Penn Neurosurgery

Page 42

Stephen Dante, M.D. Penn Medicine Clinician

Ali Ozturk, M.D. Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery

“One of the things that brought me to neuro-

Dr. Ali K. Ozturk specializes in disorders of the

surgery was the desire to treat patients with very

spine, with a particular interest in spinal deformity

challenging problems. My patients mainly have

and tumors. The surgeries he performs often

spinal disorders—some that are congenital or

involve major reconstructions of the spine, which

developmental, some spinal tumors, as well as

can have a significant and lasting impact on

conditions that occur later in life, such as arthritic

patients’ quality of life. In collaboration with Dr.

disease and disc problems. The nervous system

Douglas Smith, Dr. Ozturk focuses his research

is quite complex and sometimes the treatment

efforts on spinal cord injury, which affects

options are elaborate. Penn Medicine is focused

thousands of patients worldwide with devastating

on treating patients’ problems, even the most

consequences, often at a young age. His work

complex situations, with cutting-edge, state-of-

is attempting to bridge spinal cord injuries with

the-art treatments that are not available in many

axons that have been stretched in the lab, with the

other places.”

ultimate goal of using them to restore function in paraplegic patients (see page 8).

38 :: penn neurosurgery :: spine surgery and repair

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