bird watch and feed deer on her property. She was an avid animal lover and a passionate Dallas Cowboys fan. Our sympathies go out to her husband Roy and their family.
Commercial Country
You might just say John Nostadt “steered” his way to victory. Nostadt, who farms in Maidstone, ON, near Windsor, had a feeling about his 1,324-pound crossbred steer this spring – enough of a feeling that he decided to make the cross-continent trek to Calgary for the first time in a decade. “We had truck trouble coming out. I put a motor in it just before we left home, and a hose blew off it . . . right in downtown Chicago,” recalled Nostadt on Saturday with a rueful chuckle. “I was almost going to turn around, but I thought I had a nice one, so I thought I’d better get it fixed.” That Windy City mechanic may suddenly be on Nostadt’s Christmas card list. That crossbred steer – Angus, Simmental, and Maine Anjou – ended up earning Nostadt and his business partner, Martin Koyle, a cool $11,000 as the grand champion of the Calgary Stampede’s 30th annual UFA Steer Classic, held Saturday under the Big Top. Nostadt and Koyle collect $10,000 from UFA for overall grand champion honours, as per the verdict of show judge Brandon Callis of Brenham, Texas, plus $1,000 for winning the Open class. As per a decade-long tradition, the grand champion steer has been purchased by the Penny Lane Entertainment Group – and is most likely destined to be the main course at Zen 8 Grill for a fall gala fundraiser. Nostadt has enjoyed a real hot streak during his infrequent appearances at the Stampede. He also took top honours at the UFA Steer Classic in 2002 when he brought a Limousin out West, and another of his animals took a best-in-breed red ribbon during the first edition of the show back in 1983. “I’m a little jittery, still, getting over the hype of winning in Centennial year. It’s a real privilege to come here, and do so well . . . it’s just an honour to show at the Calgary Stampede,” he said. “We haven’t shown him anywhere. This was a one-time deal. But we liked him . . . knew he was nice.” The UFA Steer Classic continues to chart a steady growth in terms of participation – going from 79 entries in 2010, to 98 to last summer, to 129 this time around, with exhibitors arriving from across British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and even Iowa. The culmination of the regional steer show season, and the richest steer show in Canada, the UFA Steer Classic sees members of the beef industry congregate at the Stampede to promote and compete in everything from the merits of purebred genetics to the current trends in consumer beef demands.
“This is a friendly, yet aggressive competition. There’s straightbred cattle being shown, as well as crossbred cattle. The steers that compete at the UFA Steer Classic have been competing against each other at shows all year. The excitement has been building all season,” notes Don Miller, who chairs the Stampede’s Steer Classic committee. “This event attracts breeders and cattle people from all over. It’s got a tremendous following among both purebred and commercial cattle breeders who want to see how things turn out.”
Canadian Simmental Association
Just as importantly, the UFA Steer Classic represents a tremendous opportunity for the cattle industry to educate the urban public about its safe food production standards and responsiveness to consumer market trends. “It’s important to let urbanites know that the quality of Canadian beef is world-class,” says Miller. Event organizers continue to emphasize youth involvement, with the second annual Junior Steer Champion Auction held immediately following the UFA Steer Classic on Saturday afternoon. The owner of the grand champion in the Junior Class, Chase Miller of Cremona, AB, received a $3,000 post-secondary scholarship, as well as $2,000 cash, while the owner of the reserve champion, Kathryn Dolliver of Stettler, AB, earned a scholarship in the amount of $2,000, plus $1,500 cash. Both animals immediately went under the gavel, with proceeds going toward the growth of a self-sustaining Stampede scholarship fund. Following is the 30th annual UFA Steer Classic’s list of grand, and reserve champions, respectively: Brandon Konrad of Abbotsford, B.C., and Dennis Serhienko of Maymont, SK., in Simmental; Piller Show Cattle of Neudorf, SK, and Kolby Heaven of Whitecourt, AB, in Angus; 3G Ventures of Cochrane, AB, and Miller Ranching Ltd. of Cremona, AB, in Red Angus; Rhett Jones of Morse, SK, and Jackson Cattle Co. Ltd. of Sedley, SK, in Charolais; Townsend and Lucky Springs Farm of Rocky Mountain House, AB, in Hereford; Symens Land and Cattle of Claresholm, AB, and Dale Bushfield of Irricana, AB, in Hereford Influence; Koyle and Kelsey Stewart of Russell, MB, in Limousin; Fraser’s Murray Grey of Ardrossan, AB, and Victor Zuidhof of Lacombe, AB, in Market Heifer; Brecon Farms Ltd. of Denfield, ON, and 2020 Angus of Paynton, SK, in Maine Anjou; Red Neck Stock Club of Airdrie, AB, and Red Neck Stock Club of Airdrie in Murray Grey; Barrett Elliot of Saskatoon, SK, and Joe Lofthouse of Acme, AB, in Shorthorn; River Hill Park of Neilburg, SK, and River Hill Park of Neilburg, SK, in Speckle Park; and Nostadt/Koyle and Brecon Farms Ltd. of Denfield, ON, in Open.
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Canadian Simmental Association
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l a t n e m m y Si r t n Cou ines l d a De
November/December Winter Simmental Country – October 1, 2012 January Commercial Country – December 1, 2012 February Herd Sire Simmental Country – January 1, 2013 Spring Simmental Country – April 1, 2013 Summer Queens of the Pasture Simmental Country – July 1, 2013 September Commercial Country – August 1, 2013 October Simmental Country – September 1, 2013 Canadian Simmental Association
Industry Events
The Business Card section is now full colour! If you have an updated colour business card or would like one created please email Margo at mcartwright@simmental.com or give a copy of your card to Darryl or Jane when you see them on the road. Commercial Country
Canadian Simmental Association
Advertiser’s Index 3D Simmentals..........................58 ABC Cattle Co...........................58 Afri-Can Simmentals..................55 Alameda Agencies Ltd...............62 Alliance Simmental Farms.........56 Alta Genetics.............................62 Anchor D Ranch........................13 Applecross Ranch.....................52 Arntzen, Dean............................61 Ashworth Farm & Ranch Ltd.....58 Aumack Simmentals............29, 58 Bar 5 Stock Farms Ltd.......6, 7, 56 Beechinor Bros. Simmentals......... ............................................34, 52 Big Hills Simmentals..................66 Big Rock Simmentals................55 Black River Farms.....................56 Black Sand Cattle Company......55 Blushrose Simmental Farms.....58 Bohrson Marketing Services.......... ..............................................9, 62 Boisvert Simmental....................30 Bonchuk Farms...................33, 55 Bouchard Livestock International.. ........................................5, 33, 62 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd............62 BS Ranch..................................52 C C Simmental Ranch...............52 Canadian Bull Congress............61 Canadian Cattlemen Magazine..... ..................................................61 Canadian Farm Insurance Corp.... ..................................................62 Carey, Brent...............................61 Car-Laur Simmentals.................56 Crimson Tide Fleckvieh.............56 Crossroad Farms........... 10, 11, 58 Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd.............................................62 Deeg Simmental........................52 Delta Rho Farms.......................56 Destiny Simmentals...................56 Diamond T Simmentals.............52 Diana’s Monogramming.............60 Dodge........................................14 Don Heggie Simmentals............52 Donovandale Simmentals..........57 Dora Lee Genetics.....................57
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Dorran Marketing Inc.................61 Dorran, Steve............................61 Double Bar D Farms..........2, 3, 58 Double G Simmentals................58 Downey Farms..........................55 Dunc’s Cattle Co........................57 Dwayann Simmentals................57 Eagle-Ridge Simmentals...........52 East Poplar Simmentals............58 Edge, Dean................................61 EDN Simmental.........................58 Erixon Simmentals.....................58 Fallen Timber Farms.................55 Ferme BMS...............................30 Ferme Gagnon Farm.................57 Ferme Saro................................57 Ferme Sibelle Fleck...................30 Flying N Cattle and Feed...........61 Fullblood Simmental Fleckvieh Federation...........................12, 60 Get-A-Long Stock Farm/Ericson Livestock Services.....................61 GJR Simmentals........................58 Grant Rolston Photography Ltd..... ..................................................62 Gravandale Simmentals............57 Groupe BBBG............................30 H. S. Knill Company Limited......61 Hairy Hill Cattle Co....................52 Hallridge Simmentals.................57 Harvie Ranching........................52 High Bluff Stock Farm................55 High Country Cattle Services....52 Highway 5 Simmentals..............59 Hoegl Farms..............................59 Indian River Cattle Co...............57 Janzen Brogan Embryo Services Ltd...............................62 Janzen Ranches........................52 Jetstream Livestock...................57 JNR Farms................................52 Keato Meadow Simmentals.......52 Kelara Farms.............................59 Kin Kin Cattle Co.......................52 Kopp Farms.........................31, 55 Kuntz Simmental Farm..............59 LaBatte Simmentals..................59 Lazy Bar-B Simmentals.............59
Lazy S Ranch Inc......................52 Lewis Farms Ltd..................53, 68 Little Willow Creek Ranch....19, 59 Lobster Point Farms..................56 Lone Stone Farms...............18, 53 M & J Farms........................23, 55 MacKenzie Cattle Company......53 Mader Ranches...................26, 53 Maple Key Farm........................57 Mappin Simmentals...................53 Mar Mac Farms.........................55 Masterloc Simmentals...............53 Maxwell Simmentals..................53 McCormack Family Ranch..37, 59 McIntosh Livestock....................59 McMillen Ranching Ltd........15, 59 MI Simmentals...........................53 Mitchell Cattle Co......................55 Moose Creek Simmentals.........28 Muellers Nossa Terra.................58 Muirhead Cattle Co....................59 North Hill Simmentals................53 O’Grady.....................................60 Okotoks Fleckvieh Embryo Group. ..................................................53 Oslanski Simmental Farms........53 Para-Dice Ranches...................53 Parkhill Ranches..................49, 53 Parview Stock Farms.................53 Pearson Simmentals.................53 Pheasantdale Simmentals.........59 Phillips Farms............................60 Poley, Chris...............................61 Porter Ranches....................36, 53 Prospect Hill Simmentals...........57 Rainalta Simmentals & Charolais.. ..................................................53 Rancier Farms...........................53 Rattray Livestock.......................54 Redpath Simmentals.................55 Remington Land & Cattle..........54 Rendezvous Farms...................56 Rimac Simmental......................58 River Point Cattle Co...........27, 57 Riverbank Farm.........................56 Robb Farms...............................59 Robson Acres............................57 Rock Ridge Cattle Co................54
SAJ Simmentals........................59 Saugeen Acres..........................54 Schatz Simmentals....................54 Simmeron Fleckvieh Simmentals.. ..................................................54 Skeels, Dan...............................61 Southpaw Cattle Company........54 Spring Creek Simmentals..........59 Spring Lake Simmentals............54 Spruce Grove Cattle Co......35, 59 Starwest Farms.........................55 Steen Agencies..........................62 Stock, Mark................................61 Stockmens Insurance................62 Stone Simmentals.....................54 Stoughton Farms.......................59 Sullivan Simmentals..................58 Sun Star Simmentals.................54 Sunny Valley Simmentals..........60 Sunrise Simmentals...................60 Swan Lake Farms Ltd................60 Swantewitt Simmentals.............54 Tessier Simmentals...................60 The Register..............................60 Timberlind Auctions...................61 Transcon Livestock Corp............... ................................28, 62, 66, 67 Trevor’s Cowpix.........................62 Tryon Simmentals......................56 TSN Livestock...........................56 Twin Brae Simmentals...............56 Twin Butte Simmentals..............54 Tymarc Livestock.......................54 Ultra Livestock...........................54 Virginia Ranch.....................22, 54 W2 Farms..................................60 Weldehaven Farms...................58 Wells’ Crossing Cattle Co..........54 Westway Farms Ltd...................54 Westwood Farms.......................39 Wild Oak Farms.........................57 Windy Knoll Farm......................56 WJ Simmentals..........................55 WLB Livestock...........................56 Wolfe Farms..............................55 Xcel Livestock............................57 Yankee Creek Ranch.................60
Canadian Simmental Association
Commercial Country
11 a.m., Sunday, November 4, 2012 Heartland Livestock, Virden, Manitoba
Offering 300 Head 10 Herd Bulls 20 Long Yearling Bulls 50 Bull Calves 150 Bred Cows 20 Long Yearling Heifers 50 Heifer Calves
One of the largest concentrations of Polled Fullbloods to ever sell!
Darryl Marcischuk 204.867.0132 dmmarcis@mymts.net
Canadian Simmental Association
2012 Transcon Managed Fall Cattle Sales
29 Ferme Gagnon & Guests Production Sale XVI Saturday, September Saturday, October 27
Friday, November 2 Sunday, November 4 Saturday, November 17
Monday, November 26
Saturday, December 1 Thursday, December 6
Friday, December 7 Thursday, December 13 Sunday, December 16 Sunday, December 16
Cheneville, PQ
Moose Creek Simmentals Complete Herd Dispersal
Grande Prarie, AB
Transcon’s National Trust, Chapter V, Simmental Sale Brandon, MB Big Hills Simmentals Complete Herd Dispersal Virden, MB Transcon’s Simmental Cow-A-Rama XIII Mini Production Sales for Virginia Ranch & Czech-Mate Simmentals & Wa Na La Pa Simmentals Major Herd Reduction Innisfail, AB Harvest Hoedown Simmental Heifer Sale Neepawa, MB
Charhead Ranch & Dr. Melanie Roth Complete Herd Dispersal Transcon’s 35th Annual Simmsational Simmental Sale Mini Production Sales for Swan Lake Farms The Alberta Select Charolais Bull & Female Show & Sale Southern Alberta Simmental Round-Up Group 19th Annual Bull & Female Production Sale Transcon’s Fleckvieh Equation Fullblood Simmental Sale Transcon’s Ultimate Red & Black XV, Simmental Bull & Female Sale
Whitewood, SK Moose Jaw, SK
Red Deer, AB High River, AB Red Deer, AB Red Deer, AB
2013 Transcon Managed Spring Bull Sales February
Monday, February 11 Thursday, February 14 Saturday, February 16
Rendezvous Farms 9th Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale Janzen Ranches 20th Annual Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale Double Bar D Farms “Best Of Both Worlds” Simmental & Red Angus Bull & Female Sale Monday, February 18 Kopp Farms 9th Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale Friday February 22 Lone Stone Farms Simmental & Red Angus Bull & Female Sale Monday, February 25 Beechinor Bros & Guests Simmental Bull Sale Wednesday, February 27 Erixon Simmentals 2nd Annual Bull & Female Sale
Friday, March 1 Tuesday March 5 Wednesday, March 6 Monday, March 11 Wednesday, March 13 Date TBA Monday, March 18 Wednesday, March 20 Saturday, March 23 Saturday, March 30
Saturday, April 6 Tuesday, April 9
Jay Good (403) 556-5563
Bob Wilson (403) 540-3084
Ste. Rose, MB Rosemary, AB Grenfell, SK Amaranth, MB Westlock, AB Bentley, AB Saskatoon, SK
Labatte Simmentals 33rd Annual Bull & Female Sale Moose Jaw, SK Transcon’s Bull Spectrum Simmental Sale Innisfail, AB Skor Simmentals 11th Annual Red & Black Simmental Bull Sale Camrose, AB Genetic Source Simmental Bull & Female Sale Brandon, MB Transcon’s Premium Beef Simmental Bull Sale Neepawa, MB Family Tradition Charolais& Simmental Bull Sale Dropmore, MB Transcon’s Red Deer Simmental Bull Sale Red Deer, AB Transcon’s 18th Annual Advantage Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK Transcon’s Mountain View Angus, Charolais, & Simmental Bull Sale Innisfail, AB Transcon’s Proudly Western Simmental Bull & Female Sale Whitewood, SK Black Diamond Simmentals & Guests Bull & Female Sale Transcon’s Cattle Country Charolais& Simmental Bull Sale
Glenn Norton (780) 542-0634
Shane Michelson
(403) 363-9973
Darren Paget (403) 323-3985
Virden, MB Neepawa, MB
Kelly Richardson
(403) 638-9377
Sandra Smith (403) 638-9377
www.transconlivestock.com Commercial Country
Canadian Simmental Association